I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 914 Happy news, Witch Harley’s evil trick is finally here

Harley said it very clearly, and the reason was not complicated. Of course, Morpheus understood it clearly, but he was still confused, "What's the point of this?"

Harley said excitedly: "My divine blessing prevented Doomsday from evolving. The effect was so strong that it directly interrupted its neck-twisting defense evolution.

In other words, after it is resurrected, if I take away the divine power and revoke the blessing, it will be killed again by the same neck twisting method.

This was absolutely impossible before. Doomsday would not be killed twice by the same trick.

Now, similar situations will continue to appear in the future, which means that Doomsday's strongest talent, infinite evolution, has been abolished by my blessing. "

"Born in sorrow and dying in happiness, Wenwen Township is indeed the sharpest knife!" she said with emotion.

Morpheus understood what she was thinking, "You don't want Doomsday to evolve? Why?"

Harley smiled and said: "Isn't it obvious? There can only be one 'thick-skinned god of war' in the world! If I become the 'thick-skinned god king', I might be able to tolerate the existence of minor gods of the same attribute.

But the Doomsday is not only on the same track as me, but also started hundreds of thousands of years before me. It seems that it is still ahead of me. Can this be tolerated? "

Morpheus sighed: "As for that? Even if you have competition, it is purely on the technology side, and you go on the mysterious side.

It has no main consciousness and is confused; you have a sound mind and a clear path.

No matter how you look at it, its future is actually not as good as yours.

Even if it has a first-mover advantage, it will catch up sooner or later at your speed. "

Harley said calmly: "I haven't learned from Poseidon, the god of the sea. It's enough to give every competitor a tear of death.

You think this is not the case because you have never encountered a major competitor and do not have a deep enough experience of involution. "

Morpheus was silent for a moment and asked: "What do you plan to do with Doomsday now?"

"Needless to say, of course, throw it to Apokolips and let Darkseid help test the strength of the 'top version of Harley Quinn'." Harley said with a proud smile.

"Are you immune to the anti-life equation?" Morpheus asked in surprise.

If she couldn't, it would be even more impossible for Doomsday to be blessed by her divine power.

Harley narrowed her eyes and carefully sensed Doomsday's sea of ​​consciousness. The "voice" of the anti-life equation no longer echoed in the sea of ​​consciousness.

This means that after being blessed by Harley's nine major expertise, the anti-life equation in Doomsday's consciousness has been driven away.

On the other hand, the Phantom Man who remained in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of the Destruction Sun was almost completely infiltrated by the effect of the Anti-Life Equation, transforming from 'Devil Harley' to 'Bloody Harley'.

It has no effect on her soul at present, and the future is unknown, not even the old wizard Shazam knows.

"It can barely resist the effects of the incomplete Anti-Life Equation, which is almost enough. Doomsday has destruction-level strength, speed and combat literacy. Darkseid cannot hold its head in a fierce battle and force the equation into its eyes. Fill it."

Harley's own resistance to the Anti-Life Equation is approximately 99.99%, which means she only suffers one ten thousandth of the damage. The Doomsday is close, about three ten thousandths.

The problem is, Darkseid is also unable to completely and expertly control the Anti-Life Equation.

"The anti-life equation attacks the target through the eyes?" Morpheus asked curiously.

"It affects people on the psychological and conscious levels. The eyes are the windows to the soul, and they seem to be the most susceptible site of 'infection.'" Harley was unsure.

"If you blindfold Doomsday, will you be immune to the anti-life equation?" Morpheus asked.

"This" Harley was a little embarrassed.

Obviously, the idea of ​​blindfolding yourself to avoid the Anti-Life Equation is crazy, but what did she just say?

"Even if Doomsday is affected by the Anti-Life Equation again, the impact will be limited. And as my divine favored person, it has my divine power in its body and has entered the 'Hallelujah' state.

I can sense its general status and location at all times. Even if it is controlled again, I can at least ensure that it cannot sneak up on the earth. "

After activating Doomsday and entering the "Hallelujah" state, Harley did not stay in the Dream Kingdom for long. She returned to the manor that day, while Doomsday still stayed in Mephiss's house. Fu Xia quickly recovered.

Once people have teeth, they will no longer evolve a second digestive system for chewing food; the Doomsday has the "immortal field of existence" characteristic of the defense of the power of connection, and the evolution of physical damage-free will stop in the future.

One day later, Mr. President called the Quinn Manor and asked unhurriedly but worriedly: "Harry, what are you doing?"

"At home, practicing martial arts and magic as usual, and waiting for someone to come to me to exorcise demons." Harley actually answered the call in the practice room.

Exorcism is real. After all, the rich and powerful only account for a small part of Gotham. Her reputation among ordinary people is very good.

The president opposite lowered his voice, "Didn't you say you want to take revenge on Apokolips? You haven't started taking action yet?"

"Don't rush."

Two days later, Doctor Fate Kent entertained Faust, Mr. E, Sargon Witch and other masters one after another.

They were all asking about the same thing: "Is there any news about Harley Quinn? How does she plan to assassinate Apokolips?"

"What are you plotting? Now the entire multiverse knows what she wants to do." Kent sighed and shook his head: "She has been staying at the manor. I am 100% sure that she did nothing.

Don't ask me, I asked her too, and she said, "Don't worry." "

On the third day, Apokolips.

"Uh-huh," the suppressed howl of pain was transmitted carefully into the laboratory through the window of the secret room, accompanied by Darkseid's low voice, which was slightly anxious and angry, "What is Witch Harley doing? "

Well, it's true that the entire multiverse is staring at Harley.

"Two hours ago, news came from the kind grandmother. She did nothing and almost never left the manor." Desard leaned to the window and whispered.

After a long time, without waiting for Darkseid's response, he asked cautiously: "Your Majesty, do you want Grandma Xiang to urge you?"

"No need." After several breaths, Desaad thought he had finished speaking, so he left the window and returned to the experimental table. Unexpectedly, Darkseid added dullly, "At least not for a week."

——That is to say, if there is no movement from Witch Harley in the next four days, kindly grandma will have to inquire.

Desaad kept the Dark Lord's order in mind and planned to inform her grandma later.

"Your Majesty, how are you doing now? How far has the Tears of Death gone?" he asked with concern.

"The shadow of the Tomb of the Gods is behind me, trying to swallow me whole. At this time, two-thirds of my body has been pulled in, and only one-third is still stable in the fifth dimension due to the power of Apokolips.

The Tears of Death are very strange. No matter the power of the old or new gods, they are completely ineffective against it. I am also a new god," Darkseid said quietly.

"Two-thirds!" Desard's face turned pale. "The Tears of Death are so vicious. It seems that the rumors did not exaggerate its harm to the gods."

"It's scary, but don't overestimate it." Darkseid gasped thickly, but tried to keep his tone calm, "It just forcibly sends the gods into the god's tomb space, and there is no substantial harm."

——This is already very powerful and vicious. If the gods go to the tomb of gods, can they come back again?

Desard thought.

"If it weren't for the Anti-Life Equation being integrated into my body, I wouldn't mind going to the Tomb of the Gods and killing those garbage all over again." Darkseid said indifferently.

"The Tomb of the Gods does not allow the power of the Anti-Life Equation to enter?" Disad asked doubtfully.

Darkseid pondered for a moment and said: "The gods who enter the Tomb of the Gods will die once and lose their current body.

My body is integrating the anti-life equation. Losing my body means losing most of the equation. "

"I understand, you can rest in peace and recuperate, don't worry about things outside. We will definitely tear the witch's revenge to pieces and let her return to the negotiating table in disgrace." Disad said solemnly.

"Lord Desaad, His Majesty Darkseid!"

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing a silver technological armor flew in quickly - stepping on a Frisbee as big as a washbasin.

"The Planetary Defense Network detected the mother box information that was not registered on the network. It opened the sonic boom channel and dropped one in the direction of the 'City of Pain.' The radar system determined that it was a meteorite, but the meteorite might just be a disguise.

Apokolips is suspected of being invaded by outsiders, or is it an attack by foreign enemies? "He said with a strange expression.

DeSaad said nonchalantly: "You can just handle such a small matter yourself. There are so many Mother Boxes on Apokolips that even those rats in the gutter (the Apokolips rebels who resisted Darkseid) have one for each one. It's probably them again." Making trouble."

Rats in the gutter is Desaad's derogatory name for the Apokolips Rebels.

Apokolips was originally the "Old God Star" - the old gods in the universe who did not pursue faith and did not establish a pantheon, a "nursing home" built for themselves.

Not only the old gods live on the old star, but also "mortals".

Darkseid and Heavenly Father were both mortals back then.

Their family defeated the old gods, replaced them with the old gods, and became the new royal family of the planet. The younger brothers who followed them in the battle against the old gods were assigned the godhead of the old gods and became new gods, but there were more ordinary "mortals" on the planet.

Those mortals have multiplied on Apokolips and Creation Star and have become a new race - the New God Race.

In addition to being more powerful, the New Protoss have no different personalities from the Americans on Earth.

Americans want freedom, and there are also people in the New Protoss who are dissatisfied with the way Darkseid rules.

They united to form a rebel army, the Freedom League, which held high the banner of rebellion.

Those rebels often wreak havoc in Darkseid's territory. Throwing bombs, throwing meteorites, and blowing up magic factories are basically the same things the rebels do on Earth.

The Mother Box is to the new Protoss what mobile phones are to modern people on earth, almost everyone has one.

People on Earth feel that the Mother Box is magical and like an artifact, just like ancient people on Earth feel that mobile phones are magical and like artifacts.

Mobile phones include Apple Promax, pro, regular version, mini, and se, and the mother boxes are also divided into grades.

Darkseid's Mother Box is not only more powerful than ordinary people, it can also monitor other Mother Boxes.

The mother boxes used by the Dark Legion soldiers are all registered online, and the radar can immediately identify the identity and official title of the person who opened the sonic boom channel. As for the mother box that cannot recognize information, 99% of it comes from the "tricksters" in the New Protoss.

"Lord Desaad, three days ago, you specifically told the Planetary Defense Force to closely monitor the airspace of Apokolips and ignore those who leave. Everyone who enters the planet must strictly check their identity and be the first to do so after encountering any abnormality. I'll let you know when the time comes." The city defense general reminded him in a low voice.

"Oh——" DeSaad suddenly slapped his forehead. Three days ago was the day when Witch Harley announced her revenge on Apokolips. He was worried that she would sneak in——

"Meteorite? You said the meteorite is just a disguise?" Disad's expression suddenly changed slightly and he asked in a hurried tone.

He remembered that Darkseid's dirty trick against the earth also started with a meteorite falling from the sky. Could it be...

"Your Majesty, I'm so happy, Witch Harley is finally here!" He shouted excitedly to the window of the secret room.

Well, Desaad's first reaction was not anger or worry, but joy.

"Witch Harley finally made a 'dirty trick' against Apokolips. Apokolips has countless dark admirals who can easily defeat her methods, so she has to help you get rid of the Tears of Destruction immediately."

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