I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 947 The Worst Fallen Angel

"You still want to take revenge on me, after you degenerated into a demon?" Harley asked strangely.

"I want to reorganize the witch hunting team, I want to control all the demons, and I want to take revenge on every friend and every relative of yours. I want you to be miserable, hahahaha!" Lucifer Desire laughed viciously.

"Where do you have the confidence? Now you can't even defeat a demon marquis." Harley sneered.

As she spoke, she flipped her right hand, quietly took out a spare phone, and turned on the recording function.

"Give me back my heart and wings. After my fall, I will be ten times stronger. I will also unite with Neilong, Silas and other demon kings to overthrow the rule of Duma and Lemuel and become the new Satan. I am Lucifer!"

Lucifer Desire raised his head and roared angrily: "Give me my heart and my wings immediately!"

Harley pretended to be surprised and said: "Will Neilong listen to you? Isn't he your master?"

"Fart, I am his master."

Harley mocked: "Are you sure? The Silver City Sarai plan came from him. It's obvious that he wants to use your hand to disrupt Silver City, and you are just his puppet.

The Great Trial has made it very clear before, and you still want to deny it? "

"What do you know? I have long seen his sinister intentions. I was just using him. If you hadn't betrayed your trust, I would have conquered the Golden Palace and then taken control of the Silver City.

By then he will be completely useless and I will let him be my dog ​​and give me sweet feet. You are the traitor, you destroyed my hegemony! "

Lucifer Desire became more and more excited as he spoke, and at the end, he started yelling and swearing again.

"Okay, stop talking, I'll give your heart back."

Harley really didn't want to talk nonsense with this lowly anymore, so she opened her mouth and spit out a crystal as big as the mouth of a bowl. It was crystal clear, with golden liquid flowing inside, and the scorching light pierced your eyes.

"Hahaha - ugh!" Lucifer Desire had just shown his excitement, but suddenly his face became condensed and he said angrily: "Witch Harley, you are playing tricks on me again. This is not my heart."

"What is it if it's not your heart? It's exactly the same as your heart, and the breath is the same." Harley said, holding the crystal.

"Don't try to fool me, my own heart will never admit it!" Lucifer Desire squinted and observed his heart for a while, with a look of surprise on his face, "Oh, I understand, this is the angel you disguised with yellow light energy heart of.

Hahaha, Witch Harley, you dare to disobey Michael's order, I will report you, I will report you to him.

Hey, Zauliel, immediately notify Michael, that bastard, and let him fight with the witch Harley, hahaha! "

Zaulie frowned, "How did you become like this? Harley just took away your power, didn't break your brain, right?"

You are obviously at a disadvantage and you still dare to say such things.

Not only did he insult the great king, but he also directly expressed his evil thoughts, and lost all his wisdom and half of his city. "

"Bastard, what did you say? You low-flying eagle angel, how dare you speak to me like this?" Lucifer Desire was furious at first, then thoughtfully, sneered: "I understand, you want to anger me, through Provoke me to change the subject and protect Witch Harley.

Hehehe, you are very cunning, but my wisdom is beyond your imagination.

Whenever I say Michael's name, he hears it and notices it.

Moreover, Michael controls the voice of heaven and knows everything, so he may be observing this place. "

Harley patted Eagle Angel on the shoulder, "Don't talk to idiots, there is a risk of being infected with brain damage."

Zaulie sighed: "You are making it very difficult for me. Since you have agreed to the great king, just give your heart back to him. Don't make a big deal out of a small thing."

"Who said this isn't a heart?" Harley's heart moved, and the yellow light energy surged out of her body, manifesting a cabinet-sized microscope above her head.

She put the heart on the slide, pulled Zauliel to the observation mirror, adjusted it to 5,000 times magnification, and asked, "Did you see it?"

"Oh, there really is a small heart inside. It's exactly the same as Lucifer Desire's, but it's too small, only about the size of a fingertip." Zaulie said.

When Harry popped the Angel Heart into his mouth this morning, he didn't chew the crystal into pieces and then swallow it like a candy.

Her purpose is to pump out the magic of the Cow Angel, like water from a river with a pump.

Chewing crystals is like breaking the embankment from all directions, and the river flows everywhere, which will cause a lot of waste.

Therefore, she first held the Angel Heart to draw out demons, and later stuffed it into her mouth, only to store it in the dimension of her stomach pouch.

Because of this, Michael knew that she had not fully digested it.

But, since Michael insists that she return the Angel Heart to the Bull Angel, just waste it, it's better than giving it back in its entirety.

She used the gastric acid mist to melt the crystal heart, which had shrunk to the size of a plum, down to the micron level.

Anyway, Michael only said to return the heart, but not what kind of heart.

"Is it too small?" Harley immediately adjusted the magnification to 50,000, "What now?"

"Wow, what a big heart, like a mature coconut." Zaulie shouted.

Then he turned to the confused second Lucifer and said seriously: "Lucifer, it's time for you to satisfy your desire. Harley gave you a heart as big as a coconut. I swear, it's 100% your heart."

Harley smiled and gave Eagle Angel a look that said, "You're very smart."

Zaulie also grinned.

"Fake, are you kidding me?!" The second Lucifer reacted and cursed.

"Be content, having a heart is better than not having one." Zaulie drew out his angel flame sword and stabbed the second Lucifer's chest with one sword. It cut open and blood flowed wildly.

Harry's heart moved, and he pointed to the sky and said: "Zaulie, look, it's an alien flying saucer."

Zaulie was startled, then turned around and looked at the ceiling above his head seriously.

Harley smiled coldly at the weak second Lucifer, put her hand into his chest, and used the ninth life force defense specialty - complete control of the organs containing her genes.

A "mouth" opened in the palm of the hand, sucking wildly on the angel essence, "Goo-dong-gu-dong."

The essence inhaled into the palm was immediately melted by the gastric acid mist, and Harley's face turned strangely rosy.

"Witch, what are you doing?" The second Lucifer's face was gray, his body was like a collapsed building, and he was shrinking visibly - he was degenerating.

"Don't you want a heart? I'm helping you install a heart. Oops, where did the cardiovascular system go? Wait a minute and let me find it slowly."

Zaulie's eyelids twitched a few times and continued to look up at the flying saucer.

For a full quarter of an hour, Lucifer, who was originally four meters tall, finally became only 1.2 meters tall, with not a single muscle visible on his body, like Gollum who ran away from the "Lord of the Rings".

Only then did Harley withdraw her hand with satisfaction, breaking two of his ribs.

Like breaking a dead branch.

Pulling out the ribs, she took out a few angel feathers belonging to the Cow Angel and stuck them on the ribs. They used them as small wings and inserted them into his back. Then she put the phone into his arms. She clapped her hands with satisfaction, "Okay, my heart is still good." Here you go, you have wings too.”

After saying that, she raised her legs and pushed him into the Well of Depravity.

"Let's go, let's return to the king."

Hell, the palace of the inner dragon, is currently holding a banquet with a dull atmosphere.

A dozen or so first-time fallen who had good relationships turned their depression into drinking, and drank freely the "soul blood sea wine" brewed by the inner dragon - inside each glass of red wine, there was like a sea of ​​blood, with countless struggling and wailing souls floating in the sea.

Although hell is now reformed, Duma and Lemuel do not allow demons to torture and eat the souls who have fallen into hell, but the devil can directly deceive souls from the human world!

"Alas, Asmodeus is such a loser. He had such a huge advantage and was overturned by Witch Harley on her own. You idiot, you stupid pig!" the King of Slaughter cursed.

The King of Pain sighed: "It is indeed unexpected that the witch used the divine descending as a trap.

Well, her performance was so confusing.

But Silver City should not surrender without a fight. Asmodeus has been the Bull Angel Commander and Silver City garrison for tens of billions of years.

Even if a pig is put in his place, it's time to cultivate a group of cronies who are willing to die for him. "

Neilong picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp, "I received the exact news. It's not that he has no henchmen, but that the witch Harley used a trick."

Then, he told Harry one by one how Asmodeus sent Asmodeus to the Silver City and how Asmodeus destroyed the morale of the army.

"Hey, Witch Harley is so cunning." All the demon kings exclaimed.

"Alas, Witch Harley is cunning, but if Asmodeus doesn't use his stupidity to cooperate with her, no matter how cunning she is, it will be useless.

I persuaded him to bring the chariot to the earth. What the hell, he was instigated by Witch Harley and even suspected that I had evil intentions.

Well, I do have bad intentions.

If he gains the faith of Christians on Earth, his power will grow to the point where it will be difficult for me to control it, but—"

"Crack!" Neilong was so excited that he crushed the wine glass to pieces and cursed: "No matter how impure my mind is, I am always kinder than the Witch Harley. I don't understand this truth. What an idiot!"

"Don't get excited. Sooner or later he will have to come down to accompany us. Then you will have plenty of opportunities to torment him." Queen Charming said with a smile.


As soon as she finished speaking, several demon kings present stopped their movements and looked up in the same direction.

"The Fallen Sky Platform of Silver City has been opened. An angel has fallen down and is completing the transformation of the Fallen Angel in the Deep Well of Fallen Sky."

"Haha, say Asmodeus, and Asmodeus will come."

"Whoosh whoosh-" The demon kings looked at each other and disappeared from their seats at the same time.

Appearing again, they had arrived at the place where the angel fell.

The fourth ring on the ninth floor represents the ring of Judas, which represents the sin of betraying the Lord.

"It's strange. The stronger the power, the longer the process of transforming into a fallen angel. How can you say that he is also an archangel, and Asmodeus can complete the transformation so quickly?"

The King of Slaughter looked up at the sky, and the meteor disappeared. Looking around again, there was no upper demon except for a little lemure huddled in a corner with his head trembling a hundred meters away.

"Probably because he lost his heart and wings." Neilong guessed.

"But where have they gone?" Queen Charming asked curiously.

"I probably guessed that I was going to settle a score with him, so I ran away smartly after landing." Neilong guessed again.

Just when the demon kings were puzzled, a weak cry came from the corner: "Inner dragon? Sira (King of Slaughter), Mezkin (Queen of Charm, Lucifer's wife), are you? Help me."

"You——" The demons looked intently and saw the trembling "little evil demon" holding his head struggling to get up and walking towards them tremblingly.

The King of Charm was shocked and shouted: "Satan, are you Asmodeus? This is your aura and face, yes, but how did you become a lemur - uh, I saw it wrong, you are really the First Fallen , not a lemure."

When the "little lemure" got a little closer, they could see clearly that it had a completely humanoid body and face, and a pair of deformed and twisted angel wings on its back that were only as big as a palm - this was the iconic feature of fallen angels.

Lemurs have absolutely no human face or form.

And its momentum is indeed much stronger than that of a lemur, almost equivalent to a viscount.

But its appearance was too shabby, with the same stooped body and rough gray-brown skin as the lemure. Almost every First Fallen had thick, silky long hair, but it didn't either.

It's like a combination of Qiu Qianchi and Gulu.

"Fake, why are you like this?" Neilong glared.

"It's the witch Harley. She's so vicious, woo woo woo."

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