I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 908 Darkseid’s plan

Metropolitan Johns Hopkins Hospital, VIP Intensive Care Unit.

"Superboy, Superboy." Hank Shaw's remaining right eye was staring at the TV screen. The Metropolitan Evening News was broadcasting the charity gala held at the Luther Building yesterday afternoon.

The vast majority of the shots were given to "Lex Group's gift to the people of Metropolis" - Superboy.

In addition to yesterday's charity gala, there is also the scene of Superboy saving citizens from robbers today.

Well, Superboy made his debut yesterday and starts going on missions today.

"You're not Superman, you're not!" Hank Xiao's eyes gradually became bloodshot, and if he still had clenched teeth, he would definitely clench his teeth.

But now his entire jaw is gone.

In the accident that crashed into the Holy Sword spacecraft on Doomsday, half of his face was burned into a skeleton, and most of his skull was melted.

I can still speak now, all thanks to the two months of treatment.

Doctors installed a steel jaw and a bionic throat for him.

The upper body was already in such a miserable state that there were almost no usable parts left in the lower body.

For two whole months, he didn't get out of bed, or even leave the intensive care unit, because his surgery was too complicated and complex, and it would be impossible to replace his burned organs in less than half a year.

"If the person who saved you had not been the Galaxy Admiral, you would have died for any hero. She used magical heavenly magic to keep your remaining body alive until the initial surgery was completed."

Strange, the attending doctor who came specially from Gotham, said this to him.

Well, it was the bald Strange who was in charge of the Indian Mountain biochemical experiment and one of Harley's first little brothers.

Hank Shaw only listened to half of what Doctor Strange said: Superman didn't save him!

Superman betrayed his trust.

He is his number one fan and number one believer!

He firmly believes that no matter what the dangerous situation is, as long as he calls "Superman", Superman will step on the air and save him in time.

But this time, when he needed help the most, Tearman didn't come.

When the Holy Sword was about to be hit by a meteorite, he shouted "Tear Man" dozens of times.

Even if his wife Terry desperately wailed "Superman is not coming, we are finished", he maintained 100% confidence and firmly believed that Superman would arrive before the last moment.

Superman failed to do it.

His wife died, his colleagues died, and he himself became a rotten piece of meat lying on the bed and being tortured by "Magic Doctor" Strange.

He hates it so much.

I hate Superman for betraying his trust.

If Superman hadn't died, he would have maintained his hatred until the moment of death.

But Superman died at the hands of Doomsday

Hank Shaw would not hate a dead person, but the hatred in his heart did not disappear, but instead increased several times.

How could Superman die?

He worships him so much and firmly believes that he is the strongest being in the universe. He trusts him to protect him and his family, the city where he lives, the country, mankind and the earth. His worship of him far exceeds that in the galaxy. Ten times, a hundred times.

He hates Superman for his incompetence!

Yes, hate Superman for being incompetent.

Superman didn't hear his cry for help in space and was helpless.

Superman failed to save him and his wife, incompetently.

Seeing him slumped on the bed, Superman could only offer words of comfort - everything will be fine - not as good as the Galaxy Admiral's heavenly magic and the "magic doctor" Strange she introduced personally.

"Superboy, Superboy" Now, Hank Shaw's hatred was deflected again, half transferred from Superman, multiplied by ten, to Luthor and his Superboy.

"There must be a Superman in Metropolis. Humanity needs Superman. The past Superman was unqualified. The Earth should have a new Superman who is worthy of the title of 'Superman'. But he should not be this clone!"

The resentment in Hank Shaw's heart almost ignited his body again.

"Dong dong dong" The door knocked several times and then opened from the outside.

A bright bald head first came into view, which seemed to make the room brighter.

"Luthor?" Hank Xiao was a little surprised.

Although he was a Luther employee and was injured at work, as early as a month and a half ago, that is, half a month after the Holy Sword accident, the day after he was out of danger, Luther's secretary Mercy I came over in person to terminate the labor contract with him.

The compensation is 2 million yuan, including medical expenses.

But two million is not enough to replace his bionic chin, let alone maintain him in the VIP ward.

The reason why he can now live in a VIP room and receive the most advanced treatment is because he signed an experimental agreement with "Magic Doctor" Strange: He sold himself to Strange and let the magic doctor experiment on him. A weird bionic organ.

According to Strange himself, it didn't have to be so troublesome.

He has never lacked test subjects when conducting biochemical experiments, but now that he is with Admiral Galaxy, he must abide by the laws and regulations and can no longer conduct experiments on living people.

In desperation, he had to travel all over the world, looking for "lucky people" like Hank Shaw who were short of life and money.

"Hi, Hank, you look good." Luther greeted with a smile.

The ghost looks good, but only one-third of his face is left, still wrapped in gauze.

Hank Shaw was originally straight-tempered, but now that he has suffered such misfortune, his character has become even more aloof. He said directly and coldly: "There is no need to be friends. We have no friendship at all. Tell us why you are here."

Luther waved the nurse away and asked his secretary to close the door and stay outside. Then he sat beside his bed and sighed: "I didn't mean to fire you. It's just that your physical condition is no longer suitable to continue to serve as the 'Chief Technology Officer'." .

Friendship is friendship, but business is business.

Lex Technology faces fierce market competition, and we cannot stop for a moment.

You can understand this when you look at Paradise Mountain Technology Company. Since Rich's death, the once "light of future technology" has become a "yesterday flower" that can only sell guard dog software.

Macy didn't make it clear that day. Terminating the 'Chief Technology Officer' professional contract with you was just the beginning.

When you come out of the hospital, I will hand over the position of president of the R\u0026D department to you.

It's equivalent to saying that you just changed jobs. "


Luther's words were reasonable and reasonable, but Dr. Hank, a tech geek, began to be doubtful.

"You don't believe in my wisdom?" Luther looked at him and asked.

"What does it have to do with wisdom?" Hank Shaw became more and more confused.

"Anyone with a real brain will value your brain more than your body.

Even if you are more disabled than Stephen Hawking, as long as your thinking is normal, you are more valuable than Hawking. "Luther said.

Now Hank Shaw believed it. At least most of it.

According to common sense, Luther should indeed think so.

Even ordinary people would not deny Hawking's greatness, let alone him?

But Hank Shaw violated his taboo, not only disobeying his orders and secretly conducting soul digitization research, but also specifically researching "his" Superman.

Even without the Holy Sword accident, Luther would have caused him to encounter an experimental accident sooner or later.

The two chatted for a while, and Luther, who was extremely focused on efficiency, couldn't help but reveal the purpose of coming here today.

"Hank, your condition is now stable, and the remaining operations can be completed in stages. The company needs your wisdom now and needs your brainwave digitized research data."

Hank Xiao was stunned for a while, and his slightly warm eyes turned cold again.

He was no longer sure whether Luther's previous words were true or false, but he was sure that Luther's first visit to the hospital in two months was not just to visit him.

However, he did not have an attack and simply said: "I watched the news and your little Superman should have used my technology. Otherwise, he would not be so mature and would not have the obvious characteristics of you and Superman."

Luther's pupils shrank and he blurted out: "How did you tell?"

Hank Shaw sneered: "I personally decomposed Superman's soul into 48,025 'gene fragments'. Who else is more familiar with him and his genetic characteristics than me?"

"Alas, the Justice League raided my laboratory last night, Cyborg, Bateman, and Wonder Woman." Luthor gritted his teeth and said: "They destroyed all the data, and the source code you left behind didn't even have a letter. Leave.

If I were to do it all over again by myself, it would take about four or five years, so I need you. "

Luther was bragging.

He may be smarter than Hank Shaw, but when it comes to digitizing brain waves, Hank Shaw is more genius.

Hank Shaw has spent nearly 20 years on this project. If Luther wanted to come back, it would take at least ten years to reach Hank Shaw's level at this time.

"Okay, I'll help you." A calculating light flashed through Hank Xiao's one eye, and he agreed without any hesitation.

Dark Side Club, Cleveland, Central America.

"Lord, we have to wait a few more days before Witch Harley and the Justice League give us an answer. Why are you here now?"

Looking at the Dark Lord who suddenly walked out of the sonic boom tunnel, the kind grandmother lost her temper and broke the red wine glass in her hand.

"Stab--" Darkseid fired a zigzag-shaped omega ray first, burning the shirtless young man leaning next to his grandma to ashes, and then said calmly: "Just because the second negotiation is about to begin, I came here to bury him. Move later."

"What back-up plan?" Grandma asked confusedly.

"Put on your clothes." Darkseid said coldly.

"Ah~~" Grandma exclaimed, quickly covered her vital parts, summoned the artifact armor with her mind, and quickly wrapped her body.

"If Witch Harley agrees to help me remove the Tears of Death in three days, I will swear that I will never attack the Earth again before the destruction of the Genesis Star, and I will strictly abide by my oath."

Grandma suddenly realized that the Dark Lord still couldn't swallow this feeling in her heart, and planned to bury the secret before swearing.

If the Anzi breaks out in the future, he will not break his oath.

So treacherous!

"What if she refuses?" Grandma asked.

Darkseid smiled ferociously: "Isn't that right? The backhand I have planted now will take effect immediately, leaving the earth with no peace forever."

Grandma once again suddenly realized that if Witch Harley refuses, the Lord will be even more furious. Now, laying a hidden secret and waiting for Witch Harley to get angry the moment she refuses, will undoubtedly be more shocking.

"Brilliant!" The kind grandma gave a thumbs up and praised: "Your Majesty, you are the most cunning and cunning person in the multiverse. Even Witch Harley is not worthy of carrying your shoes."

Darkseid subconsciously nodded expressionlessly, but was suddenly startled: These words and this scene seemed a bit familiar?

By the way, it's Desaad!

Last time he used the Sun of Destruction to plot against the earth and cut the Witch Harley into four pieces. When he took Desaad to pick up the body, the scientific and technological advisor said exactly the same thing.

Thinking of this, Darkseid's chapped rock-skinned cheeks couldn't help but become darker and darker.

"What's wrong?" Sensing the oppressive aura coming from the king, the kind grandmother asked anxiously.

"If you can't speak, don't speak." The Dark Lord glared at her and walked out first.

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