Before entering the Silver City, the paradise in front of Harry was no different from the past.

Although there was no Zauliel at the gate, there was another archangel in his place.

"Hello, King of Heaven Mountain, I am Eagle Angel Chang Modo."

The other party is also a black angel, and like Zaulie, he belongs to the Eagle Angel family.

Harley approached him, pretending to be cautious and looked around, and whispered: "I heard that the Eagle Angels rebelled."

"It was the fallen angel Zauliel who rebelled, and only a small group of eagle angels were bewitched by him. Now the rebellion has been punished.

Most of the Eagle Angels always believe in the Lord and insist on following the leadership of the Voice of Heaven and Lord Asmodu. "

Mordor's black face is serious, and his eyes shine with the light of firm faith.

Harley stared at him for a long time, unable to tell whether this guy was loyal or traitorous.

"Well done. There are sensible and religious angels like you in heaven. Why worry about rebellion?" She patted him on the shoulder, gave him a few words of encouragement, and wandered into the depths of heaven.

Along the way, we passed seven or eight floating mountains with outposts. Just like in the past, there were no angels stationed on them - only in times of war, the outposts were full, and in peacetime, there was only one guard stationed at the gate of heaven.

There were no angel soldiers at the outpost, and there were no battle angels flying around in the nearby airspace. The heaven was peaceful at this time, and there was no sign of rebellion.

Until she came to the gate of Silver City

"Harley Quinn, stop immediately. You are neither an angel nor the Holy Spirit. You are not allowed to come near the Silver City!" A burly golden-armored angel with a roar like a lion blocked her outside the city gate.

The gate of Baiyin City is not the gate opening of an ancient city.

There are no city walls built on the outside of Baiyin City. You can see the scene inside the city from the empty space. It seems that you can fly into the city from any position.

In fact, this is an illusion.

There is only a circle of floating islands outside Paradise, and no city walls have been built. However, to enter the interior of Paradise, the only way is through the Gate of Paradise (a floating island) where Zaulie is stationed.

Approaching Heaven from other locations will only lead you farther and farther away from Silver City, and eventually get lost in the depths of Limbo.

The same goes for the City of Silver. If you don’t go through the city gate, you will only move further and further away from the place of God’s glory.

As for the gate of Silver City, strictly speaking, there is no gate at all. There are only two towering white stone pillars with two angels holding big swords at the top of the pillars.

The angel lowered his head, stuck the sword in front of him, and rested his hands on the end of the hilt.

The angel on the right, Harley, also knows Gabriel, the angel king on earth, another thin-faced angel with long curly hair, who is probably the legendary Michael.

No Lucifer.

However, Lucifer's two wings are inserted into the "wall" (pillar) where the angel Michael's statue stands.

"Brother Angel, of course I know the rules that you cannot approach the Silver City until you are summoned by the voice of heaven. But I am here under orders this time." Harley's expression was serious, her eyes showed obvious reverence, and she said solemnly: " Under the orders of Lord Asmodeus, the Arkham God of War has come to report!"

The golden-armored angel's expression softened and he said, "Wait a moment, I will report to the Great Lord."

Harley waited at the gate of Silver City for more than half an hour before she saw a "giant" angel slowly flying over.

The reason why he is called a giant angel is because he is too big, more than four meters tall. The ax he holds in his hand is thicker than Harley's arm. The armor on his shoulders can be used as a weapon for Quinn Manor. door.

Different from Zhauliel's completely human form, although he is still in human form, he has a plate-sized nose ring on his nose, plus a weird visor that exposes his big nose. He really looks a bit like a "Bull Demon King" "Shadow.

"Lord Asmodeus, why are you here in person?" Harry was surprised and happy, "I should be visiting you."

"Harley Quinn, you can't enter the Silver City yet, let's go and talk on the side." Asmodeus said calmly.

Harry didn't object and followed him to the floating mountain closest to the gate of Silver City.

"You haven't arrested Zauliel yet."

In a desolate mountainous area where no grass grew, Asmodu looked down at her with cold eyes.

Harley said in shock: "Your Majesty, didn't the Voice of Heaven tell you? I first prepared a gift to congratulate you on becoming the Majesty. After coming to heaven to hand the gift to you, I returned to Earth to search for Zauliel.

Of course, I was not idle during this period and kept inquiring about his whereabouts in the extraordinary circle.

That guy is cautious!

He once asked me for a mobile phone, and I got him a phone card, driver's license and bank account, but now he has given up on them all. "

"Why did the gift take so long?" Asmodeus said indifferently.

"The gift is a big movie. Making a movie wastes time."

"Using movies as gifts? Are you kidding me?" Asmodu said angrily.

Harley quickly explained: "As the Lord of Silver City, what rare treasures have you not seen?

Moreover, Tian Zhisheng only gave me a budget of 5 million for meritorious service.

This amount of money can at most be exchanged for a high-level artifact. Do you need an artifact?

I have dozens of them in my house, but they don’t reflect your noble status at all.

Movies are different. They can spread your name like wildfire.

You have just ascended to the position of Great Lord. Not to mention the mortals in the 'Garden of Eden', even many extraordinary mages have never heard of 'Asmodu', let alone your deeds.

Archangels like Gabriel, Michael, Uriel, and Dumas would ask any child in the world, even if he is a pagan.

Children can at least tell you that they are the greatest and most glorious angels.

Even if you ask historians who specialize in Christianity - who is Asmodeus?

They will also be confused. "

Asmodeus's shining silver eyes showed a thoughtful look.

After a long while, he slowed down and asked: "Why a movie? Adapting the Bible is more effective."

——This guy is so rebellious that he even changes the Bible casually!

Harry complained in her heart and said seriously: "Majesty, you have made a big mistake. The Bible must not be changed. Anyone who changes the Bible will be a heretic in the eyes of believers!"

Asmodu's momentum suddenly surged, like a physical mountain, pressing hard on her.

Harry could have been as calm as the breeze blowing on his face, as motionless as a mountain, but his face still turned pale, fear and flinching flashed in his eyes.

She quickly explained: "The Bible really cannot be changed. Believers will not be able to accept it after it is changed, and the changed Bible will also lose its sanctity.

But new ancient Bible fragments can be discovered and filled into existing Bibles! "

Asmodeus' majestic aura subdued slightly, and asked with expectation: "How to find out?"

“In the earliest birthplace of Christianity or Judaism, look for a treasure land with historical legends, such as where saints once lived and where there was a magnificent temple of God.

In short, the search site convinced everyone that the documents unearthed in the underground caves or secret rooms of this ruins must be true.

Your Majesty, you first write the Bible you want, and then I will compile the "Bible Fragments" that suit your will based on the current world situation.

Then write it on the surface of the holy relic, wash it away with the river of time for thousands of years, and bury it in the "

Harry thought carefully for a moment and made a final decision: "It would be easier to bury it in a cave in the Dead Sea.

In addition to the holy relics, there are also seven or eight pottery altars containing parchment scrolls and papyrus scrolls. Seventy percent of the scriptures on the parchment scrolls are written in Hebrew that are similar to the current "Bible", and the other three are "lost". Volume', the content of which is 'The Biography of Lord Asmodeus'!

As long as your Majesty agrees, within three days an Arab shepherd will get lost and drive his sheep to the shore of the southeastern corner of the Dead Sea. While climbing the ruins of a certain church, he will slip and fall into a cave and discover the remains of Christ that have been covered in dust for thousands of years. precious.

Then, I had a younger brother under my command. By the way, I forgot to introduce him. I established the Tiantianshan Sect, a branch of Christianity. Unless my younger brother didn’t believe in Christ before, he must now join my sect.

A younger brother of mine who was engaged in the oil trade in Arabia happened to be discussing business in a nearby city. When he learned about the scriptures, he immediately bought half of the precious cultural relics.

As expected, he sent them to Gotham Cathedral to be enshrined.

As logically as possible, I saw those 'cave documents', discovered the truth of history, and learned that there was an archangel named Asmodeus, who——"

"By the way, what kind of past do you want, Your Majesty? A brave warrior who defeated Lucifer's second siege of heaven and beat Satan until he howled, okay?

Well, Lucifer is the background board that can best help the opponent to improve his performance. Anyway, that guy has retired. It doesn’t matter how you arrange him. We are talking about ‘Satan’ anyway.

If He dares to identify himself as ‘Satan’, we can mock Him for not forgetting the past. "

If something goes wrong, it has nothing to do with her, because the "Bible Relics" were written by Lord Asmodeus!

"Or are you a wise man who promulgates the laws of the world and helps fallen mankind move toward salvation? Or, you control the heavens, command the angels, and protect the world from the poison of evil spirits."

While thinking seriously, Harley said matter-of-factly: "Cruise culture has become more popular in recent years, or the king can make a guest appearance to sweep away the evil gods and block thousands of unexplainable divine lights all by himself?

Because you have been sealing away the evil god, your deeds are not known to anyone. "

Looking at the small mouth that opened and closed rapidly in front of him, Asmodeus went from bewilderment to shock, then to stunned, and finally sighed deeply and said in admiration: "Witch Harley, she is well-deserved!"

"Hahaha, it's an honor for me to work for Your Majesty; it makes me even more motivated to be praised by Your Majesty." Harley looked at him frankly and smiled tacitly.

Asmodeus looked at her with burning eyes and asked: "Your plan is great. Discovering the remains is indeed countless times better than directly tampering with the Bible, but why do you want to help me?

I remember that you had a very good relationship with Zauliel, but you were also rebellious, bold and disobedient to authority. "

Don't tell lies about admiring me. I remember that twelve years ago, when Heaven and Hell joined forces to stop the giant beast, we met several times. At that time, you didn't even look at me. "

Harley's eyes were clear and she did not dodge as she looked at him, "Maharaja, you are a smart man, I can tell you in a smart way.

Not a brainless idiot like Zaulie.

Facing them, I must talk about justice and faith, about the suffering of the people and the light of the multiverse.

But my purpose of joining Paradise has always been simple - to gain benefits and find a backer.

Since I became a mercenary in Paradise at the age of 14, I have made great contributions to Silver City, but in the end I am not even qualified to enter Silver City.

No one has ever consulted me on any decision-making within Silver City, even if I was allowed to sit in on it.

The King of Heavenly Mountain and the God of War of Arkham are all vain and deceptive.

In the past, the ruling structure of Silver City was stable. From Michael to the 12 main angels, they controlled 99% of the power of Silver City. The remaining leftovers were divided up by other archangels, and I couldn’t even get a piece of it.

It will never be divided.

Because there is a pit for every carrot, and the pit has already been filled.

Unless the world changes drastically and some carrots are pulled out.

I don't care which carrot occupies the biggest hole. What I care about is not the carrot itself, but the hole that suits me. I also want to occupy a hole. "

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