I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 904 Prayer Priest Barbara

Jim Gordon looked shocked at first, then thoughtfully.

"You don't want me to be your spokesperson, do you?" He said with a strange expression.

"Am I not a god? Let me tell you, I have several gods, Holy Mother Harley, Heavenly War God, and Martial God." Harley raised her chin, "If we hadn't been friends for many years, this kind of good thing would never have happened in tens of thousands of years. It's on you."

Gordon was hesitant.

He should have rejected her directly because he knew about "God's exorcism" and guessed that she was looking for him as a spokesperson for Gotham's exorcism affairs - her own reputation was "stinky" and no one asked her to exorcise the devil. She asked him, a police inspector who often dealt with criminal cases, to be her spokesperson.

He did not want to violate the concept of "the supremacy of the law" that he had adhered to for decades.

But he is no longer the "Muggle Gordon" he was for more than ten years.

Now that he is more familiar with extraordinary events, he can be sure of at least three things: First, any soul that has been wronged and turned into an evil spirit must have suffered extremely serious wrongs, and most of the murderers are inhumane and cruel.

It is the responsibility of any law enforcement officer who still has a conscience to seek justice for the victims.

Second, after witnessing Paul and Tess transform from evil spirits into holy spirits, his outlook on life was greatly impacted, and he could no longer adhere to the belief that "the law applies to all situations."

The law can be used between living people, but when a person dies, like a lamp going out, everything in the world disappears, and the law naturally loses its meaning.

The law cannot even protect its life, and now it is asked to abide by the law when it is not a human being. Even God does not agree with it.

Third, settling the cause and effect as soon as possible is good for both the evil spirit and the murderer. Even if you escape legal sanctions and avoid the entanglement of evil spirits now, what will happen after death?

God remembers everything together and arranges everything in advance.

“What does God’s Advocate do?”

His voice was hoarse and had a slight vibrato to his ears, as if it came from someone else's mouth.

He understood that asking this question meant that he was already a little moved.

Why are you excited?

Gordon immediately asked himself again.

Is it for justice?

Sort of.

But he couldn't deceive himself, and his blood surged with the extraordinary power of becoming an "agent of God."

"It's very simple, as a pastor serves God, you serve me."

Harley changed her tune temporarily.

She doesn't need others to serve her. The vanity of her ideas and her meager faith are far less satisfying than the realization of her ideas.

Thinking of this, Harley was suddenly stunned.

Does Brother God have the same idea as her?

"What do you mean by 'God exorcises magic'?" Gordon asked.

"Not only must you practice God's exorcism. As an exorcist who uses God's exorcism, you must also understand the classic teachings and social laws of the local mainstream beliefs," said Harley.

Gordon was a little surprised. He thought she put her own ideas above the law.

It's like she's been putting herself above Gotham's law all these years.

Seeing his expression, Harley explained: "God's exorcism is based on God's teachings and is already a complete system.

But exorcists who use this theory must also have their own sense of right and wrong. Because there is no unified belief and law in this world, the cases faced by exorcists will be very complicated.

For example, I hit Paul and Tess with the stick of God and the stick of confession to force them to think and act according to the teachings of God.

This is no problem, because they are Christians, and the laws they believe in throughout their lives are in line with Christian doctrine.

If Paul was a Buddhist and the confession stick forcibly burned God's teachings into his brain, and he finally carried out his revenge with this thought, could he be saved?

Obviously not.

He will feel that his personality has been humiliated and his beliefs have been stained, and he will only become more resentful and degenerate.

Our purpose is the redemption of all people.

Exorcism is not revenge for the purpose of killing, nor is it promoting and practicing the exorcist's own values.

We must respect every living person and every undead person in an exorcism case, respect their beliefs, and respect the laws they have adapted to throughout their lives.

Of course, as I said before, the world is very complicated and exorcists have to be flexible. There is no need to abide by laws that are obviously cults or unreasonable. "

"I understand." Gordon said solemnly.

If he was a bit reluctant to be Harley's spokesperson for the sake of justice and extraordinary power, now after listening to her words, he actually recognized her ideas.

"The confession stick can only beat the evil spirits of Christians. What should we do if we meet people from other sects?" he asked again.

"You call me when the time comes and decide whether to hire a 'foreign teacher' for him based on the situation."

"Can we invite gods from other sects?" Gordon said in shock.

Harley nodded slightly, "I drank wine with Odin, ate noodles with Buddha, and almost all the famous pantheons have something to do with me.

Either you owe me a favor or you owe me money. "

"The gods still owe money?" Gordon's eyes widened.

"If you encounter a pagan evil spirit, I can take you to his god's house to collect the debt, and ask him to do a small favor by the way."

Gordon's expression twisted.

"What weapons are you used to using?" Harley asked.

Gordon was startled and said: "I am a policeman, I use a pistol, Glock 19."

"I'm used to using baseball bats, so I inlaid the tears of repentance on the heavenly silver baseball bat. You also need a weapon to calibrate the thoughts of evil spirits. You can carry it with you without looking out of place, and you can get used to it," said Harley.

Gordon said in surprise: "Can I also have an exorcism weapon?"


Gordon thought about it excitedly and said: "Blunt Tiger Finger!"

"Yeb." Harley called to the open space in the living room.

The magic circle generated itself, and with a "bang", Yebi appeared in the center of the summoning magic circle.

"Remember his breath," Harley pointed at Jim Gordon and ordered Yebi: "I will give you the penitence chain. Gordon needs it when he needs it. Well, Yebi, you can now create three sets of summoning spells to teach him. Gordon.

Curse 1 summons the chain of confession, Curse 2 summons your power, and Curse 2 summons your true self. If you find it troublesome, you can arrange for a clone to respond to his call. "

Gordon became even more excited when he saw Yerby and heard this.

Yebi glanced at him, feeling depressed, but he still agreed and made only one request: "There is no problem in responding to the summons, but the magic materials and magic power required for the summons must be provided by the exorcist."

Gordon immediately said: "It doesn't matter, I have become Harley's 'spokesperson' now, Harley should lend me some divine power just like she lent her power to Wonder Woman, right?"

Although I have no magic power, I can activate the summoning circle with divine power. "

Harry said with a dull face: "This has gone full circle, do you still need my help? Yebi, teach him a set of spells that don't require magic power."

Yebi said helplessly: "At least shed some blood and draw a six-pointed star with the blood."

Harley looked at Gordon. She had no objection to not draining her blood anyway.

"Okay." Gordon didn't object.

He has been a half-baked black magician for more than ten years, and he knows that summoning a demon of the lowest rank costs a price that most mages cannot bear.

Yebiko is more powerful than the Duke and the Devil, and the mere blood is almost equivalent to paying no price.

"Harry, won't you lend me your divine power?" He looked at her eagerly and asked.

"You are an exorcist, what do you want with my power?"

"Why is it useless? If I encounter a powerful evil spirit, I may not be able to defeat it." Gordon said.

——And there are not only evil spirits in Gotham, but also criminals who are more evil than evil spirits.

"So I called Yebi here and asked you to summon the evil spirit when you encounter it."

Before going to see Mr. Assal, Harley really didn't mind lending him 0 or 1 (marquis level) divine power.

But since we know that borrowing divine power will increase the pressure of divine power on the body, it would be a waste to use the "skill slot" on Gordon.

"Summoning Yebi is a professional counterpart. Even if you encounter a powerful demon, the effect of calling Yebi will be better than using my divine power.

My magical power can only help you resist beatings, but cannot help you solve your troubles. " Harley said.

Gordon was stunned for a moment, it seemed to make sense, but...

"I don't have your divine power in my body, so how can I be considered your spokesperson?" He frowned.

“As long as you are practicing my ideals, even if you use the power of my enemies, you are my spokesperson.

Remember, as my spokesperson, you have to be proactive. When you encounter major cases, you don’t need to be hired by others, and you don’t need to pay for exorcism.

There is no need to even let others know that you are redeeming the world.

When the matter is over, he brushes his clothes and goes away, leaving no hero or name, no praise or reward.

You went quietly, just as you came quietly, without any noise or dispute. "

"Do you understand?" she asked, looking at him.

What else don’t you understand?

You have already ruined your reputation, and you don't want me to make the same mistake again and become an "unemployed" exorcist who is feared by people and has no business.

Gordon nodded and sighed: "I understand, the reason why you chose me to be the exorcist is mainly because of my status as police supervisor, which allows me to get in touch with more cases as quickly as possible."

Harley was very satisfied with his self-knowledge, but she still offered some false words of comfort: "Your identity as a police officer is actually secondary. Your insistence on justice and the law is what I value more."

Gordon straightened his back and his face became more rosy and shiny.

"Although I didn't give you divine power, as my 'human agent', you can get the corresponding 'Heaven Mountain Merit Points' after each mission."

Just like completing game tasks and getting rewards.

"Like a superhero, can I get the merit of summoning the power of God?" Gordon said in surprise.

"No, it's the merits of Heaven Mountain. The merits of Heaven come from God, and the merits of Heaven Mountain come from me."

Just as Gordon showed disappointment, he heard Harley say again: "The Heavenly Merit is an enhanced version of the Heavenly Merit. Anything that the Heavenly Merit can do, the Heavenly Mountain Merit can also do.

For example, one point of Heavenly Mountain Merit is enough to exchange for 100 points of Heavenly Merit, with a fixed exchange rate and unlimited exchange. "

Gordon was simply overjoyed. A little Heavenly Mountain Merit could be exchanged for 100 Heavenly Merit. So couldn't 10,000 Heavenly Mountain Merit be equal to 1 million Heavenly Merit?

He seemed to see the spectacular scene of his family ascending to heaven.

The dog on the side curled his lips and complained in his heart: The exchange rate is useless. Even if 1 point of Heavenly Mountain Merit is exchanged for 100 million Heavenly Merit, which lowers your salary by a billion times, you still get a lot of credit and get a reward.

"Harry, can I pay part of my salary in advance?" Gordon suddenly asked anxiously.

"what you up to?"

"My daughter Barbara, do you remember? She is almost 13 years old this year." Gordon said.

"Oh, time flies so fast, I'm already 13 years old," Harry sighed, and then asked, "What's wrong with Barbara?"

"She has been determined to be a superhero since she was a child. No matter how much I oppose it, it is useless. But she has no extraordinary talent and can only practice martial arts. She signed up for the 'World's No. 1 Martial Arts School Youth Class' from the age of 8. After that, every time she was selected for a youth hero There are registrations, such as Young Watchmen and Young Green Lantern.”

Old Gordon sighed tiredly and helplessly, "I spent a lot of money, but none of them were selected. I was wondering if I could help her redeem a talent."

"What talent do you want?"

Old Gordon thought for a while, "It has great potential, is popular, and it is not that hard to practice, especially it needs to be safe."

After finishing speaking, he felt a little embarrassed, "Is it too demanding?"

"It's not high, just become my praying priest."

"Prayer Priest?"

Harley said: "That's the nanny! As great as my potential is, so is the pastor's potential. The pastor doesn't need to fight, of course it's safe enough.

Priests can dress beautifully and heal other heroes and people, so it's no wonder they are not popular.

Pastors don't need to practice, they just need to sit there and pray to me. It's easier than white-collar workers in the office. There is no 996 or overtime.

You can even prepare a quiet room for her to meditate at home. "

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