I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 942 Voice of Heaven

Benefit 1: The Angel Legion stationed in Silver City launches an attack, allowing her to level up.

Benefit 2: Under her "unpredictable" tricks, the Angel Legion was panicked and the team fell apart. In the end, they could not bear the pressure of "poaching their hearts and cutting their wings". Millions of angels surrendered without a fight, making her famous. Everyone thought she was as resourceful as Zhuge Liang.

Let Harley choose between these two benefits. Which one will she choose?

Even if her level only increases by half a level, she will choose the most practical benefit.

But she never imagined that Asmodeus had just had his heart taken out and his wings cut off, just like his brain had been taken away, and even the basic ability and strategy to control his subordinates were lost.

When Harley was looking for angels to conduct research in the Silver City, she found that many angels, even if they disguised themselves as Asmodeus believers, showed more or less yearning for and trust in his ideas.

At that time, she still felt that Archangel Bull was a wise and powerful hero.

A peerless hero, even if he loses his power, can at least control his subordinates with his strategy and charisma.

After all, everything happened in one day. This morning Asmodeus was still the king who had reached the peak of power and power. He had his heart and wings cut off in the morning, and returned to Silver City near noon.

In such a short period of time, his influence should not have dissipated.

While his influence was still there and his hatred for her was overwhelming, Harley first harvested the experience points, and then used public opinion and battlefield results to attack his authority, disintegrate the morale of the angel legions in the city, and finally force the rebels to Kaicheng surrenders. This is the script she designed.

She wants them all, Benefit 1 and Benefit 2.

Both gain experience and show off.

In fact, her plan is very likely to succeed. The performance of the leaders of the Bull Angels, Human Angels, and Lion Angels in the city is completely within her expectations: they are worried, but they still maintain a sense of energy. They will lose their fighting spirit only after the energy is exhausted.

It was Asmodeus who had gone awry.

His overwhelming hatred for her was within Harry's expectation; his brainless, incompetent, and ineffective rage was completely below the level of the Archangel, the Lord of Silver City, and the Second Lucifer.

"More than 10 billion years, I've been living on a dog."

Harley rode her dog Yebby, left the city gate while swearing, and flew quickly towards the tallest building in the city - the eight-legged "Palace of Sound".

"Master Harley, who are you talking about?"

It was the first time that Yebi came to Silver City. He looked around and was very curious.

"Who else besides Lucifer the Second?"

"Asmodeus? With his performance, he really has no face to touch Lucifer. If you tie a dog to his position, you won't be able to capture Silver City so easily." Yebi said disdainfully.

"Bang bang!" Harley slapped it on the head twice, "You are also an idiot! Asmodeus is the second Lucifer. His wisdom, courage, arrogance, and strength are as different from Lucifer as I am today. Hair length, versus tomorrow’s hair length.”

"What's the difference in hair length today and tomorrow?" Gouzi grinned.

"So, apart from the fact that Asmodeus rebelled tens of billions of years later than Lucifer, Asmodeus is exactly the same as Lucifer in other aspects, and he is even more powerful than Lucifer.

Lucifer only controlled one-third of the human angels, but Asmodeus unified the four angel clans. "

Yerby thought thoughtfully, "I understand, defeating a fool cannot show your majesty as the Arkham God of War.

But once you make Asmodeus the second Lucifer, you become the second Michael. No, even surpass Michael.

The Maharaja only fought against the rebellious Lucifer. The one who really defeated Lucifer was—hiss, Master Harley, you are so bold. "

"Whoosh!" Harley jumped up, left Yebi's back, and came to the door of the "Eight-Legged Hall".

Pushing open the door, a familiar scene appears before you again: light passes through the huge arched glass window and transparent dome, and falls on the visible floor. After several reflections, the hall is filled with colorful brilliance.

Different from the last time she came here, this time she stepped into it and only touched the light in the hall, and chaotic sounds rang in her ears.

It was like walking in the silk hole of a spider spirit. Every ray of light was a spider thread. She felt substantial resistance. Every step she took was like crossing a spider web.

The more light that falls on her, the more confusing and clearer the sounds in her ears become.

Harry walked quickly, without carefully distinguishing the content and source of the sound, and went directly to the throne at the top.

The style of the throne is very ordinary, it is a square back chair made of silver heaven silver.

The moment he sat on it, the world in front of Harry was different.

Every ray of light in the hall appeared as a picture in front of her.

Countless lights, countless sounds, countless images.

Her two eyes were like rapidly dividing bacteria under a microscope. The speed of division was accelerated a million times. One pair of eyes split into two pairs, and the two pairs split into four teams. In an instant, she had countless extra eyes and could see all the pictures clearly. .

Her ears are also split, with countless ears that can hear all sounds clearly.

After seeing so much and hearing so much, Harry's head didn't feel hot and swollen.

She's also in better shape than ever.

The body seems to be transformed into a small fish in the ocean of light, free and relaxed.

"I don't know how Harley is doing now."

At Quinn Manor, Selina stood in the yard, holding her daughter and looking up at the sky. The sunlight dazzled her.

Harley smiled slightly, "I'm fine."

"Harley?" Selina turned around and looked around.

at the same time.

The venue for the King of Fighters Tournament.

The audience, reporters, and superheroes haven't left yet.

The superhero stood outside the guardrail, answered reporters' questions, and loudly reassured the rioting people, convincing them that "everything is under control."

"What do you think is the current situation in Silver City?" Wonder Woman asked Bateman.

Some heroes were interacting with the audience and reporters, while others were far away from the guardrails, standing in the center of the arena in a daze and chatting.

"Insufficient information makes it difficult to speculate, but we don't need to worry too much." Bateman said calmly.

"Why? She only has one angel friend by her side, but the other angel occupies the entire Silver City." Wonder Woman frowned.

"Obviously, everything that happened today - Asmodeus descended to the arena of the King of Fighters Tournament, we came over to do tasks, and even went on stage to kiss the instep of the great king, and the stronger ones came to the front. These things All of this was deliberately arranged by Harley and was part of her plan."

"I know all what you said." Wonder Woman sighed: "Yesterday in the watchtower, she was very happy to see us fighting Doomsday in the energy simulation room. She smiled so hard that her teeth couldn't be seen.

At the time, I thought she was mocking us, laughing at us that we could only deal with the fake Doomsday, and mocking us for being so skillful that it was heartbreaking.

Now I understand that she was simply happy.

Seeing that we have conquered the Sun of Destruction, we predict that today, we will reflexively trap the Bull Archangel as the Sun of Destruction.

Alas, Witch Harley is so cunning. "

Bateman said: "So what are you worried about? She has even thought about the small details, so how can she have problems with her grand strategy?

She even brought two reporters with her, which shows how confident she is. "

"Since there is no problem, why didn't we go and have a look before? I haven't been to heaven yet." Hal Jordan said.

"We can't go, we can't participate in the internal affairs of heaven." Uncle Sam said seriously: "You also saw the previous chariot of heaven.

It was a powerful weapon in the battle between planes and gods. With just one shot, it could destroy Gotham and penetrate the earth's crust.

The earth cannot bear the revenge of the gods, so it should avoid the struggle for power among the gods. "

"But we are already involved." Hal said.

"Alas, Harley Quinn has tricked us this time! The earth should not participate in the internal fighting in heaven at all. The situation in Silver City is too complicated, and even a powerful doctor like Doctor Destiny can only stay neutral to protect himself.

As a result, we were pulled by her to choose sides and stand on..."

Uncle Sam thought for a while and couldn't figure out who Harley's backer was. He sighed more and more, "We are now considered to be on the side of the 'Harley Party'. At least we have been regarded as the 'Harley Party' by the 'Asmodeus Party' in heaven." 'A member?'

If they only carry out ruthless revenge on every member of the "Harley Party", I personally wouldn't be afraid, but many ordinary heroes are no match for the angels.

Besides, if a war breaks out on Earth, how many people will be killed or injured? Harley was really wrong this time. "

"This is how to do?"

"Hey, how could Harley Quinn do this!"

"She not only tricked Asmodu, she also tricked us and the earth."

Uncle Sam has always had prestige among heroes. As soon as this statement came out, many heroes became anxious and scared, and many people complained directly.

"Ahem, I have to be fair to Harley." Green Arrow coughed lightly and said seriously: "The purpose of Harley going to the Watchtower yesterday was just to find the Justice League, not all the heroes.

it's me!

I first established a relationship with her to get the security project job for the Green Arrow Family.

Later, when you heard that there was an easy and simple task with a high salary, starting with 20,000 merit points, you came to me one after another.

At first I only planned to recruit the Green Arrow family to make some extra money, but I can't refuse your request.

Hallie also promised that within 200 people, I would decide how many people to hire, which is why we are in today's situation. "

"Uh." Thinking of how he frantically called Green Arrow last night and got angry when the line was busy, the hero who said weird things before couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Green Arrow continued: "You have all experienced the previous situation personally. As long as the seven heroes in the alliance take action, it will be enough to contain Asmodeus.

If we follow, we will really only earn merit points in vain.

As for the backlash caused by participating in the Silver City power game, it is probably the price of massive meritorious service.

Besides, Harley isn’t afraid, so what are we afraid of?

Even if there is a Harley Party, she is still the leader and the culprit, and her family fortune on Earth is much richer than ours. "

"That's what I said, but the merit has not been paid yet!" Jade, the daughter of Old Green Lantern, said.

Green Arrow asked in confusion: "Why didn't the money arrive? Harley gave us the merit points first, and then started the mission."

Jade said: "We were given money to bow to Asmodeus, but then we went on stage to kiss the insteps of Asmodeus. That's the big deal, it's hundreds of thousands!"

"You haven't gotten married yet, have you? You're even behind me." Plastic Man said.

"But I helped her suppress Asmodeus." Jade said.

Plastic Man looked at Bateman, "Does helping her deal with the Bull Angel count as a mission?"

Bateman frowned and said, "The merit point is just a small matter now. It won't be too late to talk about it when she comes back."

"Buzz." After the words fell, all the superheroes carrying mobile phones at the scene received a message.

I took out my cell phone and looked at it, and someone shouted, "Oh my god, Watchdog officially informed me that my account has an extra 400,000 Heavenly Merits and an unlimited Heavenly Direct card."

God, this is the legendary helicopter card to heaven, I am rich! "

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