I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 887 Harley’s coffin board can no longer hold it down (please subscribe)

Time goes back to when Harley's body was hanging in outer space, waiting for the mastermind to come to her door.

Doomsday returns to Earth one step ahead of Superman.

The Galactic Admiral and Ripman failed to kill it or stop it - a fact that horrified ordinary people and forced other heroes to step up and form a new defensive front.

Ivy was left worried.

"Where's Harley?" she asked Yebby hurriedly.

"I don't know. If the master doesn't call me, I won't be able to sense her location. But I guess she won't die." Yebi was also shocked in her heart, but she remained calm on the surface and comforted Ivy.

Unable to determine Harley's location, no matter how worried Ivy was, she could only temporarily focus on the Doomsday in front of her.

Without the Justice League and Harley standing in the way, it begins to truly demonstrate its destructive power.

There are only wrong names, not wrong nicknames. Doomsday is really Doomsday, Judgment Day, and Doomsday.

Harley's former little brother Plastic Man came down from the watchtower to support Metropolis, but like a balloon in the hands of a naughty child, it was pulled hard to both sides by Doomsday. The "pimp" pulled out a transparent film, and the film reached its elastic limit and continued to pull. The "thorn" broke into two pieces, and he let out a miserable wail.

Orion also came on the star skateboard, and beams of star beams were shot at Doomsday, like a water gun shooting at rocks, with no effect.

In the end, he was hit by a jump - he jumped up and had a sub-light speed impact, flying for more than ten kilometers, and even the handle of the artifact skateboard was twisted and deformed.

Uncle Sam originally cooperated with Captain Atom and was responsible for guarding the White House and Pentagon of the United States. At this time, he also joined the N-v1 melee. However, when he transformed into a giant and stepped on the Doomsday with his feet, it broke through the soles of his feet, jumped to his chest, and punched him. Blast the uncle's chest.

There are also heroes who were grabbed by their feet and torn into two pieces.

The scene was very bloody and cruel.

In less than a minute after the Destruction Sun landed, eight superheroes had already been torn into two pieces, cut in half, or smashed into pieces. The heroes had tried countless attack methods, but none of them had any effect.

Until Superman Returns.

Cheers resounded throughout the battlefield and into the homes and offices of all viewers watching the live broadcast.

But the cheers soon turned into panicked silence.

Because from the words of Tear Man, the heroes on the scene and the reporters following the filming learned the sad news that the Galaxy Admiral was killed in battle.

After Ivy asked Ripman about the approximate location of the battlefield, she immediately rode Yebi and disappeared into the metropolis.

"I think the master is not dead. The war is in full swing now. The heroes and citizens need my healing skills and your vines." Yebi hesitated.

"The urgent needs of people all over the world are not as good as Harley waiting quietly alone.

If she is not dead, she must be waiting for us to save her.

We cannot let her down, let alone waste any possible opportunity to help her. "Ivy's expression was firm and could not be refuted.

At this moment, half of Harley is floating quietly in the deep space of the universe.

"I sensed the master's aura, she... Hey, there seems to be an alien spacecraft ahead?" Yebi looked around at the starry sky and suddenly stopped, surprised and suspicious, "There was a strong wave of death coming from there, they were there What are you doing? You seem to be dead?"

"I don't care about the life or death of the aliens. What's wrong with Harley? I didn't see anything." Ivy said anxiously.

"The distance is a bit far, three hundred kilometers away. Just like what Tranpoman said, she was cut in half, her breath was weak and she was almost dead, but -"

"Ah!" Ivy exclaimed. She slapped the dog's head hard without even hearing what it said. "Why are you still stopping here? Go and save her!"

"Hey, don't worry, don't hit me!" Yebi's head was banging, and the golden dog hair was messy. "Nearly death does not mean death. I feel her body has weak soul fluctuations. I can be sure that she Pretending to be dead again.”

"Pretending to be dead?" Ivy was stunned, "Why would she pretend to be dead?"

"Just do bad things. The death wave has subsided. Let's go there now."

The dog jumped into Limbo, then ran a step further and jumped into the material world. From the outside, its body seemed to be teleporting continuously over "short distances". Every time it appeared, it was further forward than its previous position in the universe. More than ten kilometers.

After running for dozens of steps, a man and a dog stopped beside a corpse.

"Ah, Harley -" Ivy's eyes were moistened after just one glance at the half of the corpse, and she cried out worriedly and sadly.

Yebi turned around and looked around, but saw no alien spacecraft, not even fragments or corpses. The dark void was empty, like a washed glass window.

"Yeebee, yebee!"

The sound of bang bang bang came from the head again. Yebi did not look back and directly used his mental voice to complain, "What's wrong? Can you please speak properly and don't hit me on the head?"

Ivy didn't care about Gouzi's emotions at all, and only expressed her worries excitedly, "I called Harley several times, but there was no response at all and zero mental fluctuations. Is she really pretending to be dead?"

"If she can't fool you, how can she fool the 'big guy' she wants to trap?" Yebi stretched out his paw and patted Harley's face a few times.

The body covered with ice was as cold as a lifeless stone.

"What boss?" Ivy asked confused.

"To deal with ordinary people, she can just charge hard and hit them hard. The person who can make her plan at such a cost must be a powerful boss."

Having said this, Yebi suddenly felt wary, took a step back, and took Ivy into Limbo Prison.

"What are you doing?" Ivy was shocked and angry.

"Master Harley continues to pretend to be dead, which means that the 'big brother' she is waiting for has not yet arrived. If the big brother sees us, we will be in danger." Yebi said cautiously.

"Bang bang bang!" Ivy hit its head a few more times and said in a stern tone: "Go back and bring Harley's body back to the earth immediately.

Regardless of whether there is a 'big brother' or not, it is too dangerous for Harley's half-body body to be left there.

And you also said that an alien spacecraft disappeared in this star field before, and it was suspected that it was killed by Harley in some way. You and I both saw it. Is the 'big brother' blind?

If the 'big boss' still chooses to attack Harley after seeing this, wouldn't she be even more dangerous? "

"Well, that makes sense." Yebi tilted his head and thought for a moment, then said in surprise: "Ivy, you were stupid before, but you suddenly became smarter today!"

"Bang bang bang!" Ivy patted its head with her hand, "Hurry up, this is just the upper body, we still need to find the lower body and two arms."

At 10 a.m. the next day, the sun rose as usual, spreading warmth and light on this city that was different from the past.

A high platform was built at the end of the Metropolitan National Mall, and 25 coffins covered with national flags were placed on the platform. The five giants, together with several of the most famous superheroes, lined up behind the coffins.

Next to them, there was a symphony group wearing military uniforms and playing mournful music. Their low and sad music floated softly over the square.

Below were silent citizens and reporters, densely packed into the square. There were even many people on the road outside the square.

They held small flags in their hands, or wore American flags, or held large photos of fallen heroes such as Galaxy Admiral and Rip Man.

There were a lot of people, but there was silence. Every tiny gasp of Mr. President's speech on the podium could be clearly heard.

"Yesterday was the worst day in the history of the United States and the history of the earth. The Doomsday came to the earth, came to the United States, and broke into the metropolis, causing damage to half of the city and hundreds of buildings. Hundreds of citizens were injured and killed. There are 25 heroes, including Harley Quinn, the greatest hero in the universe, and Rip Man, the greatest hero in Metropolis."

After hearing these words, many people in the audience wanted to complain and protest, such as Mingji Louise, who was sitting in a wheelchair with bandages all over her body, with only half of her eye exposed.

But the atmosphere at this time was really solemn and heavy, and the audience was in a low and gloomy mood. They were in no mood or energy to care about the president's poor speech.

After reading the names of the 25 fallen heroes one by one, he slightly raised his voice and tried to make his tone and expression cheery.

"But yesterday will also be the greatest day in the history of the United States and mankind. In the face of brutal alien monsters, our country did not back down.

Our citizens, police officers, military personnel, and superheroes, all performing their duties but united as one, demonstrated fearless courage, tenacity, and a determination to defend freedom and life.

The Americans fought an epic battle that shook the universe.

When we faced the enemy yesterday, we did not cry and retaliate with blood and fire; today at the entrance to the Hall of Valor, we should not shed tears either——"

Mr. President tilted his head emotionally and "quietly" wiped his wet eyes with his sleeves.

"Please use songs of praise and loud horns to send the fallen heroes and citizens on their last journey!"

In the VIP seat below, Jimmy Olsen complained to Louise in a low voice: "I received the exact news that yesterday the 'Millennium Era' led by Captain Atom and the 'Freedom Fighters' led by Uncle Sam, why They showed up on the battlefield very late because the government asked them to first move military and political dignitaries and celebrities to safe areas, and they also had to prioritize protecting the White House and the Pentagon."

The expression in Louise's exposed single eye was dull and untouched.

"Clark just lost contact. Many citizens who lost contact yesterday were found this morning. Maybe you will receive news from him this afternoon." Jimmy comforted.

Louise's eyes fluctuated slightly and turned to the coffin in the middle. She had not lost contact with Clark, and he would never send her another message.

If Harley Quinn was alive, she could still send a few words to him in heaven through her, saying that she might not be able to see his heroic spirit in Heaven Mountain, but now she is dead too.

While Lois was in a daze, Mr. President had finished his speech and replaced him with the next guest, Lex Luthor.

"How did he get up there?" There was a low commotion immediately among the mourning crowd below.

"He also participated in the war yesterday. Although his appearance time was very short, he at least fought hard and is more qualified to speak on stage than those politicians."

Luther also noticed the reaction of the citizens, frowned, and said: "At this moment, I am not standing here to give a speech to inspire the people.

I won't make any boasts on this occasion. "

Mr. President, who has just stepped down, has darkened his face even more. This is a mockery of him and accuses him of boasting.

"We are here to pay homage to the heroes. Of course they are heroes, but they are also my friends.

Especially Harley, she and I are like-minded good friends. Our friendship can be traced back to ten years ago. Our deep friendship makes it necessary for me to come here to see her off for the last time. "

"How good is the relationship between Admiral Galaxy and Luther?" The citizens whispered, looking at the bald head differently.

Both Galaxy Admiral and Ripman have died, so who will be their successors and the second 'Galaxy Admiral'?

Luther was very satisfied with everyone's looks and continued: "According to tradition, at everyone's funeral, his closest friends will stand up to tell his story and evaluate his life.

Today, on the day of Harley's burial, I will take on this responsibility. No one will object, right? "

"Bang bang bang bang!" Harley's coffin board could no longer hold it down, and there were bursts of noise.

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