I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 945 Asmodeus is vomiting blood

Although the topic had just started and the two of them didn't say much, Michael already had some admiration for Harley at this time.

He has seen countless shameless people; he has also seen countless cunning people; there are many ambitious people, people who talk nonsense, and people who are very sensible and persuasive.

But it was the first time that Michael had ever seen a person who was shameless, cunning, full of lies, sincere, and logical in his words. It was the first time that Michael had such a person who had all these contradictory characteristics added together in perfect harmony.

"In any case, Asmodu did secretly collude with the Demon King and committed evil deeds in Silver City. You did complete the counter-rebellion by yourself, so you are qualified to conduct the final judgment against them."

"This" Harley hesitated for a moment, then stopped shirking and said, "The purpose of punishment is not to inflict torture, but to let the wrongdoers know their mistakes. Can they repent now?"

"What do you think?"

"I have to see them with my own eyes and ask them." Harley said.

Michael nodded and let her do what she did.

Then Harry stood at the door of the Eight-Legged Hall and shouted out: "The Lord has ordered that all the angels gather here. The final trial of the Asmodeus case is about to begin here."

Naturally, the eight-legged hall cannot accommodate all angels, but angels can hover in mid-air, and there is enough space around the hall to accommodate all angels.

Not long after, almost all the angels from the outer court of Baiyin City arrived, overwhelming and tens of millions of people.

The angel legion that committed a serious crime is led inside the hall, the legion members are outside, and the ordinary angels are at the back.

"I don't need to tell you what happened in Silver City these days. Everyone knows that we can't pretend that nothing happened.

As the leaders of Silver City, Lord Michael and the archangels will not pretend not to know the reason for this incident.

Just now, the Maharaja summoned all the commanders. He has already said what should be said to everyone. There is no need for me to repeat it again. "

Michael sat high on the Heavenly Voice Throne, and Hallie stood below and spoke to the angels who were kneeling on the ground waiting for judgment.

Speaking of this, she stopped, scanned everyone's expressions and eyes, and said: "The king has entrusted me with the task of judging sinners. I think the purpose of the judgment is not to punish, but to make you realize your mistakes.

The purpose of punishment is not to make you suffer, but to repent in pain.

Now do you realize your mistakes and feel repentant? "

"We are guilty, we were blinded by desire, and we repent." The angel commander knelt on the ground and said with sincere emotions and sincere words.

"Witch Harley, don't be pretentious. You are the master of the Seven Deadly Sins and the source of evil. Who are you qualified to judge me?"

As the source of the crime, Asmodeus was naturally brought over and slipped away, but he refused to kneel down and was very dishonest and cursed at Harley.

After scolding, he turned to the king on the throne, "And you, Michael, you eggless coward. When I was still strong, you cowered aside and pretended to be dead. When I was killed by the conspiracy of Witch Harley, you Are you afraid to go out and pick up ready-made products?

Bah, you are a bunch of treacherous, courageous and unintelligent villains, don’t you want me to give in? dream! Asmodeus will never be a servant! "

Zauliel was embarrassed. He was responsible for guarding Asmodeu, but he allowed him to say such rebellious words at the trial.

"Asmodeus, are you not convinced by me?" Harley looked at the Bull Archangel.

"You are a villain who stabbed my master in the back. I will wait for you in the Nine Hells." The hatred in Asmodu's eyes almost turned into two beams of flame.

"Master? There is only one master for Christians, and that is the Almighty Lord." With reverence on his face, Harry made the sign of the cross on his chest.

Then he scolded: "Just because you want to be the master of a devout believer who calls the shots, your sins are comparable to Lucifer.

As for saying I'll stab you in the back.

Well, I did use a trick to trick you like a monkey.

I will never deny that I am not as strong as you, nor will I feel dissatisfied.

Everything the Lord gives is grace.

I will accept it with piety and gratitude, rather than being greedy and wishing for something that is not my own.

This is the difference between you and me.

But the Lord is fair. He did not give me power far beyond yours, but gave me the brain of a normal person.

Although you are extremely powerful, your brain is not as good as that of a child.

Even children know that using wisdom to defeat a stronger enemy is not only not shameful, but also worthy of praise.

But all you have in your mind are ugly desires and arrogant arrogance. "

Harley walked up to Asmodeus and sneered: "Did you know? You insulted me and the king, but we were not angry, but very happy."

Asmodu looked confused, "You lied to me and I scolded you. How can you be happy?"

Harry took a few steps back, pointed at the angel leader in the hall who bowed his head and confessed, and then pointed at the countless angels outside the window, "Where are you here? What are you doing now?"

Without waiting for his answer, she looked serious and said loudly: "This is the trial hall, and you are being judged for your crimes at this time.

It is very easy to pronounce crime and punishment directly.

But as I said before, the purpose of judgment is not punishment, and the purpose of punishment is not to make sinners suffer.

The Lord is merciful, and the merciful Lord only wants sinners to be saved.

The first step to redemption is to deeply and truly realize your mistakes.

Your incompetent barking and unreasonable insults all help me prove to everyone that you, the leader of the rebels, are full of evil desires, arrogant, ignorant, and irresponsible, and do not have the magnanimity and character to be a great king.

This fundamentally denies your reason for rebellion of "renovating the heavenly system and seeking the welfare of angels." "

"Now anyone with a brain understands that you are actually deceiving everyone. In order to ascend to the throne, you play with the pure hearts of angels, twisting their yearning for beauty into sinful desires, and treating their trust in you as A stepping stone to blasphemy to the Lord.”

Harley's voice was like thunder, rumbled and deafening, shaking the hearts of all the angels.

Asmodeus was filled with shame and anger, and roared: "You——"

"That's right, I'm just irritating you!" Harley looked serious, pursed her lips tightly, turned on the God's force field to wrap a ray of consciousness, and silently transmitted the message from her heart: "Idiot, haven't you seen it yet? Just come with me to see you off. The same purpose as returning to Silver City will make you incompetent and furious in front of everyone, destroying morale, splitting the team, and losing public support.

The more you yell for no reason, the more you prove your inferiority.

Look at me, I'm scolding you too, but how well-founded and logical are my words?

Idiot, stupid pig, scold and get angry, I'm waiting! "

"I——" Asmodeus' face was as purple as pig liver from holding back.

"Do you have nothing to say?" At this time, Harley spoke up, "You have a violent personality, but now you can't say a word. It shows that you have been exposed by me, and you only have shame, anger and resentment in your heart."

Asmodeus became more and more furious, and his cheeks became more and more purple, "You——"

"Yeah, I'm waiting for you to yell out!" Harley stared at him with a straight face, her mouth motionless, and her voice penetrated into his consciousness: "I know you are very angry in your heart, and you are getting more and more angry. Angrier.

I did it on purpose just to make you angry.

When you are angry, you have no sense and can only curse unreasonably like a clown.

Go ahead and scold her, let all the angels see what kind of ugly, resentful woman the former monarch really was. "

"You~~~" Asmodu's eyes widened with bloodshot eyes, his cheeks swelled into purple balloons, and his body swayed a few times, "Pfft!"

He spat out a mouthful of blood mist, like a crooked wooden stake, and hit the ground backwards, "Bang!"

"Ah, Asmodeu vomited blood and fell into a coma!" Zaulie exclaimed.

All the angels were shocked, so they fainted?

Michael took a deep look at Harley and was a little shocked: she had now set another record, making the archangel faint.

"Alas, even if Asmodeus is as sinful as Lucifer, he will eventually faint from shame after his true identity is revealed. This shows that he fully understands his sins and knows how shameful everything he has done is."

Harley sighed and looked at the archangels, "Even Asmodeus realizes his mistake, what about you?"

"We are guilty." The angels were no longer perfunctory this time, and there was obvious bitterness and regret in their tone.

——My brain was gnawed by a dog before, so I followed such a narrow-minded idiot to rebel.

"Zauliel, the trial is not over yet, wake up Asmodu." Harley ordered.


Zaulie squatted down and pinched the soft flesh of Bull Angel's waist.

After pinching for a while, Asmodeus finally woke up with his gray eyes open.

"Are you dead? Take a breath." Harley said again.

Asmodu's eyes quickly became bloodshot and red, and he made a "ho-ho" sound from his mouth. Tiny blood foam bubbles appeared at the corners of his mouth, but he could not say a complete sentence.

"Archangel Chemir." Harley named "Chief Guardsman Asmodeus", that is, the bull angel who drove the chariot and followed Asmodeus to the earth.

"Come and tell the Lord and all the angels about the Demon King's inner dragon."

At that time, he was beaten by Harley and when he made a confession, he revealed the information that Asmodeus and Neilong had colluded.

Chemel regretted: "I am guilty. I knew that Asmodeu and Neilong secretly formed an alliance, but I concealed it and did not report it. I also collaborated with them and deceived all the angels. I am guilty."

"Ah, Asmodeus is still colluding with the Demon King of Hell?" Except for a small number of angel leaders, all the angels who heard this exclaimed, and saw Asmodeus's eyes changing again, becoming more contemptuous and disgusting.

Chemel continued: "Asmodeus only wanted to rebel at first, but it was Neilong who summoned the former American political elites in hell to help him come up with a plan to promote Brother Danzi in Silver City.

First gather people's hearts, use public opinion to control more authority in heaven, and then gain greater power. "

"Lord, the beauty we pursue is actually the bait of corruption sprinkled by the devil." Some of the more naive angels were about to collapse.

Harley said loudly: "Now everyone understands? Asmodeus is even stupid enough to let the devil design an ideological outline for himself.

He couldn't come up with those slogans and concepts himself, and naturally he never thought about fulfilling his promise to everyone. "

"We are guilty, please be punished by your Majesty and the King of Heavenly Mountain."

The angel leader drooped his head, his voice full of frustration, frustration and regret.

This time they really regretted it.

Even if Asmodeus has evil intentions and even cooperates with the Demon King, they can tolerate it.

They are not fools. Since they are rebelling, they have already had the consciousness to betray God and the City of Silver.

The key is that after Harley's "truth" was revealed, they found that Asmodeus was too low, stupid, and weak. They were played and applauded by her, and used by the demon inner dragon to rebel with such a good-for-nothing boss. They regretted it extremely.

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