"If you want to choose a successor from Asmodeus's henchmen, you have to at least wait until they survive this wave. Do you think Harley Quinn can't successfully counter the rebellion?" Raphael asked.

Michael asked in return: "Do you think she can win a battle?"

Raphael thought deeply and said: "Silver City is the embodiment of the collective will of all angels, and those who are rejected by the angels will never be able to step into it.

In the past tens of billions of years, Heaven and Hell have never stopped fighting against each other. There have been thousands of large and small battles, and Silver City has long established a mature defense and combat mechanism.

Not to mention anything else, there were 30,000 chariots, all piled up at the gate. Then they controlled the 'Voice of Heaven' to concentrate the sacred power of the entire Silver City to build a defensive network. People from outside could not get in, but they had to come from all over. Angle withstands the strongest attack from the Angel Legion. "

"That's right! In terms of hard power alone, 10 Witch Harleys can't take over Silver City. She can't even get through the gate of Silver City.

At this time, Asmodu's party members also strengthened their will to fight to the end.

At this time, everyone understands the truth of 'Don't talk to Witch Harley, or you won't be deceived'.

As expected, Witch Harley will suffer a heavy setback at the gate of the city, and then be snatched back to Asmodu by the Bull Angel Legion. "Michael said with certainty.

Raphael nodded, agreeing very much with Big Brother's judgment.

As long as there are no psychological problems, as long as they don't talk to the Witch Harley, and they defend the city with hard power, the Asmodeus Legion will be strong, and at least they won't lose.

"Even if they withstand Witch Harley's attack, even if they repel her, who among them has the courage and strength to replace Asmodeus?" Raphael doubted.

Michael said lightly: "Asmodeus used to be a hard-working and honest man. Lucifer was even the 'Light of the Morning', and the entire Silver City became more dazzling because of him. People can change, and so can their courage and strength. nourish."

Raphael was silent.

Suddenly Michael let out a light sigh and asked in surprise: "What kind of trick is Witch Harley playing again? She actually took the initiative to release Asmodeus."

Raphael was stunned, "She sent Asmodeus back to Silver City? Why, he is her most important and only trump card in conquering Silver City!"

"Witch Harley always does things unexpectedly, but afterwards it turned out that every step she took was on target and she never did anything in vain." Michael's expression became solemn.

Raphael quickly asked: "How did his henchmen react when they saw Asmodu losing his heart and wings?"

Michael said slowly: "It was greatly shocked, and the morale of the soldiers was unstable; they were suspicious of each other, and were in turmoil."

"What a treacherous witch, she is so scheming." Raphael exclaimed, "Just an hour ago, Asmodeus was still presiding over the overall situation in Silver City. Even if he loses his power at this time, he will not As for losing control of Silver City so quickly?"

"Well, his authority is still there. At least the Cow Angel Legion is still under control, and the other angels show no obvious signs of betraying him. The next battle for Silver City may be even more cruel." Michael frowned.

Raphael's pupils shrank, "This is different from your plan of 'less bloodshed and no death'. Should we intervene?"

Michael thought for a while and said, "I won't come forward. You decide what to do."

After saying that, he raised his hand and waved his sleeves, and a huge 500-inch screen appeared in the air in front of him, showing the confrontation between the two armies in Silver City in real time.

Asmodeus put on his battle armor again and came to the city gate surrounded by angel soldiers, while the counter-rebellion governor still led his troops to garrison at the gate of heaven.

Limbo beyond heaven.

More than a hundred golden meteors formed a beam, passing through the dark and deep Limbo at the speed of light, and falling towards the outer realm of heaven that emitted a faint holy white light.

"Hey, brother Odin, you're here too!" The brightest one in the meteor shower suddenly stopped, and the other meteors followed closely behind, hovering there, revealing more than a hundred men and women wearing ancient Greek costumes. , old and young.

With his hands behind his back, the proudly isolated one-eyed Odin suddenly turned back and asked in surprise: "Brother Zeus, you brought your whole family here?"

"Hahaha, the excitement in heaven only happens once in tens of billions of years. It would be a pity to miss it." The God King laughed.

Odin nodded in understanding and said: "Especially since the Witch Harley is involved this time, I really want to know her ending."

"Who isn't?" Zeus approached Odin and asked in a low voice, "Are you interested in getting involved?"

Odin's one eye shrank, "Are you serious? Just because Michael isn't moving now, doesn't mean he can't move."

"How should you respond if someone slaps you in the face?" Zeus asked.

"I will stab his heart with a spear." Odin said calmly.

Zeus smiled and said: "During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Heaven destroyed most of our orthodoxy. Is this a slap in the face?

There is also the hell closing incident. Heaven openly said it would not participate, but it secretly played tricks on you all. Does this count as a second slap? "

Odin sighed: "If I could stab it to death, I would have stabbed it to death with a spear. But if I had stabbed it with a spear, I would probably die myself."

I've already been slapped twice, and I couldn't bear the slap. Wouldn't it be more painful and tragic to be stabbed to death? "

Zeus's smile remained unchanged, his mouth did not move, and he mentally transmitted the message: "Recently, a mysterious man found Mount Olympus, and he wanted to rebuild the Pantheon."

"There are still remnants of the Pantheon alive?" Odin's expression changed slightly, "I thought they had been strangled by heaven and hell long ago."

Zeus pondered: "To be honest, I'm not sure whether they are the remnants of the 'earth gods' who allied against heaven, or their descendants, or the 'modern' ambitions that were partly inherited by them and borrowed their names." Home.

But as long as they use the name of 'Pantheon', they are destined to become mortal enemies with heaven. "

"You joined the Pantheon?" Odin shook his head and said seriously: "If you also want to drag Asgard into trouble, I can only say I'm sorry."

"I didn't join. I only planned to use them to deal with Heaven. After the universe was restarted, the belief in the Olympus God System was reduced by 70%.

Seventy percent, more than half of the 'hero gods' fell into deep sleep, and the powerful main god also fell into unprecedented weakness.

This hatred is irreconcilable, and we must give heaven a retribution no matter what! "Zeus looked excited and gritted his teeth.

Odin said bitterly: "The situation on my side is worse than yours. You finally launched a Wonder Woman as a signboard. The daily active faith of the Nordic pantheon has dropped by 90%!

I've been thinking recently about whether to follow the "Wonder Woman" model and let Thor go to the world to make extra money as a superhero.

Wonder Woman entered the mortal world to save the world because the evil God of War threatened the world, and finally integrated into the world smoothly.

Maybe, I could have Loki play the role of God of War and have to find him first.

Or, throw Thor's Meowth Hammer to the United States, demote him to earth, let him go through hardships, and finally form a deep friendship with the superhero."

"Sounds good, why doesn't it work?" Zeus asked curiously.

Old Odin said helplessly: "After watching many Hollywood movies, I came up with more than a dozen scripts, but Thor is not smart enough, is cruel and irritable by nature, and treats mortals like ants.

Not a superhero!

If he really went to the human world, he would probably become a super villain.

In fact, villains can also earn faith, just like Wonder Woman's "lifelong enemies" - Leopard Girl and the witch Cersei.

But there is a witch named Harley in the world, who likes to steal magic power and eat hearts.

Thor is the highest god of thunder, with precious and powerful origins. If he fell into her hands, wouldn't he be like a piece of shit? "

"Brother Odin is so thoughtful!" Zeus's face twitched a few times and said: "In that case, why are you still hesitating?

No matter what the final outcome of this Silver City crisis is, at least we can see the weakness and chaos of Paradise.

The Pantheon will surely live up to its name, and countless gods who have suffered great losses at the hands of God will join it. "

"Many people joined?" Odin was surprised when he heard this.

"Whoosh whoosh-" Another meteor stopped here, it was a group of neon gods headed by the goddess Amaterasu.

"I have met the two divine kings!"

After saying hello and testing a few words, the eyebrowless goddess Amaterasu also admitted that the Pantheon had approached the Neon Goddess.

Odin murmured: "It seems that the world has been suffering for a long time!"

The goddess Amaterasu sighed: "On the bright side, heaven is peaceful and uncontested. The problem is that God's black hand stretches out from time to time, specifically to reach out to us.

The Crisis on Infinite Earths is just the beginning, and it will probably get worse in the future.

We secretly support the Pantheon, not for hegemony, but just for self-protection, so that God will no longer plan for us at will, and give us time to accumulate strength to deal with the arrival of the final settlement day of the magic debt. "

"Even your Neon God System has felt it?" Odin's expression changed slightly.

Goddess Amaterasu said solemnly: "The Mother Goddess said that Hecate will definitely wake up within 200 years."

Zeus' eyes flashed slightly, "Izanami and I have similar judgments. Hecate will break out of the seal within a hundred years."

"Time is too tight." Odin's face was gloomy.

Zeus narrowed his eyes and said: "So, we have to do something, not only to use the Pantheon to contain and suppress Heaven, but also to be more proactive, for example, to make a fortune from this incident."

"What can we do? Michael and Gabriel are not dead. Any one of them can use the power of heaven to sweep away the gods." Odin frowned.

"They are not dead, but they are pretending to be dead now. We are not going to take down the entire Silver City if we step in."

"What do you want to do?" Odin asked.

"Wait!" Zeus put his hands behind his back and looked confidently at the gate of heaven, "Wait until Witch Harley is defeated, and with the remaining soldiers defeated, she withdraws from heaven in embarrassment.

Then we happened to meet the gods who were watching the excitement.

I remember a lot of pantheons owed her merit points.

At that time, after several hints, she asked the gods to repay her debts in the form of mercenaries. "

Goddess Amaterasu's eyes lit up and she said excitedly: "Then we can follow her into the Silver City, kill the angels, plunder the Silver City, and severely damage the 'Heaven God System'."

Zeus frowned and shouted: "Can you say this directly?"

Not only was Amaterasu not angry because of being scolded, her attitude was even more respectful, saying: "Your Majesty Zeus, we in the Neon God Department are willing to follow your lead."

Odin doubted: "The plan sounds good. If I put it on someone else, I really don't mind giving it a try, but with the cunning of Witch Harley, who can use it against her?"

Zeus said: "Conspiracy is of course useless against her, but it is a conspiracy. As long as she fails, she will most likely look for foreign help.

Otherwise, would Asmodu's people let her go?

Even if it doesn't work out, we won't lose anything, and we'll still be able to watch the excitement, so we'll all make a profit. "

Odin nodded slightly, looked at the one-eye of the Gate of Heaven, flashed brightly, and said: "The Witch Harley is out. We can get closer to see if she can put down the rebellion in one day, or run away."

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