I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 909 Mechanical Superman

Can't speak?

The kind grandma was confused, what did I say wrong just now? I praised him for being a treacherous witch. Is there something wrong with that?

For anyone in the evil camp, treachery is a compliment, and it is even more treacherous than a witch. It is like praising a doctor for his "medical skills surpassing Hua Tuo", or praising a painter whose art surpasses Leonardo da Vinci. It can be called the ultimate compliment.

After thinking for a while, she couldn't figure it out, so she could only follow him with her head buried in it.

As a supreme being, as long as Darkseid deliberately hides his traces, not even other supreme beings can discover him.

Just like when he took the opportunity of Apokolips to invade the earth, he quietly found the illegitimate daughter Greer, and arranged backup for the future "New God Twilight", no one knew about it.

"Lord, where are we going?" After following Darkseid around the city, the kind grandmother couldn't figure out his purpose at all and couldn't help but ask in doubt.

"You don't have to follow me." Darkseid put his hands behind his back and stood on the flying disc and drifted quickly.

The Flying Disk is a saucer that looks like a restaurant tray, and most of the new gods rely on it to fly.

But when it comes to battle, the New God can stand in the void and jump at the speed of light.

It's a bit similar to Doomsday. It can't fly, but it can hang in the air and jump faster than flying.

"Following Your Majesty is the greatest honor for a child." The kind grandmother lowered her head and said extremely humbly.

Although Darkseid seemed to be wandering aimlessly, he was actually very fast. He walked around Cleveland in a few minutes and arrived in the west from the middle of the country in a day.

During this period, he also landed in an ordinary family's home and found an ordinary middle-aged father who drove a truck - at least in the eyes of the kind grandmother, that truck driver and that family were very ordinary.

But when she saw Darkseid and the middle-aged man looking at each other, red light seemed to fly out of the man's eyes and quickly fell on the eyes of the Dark Lord.

Then, the dark lord's magma pool-like eyes glowed redder.

"This is." The kind grandmother was so happy that she blurted out: "Anti-life equation!"

Darkseid nodded lightly and continued to fly quickly above the densely populated city with his hands behind his back.

"Now you understand why I insisted on taking over the Earth? This planet is really amazing. Human beings seem to be extremely weak, but they have the origin of the planet that gave birth to powerful people like Harley Quinn and the Justice League.

Emotional elements are also constantly generated, like an emotional pastoral. "

He was sighing, and there was a hint of doubt in his sigh.

In Metropolis, one day before the second negotiation, Darkseid stopped again.

Outside the Rikers Building.

With his 'extraordinary eyes' containing the Omega effect, he lowered his head and looked down at the biological laboratory buried deep underground.

"Is there an emotional element?" asked the kind grandmother.

In the past two days, he has found three emotional elements in North America.

According to the Dark Lord himself, when Apokolips invaded Earth a few years ago, he found two emotional elements in North America and transformed them into characters of the Anti-Life Equation.

This shocked grandma.

There are three now, two before. If it were replaced by something else, she might not think it was much, but those are anti-life equation characters!

If Americans also master the means of finding, harvesting, and transforming emotional elements, given them a few decades, the people on earth themselves will be able to condense a complete anti-life equation.

A cruel smile appeared on Darkseid's lips, "I saw darkness and destruction below. He is an excellent seedling. If cultivated well, his achievements will be no less than that of Doomsday."

"Ah, who deserves-"

Grandma was surprised by such a high evaluation, but when she looked up and saw the huge "L" logo on the building, she thought thoughtfully, "Lex Luthor does have the qualifications to become the 'number one villain'."

"It's not him." Darkseid quickly landed down, and when he hit the wall blocking his way, the flying disc under his feet transmitted a layer of faint red light, bringing the Dark Lord above him into a "phase state" - penetrating objects without obstacles. .

This is Apokolips black technology, not magic.


On the 14th floor of the Luther Building, Hank Shaw looked crazy in a smart wheelchair. The screen in front of him flashed pages and pages of code rapidly, and he let out a strange smile.

He was wearing a strange-looking helmet. Many electronic components on the helmet were directly exposed and flashed with colorful lights.

"What is he doing?" Grandma Xiang asked in confusion.

The two of them were standing in the corner of the laboratory, still talking, but no one noticed them, nor did they alert the building's surveillance system.

"Using brainwave programming, a slightly primitive but well-conceived technology." Darkseid said lightly.

He took a few steps closer, came behind Hank Shaw, and said, "Hank Shaw, you are being monitored."

"Who?" Hank Xiao turned around in shock - he tilted his head slightly, and the wheelchair under him automatically rotated 180 degrees, taking him to face directly behind him.

"Who are you?" he asked in horror.

He saw a three-meter-tall demonic figure covered in black smoke.

The pitch-black body blurred the shape, with only two eyes flashing an ominous red light, like two volcanic craters spewing lava.

Hank Shaw's consciousness gradually sank, his one eye turned red, and one anti-life character after another flashed on the surface of his eyeballs.

"Uh..." The kind grandma didn't look at the Dark Lord, but just caught a glimpse of Hank Shaw's eyes, and felt that her soul was like a paper roll in the toilet, being pulled hard by an urgent big hand and pulled down.

She turned her head in horror, not daring to look any further.

"You think you can resist Luther and fate? In fact, you can't do anything." The red light in Darkseid's eyes gradually subsided.

He put his hands behind his back and said to Hank Xiao, who looked stunned: "You plan to use soul gene editing technology on yourself first.

Use the 2,500 high-quality superhuman soul genes selected earlier to replace the mediocre and weak part of you.

Then use the peerless appearance of 'Soul Superman' to retaliate against Luthor and let him understand that you are not a fool and will not be used by him again.

You also want to tell the world that only you are qualified to become the new Superman.

Unfortunately, the wheelchair you are sitting on belongs to Luther, and there is a whole set of surveillance systems hidden inside.

Everything you think and the code you write using your brainwaves are recorded by it and passed to Luther.

When you restore the full set of data soul editing technology, you will suddenly die in front of the workbench.

No one would suspect that the unhealed weak body became sick due to overwork and died of heavy work. "

The confusion in Hank Shaw's eyes was replaced by overwhelming hatred, "Help me, Master."

Darkseid smiled slightly, opened his palm, and handed over a metal box with flashing energy patterns.

“This is the Mother Box, which is both the most powerful mastermind in the multiverse and a wish-fulfilling weapon.

Your body is broken, but you are far stronger than Victor Stone back then.

Victor Stone can use the energy of the Mother Box to assimilate many alien weapons in the Red Room Laboratory and evolve into a cyborg.

Lex Labs also has many advanced weapons, but your Mother Box is more advanced and belongs exclusively to you.

In short, as long as you possess the "Superman Soul", Mother River can adjust into a "Mechanical Superman Body" according to your will. You will surpass Cyborg and become a mechanical superman! "

"Mechanical Superman." Hank Shaw's one eye became brighter and brighter, "I like this title."

Lex Building, the president's office on the top floor.

"BOSS, are you sure you want Dr. Hank to be the president of the R\u0026D department? What about Lina?" Female secretary Maisie asked doubtfully.

Lena Luthor, the sister of Lex Luthor, is the president of Lex Technology R\u0026D Department at this time.

Even the new product launch conference of the LEXnote series mobile phones was hosted by her.

Luther was immersed in processing the company's daily documents, and occasionally looked up at the computer screen on his desk.

Pages of code kept refreshing on the screen.

"Before the original data of the brainwave converter and soul genetic engineering were restored, Hank Shaw was the president of the R\u0026D department and enjoyed 1.5% of the equity of Lex Electronic Technology Company, with Lina as his deputy."

Maisie asked: "After getting the data, Hank Shaw immediately relapsed and the treatment failed?"

Seeing Luther nodding proudly, she said worriedly: "Miss Quinn seems to have been paying attention to him, and she helped introduce Dr. Strange who treated him."

Luther smiled confidently and said, "I checked the hospital records and found out that in the past two months, Harley has not visited him once. Helping him find a doctor was probably just a matter of face, so I mentioned it casually."

Macy hesitated for a moment and said, "You still need Hank Shaw's help to restore the original data.

In the future, the in-depth development of the soul gene project will be more difficult, and you will be even more inseparable from his wisdom.

Are you sure you want to kill? "

Luther turned his head and stared at the female secretary sternly, "Are you questioning my wisdom? Are you humiliating me and thinking that I am inferior to him?"

"BOSS, I'm sorry for causing you such misunderstanding. You are the smartest person in the world, I have never doubted it, but there are specialties in the art, and people's time and energy are limited."

Macy was not frightened, her expression remained calm, and her tone was calm as usual.

Luther said slowly: "The soul genetic engineering has reached this level, almost reaching its limit. If we continue to study it, there may be dangers that even I cannot control.

But no matter how deep I look, I can’t see the greater benefit. I'm not Hank Shaw, and I have no interest in the superhumanization of Soul.

My soul is unique, supreme and noble, and cannot be blasphemed in the slightest!

So, if the risks are right in front of you and the benefits are invisible, why waste time and money on that project? "

"What other risks are there?" Maisie asked doubtfully.

"You have seen countless dangerous failures in my laboratory. You should understand that DNA cloning is risky, and the failures of soul genetic engineering are even more - Eh!" Luther was talking when he suddenly found that the data on the screen was stuck there. Moved.

He tried to enter the control background of 'Hank's Wheelchair' through the key, but the signal was blurred, as if there was a malfunction.

"Strange!" He closed the folder, took a tablet that connected all the control systems of the China Unicom Building, entered the "President's Exclusive Elevator" alone, and two minutes later arrived at the negative 14th floor where Hank Shaw was.

"Ding!" As soon as the elevator door opened, Luthor's expression changed with horror. The entire experimental area was in a mess, as if Superman and Doomsday were fighting here. Flashing electric sparks could be seen everywhere, and several floors above and below were even penetrated. .

But he didn't notice it before and didn't receive the alarm.

"Damn, my control system has been hacked again, is it the Justice League?!"

"No, it's me." A familiar yet unfamiliar voice came from the darkness like a devil's cave.

"Rip Man?" Luther blurted out.

He was so familiar with Superman that he would misunderstand others even if he spoke in his tone.

"Tear Man?" Hank Xiao stopped, with a look of joy on his face, and the quantum cannon in his right hand gradually dimmed.

"Whoosh!" He jumped in front of Luther, "Luthor, these words saved your life, Rip Man, I like it. Yes, I am 'Rip Man', the real Superman!"

"You-" Luthor swallowed hard, two-thirds of his face was replaced by steel, but the only human cheek that remained was almost exactly the same as the dead Superman.

The overall shape also looks like a cyborg superman.

But now he understands that he is not Superman, but Hank Shaw.

"Even your appearance and voice have become 'superhuman'. How many 'superhuman genes' have you used? How much of yourself do you still have?" he said in a dry voice.

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