I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 921 Strange Events in Silver City

"Harley Quinn, your words are dangerous, but you are also very honest." Asmodeus said slowly.

"In front of smart people, honesty is the best way to communicate." Harley said seriously.

Asmodeus blew out two streams of white air from his nose, like a stream of steam from a boiling kettle.

"Why do you think I can give you a 'trap'?"

Harry smiled and said: "My Majesty, you are mistaken. It's not that I expected you to give me a trap, but I saw that you had a lot of holes here, and I felt that if I got close to you, I might be bribed by you with traps.

If you feel that I have not paid for the value and have no intention of cheating me, I will naturally continue to be the King of Paradise Mountain who listens to the tune but not the propaganda. "

"Majesty, do you think I'm worth buying? The initiative is actually in your hands." Harley asked with a smile.

Asmodeus said calmly: "Let's talk about your big movie."

Harley said: "Use the most gimmick director and actors, and the most powerful special effects to make the most magnificent movie in history, and completely show what the Maharaja you want to show to Christian believers.

In addition, I will invest another billion US dollars to coordinate the promotion and distribution to ensure that it can be shown in all cities around the world and that all mankind will know the content of the film and the fact that it is adapted from the real "Bible Biblical Relics".

Later, I was even able to persuade the Holy See to convince the Pope to define this film as a ‘canonical history of Christ’.

In the days to come, the history departments of world-famous universities will launch a new course on the study of the 'Cave Relics'.

In less than ten years, ‘Lord Asmodeus’ will become an indelible mark on history. "

"Very good, but now that you've told me your idea, aren't you afraid that I'll find someone else?" Asmodu said.

Harley smiled and said: "Your Majesty, you can try it. If the second person besides me can do this, I will change my name to 'Idiot Harley' from now on.

In order not to become a fool, if he can succeed, I will not let him succeed. "

"You dare to say that to me, you are very brave." Asmodu's eyes suddenly turned silver and his tone turned cold.

"Haha, even Darkseid and the Anti-Monitor dare not say that to me, calling me brave."

Harley looked at him, still smiling.

Asmodu's momentum froze, he took a breath, and asked: "Besides a big movie, what else can you give me?"

"It should be said that apart from big movies, what else do you need, Maharaja? It is better to give him tens of thousands of dollars as a gift. Therefore, the important thing is not what I can do, but whether I can be useful to the Maharaja." Harley road.

Then, she said seriously: "I have communicated with several other 'old' mercenaries in Paradise, and everyone's attitude is very consistent - matters in Silver City are internal affairs, and it is not suitable for 'foreign ministers' to interfere.

If Lord Asmodeus doesn't think I'm worth buying, the big movie project is a gift to congratulate the Lord on his promotion.

What I said before was just a joke. No matter who you ask for this project, I will not deliberately sabotage it.

From now on, I will continue to live happily in Tiantian Mountain. As long as there are no orders from the voice of heaven, I will not care about the affairs of Silver City. "

Asmodu was silent for a moment and said: "You want to know what happened in Silver City? You can go in now and observe for yourself. Before you leave heaven, come to the 'Cow Angel Mansion'. I will wait for you there."

Let her see for herself? So confident?

This was beyond Harley's expectation. She was stunned for a moment before nodding and said: "Your Majesty, we will discuss the script of the big movie later."

Silver City is also called "City of Sound", the city of sound.

Harley didn't understand the origin of this title before, even though she had been "unlawfully favored" by the Voice of Heaven and allowed to enter the Golden Hall to visit the pregnant Rachel.

Now as she stepped onto the gold-floored earth, she understood.

The clear, bright, translucent, majestic, holy, and soothing voice rang in her ears, more than just echoed.

Entering Silver City, she felt like soaking in a hot spring of sound.

It was like children singing hymns, like saints praying in unison, or like God whispering to her

That feeling is indescribable.

In short, stepping onto the golden floor tiles of Silver City, Harley felt the ultimate "sound".

The beautiful sound made the pores in her body open, and all the turbid air in her body seemed to be eliminated.

The pure essence of the sacred place enters her body along the pores, leaving every cell pure and free of dirt.

Finally reaching the soul, the soul is slowly sanctified.

Harley had to admit that her previous idea that "Paradise Mountain is located on the outskirts of Silver City, and the environment may not be worse than in the city" was completely wrong.

Silver City is Silver City, and it is not at the same level as the Floating Mountain outside Heaven.

Apart from the sound, the interior scenery of Silver City is not much different from the appearance: the ground is paved with gold bricks, towering towers are made of silver, and the architectural style is both ancient and science fiction.

Science fiction and ancient times do not conflict, but are harmonious and natural, as if they were made in nature.

There are many angels on the street. They are very idle and in groups. Some are sitting by the fountain and playing the harp, and some are lying on benches and sleeping.

Some stood on the lawn and participated in the chorus of dozens of people. From time to time, angels would join or leave without anyone stopping them. It was very casual.

Streets are simply 'outdoor spaces' and do not have the attributes of convenient transportation and fast walking. They are similar to parks and squares on Earth.

There are no carriages, cars, or shops on the streets, and no one is open for business.

Angels live freely.

"My fellow angels, the latest news from the Golden City!"

Harley was sighing that Angel's little life was really good when she suddenly heard a very discordant shout coming from the end of the street.

The angel's voice was loud and filled with extreme anger, which was incompatible with the leisurely and lazy Silver City.

Hearing the cry, each of the originally idle angels immediately put down what they were doing - well, if singing and dozing off can be considered a living - or flew in a swoosh, or ran in a hurry, without the previous casualness, their faces The facial expressions also become richer.

Harry was curious and ran over faster.

It was a bull angel with brown skin, a strong build, brown hair braided into braids, a nose ring, and a golden bull head badge around his neck.

He stood on the pulpit in the square and shouted excitedly: "The latest news in the Golden City, those fallen human angels still refuse to negotiate with us.

They refused Lord Asmodu's request to open the Golden Hall to all angels.

They oppose the distribution of positions based on the merits of angels, the term system for official positions, and the democratic reform of selecting representatives based on urban areas and having the representatives jointly decide on major issues in heaven.

They insist that only the archangels among human angels can manage the Silver City and will always manage the Silver City. We bull angels, eagle angels, lion angels, and most ordinary fellow human angels can only be their servants and can never get close to them. The golden hall that sheds the glory of God. "

"That's not fair!" he yelled, shaking his fist.

"Unfair!" More than 70% of the thousands of angels in the square also shook their fists and roared.

Harry was dumbfounded. How could an angel be so fashionable? He even screamed "democratic reform"?

After the bull angel delivered another passionate speech, a group of angels actually formed a parade and left the square, shouting, "Everyone is equal before God," "Four races of angels were born on the same day," "Angels in heaven are all brothers, brothers." "No dignity among us" slogans, while walking along the street towards the center of the city.

Harley followed them for a few streets and listened to three more speeches along the way, finally understanding Asmodu's general "revolutionary" ideas.

First of all, angels are indeed equal and have no status distinction at the beginning of their birth, and Asmodeus used this to establish a theoretical basis for his rebellion.

Even powerful ones like Lucifer and Michael were born at the same time, in the same place, and under the hands of the same 'Lord' as the lowest level Eagle Angel Sentinel.

In the beginning, they called each other brothers.

In fact, even today, the 12 archangels including Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Dumas call themselves brothers and sisters when they meet, showing a sense of friendship.

Even when they see Lucifer now, the archangels recognize him as their "big brother" who is equal in status, or even slightly higher than themselves.

However, there is an obvious and insurmountable gap in rank and status between ordinary angels and upper-level angels.

These gaps should not appear among angels. Angels are equal in status - Asmodu claimed, and some angels in Silver City now believe so.

Harley also agrees with this view to a limited extent: before God, all angels are the same.

It was like in front of her, there was no difference between Gotham officials and ordinary citizens.

But when God created angels, he arranged different identities, professions, and levels for them.

"Democracy" and "equality" do not exist in the supernatural world and will never exist.

If you are not as strong as others, why should others be equal to you?

But, Asmodeus is not a real revolutionary, he can just shout slogans, and he will definitely not hand over power to ordinary angels after taking office.

It's no use leaving it to them.

When an ordinary two-winged angel faces Lucifer, he can't even lift his wings. How can he make the correct political decision to deal with Lucifer?

The problem is that Asmodeus doesn’t believe in his slogan. Do they believe in the angels in heaven who have lived for more than 10 billion years?

To be honest, with Harley's cunningness, she couldn't tell whether the angels who were joining the parade in groups in front of her, shouting slogans with excitement on their faces, were really honest, or if they were treacherous and naive.

"Four races of angels were born on the same day, and everyone is equal before God."

"Open the golden hall to run for cabinet!"

The angels came all the way to the center of Silver City, a palace built of golden holy light.

From the location point of view, it is equivalent to the inner city of Silver City.

The stone slabs of Silver City are all made of "Heaven Gold".

Paradise gold is golden yellow, but its color is lighter than gold on earth, like gold mixed with water. It retains the luxury of gold, strips away the vulgarity of the nouveau riche, and reveals a unique elegance and freshness.

To put it simply, even if you step on the "Heaven Gold" bricks, you don't think it is tacky, only elegant and holy.

The Golden Hall, known as the "Golden City", is also a golden building, but it is different from the "gold mixed with water" of heavenly gold. It is composed of substantial holy light.

If a mortal stood in front of the golden hall, his body would burn into nothingness like feathers in fire.

"This angel brother, do you know me?" Harry glanced around, picked out an eagle angel from the angels demonstrating at the gate of the golden inner city, and pulled him aside to talk.

"You are Harley Quinn, the King of Heavenly Mountain. Who doesn't know you?" The white Eagle Angel said in a somewhat aggressive tone.

Harry stared at his eyes for a while, but found no micro-expressions such as humiliation, self-disguise, or twinkling eyes.

It is impossible to tell whether he is a true believer in Asmodeus or a "lurker" forced by the situation.

"What's your name?" she asked.

The white Eagle Angel hesitated for a moment and said, "Zach."

Many names among Eagle Angels begin with "za" or "z". It is impossible to judge whether he is related to Zaulie through this title.

"All the powerful people and angels are hiding in the golden hall?" Harley asked again.

"If not, why would we come to this gathering?"

Zach's tone was still aggressive, and his face and eyes were still expressionless.

"Why didn't they come out to drive you away?"

"There are no rules in Silver City that don't allow us to do this." Zach said.

“Do you really think it’s necessary to reform Silver City?”

Zach affirmed: “Changing is better than staying the same.”

"If the Archangel of the Golden Hall never responds to you, or directly rejects your request, will you use force to support your ideals?"

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