I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 903 Spokesperson of God

"Tell me the story of Pandora in detail." Harley asked curiously.

The old wizard sighed: "There's nothing to say. Tens of thousands of years ago, Pandora was just a little girl from the ancient ancestor tribe, fourteen or fifteen years old.

One day, she picked up a strange box and opened it driven by curiosity, and the seven demons of original sin were released.

They first massacred her tribe, killing all her relatives and tribesmen, and then caused heinous crimes all over the world.

They do not take the initiative to kill people, but manipulate people's hearts, causing human beings who were originally not so bad to fall into the Seven Deadly Sins and perish through cannibalism.

Only Pandora can see their entities and know that they are leading everything. "

"Why can she open the box? Since the gods sealed the phantom man in the box, they should have hidden the box." Harley asked doubtfully.

"Pandora opened the magic box. It was fate. You said you knew where the magic box was?"

"In the Sky Eye Club, the treasure trove of the US government's spy agencies." Harley said.

"Since you are in the United States, I think it will be very easy for you to get it. You can try it. Not everyone can open it. Only the most true, good, pure and pure souls can - Oops!"

The old wizard suddenly thought of something, screamed, and quickly changed his words: "Witch Harley, forget what I just said, you must not try it!"

Harley blushed slightly and said embarrassedly, "I'm not as good as you say."

"What's good?" The old wizard was stunned.

"You think my heart is true, kind, and pure, but you are worried that I will open Pandora's box." Harley said.

"No!" the old wizard said seriously: "In addition to the most true, most good, and most pure people, the most evil and evil people can also open it."

Harley's pretty face immediately turned cold, "I have saved more people than you have seen in tens of thousands of years."

"I'm also doing this for your own good. You don't want to be the 'Pandora's Second', do you?" the old wizard sighed.

"Don't you think you're being hypocritical? You know it's not Pandora's fault, but you still impose an unfair trial on her." Harley sneered.

"I said it was destiny for Pandora to open the magic box. It was also destiny for her to accept the trial."

Old Shazam deliberately emphasized the pronunciation of "destiny".

Seeing that Harley didn't seem to understand, he gave another tip, "In addition to Pandora, the people who were tried here that day were also the Stranger and the Inquirer. The three of them formed the 'Original Sin Tribodies'.

And which sect and which classic the seven deadly sins come from? Do you understand what I mean? "

After the old wizard finished speaking, he winked at her.

"Are you implying that this is God's black hand?" Harley glared.

The old wizard clenched the thunder staff in his hand, raised his head nervously, glanced at the sky, shook his head and said: "No, I didn't say anything, and I didn't hint anything.

The topic has gone too far. Pandora has nothing to do with you, and the Magic Box has nothing to do with you. Just look at the seven deadly sins, and they still have nothing to do with you.

Why did you come to me?

I have already explained the demonization of nightmares in enough detail. If you have nothing to do, you can go back. "

Harry's heart moved, and he released his phantom, pointed at the scarlet energy in the form of a network on its body, and recounted his experience in the Sea of ​​Consciousness on the Destruction Day.

"Well, the Anti-Life Equation." Old Shazam's eyes flashed with thunderous brilliance. He stared at the fantasy man for a long time and said with a solemn expression: "How do you feel now?"

"no feelings."

"Cut it off." Old Shazan said.


"If you want to complete the transformation of the nightmare into a demon, you have to cut off some phantoms sooner or later. Throwing this phantom away now not only completes the process of sanctifying the soul, but also gets rid of the hidden dangers of the anti-life equation." Old Shazan said.

"No, after cutting off Violence, the murderous spirit will dissipate from my heart, and I will become a White Lotus Virgin?" Harley shook her head repeatedly.

Old Shazam said seriously: "If you cut off your violence, you can become a good person in a down-to-earth manner. What's wrong with turning a witch into a saint?"

"What did you cut?" Harley asked.

Old Shazam glared and said, "This is the mage's secret, how can I tell you?"

"Has anyone been in a similar situation to me before? Illusive people were defiled."

After recalling it for a moment, Old Shazam said slowly: "The Phantom is a certain character in the soul, such as your Phantom, it is violent.

Theoretically, it can spread violence, just like the Seven Devils of Original Sin spread the Seven Deadly Sins; it can also absorb violence from the outside world, just like the Seven Devils of Original Sin can absorb the Seven Deadly Sins of mortals and increase their strength.

Rather than saying that your phantom is contaminated by the anti-life equation, it is better to say that the effect of the anti-life equation is absorbed into your phantom.

The Anti-Life Equation is also composed of ‘evil’ emotional elements. Could the emotional elements be another manifestation of the phantom? "

"Ah, can the Phantom Man absorb the energy of the Anti-Life Equation?" Harley said in surprise.

Old Shazam shook his head and said, "I don't know, this is the first time I've seen an equation in my life."

Then he said seriously: "But if it is true, you are in danger. How powerful will the illusionary person who absorbs the effect of the equation become? How evil?

You can lose your true nature and become the embodiment of the Anti-Life Equation.

It's easiest to cut it off. "

Harley put the phantom away and ignored the topic without even asking about the technique for cutting off the phantom.

"Do you know Asmodu, the Bull Angel of Silver City?" She stared at the wizard's old face and changed the question.

The old wizard's expression immediately changed, "I don't know him, and I don't want to get involved in heaven's affairs."

——There is no three hundred taels of silver here!

Harley said seriously with a straight face: "Now the great Lord Asmodeus has been promoted to the 'Arms Marshal of Silver City', and the Voice of Heaven has personally certified it.

I am here to see you on official business, which is to announce this news for the majesty and ask you if you want to send a congratulatory gift? "

The old wizard looked full of doubt, "You took refuge in Asmodu? I don't believe it."

Harley said: "I never take refuge in anyone, I only obey the orders of the voice of heaven.

The Voice of Heaven delivered this message to me personally.

I also asked Him whether I should send a congratulatory gift to Lord Asmodeus.

Tian Zhi Sheng thinks it is necessary.

Shazam Wizard, you are also a mercenary from Paradise and deeply involved with Silver City. Should you show off? "

"Do you think that controlling the Voice of Heaven is equivalent to controlling the Silver City?" Old Shazam smiled sarcastically.

"I'd like to hear from you." Harry said immediately.

Old Shazam frowned, "Are you trying to trick me into asking for the inside story of Silver City?"

"You think too much."

"Haha." Old Shazam sneered and closed his mouth.

Harley lowered her head and took out a Paradise Mountain mobile phone from her pocket, opened the notepad, and recited while writing: "At 2:23 a.m. on May 11, 2016, in the hall of the Eternal Castle, the wizard Shazam was sitting on the throne in the middle. , a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said - you think that controlling the Voice of Heaven is equivalent to controlling Silver City."

"What do you mean?" Old Shazam asked blankly.

"I will write down our conversation in detail and submit it to Tian Zhisheng later."

"You—" Old Shazam was shocked and angry, "I was honest with you and explained the nightmare demonization in detail, but you actually want to harm me?!"

"Go on, let me feel your honesty!" Harley smiled.

Old Shazam glared at her fiercely and said: "The current situation in Silver City is similar to that of the Wizarding Group ten years ago.

A group of low- and middle-level demons who couldn't find a way to advance joined forces with black magicians and planned to summon Little Black Bean to conquer hell and change the dynasty.

Now Asmodu did something similar.

Different from the underground activities of the wizard group, his behavior is completely open in Silver City, unabashedly expressing his thoughts and purposes.

If you have the courage, you can go to heaven and have a look, where a revolutionary movement called "Spring of Silver City" is taking place. "

"Uh, Spring of Silver City, are you sure that's what you mean?" Harley's mouth twitched.

"I heard what others said." Old Shazam said stiffly.

Obviously, he was still worried about her threat just now.

Harley laughed and said gently: "Lao Sha, I am doing this for your own good.

Today, when even Lucifer can give up his job, anything can happen in Silver City.

What if Lord Asmodeus really becomes a thing? "

Old Shazam's expression condensed, "What do you mean?"

Harry smiled and said: "It doesn't mean anything, maybe we don't want to or have the ability to participate in Silver City's affairs.

You can give a gift without asking for much in return. At least it can greatly reduce future political risks at a very small cost. Why not give it? "

"I don't care about the cost of a gift, but giving a gift is too ostentatious and conspicuous." Old Shazam showed a look of surprise, "I understand, you are afraid that being alone in fawning over Asmodeus is too conspicuous, so you want me to be your shield!"

"After I give the gifts, I will ask, besides me, the other old mercenaries in Paradise, such as Shazam and Naboo, have they given gifts? Is it because they are dissatisfied if they don't give gifts? Hehe."

Old Shazam gritted his teeth and said, "Hello."


No, it should be sinister!

Now that she had given him a gift, Naboo became more conspicuous and could not be targeted by Asmodu.

The Rock of Eternity where Harley left with an arcane battle axe.

Old Shazam was finally persuaded by her, took out an artifact and handed it to her, asking her to give him a gift as well.

Or, the artifact was given to her and she took the battle ax, so stop messing around with it.

For the next two days, Harley stayed at home, supervising the CG filming of "The Legend of Asmodeus" by Fat Head, and studying the phantom in the meditation room.

Two days later, Harley called the housekeeper Angela and Gotham Cathedral's cheap apprentice Gemma respectively. After confirming that no one came to her to perform an exorcism, she angrily dialed the number of "Hell Detective" Jim Gordon and asked her to He called to Quinn Manor.

"Is there anything you can't say over the phone?"

To be honest, Jim was still a little excited when he received Harley's invitation again after so many years.

As a Gothamite and a police inspector with some exposure to Gotham's upper class, Jim knew that there were many people who often took the initiative to visit the manor, but there were almost no invitations from Harley herself, and in recent years, almost none.

Could it be that he is the only one?

"A few days ago, I met the newspaper tycoon Jeff, Kane who runs a honey factory in Canada, and two other people whose names I don't know at the door of Mrs. Xanadu's house. Are there any strange murders in the Upper East Side recently?"

Gordon shook his head and said, "Not a single case."

After a pause, he added with an ugly face and embarrassment: "Even if there is a serious murder case in the Upper East District, few people will report it. They will choose to deal with it privately unless both parties are rich."

It must be a rich and powerful boss who deals with ordinary people. How could a rich man die unjustly at the hands of ordinary people?

Harley understood.

But she has handed Gotham over to Bateman now, and this kind of bad thing is not the purpose of her meeting with Gordon today.

“Hardly anyone comes to me for exorcisms these days,” she said.

Jim looked confused and confused.

"I guess, probably because the news of 'God Exorcism' spread, and the McGee father and son and the previous cases became known to the public, those rich people did not dare to seek salvation from me anymore."

"No one has trouble with his own life." Jim couldn't help but complain.

"Stupid!" Harley asked with a straight face, "Is it longer when you are alive or after you die?"

Jim touched the deep forehead wrinkles engraved with the traces of time and said in a complex tone: "Compared with eternal death, human life is as short as a blink of an eye."

When I first met Harley, he was still a strong "young man" in his thirties, but now he is almost over fifty!

Time flies so fast.

Life is too short, death is infinite.

"My 'God Exorcism' not only redeems evil spirits, but also everyone is within the scope of salvation. As long as the McGee father and son who have been redeemed by me have any conscience, they will sing my praises in hell at this time.

Even if my redemption only allows them to reduce their sins by 1% and extend the time to hundreds of millions of years in the future, the less hardship they have to endure can fill all the houses in Gotham.

If you were Mikey, would you be grateful to me? "

Jim Gordon thought about it seriously and found that what she said made sense.

"But others won't understand, let alone appreciate you." He said.

"So I came to you and wanted to give you a new career."

"what occupation?"

"God's spokesperson!" Harley said solemnly.

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