I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 944 The Traitor in Troubled Times

After stealing the martial arts experience of the three giants, Michael, Gabriel, and Lucifer, Harry thought: I am really stupid. Although the combat skills of these angel kings are extremely valuable, they are nothing compared to God's. What the hell!

Therefore, she did not digest the surge of knowledge and skills in her mind at all, and then made another wish: I want the old God to give me all the knowledge, experience and wisdom of "Sevenfold Retribution" first!

Thinking of the information flow that made her brain explode just now, Harley changed her wish-making method this time: get the ones that are most useful to herself first, and then go down in order of importance.

Even though she only "made a wish" for one kind of "wisdom" this time, the huge information still made her cover her head and groan for half an hour - half a second to the outside world.

"Witch Harley, stop!"

While Harley was stealing the second kind of "wisdom" - all the experience of Old God and Nightmare Demonization, a loud shout penetrated deep into her soul, causing her to almost collapse on the throne.

The wish-making process of the Voice of Heaven came to an abrupt end.

"God's Force Field, turn on!" Using the level 10 God's Power Defense Specialty to withstand the oppressive mental impact, Harley regained control of her body.

Frank, is this Michael?

It's just too strong.

And he has entered the eight-legged hall and comes to himself.

——You can't go head-to-head with him. Even with God's force field, he can't be defeated.

Harley wisely canceled the broken time and space barrier - which had been shattered into pieces by Michael's angry shout.

After finishing extracting the power of God, she voluntarily left the "Throne of the Voice of Heaven". She tried her best to smile kindly, and her attitude was confident, calm and slightly humble.

"Brother Maharaja, I finally see you! You are here, the sky is blue again in Silver City; you are here, the peaceful days of the angelic people are back!"

She bowed and stretched her hand towards the throne, "Sit down, take your seat!"

Facing such an honest and respectful Harley, Michael didn't know where to vent the anger he was holding in his chest.

"You're too greedy." He said coldly.


He thought she would quibble, but he didn't expect her to slap him in remorse, and her fair little face turned red.

"What Brother Maharaja taught you is that I am too greedy. I have just experienced the terminal transformation of greed for power. I have not yet completely freed myself from the transformation. I will lose control when I see power. It is all my fault."

Michael looked at her steadily, the anger in his heart getting stronger and stronger, but he could only suppress it deep in his heart.

Harry was so frightened by what he saw that he immediately had the idea of ​​changing his current situation.

She turned around, trotted to the door under Michael's doubtful gaze, and shouted at the top of her lungs: "The Lord is back. All the angel commanders obey the order and come to the Voice of Heaven Hall immediately. Lord Michael is here!" "

Michael clenched his fists, wanting to hold her in his hands and crush her to death.

The speed of the angel leader was too fast, and before Harley could even finish her cry, a group of angels flew down.

"Your Majesty~~~" Zhaulie was the first to bear the brunt, his eyes were wet with excitement.

"Your Majesty, we are guilty!" The angels of the four tribes trembled and prostrated on the ground.

"Alas!" Michael sighed helplessly, "Get up, what happened this time -"

Before he finished speaking, the angel who was about to get up fell to his knees on the ground again, kowtowing and said: "Your Majesty, this time it's all our fault. We are guilty. We are sorry for you and the Lord. We are sinners."

Michael frowned, and simply let them continue to kneel, and said in a deep voice: "I have seen what happened this time from beginning to end. The reason why I didn't come out to stop it is because of what Asmodeus advocated. , exactly what you want.

Rights can only be earned by oneself, not through charity from superiors.

This is an eternal truth, and it holds true even in heaven.

Whatever you want, you can fight for it.

If you get it, it belongs to you, and your actions are correct and just; if you can't earn it, it means it really doesn't belong to you, and you have to pay the price for your actions.

It’s not because of anything you have done, but because when you have thoughts, you bring the desires of the seven original sins to the place of the Lord’s Holy Light.

Your sin is a stain on the glory of the Lord. "

Even though in essence it still emphasizes the cold truth of "winners or losers, the size of your butt can sit on the size of the chair, and the strength of your strength can eat as much as you want." Michael's voice has a special power that can penetrate deeply into people's hearts. Use your own heart to directly infect the other person's heart.

At this time, his words were sonorous and well-founded, and all the angel commanders lowered their heads, looking like they were humbly accepting the instruction.

"Your Majesty is right in teaching us. We have tarnished the glory of the Lord and are willing to accept the punishment."

Michael said calmly: "There must be punishment, but I am not the one who defeated you, Harley Quinn, you said-"

"Hey, Harley Quinn isn't here anymore? Where has she gone?" He turned around and looked around. Harley, who was still in the hall before, had disappeared.

The angel leaders were facing the floor and lying on the ground. They didn't see Harley's movements at all, and they couldn't answer the king's words.

Only Zaulie did not make a principled mistake. He did not have to kneel down to confess. He still stood on the side and paid more attention to Harley.

"My Majesty, when you were reprimanding the commanders, I saw Harry leading the dog and tiptoing out. Didn't you see it?" he said hesitantly.

Michael looked blank.

"Harry, why are you in such a hurry?" Ivy asked confused.

She suddenly rushed over and pulled them into the airship. After getting in, she immediately rushed out as fast as possible without any explanation.

"Now that everything is done, what are you going to do in heaven if you don't go back?"

There were a lot of people waiting there, but Harley didn't tell the truth that she was worried that Michael would get himself killed if he didn't have a clear idea.

And just when Michael realized that Harley was missing, the Archimedes airship was already roaring through the gate of heaven and speeding towards the earth.

The two famous people from Earth also looked unfinished.

"I just heard that you called Lord Michael to come back. I was still thinking about meeting him." Louise said regretfully.

Harley said casually: "For mortals, looking at him is like looking at the sun on a sunny day. After returning to Earth, if you look up at the sun at noon, it is equivalent to looking at him."

"Silver City is so spectacular, I also want to shoot some news materials." Lana Land said.

Harry glanced back and didn't see "a golden light chasing quickly". He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Delete all the contents of the internal scenery of Silver City."

"What's the reason for this?" Lana Lang asked doubtfully.

"Silver City originally did not allow mortals to enter, so your entry is considered a violation. If the internal scenery is released as news, the Lord of Silver City will be very unhappy."

Louise knew this very well. She had lived in Paradise Mountain for half a year before, and she knew the rules of the lower paradise and Silver City that prohibited outsiders from entering.

"You can have the scenery outside Baiyin City, but the scenery inside is really not suitable for showing." She said.

Lana Lang nodded and asked worriedly: "Are there any taboos related to counter-insurgency?"

"Don't rush to post the news once it's written. I'll go ask the Maharaja again."

At the end, Harley added: "I am doing it for your own good. All mortals are destined to die, and all mortals have relatives.

You certainly don’t want your soul or the soul of your loved ones to be sent to hell in the future if you offend the Maharaja now, right? "

"I understand." The two women nodded solemnly.

"You want to go back? Then why did you leave?" Ivy asked strangely.

"I'll talk to you when I get home."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

Just as Michael was distracted and dismissed a group of angel leaders who had committed an offense, he heard a shout coming from outside the door of the Eight-Legged Hall.

"Harley Quinn?" He was surprised, didn't that guy run away?

"Your Majesty, I heard Zaulie say you are looking for me?" Hallie walked in with a smile, her posture and tone much calmer and more generous than before.

"Clone?" Michael saw her background at a glance.

No wonder I was submissive before but now I am confident.

His real body has completely run away, leaving only one clone, so of course he is not afraid of him going crazy.

Michael sighed inwardly again.

Harley smiled and said: "Too many things happened on the earth today, which I need to deal with. Since heaven has you, it naturally no longer needs me.

So, I went home.

But while he was still on the way, he received a message from Zaulie, saying that you wanted to see me for something.

Your Majesty has an order, how can I dare to disobey it?

No, through the big cross, immediately arrange a clone to listen to your teachings. "

——How can I teach you, but you teach me what prudence is.

Michael glanced at her and said calmly: "Aren't you the counterinsurgent governor? Aren't you the security minister personally appointed by the interim president Rafael?

You are the Governor and the Minister of Security. Why don’t you take care of all the affairs of Silver City? "

Harley solemnly said: "Your Majesty, it is clear to me that Asmodeus has overstepped his authority, disobeyed, and blasphemed the glory of you and the Lord. As the Arkham God of War, if he does nothing, won't he live up to the Lord's favor?

But today's situation is really special. I am alone and weak. Asmodeus is extremely powerful, comparable to Lucifer's second, and has huge power. It can be called the 'Second Lucifer Legion'.

Facing Lucifer and the Lucifer Legion in the new era, I don’t have the strength you have to face Lucifer proudly, and I don’t have the authority to command the angels. I can only act in the name of Archangel Raphael.

In fact, I have also thought about holding high the banner of counterinsurgency in your name, but I respect you too much and dare not pretend to be your envoy.

I respect the Lord even more, and I dare not use the Lord’s name to punish violence and eliminate rebellion before receiving His explicit instructions. "

Michael has a few things in his heart that he wants to complain about, Lucifer is second, Lucifer's legion is second, aren't you afraid of offending Lucifer and the group of first-fallen people in hell? Oh, you've offended them to death.

While complaining, the Angel Lord also secretly praised her: This was so beautifully said. It was just under the guise of Raphael and not pretending to be him or the messenger of God.

Even if she was wrong, the limit of her faults was Raphael.

And she also had a point. The situation was critical, and in order to safeguard the glory of the Lord and to combat rebellion, she had to obey authority urgently.

Just when Michael was in a complicated mood, Harley hesitated and said: "Actually, I didn't make my own decision. Ever since I learned about the changes in Silver City and Asmodeus's rebellious behavior and betrayal of God, I have been anxious and unbearable. Feeling restless, worried, unable to eat well, and restless in sitting and lying down.

I really want to accomplish something, and I want to be loyal to the Lord!

But he waited and waited, but he never got the call to fight against the rebels and eliminate the thieves.

In desperation, I entered the meditation room and began to meditate and pray for several days and nights. I silently recited the name of the Lord and recited the Lord’s teachings in my heart, hoping that the Lord could give me instructions.

I don’t know if it was an hallucination, but somewhere in the dark, I seemed to hear the Lord saying to me - child, go ahead, do it, have firm faith, the Lord is by your side.

Then I armed myself with faith and became full of fighting spirit again, thus starting a journey of revolting against rebellion under the gaze of the Lord. "

Michael was shocked and confused, was this guy bragging, or was he telling the truth?

He immediately used the voice of the sky to check her whereabouts in the past few days. It was true that for several days, she was alone in the meditation room (observing the destruction day of the Apokolips), and it was true that after leaving the meditation room, she immediately started walking around run.

Did the Lord really give her instructions?

Oh, she said, "I don't know if it's an illusion."

Fa Ke, even if the Lord came in person, could not question her words.

Now, her actions to counter the rebellion were well-founded and had instructions from God. Who could blame her for what she did during the rebellion?

For example, through the Voice of Heaven, they wantonly stole "Paradise Assets".

The witch is so cunning.

There are only two chapters today, and yesterday. Alas, the chapters released yesterday and the day before yesterday were a disaster. I made consecutive mistakes, and they were all low-level mistakes. I’m sorry.

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