I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 911 People are not united and it is difficult to lead the team

"No one has ever taken revenge on Apokolips?" Harley asked in surprise.

"As far as God King Nabu knows, no." Dr. Destiny shook his head with certainty, "In my observations over the past ten years, many planets in the multiverse have been invaded by the Genesis Star.

Not to mention that the world was completely exterminated, the surviving civilizations with their tribesmen also regarded Darkseid and the demonoids as nightmares, and no one sought the bad luck of the dark lord Darkseid.

It seems that you are the only one who has made it clear that you want to take revenge on the Genesis Star. "

"There is no one who has offended me but has not been retaliated against." Harley said calmly.

Dr. Destiny was startled when he heard this. After thinking about it carefully, it seemed that she was not wrong either.

Even if the God King of Naboo offended her with words, she would flap her wings several times. Darkseid controlled the Sun of Destruction with his front foot and slashed her in both ends, but she used the Tears of Death to plot against him.

"So, you want to take revenge on Darkseid to vent your anger on yourself?" Jade from Infinity asked.

Infinity Company is the Infinite Heroes, a heroic organization composed of the second generation of the Justice Society. "Emerald" Jade is a green-skinned girl, the daughter of the Justice Society giant Old Green Lantern.

Harley said calmly: "If I successfully retaliate against Darkseid, will you feel suffocated?"

At other times, she would have been too lazy to pay attention to this 'magic green light', but at this time and on this occasion, Jade asked this question, not only to express her own meaning.

First of all, she represents the second generation of more than a dozen heroes in the "Infinite Heroes Club", and her father is nearby and does not dissuade her. The meaning is very obvious; secondly, many heroes around her have similar expressions to her, but she is outspoken and heartfelt, and the others The hero is concerned about the identity of the galactic admiral.

"Of course I want to avenge the dead heroes, and there are also my friends among them. If the revenge can be successful, I will feel happy, but what will be the consequences?" Jade said seriously with a green face.

Harley glanced at the second-generation hero beside her, "If you can consider the consequences and I can't, then you are the one in charge now, not me."

"What's your plan?" Jade asked.

"Grandma Xiang will be here soon. You plan to participate in the talks anyway, so why are you asking now?" Hallie didn't want to tangle with her anymore.

Jade wanted to ask, but the young man next to her - the second generation Shi Xia - patted her on the shoulder and shook his head gently at her.

Although she didn't know what Harley's plan was, she now showed that she was not being reckless. Doubts still existed in everyone's minds, but no one raised any more questions.

After a period of silence, Orion stood up and said loudly: "Harley, you can't compromise with Darkseid!

Helping him draw away the tears of death is like treating an injured man-eating tiger.

When a sick tiger recovers, it will go down the mountain again to eat people. This is its nature. "

Before Harley could speak, Bateman said in a deep voice: "If Heavenly Father is willing to swear that no matter how Apokolips invades the earth, he will immediately lead the New God of Creation Star to provide full assistance - our choice will be much simpler.

In fact, Genesis can take advantage of Darkseid's weakness to launch a decisive battle first. On Earth, at least the Justice League is willing to cooperate with your actions. "

"After learning about Darkseid's deal, I also returned to Genesis and suggested that Heavenly Father take action, but" Orion pursed his lips and hesitated for a moment, then said, "Creation Star and Apokolips have a peace contract!"

The peace contract is only one reason, and the other reason is that Heavenly Father believes that Darkseid is not fully integrated with the Anti-Life Equation. Now push too far, and Darkseid may take the equation out of his body.

That way he would not only regain most of his strength immediately, but also correct his method of using the Anti-Life Equation.

Well, Heavenly Father thinks that incorporating equations into weapons is the way to go.

Now that Darkseid has merged the equation with his body, it is an evil path with no future.

Once the anti-life equation is integrated with the body, it will be difficult to separate except when the host dies.

Heavenly Father is waiting for Darkseid to embark on the road of no return.

Therefore, even though he knew that he was entangled in the Tears of Destruction and was in a bad state, Heavenly Father had no intention of attacking Apokolips.

"Although we all know that Darkseid will take action against the Genesis Star sooner or later, but before he breaks the agreement, the Genesis Star will only strengthen prevention and cannot strike first."

Orion kept the secret of the equation secret for the time being.

He will talk privately with the Zhenglian giant later.

But now there are many people with mixed opinions. If Heavenly Father's judgment is revealed on the spot, the news will immediately reach Darkseid's ears.

Moreover, Heavenly Father is indeed unwilling to destroy the peace agreement between Genesis Star and Apokolips Star. Orion is not lying.

"Why not?" Green Lantern Hal Jordan asked.

"Because." Orion hesitated and said: "The two new god camps of Creation and Apocalypse have their own attributes. Darkseid is the incarnation of evil and darkness, and Heavenly Father is the god of justice. He cannot break his oath."

"No new god can violate his own divinity." He emphasized.

Many heroes in the garden had doubts on their faces.

Harley also doesn't believe that Heavenly Father cannot break his oath, but it should be true that the New God is bound by divinity and priesthood.

The new gods are also gods, and gods cannot do anything contrary to their divinity.

The problem is that the new gods of Creation Star are not equal to justice, and the Apokolips camp is not all evil.

For example, Orion is the prince of Apokolips, and now he joins Heavenly Father’s camp and becomes a superhero.

Big Barda is Darkseid's nemesis, and now she has also abandoned darkness and joined the Justice League.

For another example, Orion's wife Becca is the Goddess of Love. In a certain timeline, inspired by her divinity, she had an affair with Batman that contained only lust but no emotion, and she put a hat on Orion's head. .The gods of love and desire, what is justice and evil?

Harley was unable to determine how much godhood and divinity the Heavenly Father possessed—at least Orion’s ‘Star God’ status was given by the Heavenly Father—so the Heavenly Father could not be a pure god of justice and light.

Only a pure god of justice and light would be unable to break oaths and do unjust things.

"Everyone, I don't agree with compromise with Darkseid, not all for the sake of the Genesis Star." Orion glanced at the Earth heroes with different expressions and said seriously: "Even if Darkseid keeps his promise and will not invade the Earth again.

But when he gets rid of the Tears of Destruction, Apokolips will continue to destroy other worlds.

There are thousands of innocent lives in every world. Dear heroes of justice, can you tolerate that kind of situation? "

The expressions of "these" heroes were stagnant, and they became hesitant and worried about gains and losses.

"If you achieve great things, you can help the world. People on Earth can't even protect their home planet. Let's keep our broader ideals in our dreams." Harley said coldly.

"These words should not come out of the mouth of the Galaxy Admiral." Orion frowned and looked at her, "After the Crisis on Infinite Earths is over, the multiverse becomes a single universe, and Apokolips will invade the material planet and seize the life energy in the core of the planet. , can only come to this universe, in the theoretical jurisdiction of the Milky Way Admiral."

Ivy pouted and said, "Admiral Galaxy has been in office for almost two years, and no civilization has paid Harley a salary."

"She received glory and praise." Orion said solemnly.

Many heroes recognized his words and nodded slightly.

Harley wanted to ridicule, "Everyone is qualified to say this, but the New God of Creation Star, who is the opposite of Apokolips but refuses to take the responsibility for the opposition, is not qualified to say it."

But she still plans to go to the Genesis Star to upgrade after these bad things are over, and she can't let the relationship become tense now.

Bateman said slowly: "Actually, we have said so much, but we have ignored one fact - the tears of death on Darkseid are not the result of other people's efforts, they are the achievements of the Galaxy Admiral himself.

Without her, Darkseid would not be troubled by the Tears of Death, and Earth would not be qualified to negotiate with Apokolips.

She was the one who caused all this, and she had the right to risk the results.

No matter the outcome of her adventure, she is accountable to no one.

Of course, I believe that those who can assassinate Darkseid will never fail to consider the various issues that we people consider. "

Although these words were said in a tepid tone and the content was plain and reasonable, the heroes felt like they had been slapped in front of their faces.

——It was Darkseid who injured Harley. Harley has 100% power to decide whether to trade with him. You haven't even touched Darkseid's hair! If it weren't for her, she would have been kept in the dark and didn't know who caused the heavy casualties in her family. What qualifications would she have to be fooling around here?

They unconsciously interpreted such sharp and bitter sarcasm from Bateman's gentle words.

Some of the shameless old heroes were blushing, restless, and wanted to say goodbye and leave.

But they are really worried about dealing with Apokolips, and they are very curious about the perfect way to defeat Darkseid, the "world's most evil man".

At noon, Harry still brought out a sumptuous lunch to entertain these uninvited guests who were not harmonious in heart and face.

"Château Lafite in 1828? I've only heard of the 1882 Lafite, and the 28-year-old. There are so many more. Are they fake?"

After Ivy moved out a whole wooden box of Chateau Lafite, several young heroes whispered incredulously.

"Wow, this tastes great!" But after drinking it, they all praised it in amazement.

Bateman took a sip, with a look of intoxication on his face, "There is indeed the 1828 Lafite, it's not that it's not famous, it's just that too few people know about it, and even fewer people have drank it.

The last bottle of 28-year-old Chateau Lafite in the world appeared at the wedding banquet of a Mexican tycoon three years ago. It was valued at US$25 million and was shared by dozens of distinguished guests. "

"Oh my God, I drank half a million dollars in one gulp?!" The heroes were stunned. They were cautious when picking up the wine glass again, but they were greedy when feeding it to their mouths.

"Give them one bottle each, and take another bottle with you when you go back." Harley said to Ivy calmly.

Those young heroes who had been unruly when facing her before now looked at her with particularly complicated expressions, and the taste of the wine in her mouth seemed to have changed. She was obviously about the same age as them, but from every aspect, they didn't look like the same person. Level people?

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the kind grandmother appeared at the foot of Indian Mountain on time.

"This is what you are doing?"

Seeing a crowd of people in the manor, she thought they were here to deal with her, but was startled.

"They are just witnesses of the negotiation. Today we will make the final decision on the deal." Harley looked at her with burning eyes, "What is Darkseid's decision?"

What can be decided?

Even if she doesn't agree, won't she use some dirty tricks to take revenge on Apokolips?

The kind grandmother sighed in her heart and said with a serious face: "Your Majesty is willing to give you a chance. You can take action against Apokolips once. Your Majesty will do it in large numbers and will not care about it.

Just one thing, since you dare to take action against us, you must be prepared to have your hands chopped off. Don't get angry out of shame when the time comes. "

"That's exactly what I want to say to you." Harley smiled: "I hope Darkseid can swear an oath first that no matter how much damage my revenge causes to Apokolips, it will not affect the subsequent negotiations. "

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