I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 941 The End (This chapter is free)

Five minutes before the Angels surrender.

"She is using vicious words to humiliate me and your master!"

Hearing Harley's words like 'cut off the penis' and 'remove the courage', Asmodeus was extremely angry and yelled at Levan, Marcos and the other Bull Angels, "Are you deaf? Or is it true? Losing honor and dignity and becoming a coward without eggs or courage?"

"Your Majesty, please calm down!" Levan looked ugly and lowered his voice: "We are in public now, and the more you don't care, the more Witch Harley's words will sound like the barking of an incompetent dog.

The more excited you are now, the greater the impact her words will have on the hearts of the soldiers. "

"Are you lecturing me and calling me an incompetent and barking loser?" Asmodeus slapped him more than ten times in succession. "Levan, you have to remember that I am the king and I belong to the Bull Angel clan. The patriarch!"

"I have never forgotten, Your Majesty." "Tall" Lewan bent down and lowered his head, his voice was muffled.

"Since you haven't forgotten, why don't you obey the order and immediately launch a general attack on Witch Harley?" Asmodeus scolded angrily.

"Your Majesty, as I said before, what Witch Harley wants is that we can't - bang bang bang!"

Before he could finish his words, he was hit seven or eight times in a row.

In fact, he, the angels, and even the gods and demons who were watching, all thought wrong - whatever Harry wanted, he had to go in the opposite direction.

If we attack Harley at this time and let her reach level 100, then... we might as well surrender.

"How dare you speak to me in a lecturing tone?!" Asmodu said angrily: "Don't I know what you are talking about? But even if she has a trap, so what, as long as you are determined to die, there is nothing to be afraid of. "

"I'm not afraid of death, but the Cow Angels have hundreds of thousands of warriors and tens of millions of tribesmen. We can't rashly put their lives on the gambling table!" Lewand said bitterly.

Asmodeus looked at him intently for a while, then turned around and said coldly: "Marcos, I am announcing that I am revoking the position of Commander-in-Chief of Lewanniu Angel, and you will temporarily take his place."

"This" Marcos glanced at Levan, who was standing beside him blankly, and hesitated without agreeing.

Asmodeus, however, ordered on his own: "Now, you personally lead all the Bull Angel soldiers to leave Silver City and surround and kill Harley Quinn.

No matter what the cost, I want to see Harley Quinn's head fall to the ground through war of attrition, wheel warfare, and siege warfare, and I want to eat her heart! "

Marcos looked at Lewandowski again and then at Asmodu, his expression becoming more and more entangled.

He persuaded: "Your Majesty, you have asked to take down the leadership of the Lion Angel and the Human Angel in person before. Although you failed in the end, a rift has been created between us and them.

If the Bull Angels leave Silver City, they are likely to occupy the city gate and the Voice of Heaven, and even attack us with the Witch Harley. "

Lewand had already explained this many times when the monarch repeatedly asked Niu Angel to leave the city. Repeating it now, of course, still had no effect.

"I don't care about the City of Silver or the Voice of Heaven, I just want Witch Harley to die, die!" Asmodeus stamped his feet angrily, slapping his hands randomly.

Like an aunt drying her quilt on a sunny day, she slapped the quilt with her palms and frantically slapped the heads and faces of several bull angel leaders.

Several other commanders knew how to retreat, raise their hands to block, and beg for mercy, but Levan just stood there blankly and let him slap him randomly.

When he stopped panting, he looked straight at him, his voice as calm as boiled water, "My Majesty, are you willing to sacrifice the entire Bull Angel Clan for your personal revenge?"

"I am the Cow Angel Clan, I am the Great Lord, your king!" Asmodu slapped him a few more times.

At this moment, Harley outside the city shouted again, "When I take over Heaven, I will chop off the wings and dig out the hearts of you rebels. You are worthless, rubbish, and bastards."

This sentence seemed to trigger a switch. Before he could even finish his words, an angel summoned Levan urgently: "Report to the commander, something bad has happened. We have lost the 'Voice of Heaven'!"

"Voice of Heaven"

Levan's face was full of bitterness, and there was only one way to obtain the Voice of Heaven: to gain the "popular support" of the City of Angels.

As long as it is recognized by enough angels, it will have corresponding authority.

If the authority reaches the standard, you can enter the "eight-legged hall".

Correspondingly, those who lose their way will also lose the voice of heaven.

"Ah, Witch Harley is charging at the city. The witch is here. She wants to dig out our hearts and cut off our wings!" There was a commotion at the gate of the city.

"Levan, I'm sorry that the Lion Angel and the Human Angel can no longer accompany the Lord. We can't see any hope, but there is endless despair roaring in our ears.

Falling into hell is not despair, despair is falling into hell after losing your wings and angelic heart. "

The lion and human angel commanders standing at the outermost periphery suddenly retreated quickly, away from the Bull Angel Legion, and retreated into the interior of Silver City.

"What are they doing? Rebellion?" Asmodeus jumped to his feet and cursed: "I warned you long ago——"

"That's enough!" Lewandowski stretched out his right hand and pressed it on the shoulder of his former "master". Without the huge force and energy coming back, he easily held him down, just like pressing an ant.

Levan seemed to finally understand something. The expression on his face and the look in his eyes suddenly made Asmodeus feel unfamiliar and flinching, "You——"

But Levan let him go gently, no longer looking at him, and his voice reached the ears of every Bull Angel, "I declare in the name of the Bull Angel Archangel that all warriors lay down their weapons and pray to the King of Heaven Mountain, Arkham God of War, and Rebel Commander Harley Quinn surrenders."

"I am the Archangel Bull, the traitor, Levan, you betrayed me~~~~"

When Harley entered the Silver City in the posture of a conqueror, riding a big dog waddlingly, and when she saw Asmodu again, he was still wailing bitterly.

"Tall" Lewandez was right next to him, his head hanging down and lying on the ground.

After seeing Harley, he knelt down bitterly and said: "Servant of the Lord, sinful Levan, pay your respects to the King of Heaven Mountain!"

"Servant of the Lord, sinful Marcos, pay homage to the King of Heavenly Mountain!"

Next to him is Marcos, the former third-in-command of the "Asmodo Party" and the leader of the Bull Angel.

"The Lord's servant is a sinner."

Ten bull angel commanders, more than thirty lion angels, human angels, and the eagle angel commanders who had not left the city all knelt in front of Harry.

Behind them, there were angel warriors whose sight was endless.

They also knelt on the ground, their swords sheathed and placed in front of them.

"My dear, this is another epic picture!"

Lana Lang, who was standing behind Harley, was so excited that she couldn't control herself. The optical image stabilization of Paradise Mountain 8P couldn't prevent her body and hands from shaking violently.

"It's unimaginable! We witnessed the birth of a poem that will be remembered forever. She is the protagonist and the poem itself."

Louise also felt an unprecedented shock, and she had an admiration for Harley that slightly surpassed that of Tearman.

Ivy said proudly: "How's it going? I told you before, don't worry blindly, Harley's attack must be targeted. No, there is no need to use one soldier at a time, Silver City will be captured securely."

"Oh, Ivy, you understand her." Louise could only sigh.

"I ask you, why did you surrender?" Harley said coldly.

Lewan didn't listen to her calling them to get up, so he continued to kneel on the ground, but looked up at her.

——As expected of the Witch Harley, she achieved such a great victory. Zaulie beside her was already so excited that her face turned red and her hands were dancing, but she remained calm. There was no trace of excitement on her face or eyes, only solemnity and coldness. .

Witch Harley is alert, alert, thoughtful, and scheming!

Lewan was completely convinced.

Asmodeus, who lost his mind and courage when he lost his strength, was completely incomparable to her.

"I would like to report to you, Lord Mountain King of Heaven, that you made us realize our mistakes and made us feel the despair of hopeless victory." He said in frustration.

"Be clear," Harley said expressionlessly.

"The former Archangel Asmodeus was ambitious, profound, and wise. We were willing to sacrifice our loyalty and even our lives for a great Archangel Bull, but now he—"

He turned and glanced at Asmodu.

No one paid attention to him. He was still viciously cursing the traitor, cursed the Witch Harley, cursed heaven and earth, cursed Michael and God.

"He lost all the charm that once impressed us. He returned to Silver City and immediately wanted to capture the Lion Angel and the Human Angel. Our team fell apart.

He still couldn't listen to the advice, his mind was twisted by hatred, he no longer considered winning and coming back, he just wanted to vent the resentment that was about to explode in his chest.

For this reason, he is even willing to sacrifice the entire Bull Angel clan, the City of Silver, and all the angels. As long as he can die with you, he is willing to sacrifice everything, but I can't. "

"Alas!" Harley sighed, understanding the reason and feeling full of regret.

"Harry, you-"

She turned her head and saw Zaulie's facial muscles trembling with admiration.

"No wonder you asked me to send Asmodeus back to Silver City. You are so awesome! I didn't understand it at the time and complained quietly. Now I want to apologize to you and promise you that no matter how outrageous your decision is in the future, , I will carry it out unswervingly." Archangel Eagle sighed.

Lewand was stunned, "Is there no trap outside the city? If we attack you directly, we won't fall into a trap?"

"There is no trap, my heart almost jumped out of my throat." Zaulie wiped his sweat-dried forehead and laughed at himself: "Thanks to Harry personally going into battle, if I were allowed to provoke wildly at the gate of the city, If I stimulate you, I will probably scare myself to death first."

"It turns out that this is the empty city strategy. No, not only the empty city strategy, but also the deliberate stimulation of Asmodeus, driving him crazy, and then letting him destroy our confidence and morale bit by bit.

But we didn't notice it at all, and we were so frightened that we couldn't even hold our weapons."

The angel commander kneeling on the ground murmured bitterly, feeling shocked, admired and a little annoyed in his heart.

"Well, I can give you another chance. Pick up your weapons and let's go out of the city and fight." Harley said.

Lewan looked up and saw eagerness to try in her eyes.

He quickly lowered his head and said loudly: "We, the sinners, are convinced. Your Excellency is worthy of being the God of War. He is both wise and brave, and there is no right in the world!"

"It turns out that in such a short period of time, she has gone through such a complex and exquisite strategy." Louise was shocked again, "How did Harley Quinn grow up with a brain?

A mortal man, with his wisdom, plays with all the angels in heaven!

Moreover, her courage and courage are beyond human.

When she was calling for battle outside the city, there was no flaw in her expression or words.

You know, she is within the attack range of hundreds of thousands of angels and thousands of tanks.

Now among millions of angel captives, she smiles and jokes playfully.”

"She is simply a legend that came out of the book!" Lana Lang sighed: "This trip to heaven is the most mysterious experience in my life.

Before I retire, I must spend ten years writing this past event into a Homeric epic. "

Harley didn't have their complicated feelings at all. She had lost the experience of millions of angels. She was so heartbroken that she just wanted to get compensation from other places quickly.

"Zaulie, you are responsible for recruiting them. I will go to the Voice of Heaven."

(ps: Yesterday, in Chapter 937, I made a mistake and wrote the ps into the main text. It was more than 200 words. It should have been "the author's words", which caused everyone to spend a little more money. Although it was not much, after all, It was my mistake - when I updated last night, the web version could not be opened. I updated from the Writer Assistant APP. The APP interface was too small and the text displayed was limited. I didn't notice the last PS. I was shocked when it was posted. Oops.

I should have changed it last night, but I changed it immediately after posting the article, which may cause the chapter to be republished - the lesson learned from last year, I don't know if this bug has been fixed this year.

However, I changed it back early this morning, but my friends who were reading it last night were still affected.

So, today’s chapter is free, sorry! )

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