I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 905 The conflict between Gordon and Batman

Gordon looked confused. The profession of pastor was very safe and very satisfying to him, but being Harley's pastor

"Is it okay to be God's minister?" he asked.

"There are so many pastors in the church, so of course Barbara can do it." Harley said calmly.

"Not a pastor of the church, but a real pastor like Father Carlisle." Gordon said.

"Haha, the requirements for talents of a true divine priest are far higher than that of a mage. The first is the magic talent to sense magic elements; second, what he says and does is consistent with God's teachings; and finally, he needs to find an inheritance that suits him.

Take Carlisle for example. He was first a highly gifted great magician. Later, he traveled to many different dimensions and worlds, and saw countless gods, demons, their doctrines, and church organizations.

Then, he strengthened his faith in God, understood what he was really pursuing, and recognized God's teachings 100%.

In his prayers, he moved the angel king Michael and became his favored one. Finally, today's Pope Carlisle was born. "

Harley looked at Gordon with a smile and asked, "How many of the above conditions do you think Barbara can meet?"

——Can’t achieve any of them.

Gordon sighed inwardly and asked, "What difference will it make if Barbara becomes your pastor? Are there no restrictions?"

Harry smiled and said, "God doesn't know your Barbara at all. I know her, and I have a relationship with her father. His father also used his meritorious service in Paradise Mountain to exchange his talent. How big is the gap?"

The gap is so huge, it’s like a world of difference!

Gordon asked seriously: "What philosophy do you need to believe in to be your pastor?"

Harley said: "Didn't she start practicing martial arts at the age of 8? She can believe in the King of Martial God and practice the way of the thick-skinned Martial God.

You can also believe in the Holy Mother. I have the Holy Mother's priesthood and will give her basic holy healing skills.

Or, if the daughter steps into her father’s business, she believes in ‘God’s exorcism’ like you and becomes a ‘redemption executive’.

In any case, no matter how she practices My Word, I grant her the divine power of a priest. "

When he got home in the evening, Gordon subconsciously glanced around the living room. His 9-year-old son was lying on the sofa with a LEXnote phone, laughing from time to time, probably watching videos.

In the open kitchen next to him, his wife Xiaolai was cooking. The aroma of soybean stew and beef made him gulp down.

Barbara was not seen.

"Where's Barbara?" he asked, taking off his jacket.

No one answered him.

Son James thought he was talking to his mother, but Xiao Lai saw that he was close to his son and thought it was the two of them talking.

"What are you watching?" Gordon frowned, walked to the sofa, took away his son's cell phone, and saw a ridiculous video of "Who is the new Superman?"

More than half a month has passed since the Doomsday incident, and more than half a month has passed since the "death" of Rip Man, but after his death, Metropolis did not lose "Superman".

On the day of Superman's funeral, Luthor announced to the public that Lex Group was about to launch a new Superman that belonged to him and would serve all mankind.

The new Superman is said to be a clone of Rip Man.

As soon as the news came out, global public opinion exploded. There were many up owners discussing this topic on puppy video. Naturally, some people also made ghost videos related to it.

The video that little Gordon is watching is a mix of footage of Luthor wearing a green mecha fighting Doomsday, and the announcement of the "new Superman project" at the press conference.

"Where's your sister?" The youth mode was turned on, and the video on the mobile phone contained no prohibited content. Gordon returned it to his son.

"Going to Dick's house."

"Dick." Gordon sighed, sitting on the sofa and lost in thought.

Dick is none other than Bruce Wayne's adopted son, Dick Grayson, and Batman's new Robin.

Although Dick is several years older than Barbara, the two attended the same high school, which was the Gotham High School where Bruce and Harley attended.

The reason why the two of them met was not because their parents took them to visit each other's house.

In fact, Gordon's visits to Wayne Manor in recent years have been as infrequent as his visits to Quinn Manor.

Barbara and Dick became friends because there was a martial arts club in Gotham High School's student club. They didn't know each other until they fought, but they became close friends after fighting.

When Xiao Lai brought the stew and sliced ​​bread to the table, little Gordon jumped over with a cheer, but old Gordon still stared straight at the dark screen without electricity, as if he had left his soul.

"What's wrong?"

"I was thinking about Barbara." Gordon woke up after being touched by his wife several times.

"This is not her first time going to Wayne Manor. Butler Alfred will personally send her back before ten o'clock." Xiao Lai said disapprovingly.

"She and Dick. I'm a little worried." Gordon sat down at the dining table and put a spoonful of beef beans into his mouth. He just chewed it mechanically without tasting anything.

Xiao Lai thought that her husband was worried about her daughter's adolescent life, so she couldn't help but persuade her: "Barbara is still a child, but she is no longer a child. Who is a thirteen or fourteen-year-old middle school student who doesn't have his own social circle?"

"Yes, at this age Admiral Galaxy is already fighting Gotham's gangsters on Bali Street." Little Gordon shouted.

After shouting, he exclaimed: "I simply can't imagine Barbara doing the same thing. The Galaxy Admiral is so powerful. Her most insignificant experience is enough to become a legend that others can't imagine."

Old Gordon's heart moved, "Do you admire Harley Quinn?"

"Who doesn't admire him? But my idol is Ripman, and the Galaxy Admiral's style doesn't suit me." Little Gordon said.

"Why are you acting weird today?" Xiao Lai asked doubtfully.

After dinner, showering, and the couple getting into bed, Old Gordon told his wife that he had become an "exorcist spokesman."

"Ah, this goes against the philosophy you have insisted on for decades - the law is above all else, and lynching should never be used."

When she learned that her husband had become a "god envoy", Xiao Lai was not happy at all, only shocked and worried.

Gordon looked indifferent, "I haven't changed. I still insist that the law is above all else when it comes to living people. Only when facing an exorcism case will the 'Spokesperson of God' appear."

Xiao Lai carefully observed the expression on her husband's face and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that he was not speaking harshly, but was speaking from his true thoughts.

"Just do whatever you want, I support you."

Old Gordon sighed: "I was uneasy before, not for myself, but for Barbara. Even if she had a boyfriend at school, I wouldn't care, but Dick. Dick is Robin."

Before today, he had never told his wife about the identities of Robin and Batman, but he knew that Xiao Lai would definitely be able to guess Batman's identity, so now he chose to be honest when talking about his daughter's life-long events.

"You didn't object to Barbara and Dick's interactions before, and you seemed happy to see Bateman take care of her. We all know that Barbara is not willing to be ordinary. She wants to have a more exciting and meaningful life." Xiao Lai said .

If they don't plan to let their daughter become a superhero, neither couple will be happy to see her associate with the Wayne family.

But if their daughter insists and they respect her ideals, it would be a very good choice to let her follow Batman as a little follower.

"It's different now. Harley seems to have provided her with a better future." Old Gordon revealed the "Pastor Barbara" plan.

"It feels so magical. Harley has become a god and still needs followers." Xiao Lai murmured with wide eyes.

"Her growth rate is indeed magical, but it is normal for gods to cultivate priests."

"What's the difference between a pastor and your 'spokesperson'?" Xiao Lai asked.

"The spokesperson is more like a transaction. I can take the initiative to end the relationship. As a pastor, it is probably a lifelong belief."

"What does Harley need Barbara to believe in?" Xiao Lai asked nervously.

"It's very broad, either practicing the way of a warrior, or believing in the love of the Virgin, or the God of War who punishes rape and eliminates evil, or a 'God exorcism' like me, or simply being like a member of the Quinn family. Harley Do whatever you are told, and obey whatever Harley says."

"It seems very good, I think I can do it." Xiao Lai was a little eager to try, "Does Harley still need a priest? Although I am a doctor, I often long for a miracle to happen when facing death."

"Are you sure?" Old Gordon said strangely: "I have been debating whether to let Barbara be the pastor."

"As for Barbara, you'd better talk to her personally. I personally don't think being a priest is a bad thing. People have to have faith, and Harley's teachings are not evil.

Even if he doesn't become her pastor, shouldn't Barbara stick to martial arts? Shouldn't we punish rape and eradicate evil? "Xiao Lai said.

As he said this, the sound of the door opening suddenly came from the living room.

Gordon immediately got out of bed, walked outside and saw that it was indeed Barbara with two dark golden ponytails.

He peeked out the door and saw that Ah Fu's car had just started slowly.

"have already eaten?"

"Of course." Barbara yawned and walked to her bedroom a little tiredly.

Gordon followed in, "Do you know Dick's identity?"

Barbara paused in taking off her coat, then turned around and said in surprise: "You know?"

"Have you met Bateman?" Gordon asked.

Barbara nodded and said excitedly: "Dick and I trained with him together, and he praised me for my great skills and full potential."

Gordon's heart skipped a beat, as what he was both looking forward to and worried about happened.

My daughter is joining the "Batman Family".

"Today I went to Quinn Manor." He stated that he was worried about her lack of talent and asked for a favor from Harley. In the end, she told her about letting her become a priest.

"I do!"

Before Gordon Sr. could ask, "Would you like to", Barbara exclaimed with excitement on her face.

"Are you sure? Don't worry, you are still young and you can have a few years to think about it." Gordon said seriously.

Barbara said seriously: "What's there to consider? There are only a few female heroes on earth who are worthy of becoming girls' idols.

Wonder Woman can be in the top three of the idol list, and even she believes in the Galactic Admiral, why should I refuse? "

Old Gordon was speechless and tried to persuade him, but Barbara advised him to call Admiral Galaxy immediately to confirm the matter as soon as possible to avoid any accidents.

Two days later, the Gordon family built a small auditorium in the corner of the balcony to worship a golden statue of Harley in golden nuclear bomb state.

Not only does Barbara sit in front of it and meditate, but Xiao Lai also spends time with his daughter whenever he has time.

During the holidays, Gordon will also join.

Later even little Gordon became a part of it.

The Gordon family believed ‘Hallelujah’.

"Barbara hasn't been to the Batcave for training lately."

One night, Bateman stopped Gordon in a dark alley on his way home.

"She became Harley's pastor."

Facing Bateman, Gordon didn't hide anything. He told him that he agreed with his daughter to be a superhero, but she wanted to be a safe nanny.

"You also became her believer? You changed your beliefs. It was you who killed Jeff Norton!" Bateman suppressed his anger.

Newspaper tycoon Jerry Norton was a Gotham celebrity who took advantage of the night to go to Madame Xanadu to exorcise the devil.

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