"How do you know?" Gordon asked in surprise.

That day, Harley called him to go to the manor to discuss the matter of God's spokesperson, and he agreed on the spot.

He only asked Barbara to do the pastor's work. He said he would go back and discuss it with his family. It was not until the next morning that he took Barbara and Xiao Lai to see Hallie.

After becoming Harley's spokesperson for exorcism, Gordon immediately followed up on the case of the "foursome who met by chance at the gate of Xanadu".

Although the other three people also committed evil and caused deaths and were haunted by resentful spirits, those resentful spirits themselves were not good things.

An Upper East Side celebrity was playing a sadistic game at a club and accidentally strangled his companion to death. The strangled guy stalked him.

Another Internet company executive was given a video of him doing male stunts in college. He arranged for the other person to go to the outskirts of the beach to kill him and kill him. The resentment of the blackmailer haunted him.

There is also a tycoon who did nothing wrong but was just unlucky. He bought a newly unearthed antique and was haunted by the spirit of the tomb robber on it. He didn't know that the supernatural events came from antiques, and thought he was being repaid for his previous evil deeds.

The "Exorcist Advocate" doesn't care about these bad things. Only Superintendent Gordon records the information and prepares to arrange for capable police officers to deal with it.

Only the newspaper tycoon Jerry Norton, who really did something unconscionable and deserved retribution, was the one Gordon secretly used "God's Exorcism" on him, saving him and the upright and kind reporter.

But the exorcism was done quietly, and Gordon told no one.

Even the person involved, Jerry Norton, didn't know how he died.

Bateman discovered the truth just two days later, which shocked Gordon.

Did he reveal something?

"Three days ago you told me that Jerry Norton killed someone, but in a sophisticated way and left no evidence. You could not arrest him by relying on normal judicial procedures.

Now he is dead, suspected to have died from a supernatural incident.

Later, I consulted an exorcism expert and determined that he died at the hands of evil spirits.

At the time I didn’t know if his death was an accident or man-made, and now I hear you say that Barbara became Harley Quinn’s priest.”

Bateman's tone was complicated, "Gordon, this is not the real you. You have adhered to the bottom line of the law for decades, and your will is firm and never wavered."

"I looked for you! I couldn't arrest him, so I looked for you, but there was nothing you could do. You beat him until his face was bruised and swollen, and he was admitted to the ICU, but he still refused to plead guilty." Gordon was excited. road.

Bateman was also very excited, "I will continue to keep an eye on him until evidence of his crime is found.

We have done this before, and the effect was very good. Almost everyone who was targeted by us ended up in Black Gate Prison, but now you are the first to break the rules! "

Gordon nodded and sighed: "Yes, even if no evidence can be found at the time, once they are targeted by you and me, 90% of them will go to Black Gate Prison.

The question is, why did they go to jail? Are you responsible for past cases?

No, they were all arrested by us after they were preparing to commit a new crime or after completing a new crime.

In court, they will not plead guilty to one more crime to extend their sentence. "

"They finally subdued the law, the evil was stopped, and the dignity of the law was upheld. What dissatisfaction do you have? At that time, you were very happy." Bateman said solemnly.

Gordon said: "People's desires are constantly improving. I was happy at the time because without you before, they would never be able to escape the sanction of the law.

Now we may have upheld the dignity of the law to a certain extent, but what about the previous victims?

The saying that death is like a lamp going out is bullshit!

When a person dies, his soul is still there, and he still has perceptions and a future.

If there is no perception or emotion, the soul of a good person will not degenerate into an evil spirit.

If they knew that their murderer would never be held legally responsible for the crime of murdering them, would they feel that the law has dignity? "

"Gordon, we need a bottom line." Bateman said softly: "We are all human beings. Even if we are not gods, we will make mistakes. We may not necessarily make fewer mistakes than mortals."

Sighing, he continued: "Setting a bottom line is not to protect the criminal's right to life, nor is it entirely to maintain the dignity of the law.

Setting the bottom line is mainly to protect ourselves.

Because we are mortals, our emotions and thoughts are affected by our environment.

If we kill, we are destined to lose ourselves in the killing, lose the best things in human nature, and eventually become the devils and scum that we once hated.

Just because we don't want to change ourselves from law enforcers to violators, from dragon slaying warriors to evil dragons, we set a line for ourselves.

That line is like a guardrail on the edge of a cliff, protecting us from falling. "

Batman's no-kill rule is what he demands of himself.

If he really couldn't stand killing, he wouldn't have become teammates with Wonder Woman, who kills without blinking an eye, or Aquaman, who kills without blinking an eye, or Green Lantern.

Among the seven giants of the Zhenglian Alliance, only he and Superman insisted on not killing people. The others didn't care before, but after meeting these two infectious bosses, they began to restrain themselves.

Dachao doesn't kill people because he has the ability to maintain moral integrity.

Just like white-collar women keep their clothes spotless, farm women, even if they love beauty and cleanliness more than white-collar workers, will tolerate grass clippings and dirt on their clothes as a matter of course.

Bateman, who desperately tries to find out the secrets of his teammates and treats them like thieves, has a far-fetched moral compulsion.

He doesn't kill because he knows that for people who often experience life and death, the difference between killing is only 0 and 1, and 1 and 9999 are just numbers that change over time.

"I didn't break the bottom line," Gordon said.

"You killed someone and you still haven't broken the bottom line?" Bateman was a little angry, "We are different from Harley Quinn.

She kills people, I care about it in my heart, but I will not criticize her morally or legally.

Because she is not a law enforcer, nor does she want to be one.

But we are!

What qualifications do law enforcers have to enforce the law?

You must understand such a simple truth. Because you said the same thing to me first! "

"I didn't break the bottom line." Gordon still insisted, "I just adjusted the bottom line a little bit.

As Gotham Police Constable, I will strictly abide by the law.

I only practice exorcism outside the legal realm.

For example, when facing the soul of the dead turning into an evil spirit. "

"It's the same murder case, the same innocent victim, why should there be a difference between those who turned into evil spirits and those who didn't?" Bateman said solemnly.

Gordon said firmly: "Of course there is a difference, evil spirits are going to hell!

Do you know what he will experience in hell?

Not only did a good man die an unjust and humiliating death while he was still alive, but the law failed to protect his life and rights. His soul could not rest in peace after death, and he degenerated into an evil spirit with a miserable ending. How unfair is this?

The deceased turns into an evil spirit to seek revenge on the person who murdered him. This is the last chance given by God to seek justice for himself, and it is also his last cry to risk everything he has left.

Law enforcers should not turn a blind eye, and exorcists should not use the reason that "the living are the most important and the dead are gone" to muffle its last cry for "justice" and cut off its last chance. "

"This is the theory of 'God exorcises magic'. You were influenced by her." Bateman said in a complicated tone.

"She convinced me with facts. You saw the ending of Paul and Tess with your own eyes. This time" Gordon's eyes became excited and his voice trembled slightly: "The victim this time is reporter Durant. Can you Think of it?

I personally sent him to the bottom of heaven!

If it were any other exorcist, the Durant reporter would have only one ending: he would be rolled back to hell as an evil spirit with resentment.

I have lived my whole life and solved countless cases over the decades, and I have never felt as accomplished as I did this time.

This time I truly and completely saved someone.

This time I was extremely confident that I was doing the right thing.

It's not what Halle said, nor was she tempted by her benefits. My personal experience has strengthened my belief - Halle is right. Her God exorcism is not for profit or fame, but only for the final justice. If implemented, it is the true method of salvation! "

By the end of the story, Gordon's face was rosy, his eyes were shining, and his spirit was extremely high, as if a traveler who had been lost for many years had finally found the right way home.

Seeing Gordon like this and hearing his words, Bateman sighed deeply and had nothing to say.

Moreover, Gordon, a novice in exorcism, can send evil spirits to the lower heaven. Although it is not as shocking as Paul's direct sanctification, this ironclad fact also proves that Gordon's actions are righteous.

After sighing, Bateman slowly retreated into the shadows.

Old Gordon hesitated for a moment, and before the shadow completely disappeared, he asked, "Can we still be partners?"

".Inspector Gordon only."

After a while, Bateman's deep voice came from a distance.

Gordon smiled.

One month after the Doomsday incident, mid-June.

Metropolis, the public area of ​​the Botanical Garden of the Lex Group, where the "Metropolitan Redevelopment Charity Gala" is being held.

In the reinforced concrete metropolis, in the center of the busiest street, this place is as beautiful as another world.

You can see blooming flowers and scattered green trees everywhere, and you will encounter a crooked creek with gurgling water after a few steps.

Although we know that it is artificially created, the clear flowing water, green aquatic plants and swarms of small fish inside make people who see it pleasing to the eyes, and their impetuous hearts are also washed away with refreshment.

Dozens of azure round tables were regularly dotted on the open lawn in the forest, around which sat several gentlemen in suits and leather shoes or beautiful ladies in fragrant hair.

From time to time, waiters in white shirts and red bow ties would walk among the guests, serving them wine or food.

The soft music suddenly stopped. Lex Luthor, the host here, walked up to the podium in high spirits, tapped the microphone a few times, and said in an excited voice: "Gentlemen and ladies, first of all, I want to report two pieces of good news to you.

First, in the past month, the Metropolitan Reconstruction Charitable Fund has received a total of 25.8 billion in charitable donations! "

The number of "papapapa" was so astonishing that the venue burst into neat applause, and some guests covered their mouths and shouted softly because they were so surprised.

Luther lowered his right hand to ask the guests to calm down, and then said emotionally: "This charity fund was initiated by me and has the strong support of my good friend Harley.

I spent $500 million to rebuild the metropolis, and she spent the same amount.

I have to admit that her appeal is stronger than mine. Later, Mr. Bruce Wayne and Mr. Oliver Queen also donated US$500 million, and even our alien friends sent us blessings.

After Mr. Saruman, the famous legend of the universe, published the news of the Day of Destruction in "Galaxy Monthly", ten civilizations in the Milky Way donated materials and cash worth a total of US$17.5 billion to us.

Thank you Harry, thank you Mr. Saruman, thank you friends in the universe! "

He took the lead in applauding, and the audience below also applauded Harley and the famous characters sitting in the front row.

“Half of the above funds have been distributed directly to affected families and individuals, and the remainder will be invested in neighborhood reconstruction.

In fact, the results are obvious and can be seen by everyone. Many new buildings are going up.

I dare say that within four months, the scars left by Doomsday on Metropolis will be fully healed. "

"Bah bang bang!" The crowd gave another burst of warm applause.

"Taking the opportunity of this charity gala, I would like to introduce to you a 'familiar yet unfamiliar' friend. He will be the second good news tonight!" Luther suddenly stretched his hand to the sky, " Lex Group’s new Superman!”

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