I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 913 A different kind of power blessed by divine power

The Consciousness Sea of ​​Destruction Sun still has the anti-life equation effect.

The last time Harley took the risk of controlling its sea of ​​consciousness, it was noticed by Darkseid. If it were eliminated in the material universe, Darkseid would be alarmed.

But once he enters the dream kingdom and once Sandman Morpheus takes action, Darkseid will lose his sense of the Day of Destruction, but he will not be surprised or remember it in his heart.

"Why did you bring it to my kingdom? I don't want to get involved with you and Darkseid."

This time, Harley passed through the Horned Gate, the Ivory Gate, and walked along the Dream Staircase to the gate of the royal city. Morpheus appeared in black robes.

Then with a wave of his hand, he took her and Doomsday to his palace.

"Can this monster be completely sealed and sealed into the nightmare dimension?" Harley asked curiously.

Morpheus shook his head and said: "Doomsday does not have the thinking of a normal person, and I cannot control the dream to make it sleep forever.

However, in the nightmare dimension, which is the opposite of the dream kingdom, there are indeed many evil nightmare lives, including evil mages, goblins, dream demons, and multiple Doomsdays.

But that's not a seal, it's free and uncontrollable, it might as well be thrown back into the Phantom Zone. "

These words were what Harry had expected. Doomsday was not a normal creature at all. He had no thought activities other than violence and destruction, and he could not dream.

She also knew something about the nightmare dimension, which was like a weirder hell.

The laws of the nightmare world are really weird, and they often change randomly without warning - as random as the dream is, so will the rules there, and as terrible as the nightmare is, will the environment there be even worse.

Even if it is open to the multiverse for free, life with normal thinking rarely settles there.

There are quite a few fugitives hiding inside.

"I'm not here to help you deal with Doomsday this time. I just want to lend you your treasure to make sure Darkseid can't sense Doomsday's aura." Harley said.

"What are you going to do?" Morpheus asked curiously.

"You haven't watched the 'Multiverse News' lately? I want the Greater Light to do something dirty to Apokolips." Harley said with a proud smile.

"Do you plan to control Doomsday and let it destroy Apokolips?"

Morpheus frowned and said: "Isn't it too whimsical? The Doomsday may fall into the hands of Darkseid again.

He might also be incinerated to ashes by Darkseid's omega ray.

Even a few Apokolips dark elites tore it into pieces. "

"I don't expect to blow up the Apokolips in one day of destruction. I'll be satisfied if it can play some role."

In the lobby of Morpheus Palace, Harley placed a large glyph of the Doomsday on the ground, cut her right index finger, and let the blood drip, leaving a bloody magic circle on the white floor.

The magic circle was activated, flashing red light like blood.

Harley sat cross-legged in the air, and suddenly cut her wrist, and blood sputtered out.

——The ninth vitality defense specialty is to control biological tissues that are directly genetically related to oneself.

The splashing blood immediately condensed into a five-clawed dragon with fangs and claws in mid-air, and its long body also spiraled into the pattern of the magic circle.

"Buzz buzz!" The blood dragon flew around the formation, with dense blood-colored light spots scattered on its body, like rain that moistened the earth, falling on the Doomsday Sun and immediately blending into its body.

"Are you instilling the power of blood into it?" Morpheus said in shock.

"It's not the power of blood, it's the power of the 'Thick-skinned Martial God'."

Harley has about 300 units of bloodline power (1 unit is the "power of one man", the average magic power of the Duke of Hell), and lent 5 units to Neptune, leaving 295 units left.

At this time, she poured a full 20 units into Doomsday's body one after another!

Doomsday, who is also a "defense expert", is more suitable to be her favored one than Aquaman.

In fact, 20 units is not the limit, Harley can also borrow more power from it.

But the Doomsday is not a standing weapon. Maybe this trip to Apokolips will wipe out the bones.

The divine power in its body will eventually return to Harley's body, but it will take decades or hundreds of years, and Harley can't afford to wait.

20 units, twice as many as Diana, is completely enough.

"Why? Even if you borrow its divine power, it will not obey your orders." Morpheus wondered.

"I didn't expect it to be an obedient thug. If it were to be obedient, the God of Krypton would have lent it his divine power."

Harley controlled the divine power of 20 units to circulate continuously in Doomsday's body.

At this time, she has only lent her divine power and has not yet established the "Shazam Curse" connection with it.

Simply borrowing divine power, it mainly exerts defensive characteristics, and the effect of defensive expertise is so weak that it is difficult to detect.

Harley will lend her feats to Doomsday only if he uses the Shazam Charm.

The reason why he borrowed the defense expertise after using Shazam's Curse is because the biggest function of Shazam's Curse is to ensure that the secrets of divine power cannot be analyzed by outsiders.

In addition, through the Shazam Charm, Harley can selectively grant expertise or turn off expertise defense.

Shazam Curse is like a divine power management and encryption system.

After 20 units of thick-skinned divine power spread all over Doomsday's body, Harley's soul left the body again and entered Doomsday's sea of ​​consciousness.

She came to a gray ocean with endless horizon. The sea surface was calm and even frozen with a thick layer of ice, falling into deathly silence.

Harry's mind moved slightly, and with a "pop" sound, a big bubble seemed to pop out of her soul, and a phantom man appeared violently above her head.

"Go and control this sea of ​​consciousness!"

She controls it with her mind, covering the ocean like a big net - similar to a ghost possessing the body, the soul occupying the body of a "dead person".

"Loneliness!" A faint red light rose from the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

The idea of ​​the word "loneliness" is like Ivy's man-eating vines, tightly entwining the fantasy person.

Then came "fear", "despair" and "alienation".

Unlike the last time when she couldn't resist, Harley just grunted and tried to stay awake, resisting the effect of the Anti-Life Equation.

In addition to the fact that the Dream Kingdom has cut off Darkseid's "sight", and that Doomsday is dead and the effect of the Anti-Life Equation has weakened, the main reason is that Harley's resistance has increased several times compared to the last time.

The level 5 ninth defense specialty has a defensive effect against the anti-life equation effect. It also represents a basic force that forms a powerful 'connection network' with the power of connection and the other three basic powers - specifically targeting energy damage in the DC universe. .

"It really works!" Seeing the phantom being wrapped in "red threads", Harley let out a long sigh of relief.

She discovered last time that although the existing defense expertise could not resist the erosion of the anti-life equation, she was not crushed either - the formula of "anti-life equation = loneliness + alienation + fear +" was completely formed, and she heard it all , but still managed to escape from the sea of ​​consciousness on the Doomsday, and did not fall with it.

At that time, Harry had a feeling: As long as he turned on the ninth defense specialty, he should be able to slightly block the effects of the incomplete anti-life equation.

This is the basis for her plan to launch the Doomsday on Apokolips!

"Praise Harley, Hallelujah!" In the sea of ​​consciousness on the Day of Destruction, Harley controlled the phantom man and shouted.

The "corpse" of Doomsday stood up twitchingly, raised his head and spoke the first meaningful and clear sentence in his life: "Praise Halle, Hallelujah!"

The sound was like a stone roller rolling on a cement road, loud and rough, and the pronunciation was a bit vague.

Just like the thunderous sand sculpture chanting "Shazam", just like the war eagle shouting "war eagle", the thick-skinned warrior god's Shazam spell is activated!

"Boom!" This time, Harley didn't ask the voice of heaven to turn on the special effects. The air in the sky shook slightly, but there was no lightning or bright holy light.

Doomsday didn't transform or put on a weird uniform - Harley needed to provide the uniform, and Aquaman didn't have a uniform either.

But Doomsday is never the same.

It is blessed by Harley's divine power. Not only does it have divine power, but its divine characteristics (defense expertise) can also be turned on at Harley's will.

Harley gave it all nine of her expertise.

The way to activate the Shazam spell is to chant "Hallelujah."

The curse that turns off the Shazam curse and ends the blessing of defense expertise is also "Hallelujah".

That is to say, from this moment on, as long as Doomsday doesn't shout "Hallelujah", Harley's nine defensive specialties will always work on it (ps).

The Destruction Sun's Consciousness Sea only had violent thoughts and could not speak at all - therefore, Harley entered its Consciousness Sea and controlled it to shout out the activation spell.

On its own, it probably won't be able to undo Harley's blessing in its lifetime.

This also means that it will not be able to evolve defenses similar to Harley's defense expertise in its lifetime.

Today, Doomsday has gained great power; today, Doomsday's evolution has almost stopped.

"Why do you do this?"

Feeling the rapidly increasing life breath in Doomsday's body, Morpheus was shocked and puzzled.

"Don't you feel it? Doomsday is resurrecting!" Harley said excitedly.

After completing the blessing of defense expertise, she retrieved her soul from the sea of ​​consciousness of Doomsday.

Only one thought was left to monitor the status of Doomsday and Phantom Man.

The "grey ocean" of consciousness on the day of destruction is gradually thawing and gradually regaining its activity.

The fantasy man who originally had "red threads" wrapped around his body now became a "red man".

The “red line” is the anti-life equation effect.

The Phantom Man became the filter between the Sea of ​​Destruction and Harley's soul, keeping all the effects of the Anti-Life Equation on himself.

It is still uncertain what the side effects of the contaminated equation effect are, but now Harley is pleasantly surprised by the powerful effects of divine blessing.

"Doomsday was originally resurrected, but that process was after defensive evolution." Looking at Morpheus's puzzled expression, Harley happily explained: "Before today, if Doomsday wanted to resurrect from death, there was a process. .

Take its death this time as an example.

In step 1, its neck was broken by Superman and it died.

The second step is to screen for rapidly mutating genes in a dead state and select genes that can survive a broken neck.

The third step is to replace the original gene segment with the selected ‘anti-neck-twisting’ gene, and update the new gene in cells throughout the body.

There must be more than one gene that prevents neck-twisting killing, and a second, third, and more screening process is required. Steps 2 and 3 will continue to cycle until the optimal gene to revive it from neck-twisting killing is selected. Gene.

Step 4: New genes bring new cells, and new cells form a new body. This new body will not die from neck twisting, so it is slowly recovering and returning from death.

In the fifth step, the body's recovery reactivates the consciousness. After the consciousness recovers, Doomsday is completely resurrected.

Now Doomsday has probably reached the second and third steps, and it is screening. It is about to evolve the strongest anti-neck-twisting gene.

But the process was interrupted.

It is resurrecting, and my divine power has given it the power to prevent neck-twisting and killing, allowing it to jump directly from step 1 to step 5 without evolving, and it also begins to resurrect. "

Harley is not afraid of twisting her neck to kill, because her "Manhattan Power" defense specialty has the property of immortality.

This characteristic allows her to survive even after her neck is broken, which is precisely the purpose of Doomsday's evolution.

If the goal is achieved through heresy (divine blessing), the body will lose the power to evolve.

Therefore, after receiving Harley's blessing, Doomsday immediately became a "lazy idiot" and immediately gave up the evolving "neck-twisting anti-kill" feature.

(ps, in order to avoid some readers not understanding Thunder Shazam, I will explain here that Thunder Shazam is just an ordinary child. When he shouts "Shazam", Shazam Wizard will pass on the power of the six gods to him. Let him transform into a magic warrior.

The way to cancel the transformation is to shout "Shazam". After shouting Shazam, the divine power in the body disappears and he becomes a mortal again.

If he has become Shazam, as long as he does not shout "Shazam" in the future, he will always remain a magical warrior. In other words, the current Doomsday is similar to Black Adam in that they have always maintained a state of transformation.

Black Adam does not dare to shout. If he shouts, he will lose his divine power and become an ordinary person. He will die immediately because he is already thousands of years old.

Doomsday is incapable of shouting, it cannot think normally, and cannot speak.

In addition, Halle's "Hallelujah" is similar to White Dove's "White Dove" and War Eagle's "War Eagle", both of which are gods lending power to those favored by God.

But the Thunder Sand Sculpture's "Shazam" is different. What it lends is not the power of old Shazam, but the power of six Greek gods. )

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