I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 919 Miserable Luther

Quinn Manor, the next morning, Mr. President brought several senior staff to find him personally.

"Don't report the news about Apokolips in a big way. The government should pretend that this never happened and keep a low profile as much as possible." Harley said.

"Why? Revenge for the dead people and heroes is a great thing to boost the morale of the American people and enhance your personal prestige!" Mr. President asked doubtfully.

Harley said: "The turmoil on Apokolips is not over yet, and the final outcome is not yet certain. If Darkseid is not dead, the people will be more disappointed and panicked if they were excited before.

Even if Darkseid is really dead, Apokolips is a civilization of new gods. If one Darkseid dies, there are still thousands of new gods waiting to stand up.

If a new dark monarch takes the throne and sees the people of Earth celebrating their misfortune, what will they think and do? "

"You're not even afraid of Darkseid, why are you afraid of other people?" General Lane asked.

"I'm not afraid, but you should be!" Harley sighed.

"Uh" several Washington bosses were stunned.

"What is the attitude of the Father of Creation Star? At this time, we should immediately occupy Apokolips Star and completely defeat the Dark God Clan." Colonel Adam, the atomic captain, frowned.

He was originally a soldier, but later mutated into a superpower, and has been serving the Pentagon.

Most of the time, they are the bodyguards of the President of the United States.

"Heavenly Father does not intend to make trouble for Apokolips. For the specific reason, you can go to the Justice League and Orion.

Regardless of whether Darkseid is dead or alive, the Dark Lord will still exist. Let's keep a low profile, pretend that nothing happened, and give Apokolips some face.

They now also know that the earth is not easy to mess with. Without external stimulation, they probably will not take the initiative to provoke us. "

Mr. President said: "Even if we don't publicize this news, the superheroes know that many people in the multiverse will talk about it."

"It's all we can do to handle this matter in a low-key manner. What we can't control, we'll leave it to God." Harley sighed.

"We have no control over Apokolips, but Doomsday." General Minos' eyes flickered, "It should be under your control, right?"

"Who said it can be controlled?" Harley frowned.

"I received the news that after the Destruction Sun landed, it immediately targeted Darkseid, just like it targeted Man and you that day. Didn't you give it the hint to deliberately retaliate against Darkseid?" Mino General Si said.

Harley said lightly: "I have heard about this, but unfortunately, I can't control it. If I could control it, I would only keep it away from Darkseid, guerrilla around on Apokolips, and cause continuous damage to the dark elite. Kill.

Not like now, being besieged by a group of people, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for long. "

"Do you think Harley Quinn lied?" On the plane back, General Minos asked General Lane next to him.

"What?" Ryan didn't react for a moment.

"She can control Doomsday." General Minos' eyes were scorching, "Doomsday is a genetic creation, and we can imitate it and even copy it.

As long as it masters the method of controlling it, the United States will achieve overtaking in a corner and immediately catch up with those god-level civilizations. "

"This" General Lane looked hesitant.

General Minos said: "Think about the past few years, we were helpless in the face of the invasion of Apokolips; in the face of the collective arrival of the Green Lantern Corps, humans on earth were at the mercy of others; Brainiac robbed the capital of the United States, and he should have been protecting our country. The country's military has done nothing.

If the Doomsday Legion is formed, the above disasters and humiliations will never happen to the American people again. "

"What's the use?" General Lane said with a bitter smile: "Harley probably can't control the Doomsday, otherwise other gods would have controlled it long ago.

Divine blessing is not Harley's exclusive skill, all gods can do it.

What they didn't do could only prove that the Doomsday cannot be controlled by granting divine power.

In fact, they don’t need to prove it. Just ask Wonder Woman. She has Harley’s magical power. Can Harley control her?

Secondly, even if divine power really has the effect of controlling those favored by God, where can we get it? "

General Minos thought for a while and said: "Let's go find Luther, he is an expert on Krypton."

"I'm afraid it won't work. Luther is now in a vegetative state." General Lane explained: "There was an accident in the Lex Group's biological laboratory a few days ago. Luther's spine was crushed and he was paralyzed in bed unable to wake up.

This matter was quite a big deal and it made headlines for several days in a row. Doesn’t the general know? "

Minos smiled strangely, "He masters Kryptonian gene cloning technology, and my agents are watching him every minute, how could they not know?

He woke up this morning, and it will probably take a few days for the outside media to know. "

The two military bosses parted ways with the president at the Metropolitan Airport and took a car to the VIP Intensive Care Unit of Johns Hopkins Hospital.

Well, the same hospital and the same ward as Dr. Hank Shaw before.

Even the same attending doctor.

"You are..." Minos looked at the bald doctor beside the hospital bed, recording Luther's recovery, his eyes flickered a few times, "Dr. Strange?"

"Oh, General Minos, it's me." Hugo Strange's eyes also flickered.

The two are old friends.

More than ten years ago, Strange, like Luther, also contracted the military's biological genetic experiments.

On Gotham's Arkham Island, there is a secret experimental base in the heart of Indian Mountain.

General Minos asked, "Are you okay now?"

——Are you still engaged in biological research? What are the results?

Strange actually understood the subtext of his old friend and said with a smile: "Following Harley, I don't have to worry about funds, but I am short of test subjects. I can only run around the country looking for desperate people who are dying."

Luther, who was lying on the bed, said unhappily: "Doctor Strange, I am not your test subject."

"If you hadn't used my gene potion, you would never be able to wake up, let alone stand up, in your lifetime," Strange said.

Minos's eyes became more eager and he said: "Doctor, you can even cure a crushed spine. It seems that you have made a lot of new achievements in recent years. I wonder if you are interested in cooperating with the Pentagon?"

"I am now the technical director of Quinn Biotechnology. Whether the company cooperates with the military depends on the attitude of the big boss."

"Is there a company called Quinn Biotechnology?" Minos asked doubtfully.

"It has been established for more than ten years." Strange nodded.

Minos asked curiously: "What products does your company have?"

"We haven't launched any products on the market yet, but if you need illegal drugs to treat terminal illnesses, I have everything here."

The bald doctor proudly raised his chin to Luthor and said, "Lex Biological Laboratory is famous all over the world. Even Superman has been cloned. It still can't cure Mr. Luthor's own injuries, but I can cure the disease."

Minos also looked down at Luther, who did not refute.

"Since there is a miracle medicine, it should be used to benefit the public!" he said with emotion.

"They are banned drugs, not miracle drugs. Many of them cannot be seen in the light, and I am only interested in research. How to use them is not my concern." Dr. Strange responded and took the initiative to leave.

"Wait!" General Minos stopped him, "You can also listen to it, it's related to biological genes."

Then he turned to Luther and asked directly: "Can Doomsday be cloned?"

"Are you crazy?! That monster is out of control, has it been cloned and used to kill itself?" Luther asked in surprise.

General Minos recounted Harley's use of the Doomsday to plot against Darkseid, and finally sighed: "One Doomsday destroyed Apokolips, but what about two Doomsdays? How far can a group of Doomsdays achieve? "

"I'm sure they can easily destroy the earth." Luther said coldly.

General Minos said in a daze: "This is not like what you said. With your pride, if Satan has genes, you would dare to clone them."

"I am indeed confident, but I am wiser and know not to do things beyond my control." Luther touched his waist and abdomen. The area below his chest was numb and had no feeling.

"Especially after this accident, I am even more convinced of this. Unless one day I find a way to suppress Doomsday, I will never touch that kind of monster that can easily get out of control again."

General Lane leaned over and asked, "I'm just curious, how did this accident happen?"

"Hank Shaw!" Luther gritted his teeth and spit out a name.

"Dr. Hank hasn't come to me for follow-up consultation recently. His injury is as serious as yours," Strange said.

"No need to treat him, he has transformed himself into a mechanical superman!" Luthor said bitterly.

General Lane said: "Recently, several supermen have appeared in Metropolis, including the little superman from the Lex Group, the cold-faced superman in blue uniform who doesn't like to talk, the steel superman wearing a steel suit, and several others who claim to inherit the mantle of superman. I haven’t heard of the physical super hero Cyborg Superman.”

"Hmph, just wait. With Hank Shaw's deformed and twisted emotions towards Rip Man, sooner or later he will jump out to compete for the name of 'Superman'.

In the laboratory that day, he had already changed into the uniform of Rip Man, and even his face had changed into Rip Man's look. "Luthor sneered.

"What did he do to you?" General Minos asked.

Strange said strangely: "What has been done? Can't you see? Luther's spine was crushed in four sections, the bridge of his nose was broken, his skull seemed to have been hit hard, and cracks appeared to varying degrees, as well as ribs, left Arms, even genitals.”

"Hey, are you so cruel? In my impression, Dr. Hank is a good old man." General Lane asked in confusion.

"You should ask what Luther did to the good old Dr. Hank." Strange said.

The two generals were thoughtful.

"You guys go, I want to recuperate." Luther closed his eyes and said.

"The last question is, is it theoretically possible to control the Doomsday through genetic technology?" General Minos asked seriously.

"You should ask Harley this question, what is she doing?" Luther said in a slightly sour tone, "You haven't come to see me once for so long. You know, I almost died."

"She was too busy. She was planning Apokolips a few days ago. These days -" General Lane paused and guessed: "She probably went to Silver City at the moment.

Alas, according to the agents of the Bureau of Shadows, heaven is not stable either. The angels are making a revolution recently. "

He really didn't guess that after Harley sent away the last wave of guests, she returned to the meditation room, and a consciousness entered heaven through the big cross.

Originally, she wanted to take advantage of the Apokolips incident and the big movie "The Legend of Asmodeus" to delay it for a while.

But the angels of the Bull Angel have all found Quinn Manor. If she continues to delay going to heaven, she will no longer be able to play her role as a "hero who knows current affairs".

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