I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 907 Bateman’s Brotherly Eyes

The music at the venue suddenly became exciting and dynamic, colorful confetti filled the sky, and a black figure hovered and flew down from above at an extremely fast speed, flying around the venue and landing next to Luther.

He is a young man wearing a black jacket with a blue Superman autumn coat underneath. He is about thirteen or fourteen years old. He wears cool sunglasses and has a fashionable hairstyle.

There is a golden "L" representing Luther on the jacket's armband and chest.

He was very excited and had a lively personality. He took the initiative to do some cool poses on the stage, snatched away Luther's microphone, and greeted everyone warmly.

"Hello, gentlemen and ladies, citizens of Metropolis, now that Superman is dead, you need a hero who can replace him and continue to protect your safety. I will-"

Luthor gave him a sharp look, waved him aside, took back the microphone, and said, "I promise you, as long as Lex Company is still here, as long as I am still here, Metropolis will always be protected by Superman."

After he finished speaking, a huge poster rolled down from the wall of the building behind him, thirty meters wide and fifty meters long. Luther's own big bald head occupied two-thirds of the poster, and the remaining corners belonged to the new poster. Superman.

Moreover, Luthor's image is obviously taller than the new Superman, giving people the first impression that Luthor is the leader, and Superboy is dispensable.

At the bottom of the poster, it is written in red letters: Make Metropolis Safe Again!

"Is this kid a clone of Superman?"

Bruce, who was sitting at the same table with Harley in the audience, had a look of surprise on his face, "Why does he look so much like a naturally grown child? He is smart and lively, has a distinctive personality, and is very familiar with modern people and food, without feeling strange at all." "

Harley was equally surprised, "When the Holy Sword spacecraft was launched last time, I visited his laboratory, and the object of observation was this little Superman.

At that time, his eyes were blank, like a newborn baby. Thinking, personality, and memory are all a blank sheet of paper. "

After leaving the laboratory that day, she informed Dachao about the incident, and several big bosses in the Justice League also knew about it.

That's why Bruce was shocked at this point.

In just over a month, a baby grows up to be the same as an ordinary teenager. Is this possible?

On the basis of existing science, it is almost impossible.

After completing his "debut" on the podium, Luthor did not put Superboy into the warehouse, but showed it to everyone as a "commodity".

Invited reporters and celebrity guests can speak to him and ask questions in person.

Harley and Bruce also walked over and chatted with Superboy for a while.

"It's unbelievable. I actually see a bit of Superman in him." Bruce said with a solemn expression.

Harley nodded, feeling the same way.

Not only are they similar in appearance, but also in terms of mental fluctuations and energy.

"But he's glib, carefree and like Luther. It's really strange. How did Luther do it?"

Bruce's eyes flickered, "You don't know either? Does Luther have any secrets that he is hiding from you?"

"Why should I know? This is a project between him and the Pentagon, and I have no involvement at all." Harley said lightly.

Bruce touched his nose and said: "How about you ask Luther directly? You have a good relationship with him. As long as you express a little shock and admiration, he will proudly show off his 'mysterious technology' to you, and maybe he will Everything is exposed."

"You know him well." Harry said strangely.

She was also very curious about Superboy's anomalies. She put down the champagne glass and walked to the small side door behind the podium.

Louise, who was wearing a dark red dress, shouted at Luther with an angry expression, "How dare you clone Man and tear him apart!"

"Miss Lane, what does my clone Tearman have to do with you?" Luther said with a smile.

How could he, who knew Tearman's true identity, not know about her relationship with Tearman?

Louise said coldly: "You will be punished."

Luthor said disapprovingly: "Who will sanction me? Before I made the new Superman public, Congress revoked the laws related to 'cloning'.

In other words, no lawyer can file a lawsuit against Lex Group regarding my creation of a new Superman.

As long as the new Superman proves he can replace the old Superman and have the ability to protect Metropolis, new legislation to protect this technology will soon appear. "

Seeing that Louise's head was hot and her eyes were red, as if she was about to blurt out "Superman will punish you", Harley quickly walked over and said: "Luthor, please take it easy. Although Superman is dead, his friends and the Justice League are still here. "

Lois was reminded that Superman was still recovering and the news needed to be kept secret.

"Did you know this earlier?" She still couldn't help showing a bit of dissatisfaction on her face.

"Your father invited me to accompany him to visit Luther's laboratory, and you were also there when the Holy Sword ascended to heaven.

Didn't General Lane tell you afterward? By the way, I told Tearman too. "Harry said calmly.

"Tearman knows?" Louise was stunned.

——But he didn’t tell me.

Harley ignored the frustrated female reporter and turned to Luther and asked directly: "Superboy looks like a teenager who has lived in modern society for more than ten years. How do you do that?"

"It's more than just familiarity with the world, right?" Luther looked proud.

Harley exclaimed: "He has a bit of superhuman simplicity and frankness, but also a bit of your cleverness and showoff."

Luther said unhappily: "The word 'clever' is very accurate, but 'showing off' is definitely not my trait."

Harley pointed outside, where Superboy was posing and talking dirty on the edge of the stage.

"Isn't this showy enough?"

Luther frowned and said slowly: "Perhaps he released the suppressed nature of Tearman."

——This shameless guy actually put the blame on Da Chao.

Harry cursed in his heart and continued to ask: "It doesn't matter who the character of the saint comes from, but he was only born for a month, how can he form such a mature three views?"

"Hehe, I used the technology of 'Luther Brainwave Dataization'. If you are interested, our two families can cooperate." Luther smiled proudly.

"Brainwave digitization" Harley thought for a moment, then suddenly changed her expression, "You couldn't have used 'soul gene technology', right?"

"Uh, your research also goes into this field?"

Luther was a little surprised and embarrassed. Just now he was trying to show off to her.

"This kind of behavior of playing with your soul will make you pay the price sooner or later!"

After understanding the reason, Harley lost interest in continuing the conversation, turned around and walked out.

But Louise grabbed her arm, with a dark face, and said tremblingly: "What do you mean when you say that Superboy also has Luthor's characteristics?"

Harley stared into her eyes for a while and said, "It's just like the worst-case scenario you imagined."

Louise's voice was hard, "Luthor tore his cells and tore them apart——"

Harley nodded slightly and walked past her back to the venue.

"Ouch~~~" Louise's roar came from behind her, followed by the crackling sounds of fists and feet, and Luther's "Ouch, Ouch, Ouch" cry of pain.

Harley turned around and was shocked to see Louise, like a lioness who had been robbed of her mate, riding on Luther with her fists like drums.

Facing Louise, who had eaten a Devil Fruit and whose body was beyond the peak of a mortal, Luther, the most powerful super criminal, was unable to fight back.

"What are they doing?" Ordinary guests didn't notice it through a wooden door, but Superboy, with his sharp ears, immediately rushed over with doubt.

"Emotional matters are still a complicated love triangle. You, a kid, don't understand, and it's not easy for outsiders to meddle in it." Harley patted his head and said.

After hearing this, Superboy stopped paying attention to his 'father' who was howling after being beaten, and looked at her with stern eyes: "Admiral of the Galaxy, please recommend me to join the Justice League. I will do more than the old tear-up Man." good."

"Do you have a cell phone?" Harley asked.

Xiaochao took out his LEXnote in confusion, "What to do?"

"Log in to the Hero Forum of Puppy Video, and come back to me when you reach S level. By the way, superheroes all use Paradise Mountain phones, and Lexnote is more popular with super criminals."

After saying that, she walked out.

"Do I need to change my mobile phone?" Little Superboy muttered, and then started to download the Puppy Video APP. After logging in, he searched for "Superboy".

Many uploaders have made his videos, but their ratings are not even E.

Only those who make their official debut and become famous in at least one neighborhood are considered E-class heroes.

"Do you understand?" As soon as Harley returned to the venue, Bruce said goodbye to a young and sexy female model, approaching her slowly but urgently.

"Soul genetic engineering technology."

"What is this?" Bruce asked confused.

“After digitizing the soul, a piece of soul data will be obtained, which can be analyzed as a DNA chain.

The DNA chain in the cell is composed of gene fragments, and the soul DNA can also be broken down into fragments.

Base DNA can be cloned and inlaid with high-quality gene fragments, and soul DNA can also be used. " Harley explained simply.

Bruce was shocked when he heard about soul genetic engineering for the first time. After a while, he muttered: "Not only does Superboy's body contain Superman's DNA, but his soul is also made up of Superman's genetic fragments?

Luthor modified Superman's soul data and then input it into Superboy's body?

Superboy's body and soul are cloned from Ripman, almost equivalent to another Ripman."

"And Luther."

"This kind of technology is simply..." Bruce's eyes showed a hint of amazement, but was immediately replaced by solemnity, "Human beings should not get involved in this field."

Harley sighed: "When Richie first invented the quantum magic of soul digitization, I thought of the possibility of soul genetic engineering.

But when I think about the universal truth that "all miracles have a price", I don't dare to study it anymore. "

Almost every Zhenglian hero has donated money to the ‘Metropolitan Renewal Fund’.

At today's banquet, all of them who could come took off their uniforms and put on their regular clothes.

For example, Oliver takes his girlfriend Black Canary, for example, Diana, an expert in appreciating ancient Greek antiquities.

After parting ways with Harley, Bruce quietly approached Diana and told her about Luthor's use of soul genetic engineering to create Superboy's soul.

"Tonight you cooperate with me in visiting Luther's laboratory at night." He finally made the request with a serious expression.

"Destroying the host that stores the data can't end Luther's soul genetic engineering, right?" Diana asked doubtfully.

"Destroying the experimental data is one thing. I also need to make another complete copy of the data." Bruce said.

"You also want to study soul genetic engineering?" Diana frowned.

"I need to fully understand that technology and ensure that when someone uses it to create weapons of mass destruction, a countermeasure can be found immediately." Bruce said with a solemn expression.

Diana thought for a while and felt that his words made sense.

And Bateman is notoriously reliable.

With Wonder Woman's strength, coupled with Bateman's wisdom and planning, the two teamed up and spent a lot of effort to obtain all the information on the electroencephalograph and soul genes.

A few months later, Bateman, who had mastered all the technologies, after thinking for a long time, first digitized his soul, and then extracted the 'Bateman' gene from his soul data, creating a machine with an initial blank mind and the ability to A rudimentary artificial intelligence with the same potential as his brain.

"You are 'Brother Eyes No. 1'."

"I am Brother Eye No. 1." The intelligent system replied mechanically.

"I hope it will never take you a day." Bateman sighed and gave the first order: "You must remain asleep until I wake you up myself."

"Brother Eye 1 is about to fall into deep sleep, 10, 9, 8"

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