I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 940 The First God of War in History

"Harry, we are in big trouble. Asmodeus did not persuade the die-hards in Silver City to surrender. Instead, he gathered an army to fight us to the death.

They also know that you beat the rebel leader with a confession stick. Now all the angel generals wear thick armor with only the eye slits exposed. Even if the confession stick falls on a critical place, the effect will be greatly reduced. "

After receiving the news that the Eagle Angel spies had detected the situation at the city gate, Zaulie was not shocked, but his expression became extremely solemn.

Harley stood up calmly and said: "Put the military formation aside, let's set off."

"Are we going to fight a cruel battle at the city gate? How many people will die?" Zaulie's face turned pale.

"I know it well, just watch it."

This time, Harley did not step on the Archimedes airship. Instead, she took out a set of gorgeous "dog saddles" made of gold, jade and gems, and placed them behind Yebby. She sat on it herself, holding a silver baseball bat, and competed with the legendary dog ​​saddle. Compared with gods, they are a bit nondescript.

Yebi stopped and begged: "Master Harley, don't ride me into the battle. I can't withstand the attack of hundreds of thousands of angels. I will die."

"You bastard, you haven't even arrived in front of the battle yet, and you're already acting cowardly?" Harley scolded.

"Wouldn't it be embarrassing for you to be cowardly again in front of the battle? Why don't you make it clear now? When you rush into the enemy's battle later, it would be better for me to escape first, so as not to distract you from thinking about me and worrying about my safety." Yebi spoke plausibly. road.

Then it added: "But don't worry, Master, I will leave quietly to prevent others from discovering that your mount is useless. When you attack the city gate, I will quietly appear next to you, as if we are fighting side by side."

Harley was speechless for a while and patted the dog's head, acquiescing to its cowardly behavior.

"I originally wanted you to be a roaring dog, but you didn't live up to your expectations."

"Let the loach be the barking dog. It will have the blessing of 'death' and will not be afraid of death." Yebi said.

"Omag, we have entered the age of myth! What a beautiful paradise, such spectacular scenery, so many angels, and such a cool battlefield atmosphere. I feel like I am in a dream."

In the airship, Lana Long was holding her cell phone, emotional and her cheeks flushed.

At Harley's request, one hundred thousand eagles and angels formed a "wall-shaped" square array: ordinary people who can't fly on the earth have only length and width, but angels can fly in mid-air, and at this time they only have width and height. There was no length, as if a wall of holy light angels had been erected behind Harley.

And Harley is located at the center and front of the 100,000-strong "Angel Wall". When the Archimedes airship turned its head and faced Harley to shoot, it was a spectacular scene that was difficult to see even in CG animation. It was very powerful. impact.

Not to mention Lana Lang, even "Burned Sweet Potato" Louise and Ivy who was piloting the spaceship were so drunk that they couldn't control themselves.

"Crunt against the rebels and put down the rebellion!" Harley rode on the back of the majestic and imposing "divine beast", held her baseball bat high, and swung forward, "Kill, kill the enemy!"

"Crunt against the unsubordinates, quell the rebellion, kill, kill, kill!"

One hundred and two thousand angels roared in unison, followed her, and turned into one hundred and two thousand golden meteors.

"This is an epic, a scene from ancient poetry, and the limit of human imagination!" Louise murmured.


The long and loud trumpet sound came from the Silver City where the holy light was shining.

After getting closer, the two female reporters exclaimed again, "I bought it, I bought it, why are there so many!"

Harley's rebel army had shocked them beyond words, but the Silver City in front of them—whether it was the majestic and sacred city or the mighty angel army formation, suffocated them.

Similar to Harley's "wall-shaped" formation, the angels inside the city gate also formed a three-dimensional structure, but it was not a single wall, but a thick "Angel Wall".

There is height, width and length.

There are angels with shining armor and white-winged flaming swords, as well as thousands of chariots ready to go.

Standing between the two major military formations of attack and defense, the two earth reporters felt like they were dandelion seeds between two towering cliffs, helpless and drifting.

"Gudong." Lana Lang swallowed and said with a trembling voice: "The enemy army is too strong and seems impossible to defeat. I don't know what Admiral Galaxy has planned."

"Harley Quinn shouldn't have sent Asmodeus out. Having a hostage in her hands can at least shake the enemy's morale and make them use their weapons." Louise wrinkled her burnt cheeks and said.

"Do you think Harley is stupid?" Ivy glanced at her.

"Of course I know she has unparalleled tactics, but isn't the current situation more difficult?" Louise said.

Ivy uses Archimedean Radar to lock onto Harley, causing her silhouette to zoom in on the screen.

If you carefully observe her micro-expressions, you can see obvious excitement.

The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, with a relaxed smile, without any worry or anxiety.

"Did you see it? Harley looked like she was in trouble?" Ivy's tone became much more relaxed.

"Oh, that's a winning look!"

Lana Lang quickly pointed the Paradise Mountain 8p with the recording function turned on at the screen.

Compared with Archimedes' "leverage radar", the lens of the Tianshan mobile phone is too far away from the hips. When the distance is more than 100 meters, the portrait becomes a blur.

Now the two armies are fighting. As bystanders, they are one kilometer away from the nearest Harley.

"This" Louise was surprised, "How can she break through such a dangerous situation?"

"Just watch, she - ah!" Ivy said half a sentence before she cried out in worry.

"Ah, she's going to charge into the battle alone?!" Louise and Lana Lang were also shouting.

"Witch Harley is crazy!"

Seeing that no one was guarding the gate of Heaven Mountain, the gods and mages who sneaked in were also exclaiming.

"What does she want to do?" Raphael and Gabriel on the white tower, and even the rebels at the city gate, were all shocked and confused.

Harley rode Yebi until she was 200 meters away from the city gate, already within the maximum killing range of all weapons and angels.

But she showed no fear and used her divine and spiritual power to shout loudly.

"I am the God of War in Heaven, the King of Heaven Mountain, and I am rebelling against the Grand Governor. You rebels, why don't you put down your weapons and surrender obediently?!"

"Open fire, focus the fire, kill her, kill Witch Harley!" In the center of the enemy's formation, Lord Asmodeus, who had lost his wings, twisted his face and shouted in a heart-breaking voice.

The angels around him who heard his order stood still, only turning their heads and asking "tall" Levan for instructions with their eyes.

He is the second-in-command of the Bull Angel Clan, the second-in-command of the Asmodeus Party, and the most trusted confidant of the Great Lord.

"Your Majesty, wait a moment! Fools all know that Witch Harley is not a fool. She must have a conspiracy. Let's observe for a while." Second-in-command Levan persuaded in a low voice.

"Pah!" Asmodu slapped him directly and said angrily: "You call me a fool?"

"Your Majesty, I don't mean that-"

"Do you still know that I am the Great King? I asked you to detain the Lion Angels and Human Angels, but you didn't listen; I asked you to lead the Cow Angel Legion directly out of the city to fight the Witch Harley, but you still didn't listen; now she comes to the city gate and screams, I I ordered you to attack, but you didn’t listen!”

Asmodu's roar was sad, angry and desolate, making the nearby angels' eyes flicker slightly.

Lewan frowned, saying such words in public, no need for prestige and majesty?

He was truly a loyal minister and truly wanted to maintain the dignity and authority of the Maharaja.

The problem is that every order given by the king is so stupid that the angel wants to betray him.

The lion angels and human angels combined are more numerous than the cow angels, so you have to detain their leadership?

After the seizure, how many troops should be sent to suppress the lion and human legions?

Can the remaining people stop Witch Harley's "rebellion army"?

Holding the city gate is the result of joint discussion among all the commanders. It is the most rational and safe plan. You go out of the city and fight fiercely. If there is an angel in the city who raises an army to rebel and takes away the "Voice of Heaven", control the city gate and fight with the witch Harley. Attacked from two sides, how many of the angels leaving the city would immediately surrender?

Attack Witch Harley now, just in case

Harry didn't have the complex thoughts of the second-in-command of the Bull Angel. He rode a dog and ran around the city gate, shouting several slogans. She didn't get any response, and she felt a little dissatisfied.

"You cowards, if you don't surrender, then come out and attack me! Cowards, with this kind of courage and courage, you dare to rebel, and you dare to call yourself 'Lucifer the Second', you're shameless."

"Commander Lewan, Witch Harley must have a trick, don't fall for it. I remember that the supernatural world has added an 'Eighth Commandment of the Mage' in recent years - don't deal with Witch Harley, what she wants you to do, You have to do the opposite.”

After hearing her scolding, almost all the commanders quietly summoned Levan.

The reason why it was quietly was because Harry was scolding outside the city, and Lord Asmodeus was scolding inside the city, scolding the younger brothers for being disobedient and acting like cowards.

They were afraid he would hear.

"Asmodeus, where are you? Come out to see me! I only cut off your wings, not your dick. I only took out your heart, not your courage. Come out and meet me like a warrior."

When Harry saw that the angels were like wooden figures, they would not retaliate, and their expressions would not change (they were wearing helmets and could not see), she couldn't help but feel angry and started calling the names of the ox archangels.

"I don't want you to fight me alone. You are a waste now, a weakling who will never regain your former strength. I ordered your lackeys to besiege me!

Could it be that after you became a softie, you no longer had the ability to give orders to a bastard? "

Yebi was fighting on all fours, always ready to run away if thousands of attacks came.

"Well, Admiral Galaxy is so courageous. He faced an army of millions of angels alone. Not only did he not change his expression, but he was also able to say such 'heroic words'." Lana Lang said dryly.

"The rebels were really suppressed by her."

Louise didn't pay attention to Harley's "foul words", but was confused by the situation on the battlefield: it turned out that it was true that one ride could equal a thousand.

The stories in ancient novels are still too conservative and are not enough to describe the war situation at this time.

A mere "mortal" scolded millions of gods and soldiers as nothing more than shrinking turtles.

How prestigious is this? !

"The angels in heaven are really corrupted. They dare not fight back after being insulted like this." The gods and demons secretly hiding in the periphery laughed in a low voice.

"If you were the angel guarding the city, how dare you fight back casually in such a situation? It's obvious that this is a big trap and that Witch Harley has a conspiracy." Some people disagreed.

"That's right, it's best not to let Witch Harley do what she wants." Many people believe this.

"What's her plot?"

"If I could guess, I could surpass Witch Harley."

Harley really couldn't bear it anymore. Hundreds of thousands or millions of angels were close at hand. As long as they attacked a few waves, she could instantly rise to level 100.

But these experiences show that the baby has a good temper. No matter how insulted she is, she will not move.

"Yabi, charge me." She held up the God's big stick and clamped the dog's legs between her legs.

"Where to rush?" Yebi asked blankly.

"Chongcheng, of course."

"Are you crazy? You're the only one here, aren't you looking for death if you rush forward?" Yebi exclaimed.

"Fake, if you don't go, I'll go alone!" Harley finally couldn't bear it anymore, jumped up, turned on the God force field, yelled and rushed to the city gate: "When I take over heaven, I will definitely kill you. These traitors chop off their wings and dig out their hearts, they are worthless, rubbish, and bastards. They don’t even have the guts to attack the enemy, and yet they rebel and kill!”

"Bang!" The angel who was rushed in front of her suddenly dropped his weapon, knelt on his knees, and howled: "Lord God of War, spare your life, I surrender, don't dig out my heart."

"Bang, bang, bang." Within the field of vision, all the angels threw away their weapons, knelt down uniformly, and wailed: "Spare your life, we surrender."

Hallie held up the stick and stood blankly outside the city gate: Where am I? What am I doing? What is happening before your eyes?

"Fuck!" The gods and demons in the distance dropped their jaws in shock.

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