I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 943 MacArthur in Silver City

"Hey, I'm rich. I have 1.05 million merits and a direct card to heaven. Long live Sister Hallie. I love Sister Hallie!" The plastic man shouted out for the second time, jumping and screaming and twisting. The plastic body dances in a funny way.

"Hey hey hey, 1.5 million, two heaven helicopter cards, it seems Harley succeeded." Arthur, the king of the sea, looked at the information on the phone screen and grinned.

"Oh, I didn't bring my phone!" Wonder Woman looked around, "Arthur, lend me your phone."

Neptune handed over his Paradise Mountain 8p and changed the account. Sure enough, there was new information.

"Hahaha, I have more than you, 1.8 million Heavenly Merits, and two limited-edition cards to unlimited heaven." Wonder Woman laughed for a while, and then asked doubtfully: "What does this mean, limited direct-to-infinite heaven?"

"Harry is so interesting. I also have 1.75 million Heaven Merits and two Heaven Cards. Oh, it's also a limited upgrade to unlimited Heaven."

Hal Jordan used green light energy to create a Paradise Mountain 8p mobile phone that can also use the Watchdog system.

Jade opened her mobile phone and looked at it, her face was filled with joy and then doubt, "Why do I only have 190,000 heavenly merits? Not only do I have less merits, but I don't have a direct card to heaven."

"I only have 300,000 Heavenly Merits and no Heavenly Direct Card. Does the Justice League have special rewards?" Uncle Sam asked in surprise.

"Hey hey hey, I also have 800,000 meritorious deeds and a direct card to heaven." Dr. Big Head Nervous shook his phone and said with a proud smile.

This guy recently clashed with Wonder Woman, almost becoming a super villain, and naturally has no chance of joining the Justice League.

Jade guessed: "Do you have a good relationship with Harley Quinn?"

The negative woman held her mobile phone and said with a smile: "I also have 900,000 heaven merits and two unlimited heaven limited direct cards."

She is from Doom Patrol and has nothing to do with Harley.

"You actually have two?" Not to mention Jade's eyes turned red, even Plastic Man and Big Head shouted.

"Although I also have a Heaven Card, my merit is only 300,000." Mirror Master said with envy.

"Is there any pattern to this?" Old Flash asked with his mobile phone: "I have 200,000 merits and a heaven card, and Alan has 800,000 merits, but no heaven card. It's really strange."

"I don't know. This should be given to us by Admiral Galaxy, right? She is giving us bonuses now. Does this prove that she has successfully entered Silver City and completed the counter-insurgency?" said the negative woman.

"Baitman?" Several heroes of Zhenglian looked at the thoughtful "think tank" of Zhenglian.

"Lend me your phone." Bateman extended his hand to the smiling Flash.

He also has a Heaven Card and 700,000 Heaven Merit. Although it is not the highest level of reward, he is very satisfied and contentment makes him happy.

"Ugh, you're so miserable!"

When Bateman logged into his account, many heroes gathered around him, but when they saw the numbers - 100,000 meritorious deeds and a heaven card - the bottom among the Zhenglian teammates, they couldn't help but look weird.

"Even Green Arrow has 500,000 meritorious deeds and two heaven cards." A hero whispered.

"Hey, Animal Man, what do you mean?" Oliver said angrily.

"Harley, are you there?" Bateman posted on the Keeper Dog internal forum.

"Ding dong!" An application message immediately appeared on the phone screen.

It’s not only available on Bateman’s mobile phones, but this time it’s pushed to all.

"I know what you are wondering about. The reward rules are very simple. All heroes who stand on the podium to surround Asmodeus are guaranteed to receive the full reward of kissing his instep, which is 90,000 meritorious deeds, doubled for S-class heroes.

The extra is an extra reward for helping me deal with Asmodeus.

As for the size of the gap, it depends on how much effort you contribute.

The Paradise Helicopter Card is the profit sharing of the ‘Harley Party’, and only members of the ‘Harley Party’ can get this benefit.

Previously, all the heroes on stage were members of the Harley Party by default. After that, anyone who complained about me or said bad things about me behind my back will automatically quit the Harley Party. Anyway, you are afraid of causing trouble and do not want to get involved with me, as you wish! "

"Fuck!" All the heroes were stunned, especially those who had not received the "Harley Party Benefits".

After thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is indeed the case. All the people who said strange things did not get the paradise card.

Even if you complain in your heart, as long as you don't say it with your mouth, at least there will be a card.

If you think about this, the faces of heroes such as Jadeite, Old Green Lantern, and Uncle Sam will look like a dye shop, which is really exciting.

There is definitely a lot of regret, but there is also embarrassment and embarrassment.

Da Tou held the phone in his hands and shouted: "Sister Harley, I am your loyal party member. I just got one, and it is less than the Negative Woman. Is it wrong?"

This time there was an immediate reply, only on his own mobile phone: "That's right, when Uncle Sam complained about me just now, although you didn't complain about me, you didn't speak for me either.

The negative woman whispered something - the earth is God's Garden of Eden, closely connected with heaven. Even if we don't participate now, Asmodu will come sooner or later. "

"Shit!" Datou looked back at the mummified woman, and shouted: "Of course I stand with Sister Hallie, but I am dull and can't speak."

"Shut up if you can't speak!"

Da Tou immediately shut his mouth and turned off his cell phone.

"Harley, you really left a backdoor in the house dog and have been spying on us." Uncle Sam said with an ugly expression.

"You think too much."

This time, Harley's voice came directly from his phone.

Uncle Sam was speechless. Is this a self-inflicted crime, or is it an attempt to deceive others?

"It has nothing to do with the Paradise Mountain mobile phone or the watch dog."

This time, no sound came from the speaker of the phone, and no notification appeared on the screen. Harley's words appeared directly in the consciousness of Uncle Sam and everyone.

Heroes who don't understand magic haven't reacted much because they don't understand what this means.

But Uncle Sam and Wonder Woman's expressions changed drastically, and they were very shocked.

"How did you do that?" Uncle Sam asked in a harsh voice.

Harley's voice suddenly became ethereal and indifferent, "I am now omniscient and omnipotent. I am the voice of heaven!"

"Hera, you successfully entered the Silver City and quelled the rebellion? After suppressing the rebellion, did you become a new 'pretender'?" Wonder Woman shouted.


Harley is considering whether to deduct her 100,000 merit bonus.

"Wow, it only took two or three hours to counter the rebellion. Sister Hallie is so awesome!" Big Head and Mirror Master shouted excitedly: "With such unparalleled calculations and invincible power, Sister Hallie is fully qualified to become a monarch." !”

Harry was satisfied in his heart, but scolded him sternly: "Don't talk nonsense, how can I, a mortal, become the King of Heaven?"

"Sister Harley, don't be too modest. I don't know what the standard is for the King of Heaven. But I also know some of the myths and stories of all the races on earth. No god can surpass you in his achievements." The Plastic Man said seriously. .

Harley felt that what he said was very right and she could not refute it at all, so she "quietly" added 100,000 credits to his account.

"Ding dong, the watchdog reminds you that your financial balance in Tiantianshan will be increased by 100,000 merits." A loud voice came from the Tiantianshan 7 mobile phone he was holding.

"This" plastic man opened his phone in confusion, and saw a message pop up: I just made a miscalculation and gave you 100,000 less.

Some of the heroes were confused, and some had strange expressions. They looked at the plastic man and hesitated to speak.

Datou shouted: "Sister Harley, even if the angels don't choose you to be the king, in my heart, you are the only king of the holy camp, the most heroic, smartest and most beautiful king in my heart! "

He said this dryly, but Harry could vaguely feel his enthusiasm.

So, he quietly gave him another 20,000 meritorious deeds.

The beep is loud!

Mirror Master said excitedly: "Sister Harley, I regret it. I should have boarded the Archimedes airship and went to Silver City with you.

Not that I think I can do anything to help you, just to witness the greatest moment in the history of the multiverse. "

This was a relatively good statement. Harry nodded with satisfaction and gave him 50,000 yuan!

"Harley, you are so powerful. You single-handedly put down the chaos in heaven." Hal Jordan said dryly.

As soon as he spoke, everyone's eyes turned to him: You are a superhero, a giant of Zhenglian!

"Ding dong, the balance has increased by 80,000!"

Zhenglian giants have bonuses!


Hal grinned happily, "Look at what I do, am I not telling the truth?

When Asmodeus comes, we have personally experienced the terrifying aura of the chariots in heaven. We can guess that there are more chariots in heaven, but Harley manages everything before the sun rises to noon. Isn't it amazing? "

"Ding dong, the balance has increased by 100,000!"

"Can it be superimposed?" Hal was stunned, cheered up, and said loudly: "In this situation, I want to recite a poem for Harley."

"Ahem, Hal, you've said enough, stop and listen to me, Harley -"

"What are those superheroes doing? Why are they so embarrassed?"

"Are you arguing?"

"It doesn't really look like it. His expression seems very excited and happy. He is simply ecstatic, like a lottery player who has won a lottery."

“No, it’s not an unexpected surprise like lottery players, they are more like dogs who are rewarded with bones by their owners.

Sorry, I don't mean to insult the heroes, but my 'Happy', a bully dog ​​of the same type as the Galaxy Admiral, seems to behave this way every time I give him meat and bones. "

Many people in the press box and auditorium immediately noticed something unusual in the center of the arena.

Bateman looked at his companion who was in a semi-crazy state, pursed his lips and remained silent.

After a while, he took a few steps back, further away from the crowd, and whispered: "Harry, can you hear me?"

"It doesn't matter, I can hear it no matter how remote it is, just say it." Harley's cheerful voice reached his ears.

"I'm not asking for merit from you." When he said this, he felt as if he had lost millions of merit, and he felt uncomfortable. He added, "Of course, you can give me merit, and I won't refuse."

"If you just say that, you definitely have no merit." Harley said.

After a pause, Bateman suppressed the restlessness in his heart and said in a deep voice: "What's the situation over there? Has the rebellion been quelled?"

Harley smiled proudly and said, "I have controlled the voice of heaven, what do you think?"

"Why can you control the 'Voice of Heaven'?"

"As long as you have enough authority, anyone can control the Voice of Heaven."

"Is it the authority of heaven? Why do you have authority?" Bateman asked in surprise.

"Haha, the authority of heaven is the hearts and minds of the Angels of Silver City. I conquered the rebellious Angel Legion and liberated the rebellious and oppressed Angel people. Now I am equivalent to MacArthur entering Tokyo!"

"MacArthur." Bateman's mouth twitched, "It seems that you understand your situation and are not dizzy. You really want to be a great king."

Forget about the Great Lord, Harry didn't even think about occupying the "Voice of Heaven" for a long time.

It was precisely because she did not regard Silver City as her own territory that after occupying the "Treasure House", she wantonly wasted the property that could not be taken away - Merit Points.

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