"After Lucifer Desire fell into hell, has there been any change in Silver City?" Michael said lightly.

"The source of sin has left, and the air has become much cleaner." Harley said.

Michael shook his head and said: "Silver City has not changed at all, just like removing a piece of furniture from a house, it does not affect the structure and stability of the house at all.

But losing any archangel in Silver City is like removing a pillar from a house.

Now, do you understand the meaning of Archangel?

No thoughts and concepts can bridge this gap.

Forcing archangels and ordinary angels to be equal is the greatest inequality.

As pillars, archangels' vision and abilities are different from ordinary angels. "

"Having said that, I still have to give everyone a little hope, otherwise life will be hopeless." Harley sighed.

"Of course there is hope!" Michael stretched out his right hand and tapped in front of her a few times with fingers prettier than women.

"You are a mortal, and in just over ten years you have risen from nothing to become the King of Heavenly Mountain, the God of War of Arkham, and the defender of Silver City. Anyone with ambitions should follow your example.

As long as I can make outstanding contributions like you, my status will naturally rise step by step.

If you have no ambitions, don't talk nonsense about Silver City being a stagnant water without your strength and opportunities, with no way to advance, just lie down.

Life in heaven is peaceful and comfortable, perfect for angels to lie down. "

Harley glanced at him sideways and said with resentment: "With my strength and opportunity, I still haven't been able to enter the parliament."

Michael comforted her and said: "The life of the gods is worry-free, just take your time. Your promotion from the powerless Arkham God of War to the commander of the Silver City garrison in one go is already very exaggerated.

Using the calculation method you are accustomed to, the garrison of Silver City is a fifth-grade general. When you are promoted to a second-grade civil servant, you will be qualified to enter the 'Archangel Council'. "

In her heart, Harry wanted to say "motherfuck" ten thousand times, and she wanted to raise ten thousand middle fingers to the "archangel" in front of her.

"What, you're not happy?" Michael looked calm, "Since it's a reward, I won't force anyone to do anything."

Harley shook her head quickly and said, "No, I'm not unhappy, I'm just thinking about whether I am capable of taking on this important responsibility."

No matter what Michael has in mind, the experience value is a real thing.

If she were really allowed to enter the Silver City and swipe all the angels and archangels, she wouldn't have to be afraid no matter what conspiracy he had.

"Apart from Silver City Guard, are there any other official positions available?"

"Defense" sounds a bit low.

Michael glanced at her and said, "You can exchange positions with Zauliel. You will guard the gate and he will guard it."

If the Hanging Mountain where Zaulie was stationed could be as gorgeous as the Nantian Gate, and if the guard of the Heaven Gate was not alone, she would really have changed.

"Oh, I'd better be on guard!"

If Halli really wanted to change identities with Zaulie, Zaulie himself would not be happy about it.

The life of the gatekeeper of Heaven's Gate is indeed simple and monotonous, but he often encounters the Puppy God there, but the Puppy God has never entered the Silver City.

"As the guard of Silver City, you have to shoulder the responsibility of guarding Silver City. You are not required to come to work every day, at least twice a month. Do you understand?" Michael said seriously.

"Twice a month, how long do you stay at one time?" Harley asked.

"For more than four hours, you must be familiar with the legion's officers, weapons, formations, and tanks.

We also need to understand the regular tactics of the Angels, the war history of Silver City, analysis of past classic tactics, our enemies, and their capabilities."

Harley nodded thoughtfully, it seemed that Michael did have the intention to train her into a qualified general.

"Just leave if you have nothing to do, go back and take care of Earth's affairs, and officially take office in a month."

After making arrangements, Michael began to drive people away.

"I still have something to do." Harley chuckled and said, "Silver City Guards, this name is not nice. Can you change it to something more prestigious? It would be best to incorporate the 'King of Heavenly Mountain' into it and make it my exclusive title."

Michael frowned and said, "What do you want to call it?"

Harley said quickly and smoothly: "How about a young genius who worships God, is kind, humble, wise, divine, brave, and unparalleled in his plans to quell the rebellion, general heaven, and guard the king of heaven mountain?"

Michael first saw a black line on his forehead, but when he heard the last word, his heart moved and he sneered: "So, cut off the head and leave the tail, and call it 'Shaojun' for short?"

"Hey, 'Young Master' is indeed very concise!" Harry showed a look of surprise and respectfully praised: "As expected of Michael, you gave me a better and more accurate title in just one thought. "

Michael sneered a few more times, "You can call it that if you like."

"Haha, it's a gift from your Majesty, but I don't dare to say goodbye!"

"Your Majesty, do you really want her to serve as a guard in Silver City and allow her to call herself 'Young Master'?"

After Harley left happily, Raphael became a little excited and said: "She is not an angel, how can she enter Silver City and still be on guard?

Judging from her performance, this is by no means an honest and peaceful person. It may not be impossible to be the third Lucifer in the future. "

"She does have ambitions, but her ambitions should not be the authority in heaven." Michael frowned and said slowly: "If she was as simple as the first two Lucifers, things would be very simple."

"Simple?" Raphael looked confused.

"Lucifer Morningstar is purely out of pride. Lucifer Desire is as his name suggests, controlled by the desire for power, but I can't see through Harley Quinn.

She is definitely not someone who is addicted to the desire for power. This can be seen from her behavior in the world. "

Raphael asked strangely: "She is the Emperor of Gotham and an American congressman. It is not surprising that she will announce her candidacy for president one day. Why doesn't she have any desire for power?"

Michael shook his head and said: "She pursues power not to enjoy power, or to enjoy the process of pursuing power, but to use power as a ladder to achieve certain goals.

For example, living more comfortably and making profits more conveniently.

If she doesn't love Game of Thrones, but she pursues the power of Silver City, why?

That's what I focus on. "

"Even if you are curious about her, you can observe her more in the future. There is no need to hand over such an important position as the defense of Silver City to a mortal!" Raphael said in confusion.

Michael said quietly: "In the days to come, Silver City will need her. If you don't want to be entangled in many life-threatening troubles, you will also need her to stand at the front as a shield."

"Endangering life?" Raphael's pupils shrank, "Why is there a crisis? Who is planning Silver City?"

Michael sighed: "You must have noticed that there have been a lot of things in recent years. In the multiverse and Silver City, major events have happened one after another.

This is not the end yet. The trend in the future is that more and more bad things will happen and the trouble will get bigger and bigger.

You don't want to get involved.

But you and I can hide, but Silver City is here and there is no way to hide.

When trouble comes, if you and I don't want to come forward, we can just choose someone with a tough life to go out and fight. "

"I think Witch Harley is the source of the turmoil." Raphael said slowly.

“But she’s also good at solving trouble and calming unrest.”

Quinn Manor.

On the day when the Bull Angel King descended, it was eight o'clock in the evening.

Bruce held his daughter and sat on the same sofa as Selina. Ivy and Fatty were crowded on another sofa. Dog Dodo and Loach, as well as the two animal nannies, were also on the carpet next to the sofa.

They were all glued to the television.

"Oh my God, my God, I don't know what to say, but I am sure that a miracle will come to the earth today, far more than the miracle of Jesus' resurrection!"

On the news channel, facing the microphone stretched to his mouth, the old pope was so excited that he spoke incoherently, "Angels are real, heaven is real, God is real, and our faith is not a mirror image."

"Just for those words, this guy is going to hell," Selena complained.

"I have spoken to him several times at charity galas. The old Pope is quite nice." Bruce said.

Selina shook her head and said: "This is not a question of whether a person is good or not. As the Pope, he had doubts about the existence of God before."

"Seeing an angel like Asmodu and seeing him defeated by a mere mortal makes me have some doubts about God." Bruce sighed.

"What do you suspect?"

Bruce said slowly: "I doubt the meaning of all this. The God in my heart should have no desires and desires, just a symbolic existence, and he does not even need to show his existence.

But now heaven and angels have become extremely secular, and God has also taken off his sacred cloak. "

"Oh, you are really right, this is just God in your heart." Ivy smiled slightly sarcastically and said: "It is clearly written in the Bible that God has hobbies, and he loved the shepherd Abel He did not like the blood food of the sacrifice, but did not like the wheat, grain and other vegetarian food offered by the farmer Cain.

When God encounters something that doesn't go his way, he will get very angry and send a flood to kill the whole world.

God will regret after being impulsive, so after he decided to destroy the world, he quietly asked Noah to build an ark.

Precisely because God's expression is so secular, God's teachings are meaningful to secular people.

The general public believes in gods not to become immortals, but to live a good life in the mortal world as human beings. "

Bruce was stunned and said, "That's not what you said."

"Yeah, Harley said it."

"Hahaha" when talking about Harley, Harley's proud and hearty laughter could be heard faintly.

"Harley?" Ivy jumped up from the sofa, "You're back, what's the result?"

Although Bruce and Selina didn't scream, their eyes flashed with excitement.

"Woof woof woof" the Virgin Dog ran directly to Harley's legs.

Harry didn't speak immediately after arriving in the living room. He looked around first, then pretended to shake his head and said, "Not very good."

"Ah, Michael is giving you trouble?" Ivy exclaimed.

"No, I mean this house isn't very nice."

"What's wrong with the house?" Several people were confused.

"It does not meet the status of Young Lord of Silver City, so I have to rebuild a 'Shaojun's Mansion'."

"Young Master, have you been promoted? Are you the successor of the 'Great Lord'?" Bruce asked in surprise.

Harry waved his hand and said with a smile: "Although this 'Young Lord' was given to me by Lord Michael himself, it doesn't mean anything. I was just promoted to the Supreme Commander of Silver City."

"Supreme Commander of Silver City, Michael specially gave you the title of Young Lord." Bruce's pupils shrank and he was shocked: "Michael really regards you as his heir and wants to train you to be a great king? Isn't this too exaggerated?! "

Harley was very satisfied with his reaction.

Because this reaction was exactly what she expected from the name 'Shaojun'.

"Don't get me wrong, Your Majesty doesn't mean this." She waved her hands repeatedly.

"Harley, you are too modest and low-key. Your Majesty's intention should not be too obvious." Ivy shouted excitedly.

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