I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 902 Pandora’s Box

"Why are they so mysterious? Your seven stone sculptures are displayed at the door, and people all over the world know the legend of the seven deadly sins." Harley asked doubtfully.

"You must swear before we can continue talking about this topic." Old Shazam insisted.

If it weren't for the fact that her strength had grown at an astonishing rate and she was now promoted to a true god with laws, he wouldn't have even planned to discuss the secrets of the Seven Deadly Sins with her.

Old Shazam has a certain friendship with the God King of Naboo. He also registered for the position of "Mercenary of Heaven" in Silver City, and he also shares the same goals for the destiny of the human race.

But they belong to different factions among human mages.

Naboo and his Order God System can be regarded as the "Shaolin Master of Martial Arts" in the magic world, and old Shazam's Wizard Council can barely be regarded as the Huashan Sect.

Or after the battle of swords and spirits, only Yue Buqun was left standing alone in Huashan.

Well, the Eternal Castle is the headquarters of the "Huashan Sect". The seven thrones here were once full, and there were seven god-level human wizards. At his most glorious time, he commanded seven magic continents and almost became the largest force in the magic world. He could even make strangers kneel on the ground and accept trial.

Now only old Shazam is left, and the other six throne gods and wizards have not been replenished.

He couldn't even find his own heir, so where could he find the other six "hall masters"?

Divine wizards cannot be foreigners, they must be human, at least of human blood.

He had been interested in making friends with Harley before, asking her to sign the "Shazam Contract" to answer her difficult questions about magic, and also gave her the Shazam Charm for free.

Now that he has seen that she has truly become a god, Old Shazam is even more interested in wooing her - let her join the Wizards Council and become one of the Big Six under him?

Now that he has the idea of ​​pulling Harley into the gang, which is related to the core secrets of the Wizards Council, he will no longer hide it - as long as Harley swears not to tell anyone.

Seeing his serious expression, Harley didn't hesitate much and immediately swore a poisonous oath in the name of God.

"They are phantoms!"

"What?" Harley heard clearly, but didn't understand.

"Those seven deadly sins, arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony and lust, are the phantoms of the gods!" Old Shazam said solemnly.

Harley was surprised and asked: "Aren't the phantoms a part of my soul? Can I let them go, give up, and make them independent?

Moreover, you said they are the phantoms of the gods. Is it possible that their phantoms can still be fused? "

"How did you accomplish the magic change?" Old Shazam asked.

"All thoughts are unified, all spirits are gathered into one bundle, and are 100% controlled by me. Then control the power of blood with the most complete and powerful spiritual power, and evolve towards the magic power of special attributes.

That is to say, you use your own will to determine the attributes of your own magic power. " Harley said.

"That's right, once all thoughts are unified and the magic properties are determined, the magic change is completed.

Similarly, the change in power greed also has an evolutionary purpose.

The transformation ends when the goal is achieved. "

The wizard narrowed his old eyes and asked: "Then have you ever thought about how the nightmare demonization ends? What is the final destination of the phantom man?"

Harley shook her head and said, "I don't understand why the phantom appeared, so I came to find you."

The old wizard sighed: "To be honest, I don't know why the Phantom Man appears. Perhaps this is a special rule of our universe, just like the power of miracles requires a price.

All I can tell you is what the nightmare demonization aims to achieve and how to end it. "

"Say." Harley looked at him expectantly.

"The demonization of nightmares is called the 'God's Pass', which means that anyone who wants to become a true god must survive this tribulation.

Either after condensing the master's law and before becoming a god, it can be filled in, or after becoming a god in a daze.

‘Nightmare Demonization’ – The mage’s nightmare self turns into an entity in the form of a demon in reality.

Obviously, the illusions separated from the soul are all negative emotions such as greed, anger, ignorance, and evil. Not only emotions, they are also your character and experience. "

"The first phantom you separated from now must be cunning, right?" Although the old wizard was asking, his tone and expression were full of confidence.

Harry shook his head and said, "It's violent."

"Violent?" Old Shazam was stunned and murmured: "That shouldn't be the case. The phantom is the manifestation of a period of the mage's life.

As the saying goes, what you think about every day is what you dream about at night. Whatever you have done and thought about will lead to nightmares.

You who do evil things in your nightmares are an illusion.

You use every possible means to cheat and kidnap in your life, and it has nothing to do with violence.”

"Maybe it's because of the Doomsday Sun. After I entered its sea of ​​consciousness, I encountered violence as vast as the ocean, so I separated the illusory person."

Later, she would have to rely on the old wizard to solve the anti-life equation on the phantom man. Harley did not choose to show off, but told him the truth, which was at least half the truth.

She must never reveal the matter of using her food defense expertise to swallow up the Sea of ​​Destruction Sun Consciousness.

"Oh, that makes sense. You have killed countless people, and your violence is one of the top three personalities. It is natural for you to be stimulated by the Doomsday Day and give birth to a violent fantasy person." The old wizard was relieved.

Then he added: “Whether it’s cunning or violent, they are negative emotions, characters and life experiences.

If every thought, thought, and behavior is defined by only two attributes: justice and evil, then the illusory person is the embodiment of evil in the soul.

Cut off evil, and only righteousness remains in the soul.

The soul of justice ascends to the divine, which is the soul of God.

Why does the coercion of gods make mortals worship them?

Why do ordinary people feel inferior when they only see God, even if they don’t understand what He has done, and think He is extremely sacred? "

"You mean, the phantom beings that are finally separated from our souls will be cut off, leaving only 'justice' in the soul? But the phantom beings are also a part of us." Harley said blankly.

Old Shazam said: "They are a part of mortals, a part abandoned by the gods.

Becoming a god is not only an increase in combat power, but also a sacred transformation of the mind and soul.

For example, Tearman can kill ninety-nine percent of the gods with his fists. Why is he still a mortal? "

"I think Tearman's character is nobler than ninety-nine out of ten gods. Many mortals can do great things, but most gods are greedy, angry, stupid, and evil, and are even more despicable than mortals." Harley said.

"That's because they didn't cut them clean! For example, God King Zeus only cut off gluttony, sloth and greed, but still retained lust, rage and arrogance.

As you said, no matter how 'evil' the emotions represented by the phantom are, they are still part of one's soul and life.

If they had to overcome the nightmare of demonization, most gods with no moral integrity would not want to cut them off.

They cut away bit by bit until the soul's divine transformation is completed, and then they stop immediately.

Just like a 100-meter race, you won't continue to run 100 meters after crossing the finish line to do useless work.

Therefore, the gods you see will all show extreme humanity in some aspects.

When you understand them more comprehensively, you will find that they are worthy of being gods on the other hand, possessing persistence and perseverance that far exceeds that of mortals. "

These words really opened Harry's eyes, "Must I cut it? What will happen if I don't?"

"It's okay if you don't cut it. In the future, you will find that Huanren has a very strong ability to grow.

It is the embodiment of your actions and thoughts. Which type of phantom person appears means that you often do that type of thing.

At least thought about it.

If you don't cut it, if you continue to do and think that way, the fantasy person will grow rapidly in the process.

The phantom is a part of you, split from the soul.

You can probably imagine what the result will be if it continues to grow indefinitely, right? "

Harley was stunned, "Illusionary people turned against guests and swallowed their souls?"

"Well, the phantom person is also a part of the soul. When its weight in the soul exceeds 50%, the phantom person is him, and he is the phantom person.

And because the illusory person is the embodiment of the evil side, he will then become the incarnation of evil, that is, a devil.

Therefore, it is not that the phantom looks like a devil, but that the phantom is originally a devil, the devil in your heart. "Old Shazam said meaningfully.

"Then where did the original ancient demon from Hell come from? Hell." Harley's expression changed and she said in a voice, "Is Little Black Bean an illusion of God?"

"I don't know, and I don't dare to guess."

Perhaps he felt that it was too timid to say so. After a pause, the old wizard said quietly: "However, almost 80% of our human mage system is based on imitating God.

In the beginning, human magic was only black magic. It borrowed the power of the devil and imitated the devil's black magic.

Later, some ancestors, like you, did not believe in God, but became God's thugs for profit.

They have access to heaven and begin to imitate ordinary angels, then imitate archangels who represent God, and finally, we observe and listen to God, see what He is doing and saying, and guess His purpose.”

Whether it is angels in heaven or demons in hell, they are all part of the manifestation of God's "Word".

To imitate them is to imitate God.

Harley also didn't dare to think about it anymore. What if Little Black Bean was God's phantom? What if Little Black Bean had been Lucifer's "clone" - shit, what kind of clone was it? God was asking Lao Lu to help raise the phantom!

Illusions are very capable of growth and can absorb the same type of "evil" thoughts, emotions and behaviors, and then grow infinitely. Damn, after all, the Lord of Hell is the strongest "Illusion Petri Dish"!

Who is more "evil" than Satan?

"God seems to have cut off everything, the righteous, the evil, the unjust and neither evil, but it seems that he has not cut off either." She said dryly.

"His realm is too high. Let's become a god first. If we don't cut him off, it will be difficult to become a god." Lao Sha praised.

"What to do with the phantoms after they are cut off?" Harley pointed to the stone sculptures outside and asked, "Where did the seven deadly sins come from? What is their relationship with the phantoms of the gods?"

"After cutting off the phantoms, they are allowed to self-destruct in Limbo and the material world. However, the more powerful the gods are, the more difficult it is for their phantoms to be completely annihilated. Just like powerful existences, heroic spirits are immortal."

Old Shazam hesitated for a moment, then continued with twinkling eyes: "The gods sealed them in a magic box, which is the legendary Pandora's Box.

As time goes by, they turn into the purest negative energy in the magic box.

But later Pandora accidentally picked up the magic box and opened it, all the energy was released, forming the current seven original sin demons. "

"Is this the secret you made me swear not to tell anyone?" Harley said with a dull face.

The old wizard was obviously vague and concealed most of the truth.

"That's roughly it. The details have something to do with the gods, not you. What I'm telling you now is a shocking secret that is enough to change the perception of history.

You must know that just two thousand years ago, in this castle, the Wizards' Council conducted a cruel trial on Pandora on behalf of all mankind. "

There was a look of shame on the old wizard's face, "It's unfair to put the responsibility on a little girl.

Don't tell anyone, especially Pandora.

For tens of thousands of years, she believed that she had released the Seven Deadly Sins.

The Seven Deadly Sins defile the human heart and humanity, filling the world with arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony and lust. "

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