I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 946 The Great Trial

Harry looked at Michael on the throne and asked for instructions: "Your Majesty, all the angels who once took refuge in Asmodeus not only completed their confession, but also truly realized their mistakes, and they are just short of the final judgment."

Michael's expression was indifferent, making it impossible to see his true inner thoughts, "You are the rebellious governor and the chief inquisitor today. How do you think they should be dealt with?"

Harley mused: "Judges on earth often refer to past cases when judging cases, and there is also precedent in the rebellion case in heaven."

As soon as these words came out, many angels looked downcast, as if they were mourning their heirs, and their auras were weak.

"Asmodeus, the mastermind of the rebellion in heaven, has done worse than Lucifer did before, and Lucifer hasn't even colluded with the devil yet!"

There would have to be a demon to collude with him then!

Zaulie complained in his heart.

"For the sake of one's own desires, one does not hesitate to cooperate with foreign forces, or even indirectly becomes a lackey of hostile foreign forces. Even in a human country, this is extremely bad behavior.

As a judge, I think Asmodeus's crime is far worse than Lucifer's. The first punishment is to deprive him of the name of 'Asmodeus'.

‘Asmodu’ is the favor given to him by the Lord, which means ‘loyal brave’, but now he does not deserve this name.

It just so happens that Hell has left a Lucifer, so why not call it the second Lucifer - ‘Lucifer Desire’.

Lucifer, Morning Star, because he represents light, the bright star; Lucifer, Desire, refers to the fallen bull angel who brought the desires among the seven original sins to the Silver City.

When God created angels, he stripped away the seven original sins, so angels are holy and holy, so angels can occupy the glorious sanctuary of God.

Now he has brought the desire belonging to the Seven Deadly Sins to the Silver City, defiling the hearts of angels and the sanctuary built by God. His sins are worse than Lucifer's, and he definitely deserves the name "Lucifer Desire". "

If Halli simply said that Asmodeus was the "Second Lucifer", considering that he was indeed the second archangel to rebel, everyone would reluctantly agree with this statement.

But Harley renamed Asmodeus "Lucifer Desire". At first, many angels felt that he was not worthy of this name.

When Harley started talking and explained the reasons in detail, they began to feel that it made some sense.

"Lucifer Desire" Michael, who had always looked indifferent, unconsciously thought of his old brother Lucifer when chewing this name, and his expression couldn't help but twist slightly.

——I don’t know what Lucifer’s expression and reaction will be when he learns that such a coward actually shares his name with him.

"You are the presiding judge. If you want him to change his name, then change his name."

Anyway, it was Lucifer Desire, not Michael Desire. That bastard cut off his wings and ran away without even saying hello. Why should he help him protect his reputation?

Harley said to the Bull Angel: "Asmodeus, I call you this name for the last time. Now I sentence you to fall into hell forever. From now on, you will be the head of the seven original sin demons in hell. The sins are among the fallen angels." Above, Lucifer Desire, what else do you have to say?”

"Bah!" Lucifer Desire spat at Harley, his eyes full of resentment, but he didn't say a word.

After completing the trial of the principal criminal, the next step is the accessory.

Harry had an idea in his mind, but he still asked Michael first: "Your Majesty, you see their attitude of repentance, what instructions do you have?"

"You are the chief judge, I am only responsible for supervision." Michael said calmly.

What's more, what supervision means is that although I don't say or do anything, and I don't have to bear the responsibility for improper trials, if I'm not satisfied with the results, I can stop it at will, right?

Harley was dissatisfied with his condescending attitude.

But then, she thought about her punishment again, and couldn't help but smile secretly.

——You can show off, can’t I? I hope you won’t suffer a dumb loss this time!

"The Lord is merciful. The purpose of judgment is not punishment, and the purpose of punishment is not to inflict pain. Punishment and pain are ways to recognize sins and are means to urge repentance.

As the presiding judge, I now find that in the process of judging the culprit Lucifer Desire, the angels who were tempted to embark on the path of fall have deeply realized their mistakes and began to repent devoutly.

So, I think the purpose of the punishment has been achieved.

In obedience to the Lord’s mercy, I declare mercy on Commander Mir, Commander Lewandowski, and Commander Marcos.”

With a solemn expression, Harley read out the names of each commander, receiving a mixture of shock and gratitude from them.

Finally, she announced loudly: "Except for Lucifer Desire, the culprit, all angels involved in the Silver City incident have been forgiven.

It is not I who redeemed you, but you completed your own redemption under the glory of the Lord. "

Michael frowned and was about to say something when Harley added: "Of course, the fact that what happened cannot be denied, and just because the dirt has been wiped away, it does not mean that the dirt never existed.

You have accomplished redemption, but you have also left traces of uncleanness.

You have to pay the price and warn future generations - the glory of God cannot be blasphemed, the majesty of King Michael cannot be provoked, and the Silver City is a utopia that abandons original sin.

I am willing to repay this price for you.

This time I took down the hypocrite Lucifer second. Even if the credit is not considered second to Michael, at least I have merit in countering the rebellion. I am willing to give all my credit as the price for all angels to restore their sanctity. "

——In just a few minutes of controlling the Voice of Heaven, she drew a total of nearly 10,000 points of bloodline power due to the blessing of the space-time barrier for one second and one hour (one point for one duke, only 1,000 for the top first fallen), and then With the addition of secrets such as "The Complete Book of Angel Combat Techniques" and "God's Sevenfold Retribution", she was already well fed.

Even if she is not satisfied and wants to get benefits based on her merits, will Michael give it to her?

It's better to take the "counterinsurgency credit" that has lost its value now, sell a favor to the angels, and pretend to be a big dick that makes Michael jealous.

"Lord God of War, you——"

All the commanders looked shocked, looking at Harry in disbelief, their faces trembling with excitement.

"Alas, I am a simple person. My status as the King of Paradise Mountain and the God of War of Arkham has already made me very satisfied." Harley waved her hands and sighed with emotion: "Of course I yearn for higher titles and positions. But I am different from others. Compared to my angel friend, I would rather sacrifice all the credit for this time than restore the stability of Silver City as soon as possible.

Maybe you don't know yet, but when I took over the Voice of Heaven just now, I discovered that the gods of the heavens and the gods and demons of other dimensions had crossed the gate of heaven and peeked at Silver City quietly.

In his words, he also tried his best to ridicule us.

God King Odin and Zeus even imagined that Asmodeus and I would have a big fight and destroy the Silver City. One of the parties would flee in panic, escape into Limbo and meet them by chance, and then hire them to rush into the Silver City, burn, kill and loot. He does all kinds of evil and completely tramples on the glory of the Lord and our faith. "

"We can't let them get their way, Silver City needs to restore order immediately."

Harley's eyes were firm, her voice was sonorous, and her steely determination was conveyed to everyone who looked at her.

"Lord God of War." The angels' eyes were moist, unable to express their excitement in words, so they could only kneel on the ground and kowtow to her.

Michael, who was sitting on the throne, had a gloom in his eyes. Witch Harley actually played this trick with him, Fake!

Harley didn't seem to notice the gloomy aura on his body, and gave him a solemn salute and asked: "My Majesty, what do you think? Can the credit of quelling Lucifer's Second Rebellion be enough to offset some of the sins of the big guy?"

"You are right, the Lord is merciful, and the purpose of punishment is redemption." He glanced at the angels and pronounced his verdict: "There is no need for the King of Heaven Mountain to use his own merits to pay for his sins. You go to the Father's statue to repent for twenty thousand years. Then salvation can be completed.”

"Your Majesty is merciful, and we are grateful." The angels were very understanding and knelt down to thank him again.

Harley was not upset. She had done what she could do and had said what needed to be said. The angels had received her favor, and Michael's actions could not change much.

"Your Majesty is merciful." She also looked respectful and reverent.

"After completing the angel's judgment, it's the turn of the 'Asmodeus to save the human henchmen'."

Then Harry Balabala sued the Leng Yan Holy See about the black cases of the magic masters.

"They are traitors to the party and should be severely punished. I suggest-"

Michael interrupted her lightly and said: "I will punish those mages later, but today's trial is limited to angels. Now that the trial is over, let's disperse."

Harley frowned and said nothing.

The angels retired, and Zaulie also pulled Lucifer Desire out.

"Wait a minute!" When Zauliel lifted him up, Lucifer Desire suddenly struggled and shouted: "I will punish you by going to hell, but you will give me my heart and wings.

Those are the gifts given to me by the Lord, and no one has the right to take them away unless the Lord Himself takes them away! "

Harley's expression was unnatural for a moment, especially after she felt the angels and Michael's eyes on her.

"Give him his wings and heart back, I know they are still there." Michael said slowly.

In the morning, Asmodeus descended, and it was also in the morning that Harley poached his angel heart. Now the great trial is over, and it has just reached noon.

Such a short period of time was not enough for Harley to drain all the energy from the Angel's Heart.

Harley sighed, knowing that Michael took the opportunity to vent his dissatisfaction with her pretense just now.

She opened her mouth helplessly, and bright holy light came out from her throat.

"Let's go. I will accompany him to the Falling Platform. Before he falls to hell, I will cut open his chest and return his heart to him." She let the angel's heart roll in her throat and said in a low voice.

Falling into hell from the City of Silver does not mean throwing guilty angels into hell at the gate of heaven.

Falling from heaven is a very ritualistic act, and of course there are also ritualistic places and methods.

In fact, ordinary angels cannot fall into heaven if they want to.

You must enter the Golden Hall.

Above the center of the golden hall, there is the City of Holy Sound, the place where the Holy Spirit lives; below the center, there is a shaft that leads directly to hell.

There is the Falling Terrace.

After being thrown from the Falling Platform, angels will complete the transformation from extreme holiness to extreme depravity.

In peacetime when there is no angel rebellion, ordinary angels rarely have the opportunity to enter the Golden Hall, but angels at the archangel level can freely enter and exit non-core areas.

In the early years, when Harley just debuted and had few connections, she asked Zaulie for help several times and asked him to go to the Golden Hall to inquire about certain information.

This time there was no need for Michael or other archangels to lead the way. Zaulie carried Lucifer Desire, followed by Harley, through the gate of the golden hall and entered a dimly lit tunnel.

After flying for dozens of kilometers, we came to the edge of a deep well that shone with ink-black light.

The wellhead is filled with ominousness and solemnity, which is incompatible with the peaceful atmosphere of heaven.

Just seeing the stone platform at the mouth of the well, Harley felt a darker and more depraved interior than the ninth level of hell: it not only connected to hell, but also transformed the sacred into depravity, which was even more depraved than depravity.

Lucifer Desire glanced at the mouth of the well. There was no fear on his face, but a malicious smile, "Witch Harley, today is just the beginning. We have plenty of time to play slowly in the future."

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