I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 922 The beginning and end of Spring in Silver City

"What do you want to do?" Eagle Angel Zach asked warily.

Harley chuckled, "I am a mercenary in heaven. Now Silver City is in turmoil. I want to understand the reasons and future development trends."

"As long as Lord Asmodeus gives the order, I will take up arms." Zach said slowly.

"What's your position in Silver City?" Harley asked.

"Captain of the Floating Mountain Outpost."

The captain is almost the lowest-ranking officer, with only ten ordinary angel warriors under his command.

"How long have you been a captain?"

Zach looked dazed for a while and said quietly: "Eighty million years ago, in the 4671st Hell Conquest, my captain and most of his comrades died in the battle. My team and the other two were captured. The crippled teams were merged into a new ten-man team, and I was promoted to captain.”

"During this incident, you want a promotion and a salary increase, right? What are your goals?"

Zach immediately said: "My purpose is not to get promoted."

"What's that?" Harley asked.

"It's for this." Zach looked a little confused and thought for a long time before humming and repeating the slogan.

“It’s all about making heaven a better place.”

Harry secretly laughed in his heart, good guy, he is really a pretender, he pretends to be so real, but unfortunately he still leaks the truth!

The slogans were shouted loudly, and his eyes were as firm as those of Asmodu's followers. But when asked about his idea of ​​action, he started to feel dazed.

Obviously he himself had no firm goals in this rebellion.

He didn't know or knew that the slogan everyone was shouting was just to take off his pants and fart. He understood that the so-called "change the status quo and make heaven better" was just an excuse for Asmodeus to rebel.

But he did not dare to express his true thoughts and even disguised himself. This was not true, and this Eagle Angel was not completely disguised either.

When he said before that he had been a squad leader for eight thousand years and never knew what promotion meant, the resentment in his tone must have been true.

In other words, although he understood that Asmodeus was rebelling, he also felt that his slogan of rebellion had some truth.

"Thank you, Zach, I'm done with my questions."

In this Eagle Angel, she had found the answer she wanted. Next, she needed to get a more accurate understanding of the current situation in Silver City from more angels.

After that, Harley circled around the outside and selected five groups in succession in the order of high-level bull angels, low-level bull angels, ordinary lion angels, and ordinary people angels.

That is, a questionnaire survey was randomly conducted on 20 parade angels.

Basically the same question as Zach's.

Over there, Harley learned about the true situation of the Asmodeus Rebellion through the angels of Silver City. Here, Asmodeus was also asking her allies about how to deal with the witch Harley.

The fifty-meter-high dome, the arch-like curved windows, are inlaid with light silver glass. The holy light passes through the windows and the dome, becoming colorful, and falls on the smooth floor as bright as a mirror, refracting a rainbow again.

The whole palace is gorgeous and bright, just like in a dream.

And right in the middle of the hall filled with light, there appeared a darkness of depravity and evil, like a festering wound on the flawless cheek of a peerless beauty.

The Bull Angel sat high on the throne, turning a blind eye to the darkness in the center of the hall.

In other words, there was originally no darkness in the sacred temple, but he summoned the darkness from the depths of hell.

"Hahaha, brother Asmodu, I have heard about what happened in Silver City. How about it? The strategy I gave you is very effective, right?" There was a shadow in the darkness, and a handsome young man in green robes and red eyes squirmed out.

If Harley comes again, she will blurt out: Inner dragon!

"Yes, your 'Spring of Silver City' plan has indeed aroused dissatisfaction among ordinary angels against Michael and other archangels to a certain extent.

But I understand that they will not really be my support unless I can win the Golden Hall and achieve the final victory. "

Neilong smiled and said: "Brother——"

Asmodu interrupted him coldly, "Don't call me 'brother' anymore. I am the Lord of Silver City and the highest military commander of the four angel clans."

Neilong's expression remained unchanged, and he let out countless vicious curses in his heart.

——Drawing mother, when she approached me to form an alliance, she enthusiastically called her ‘Brother Neilong’, but now she barely controls the outer court of Silver City and starts to show off in front of me.

"Your Majesty, relying on the four angelic warrior tribes, you will never be able to capture the Golden Palace. Relying on the four angelic tribes, you can easily overthrow Michael on your own. This is the true meaning of the 'Spring of Silver City'."

This was said in an incomprehensible way, and ordinary people could not understand it.

But Asmodeus now truly understands the brilliance of the inner dragon's plan.

Whether in heaven or hell, authority is power.

Regardless of whether they are angels or first-fallen demons, their power is almost destined from birth. Unless something unexpected happens, their power will neither decrease nor increase significantly in the future.

For example, Asmodu, the difference between him tens of billions of years ago and him a hundred years ago is only in technique and tactics, and the essence of his power has not changed much.

Therefore, it can also be said about angels that strength is authority.

As power increases, so does power.

Since Asmodeus began a hundred years ago, its authority has increased year by year, and its power has become stronger and stronger. Since five years ago, the increase has been faster.

A hundred years ago, he came into contact with the philosophy of the Wizards during a mission to exterminate the Wizards, and for the first time he became dissatisfied with his status in Silver City - the demon aristocrats had a solidified hierarchy, and angels were actually more solidified than demons.

Demons always have new blood flowing into them, such as fallen black mages, geniuses like Nergal, and even being promoted to Demon Dukes within ten thousand years. This is already very amazing and very "hell's dream".

If he were a demon from another dimension like Sangong, he would go to hell and reach heaven in one step, becoming a demon king.

Unlike the First Fallen Demon King, although the Demon God from another dimension does not have much power in hell, he can improve his rank through practice.

The United States has the American Dream, hell has the "Hell Dream," but heaven does not have the Heaven Dream.

Angels in heaven cannot be promoted, and there is no inflow of new blood. The hierarchy is as stable as a piece of ice.

A hundred years ago, after first realizing his dissatisfaction with his status, Asmodu began to cultivate his own party members, starting with the Bull Angel clan.

Party members are believers.

Each American citizen represents a vote, and each vote represents a share of American political power; each angel represents a share of Silver City authority. The more believers gathered, the higher the authority of Asmodu, from and Zhauliel Open at 50-50, and crush it easily.

More than ten years ago, on the eve of the giant beast incident, when the revolutionary movement of the wizard group in hell was in full swing, Asmodu was also preparing to launch an uprising in Silver City.

This is why when Harley first went to heaven, she heard Stranger and Zaulie discussing that "Silver City has been in chaos recently, and the Cow Angel clan is restless."

Asmodeus didn't do it directly at that time, all because it didn't take long for Harley to 'humiliate Lucifer three times in one night'.

Humiliating Lucifer cannot directly affect Asmodu.

But Lao Lu was not only humiliated, but also lost a lot of his essence in a short period of time, became a little weak, and was attacked by the "Owl Evil God" (also caused by Harley).

He had to merge with the giant beast.

This combination immediately ripens the sleeping giant beast (without autonomous consciousness) into a small black bean (generating self).

The little black bean crushed hell, attacked heaven, and shook the multiverse. Asmodeus rebelled after his brain was twitched.

Therefore, they waited for a few more years for the Little Black Bean incident to subside - the Niu Angel clan suffered heavy casualties when facing Little Black Bean.

About five years ago, not long after Bruce became Batman, Asmodeus was preparing to revolt.

However, after seeing the power of Little Black Bean, he began to feel guilty about high-end combat powers such as Lucifer and Michael.

So, he went to hell to find the inner dragon - that time, Harley happened to be helping people exorcise demons, and Christine's soul fell into the hands of the inner dragon.

The inner dragon has a good relationship with the bull angel Asmodu, but their knowledge and strength are completely different.

He is a superior human angel, the ruling class among angels, and his status and identity are second only to the twelve archangels.

If Silver City were the imperial court, the 12 Archangels would be the Pavilion Elders (from the second rank to the top), Neilong would be at least the minister (from the second rank high official), and Asmodu would be at most a capital garrison (the fifth rank military attaché).

Asmodeus had no idea about the power of the 'super-class' Angel King, and he only relied on his sense - the highest level demon in the wizard group was the Duke of Hell, and even the Duke dared to plot against Lucifer. He was an angel. Chief, you still can’t rebel against Michael?

Moreover, Asmodu, as the ‘capital garrison’, knows the inner secrets of Silver City very well.

He knew that God was never in the Golden Hall, and Michael, the "treacherous king", replaced the "Voice of Heaven" with himself.

Knowing that Michael has not shown up in the past million years, it is suspected that the real body has left long ago, leaving only the clone sitting in the golden hall.

Knowing that Michael planned to choose Uriel as his successor, he gave him the "good job" of the coming of the Son of God - judging from the time, the coming of the Son of God was a good job.

Because according to Michael’s original plan, the Son was the son of Zed and Uriel. If the Son was born, Uriel’s status would be forcibly elevated to the level of God’s feet?

In short, Michael's various arrangements in the past few hundred years, and even Uriel, Gabriel, and Raphael, several big bosses have been defeated by the "mere" witch Harley, allowing Asmodeus to rule the current Silver City. The person gives birth to contempt and suspicion.

Contempt and suspicion prompted him to develop ambition to replace it.

Neilong knew how powerful Michael and even the other ‘Ge Lao’ angels were, and suggested that Asmodeus wait a few more years.

Wait for him to increase his strength to the limit through this action.

That is to say, he gradually wins people's hearts and allows more ordinary angels who are dissatisfied with their status in heaven to come to his side.

As long as the angels' minds agree with his idea of ​​changing heaven, Asmodu's authority in heaven will be strengthened.

Authority is power.

Facts have proved that Neilong's plan is very effective. In the past five years, Asmodu's strength has increased more than ten times.

Well, the multiplier has increased so much, which also shows how low his strength was before.

But today, Asmodu once again encountered a bottleneck - he believed that the number of angels he had reached the limit.

The authority reached its limit, the growth of strength stopped, and Asmodeus did not activate it brazenly.

He planned to win over the two "big guys", Archangel Eagle and Archangel Lion.

If it succeeds, his authority will be further increased. After all, although archangels like Zaulie are weak, they represent an angel group and have great influence.

If you fail to win over, take action immediately.

"I'm looking for you this time because of the Witch Harley. She's here, in Silver City. How should I deal with her?" Asmodu said.

Neilong was shocked and blurted out: "Do you need to consider this? When you encounter the Witch Harley, you either don't have enough strength to avoid it immediately; or you have enough strength and can kill her immediately and directly beat her to death with a stick.

Obviously, now that you are powerful and have the home field advantage, you should kill her with an axe. If you don't kill her, is it possible that you can still let her use sweet words to seduce you? "

ps: The four angelic tribes, human, eagle, ox, and lion, are original creations of the comic author, but he is actually very particular about the naming of several archangels. For example, Zauliel, he is actually a copycat of Uriel. Asmodeus is not an unknown person, he is a copycat of the lust demon among the seven deadly sins.

As for Asmodu's strength, he is very strong. In the comics, he really broke through the layers of guards and entered the golden hall.

In addition, he has a similar record to Doomsday - he single-handedly defeated the entire Justice League, and also caused significant damage to several members of the League.

But he was eventually repelled by Zhenglian, and the reason was "frequency". The concept of frequency came from the battle between Asmodu and Zhenglian.

When high-dimensional beings enter the material plane, their body frequency will decrease. Not only will their strength and physique become weaker, but their divine power will also not be as effective as in high dimensions - Asmodeus retreated because he was injured in the battle with Zhenglian. According to In his experience in heaven, the angel's injuries can be recovered instantly - just like the blood of a game character.

Asmodeus was not used to fighting while injured, so he retreated.

If you want to locate his strength, you can think of him as a powerful demon king, the strength of the First Fallen Demon King.

At present, Harley can only grind the Demon King's clone to death, but cannot defeat the Demon King with all her strength.

The Demon King is the God King when converted into heavenly strength.

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