(ps: Every time Harley upgrades her defense expertise, she must fill up the expertise experience jar. For example, the energy required to upgrade from level 5 to 6 is a level 6 jar, and from level 8 to level 9 is a level 9 jar.

At this time, the energy that Harley's level 1 jar can absorb from enemy attacks is the energy required to go from level 0 to level 1.

The energy required to activate a level 0 can is about the calories of seven or eight hamburgers, more than 10,000 joules, while the energy stored in the Barrett rifle bullet is only over 1,000 joules.

That is to say, it is only a level 0 tank. Regardless of Harley's own defense, human rifles, sniper rifles, and heavy machine guns are ineffective against her.

And the energy absorbed by her level 0 can will be reflected back, and she will retaliate in the same way, which is equivalent to ten times the attack of the Barrett rifle.

This strength can kill most non-super heroes instantly - no hero who is afraid of being shot in the head by a big sniper will dare to attack Harley.

Because when she attacks her, she can injure Barrett at least ten times just by returning the jar.

A level 1 can is equivalent to the energy of a half-pound grenade, which is nearly one million joules.

That's right, a hundredfold increase.

If you are injured by the thorny black vortex of a level 1 jar, it is equivalent to a half-kilogram grenade being caught in your armpit and exploding.

Level 2 cans, then increase it a hundred times, half a catty times a hundred, 25 kilograms of TNT energy, an aerial bomb.

Level 3, 2.5 tons!

Level 4, 250 tons

Level 5, 25,000 tons. The first nuclear bomb, Little Boy, was only 15,000 tons. If someone attacks Harley and Harley stands still without fighting back, it will be equivalent to two Little Boys detonating next to him.

Of course, at that time, few people could deal such damage with one blow.

Level 6, 2.5 million tons, the tactical nuclear bomb attacked Harley. She stretched out her palm and caught it easily, without even a spark flickering. As a result, the enemy suffered a nuclear explosion.

Specialties from level 0 to level 6 are all in the "low-intermediate" stage. Specialties begin to undergo qualitative changes at level 7, with one qualitative change at each level.

Level 7, 2.5 billion tons, a thousand times more than level 6. At this time, Harley can bathe on the surface of the sun even without relying on her own defense.

Level 8, 25 trillion tons, 10,000 times more than level 7.

Level 9, an increase of 100,000 times, 25 billion billion tons. She will only feel pain when the jar is full. Who can hurt her then?

Well, there is also the unscientific existence of Superman. Superman weighs 100 kilograms and flies at a hundred times the speed of light. How much kinetic energy does his body carry?

In front of The Flash, a hundred times the speed of light is just the norm, but there are quite a few people in DC who can catch up with him. They can make Harley howl in pain just by hitting him.

The only thing is that the experience jar is more than nine levels.

Now Harley's God's Defense Specialty has reached level 10. If it reaches level 11, 12, or 13 in the future, after being fused with the jar, Harley's Thorns Black Vortex has unlimited potential.

This is also the reason why Harley values ​​her own magic far more than "external forces" such as yellow light energy. The energy of the yellow light is stronger than the black vortex of thorns now, but it will still be the same intensity a hundred years later, but the black vortex of thorns will be super powerful a hundred years later. )

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