I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 912: Repay the other person with the same method.

Harley said: "I have two reasons for taking action on Apokolips. First, to avenge the heroes and citizens who died that day. Darkseid takes action once, and I retaliate once;

Second, to test whether Apokolips is qualified to "not take action on the earth for the time being" as the price for curing Darkseid.

If he can't survive even my dirty tricks, or if Apokolips performs badly, I will think that Darkseid is weak and incapable of threatening the earth.

The deal to get rid of the Tears of Destruction is naturally out of the question.

There is no way we will add insult to injury and take advantage of your illness to kill you. "

"How brave you are to say such things." Grandma Xiang suppressed her anger and shouted.

"I'm being honest, not threatening." Harley smiled softly, "Actually, with the relationship between our two families, no matter what I say, it's not too much."

After a pause, she continued: "If my revenge only makes you feel humiliated and does not really hit you hard, I need Darkseid's oath now - to promise not to become angry and angry at the earth.

I hope that we can sit down at the negotiating table again and engage in friendly negotiations to "eliminate the poison in exchange for temporary peace." "

"Why do you have such beautiful thoughts? You take advantage of all the good things." The kind grandma said angrily.

The heroes also looked at each other with strange eyes.

They had worried that whether her revenge was successful or not, it would anger Darkseid and make him attack Earth again.

At that time, she said she had already considered it and prepared countermeasures.

Now it seems that she has indeed considered it, but is it too whimsical to ask Darkseid to swear?

——She had a bet with Darkseid. If her revenge left him with severe injuries, she would add insult to injury; if her revenge left him with nothing but pain, he would not be able to rage against the Earth under the constraints of his oath.

No matter the outcome, neither she nor the Earth seems to have lost anything.

She really took advantage of all the good things.

"You can refuse." Harley said coldly: "Apocalypse has shown its inevitable ambition to win the Earth.

I don't know what Darkseid wants from Earth, but everything he does shows that, under any circumstances, he will eventually take action against us.

People on Earth are not mud, so you can squeeze them no matter what you do?

Now that we understand the malicious intentions of Apokolips, why didn't Darkseid take action against you when Darkseid was weak and had the ability to retaliate against Apokolips? "

The heroes were deep in thought. They were worried that Darkseid would take revenge on the Earth because of her revenge, but they did not seriously consider that Darkseid's malice towards the Earth could not be resolved - he was going to destroy the Earth, and the people on Earth were still worried about their own. Revenge provokes his revenge, splash or not?

The balance in their hearts began to tilt toward Orion and the Genesis Star.

They probably shouldn't compromise with Darkseid, but the earth must not be used as a shield to stand in front of the Genesis Star.

It would be great if Heavenly Father let go of his hands and feet to attack Darkseid, but Genesis wants to shrink back.

Superheroes all have complicated emotions.

"No one has ever dared to provoke Apokolips!"

The kind grandmother's chin was slightly raised, and the arrogance on her face was not forced at all.

"You are so arrogant, taking other people's legitimate revenge as a provocation. It seems you are right, no one has ever treated you like this before, otherwise, you would not have developed the habit of splashing now."

Harley said indifferently: "I want you to be smarter, now it's you who come to me to negotiate a deal!

You have shown absolute hostility, and as long as we are not frightened out of our wits, we will of course fight back when we can.

No matter what, I will take revenge on Apokolips when I can, it has nothing to do with the deal.

You want to negotiate, and I want to examine your qualifications for negotiation.

The way I examine your qualifications is just based on your performance in my revenge. What's wrong with that? "

"No matter how extravagant your words are, there is one thing you can't hide. You may be able to fight back, but you are also afraid of Darkseid's emperor's wrath.

That's why you want him to swear in advance.

If there is no oath to guarantee, you may not dare to use evil tricks against Apokolips. "The kind grandma sneered.

Harley sighed: "Yes, I am indeed afraid. I am not afraid of Darkseid. I am just afraid that he has no bottom line in what he does and takes out his anger on ordinary people.

If I were alone, how could I talk nonsense with you? If I thought of any dirty tricks, I would just throw them at you.

In fact, Darkseid also saw my scruples, so the condition he offered was not the divine weapon or divine power, but that he would not attack the earth for the time being. "

"Since you are afraid of Darkseid's revenge, why do you want to take revenge on Apokolips?" Grandma Xiang asked awkwardly.

"If Darkseid asks you to come here and send a message - take away the Tears of Destruction immediately, otherwise Apokolips will immediately retaliate against the Earth - do you dare to come and say this to me?" Harley asked.

If Darkseid makes such a request, the kind grandmother will definitely dissuade him: "Every fool knows that Witch Harley will chop me with a knife."

"Since this is a deal, both parties must pay a price. Go back and tell Darkseid what I said, and he will make a rational choice.

He didn't resist Tears of Destruction, but arranged for you to come to me for negotiation, which was the most rational decision. "

Harley leaned back in her chair and said calmly: "I asked Darkseid to swear that there is another important reason.

I helped him get rid of the tears of death, and the reward he gave was also an oath.

He must first prove that his oath is worth the price and will not be easily broken.

how to prove? Let’s make a vow first. "

The kind grandmother did not leave directly this time. She borrowed a guest room in the manor and used the mother box to contact Darkseid.

Discussions about the ‘Witch’s Revenge’ had already taken place on Apokolips.

Darkseid didn't show any concern about "Witch's Revenge".

At that time, he said in a calm tone: "If I am afraid of her revenge, it is equivalent to admitting that she is qualified to threaten me. Then how can I use the fate of the earth to threaten her to help me get rid of the Tears of Destruction?"

The dark elites present, including the kind grandmother herself, all agreed with his words and did not care much about the witch's revenge.

However, they can not care, but they cannot be forced to swear that they will not care if they are slapped in the face by retaliation.

It's not a matter of appearance, it's just a matter of face.

If Darkseid vows not to exact revenge on the Witch, doesn't that mean he's compromising with her?

"Since she wants an oath, give her a promise. From the moment I took the initiative to clean up the Tears of Death on my body, everyone in the multiverse saw my weakness." Darkseid made the most practical choice.

"No matter what they think of me now, once the tears of death are cleansed from my body and I master the anti-life equation, the multiverse will crawl at my feet."

This is also very true.

"My lord, how will Witch Harley use her evil tricks? She seems to be very confident." The kind grandmother said worriedly.

"According to her habits and her current strength, there is only one way to borrow strength." Darkseid said calmly.

"Whose power can I borrow?" asked the kind grandmother.

Darkseid was silent for a long time and said, "It has been several months. Can you find any trace of Lucifer?"

"I've searched across half of the United States, but I haven't found any information related to him. Are you worried about Witch Halle trying to persuade Lucifer?" the kind grandma said in surprise.

"I'm not worried. In fact, I really want to give Lucifer a try."

"I didn't expect Darkseid to really agree." After being surprised, Wonder Woman's expression began to look hesitant, "Do you think he is in a bad state?"

"It's very possible, otherwise we wouldn't make such a big concession." Hal Jordan said.

At this time, the second round of negotiations with Darkseid on "treating illness in exchange for peace of mind" has ended.

To the surprise of many heroes, the kind grandmother used the Mother Box to open a "window" connecting the Earth and Apokolips. Darkseid sat expressionlessly on the throne opposite, and actually made a promise: "I don't care about you." Revenge, come on."

Harley recorded this scene and gave a copy to Doctor Fate. If Darkseid breaks his oath, everyone in the multiverse will know that he is a villain.

Since Apokolips will not be "extra" mad at Harley's revenge, the heroes naturally no longer object to the "free opportunity for revenge."

They couldn't think of a way to severely retaliate against Apokolips, and Harley didn't publicly explain the meaning of her method. All the representatives left, leaving only the Seven Giants (with an extra Martian Manhunter) remaining in the manor.

"Harley, how do you take revenge on Apokolips? Now that Darkseid knows that you are going to attack him, he must be on guard. Is that okay?" Cyborg asked.

"Repay the other with the same method. I am going to the Kuiper Belt. If you are interested and capable, you can follow me."

The Kuiper Belt is the meteorite ring in the solar system, where the Doomsday is locked.

So, as soon as she revealed her destination, the expressions of the seven Zhenglian giants immediately changed, "You want to throw the Doomsday to Apokolips?"

"What if Darkseid controls Doomsday again and throws it back to Earth?" Bateman said solemnly.

"There is a high probability that he will no longer be able to control it, and the Doomsday will never again approach the Earth quietly."

Harley said something, then lightly stamped her feet, summoned Yebi, and flew away into the sky on her back.

Doomsday wore a patched straitjacket, and his limbs were tied in a large shape to the surface of a small meteorite with a diameter of ten meters, floating quietly in the dark and silent space.

Next to the meteorite, there is a small spaceship.

The spacecraft is ten meters long, with a head like a zombie's chrysanthemum mouth that can be split into eight mechanical tentacles.

There is a big "butt drum" at the tail, which is a hyperdrive engine.

Cyborg walked out of the sonic boom tunnel and explained to Harley, who was looking at Doomsday: "It is waking up now. If there are signs of losing control, this specially-made spacecraft will clamp it with its tentacles and then jump to the distance of the solar system. The nearest black hole.”

"I want to take away Doomsday." Harley said.

Cyborg hesitated and asked, "Would you like to say hello to the Pentagon and the hero representatives?"

"The Sun of Destruction is my property, do you understand?" Harley looked at him and said strangely: "Kryptonian God Ruio gave it to me."

As she spoke, she took out her mobile phone and sent him a 15-second video: I am Rio, and on behalf of all the Kryptonian gods, I announce that I will sell Doomsday to Harley Quinn, the King of Heavenly Mountain, for 1 US dollar.

The cheeks made of steel-framed bionic material were slightly distorted like normal people. "The United States has laws. The ownership of any alien weapons, spacecraft, and people that fall within the borders of the United States and traditional allies belongs to the government."

"So arrogant?"

"This is pretty good. At least the alien governments have clear legislation. For the countries inside the earth, the governments are... well, you know." Cyborg sighed.

"Just plunder what you like, I understand." Harley nodded and laughed again, "But I also added the buff of the 'U.S. Government Representative', and the two offset each other. If I take away the Day of Destruction, it shouldn't matter. Who objects.

If anyone insists on objecting, I can send it to his home. "

Cyborg's mouth twitched again, "What are you going to do?"

"Go to the Dream Kingdom first to properly deal with the reasons for Doomsday. Do you understand what I mean?"

"You want to mislead Darkseid and catch him off guard with Doomsday?" Cyborg seemed to understand.

"Yes, you told the government and the hero representatives that Doomsday is awakening and needs to be dealt with immediately. The way to deal with it is to permanently seal the nightmare dimension." Harley said.

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