I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 886 A day of destruction for nothing

"It is the end of all things! It cannot be ended, and it cannot be killed twice in the same way. You should find a place to seal it." Ruiou advised.

"How to seal it? When will it be resurrected?"

Ruiou said: “Every time after being killed, Doomsday will evolve genes to deal with the damage.

The process from death to completion of evolution is the time of its resurrection.

Well, you will be resurrected only after you complete evolution. The evolution time is uncertain, so the specific resurrection time is also uncertain. "

"If we destroy every cell and every gene fragment in a targeted manner, can't we really kill it completely?" Harley wondered.

Ruiou raised his eyebrows and said, "I discussed the Kryptonian gene theory with you just now. The four-dimensional material DNA is just the appearance of the Kryptonian gene, and it is a secret lock that hides the real genetic information.

There are six dimensions in the multiverse, and life in the universe can also be divided into different dimensions.

For example, ordinary earthlings are living beings in the four-dimensional material world.

For example, gods like us are all beings in the fifth-dimensional thinking dimension.

For example, the administrators of the multiverse, the monitors and anti-monitors, are all six-dimensional beings.

For example, although you have the position of a god, you stay in the four-dimensional material world all year round, so you can probably be considered a 4.5-dimensional person."

Seeing a look of worry on Harley's face, the Kryptonian god added: "Of course, dimensions can only evaluate the average strength of dimensional life, and cannot represent the strength of all individual lives.

The five-dimensional gods of the eight divine realms are basically more powerful than the four-dimensional beings.

But when high-dimensional beings enter the material universe, they still have to reduce their frequency, and they may not necessarily be able to defeat all low-dimensional beings. "

Then he changed his subject, returned to the previous topic, and continued: "We cannot use the DNA of the four-dimensional material universe to calibrate life in a five-dimensional or six-dimensional world.

Because their ‘genes’ are also five-dimensional and six-dimensional.

Therefore, simply destroying its cells and genes in the four-dimensional material world is of little use. "

"Kryptonians are higher than the fourth dimension?" Harley thought thoughtfully.

"The Kryptonians are close to the gods. In terms of physical strength, they are stronger than all the gods in the eight major gods. Our real genetic information is recorded in the fifth dimension."

"Is it okay to throw Doomsday into a black hole?" Harley asked.

"I'm afraid it can still break free."

"Where's the origin wall?" Harley asked again.

"This" the old Kryptonian showed hesitation this time, "I'm not sure. In theory, it can continuously evolve according to the ability of the 'opponent'.

Opponents are not limited to enemies, but also include any extreme environment.

The Origin Wall is also considered an environment.

But the energy level of the Origin Wall is almost the highest in the multiverse, and no one has ever, uh-"

He looked at Harley and said with a strange expression: "You should know this better than me. Do you think it can evolve the ability to adapt to the environment of the Origin Wall?"

Harley frowned slightly. If anyone had said that Doomsday's evolution could defeat the Origin Wall before fighting Doomsday in person, she would have laughed with sarcasm on her face.

But now she's not so sure.

Because she probably understood why her stomach acid mist suddenly became ineffective against it in the Sea of ​​​​Destruction Sun.

It's evolving!

The "Stomach Acid Mist Defense Specialty" evolved under the erosion of gastric acid mist.

Stomach Acid Mist comes from the Food Defense Specialty, which is a full eight levels!

Level eight is the cosmic level, which represents the limit of the single material universe. It means that there is nothing in this universe that she cannot digest.

Going up, level nine, is the multiverse level, which is about half a level worse than the Origin Wall.

Well, the Origin Wall contains the connection power of the "Origin Judge", and the power level is higher than nine but lower than 10 (Harley can break free from it when her connection power defense is level nine).

If Doomsday really breaks free from the Wall of Origin, it means that its potential is great enough to become her biggest enemy.

Harley suddenly had this realization.

It is a purely physical attack, the only attack that Harley cannot activate her defense expertise.

She can't restrain it, but it can evolve a defensive specialty that restrains her defensive specialty.

"You created it but don't know its limits?"

"The purpose of our creation is to let it break the limits and evolve infinitely." The bald old man said.

"Can you still control it now? Well, if you could, you would have used it as a biological weapon long ago, and you wouldn't let Darkseid pick it up."

Harley's very plain words made the Kryptonian god look shocked.

"Darkseid? Are you saying that the Doomsday attack on the earth was not an accident, but that Darkseid was behind it?"

Harley nodded slightly, "I have met Darkseid. After Doomsday killed me, he came quietly to check, and I sprayed him with tears of death."

The old Kryptonian god's expression was distorted at first, and then his face turned pale when he realized what he was saying.

He murmured: "Are they the tears of death in the tomb of the gods?"

"I thought Tears of Death was a mysterious and unknown high-end product."

Old Ruiou immediately understood the meaning of the Tears of Death, which surprised Harley.

"There are rumors that Poseidon used it to trap and kill the sea gods. I don't know if it is true or not. Is Darkseid dead?"

Harley shook her head.

"Even if he didn't fall into the God's Tomb, he would definitely feel uncomfortable at this time."

While gloating about his misfortune, Ruiou also felt a little more in awe of the 'female Ah Piao' in front of him.

No heavy hammer is needed to ring the drum. With just a few simple words, He deduced that she became Piao not only due to lack of strength, but also guessed that there was a mastermind behind the Doomsday incident, deliberately pretending to be dead, and found the mastermind who used the Tears of Death to plot the plot. Opportunity.

This scheming.

She is indeed the Witch Harley.

And Darkseid

In the heavenly realm, he had also heard rumors such as 'Zheng Lian was bribed by the Genesis Star', 'The Earth is moving closer to the Genesis Star', and 'Heavenly Father intends to turn the Earth into a battlefield to ambush Darkseid'.

Darkseid didn't sit back and wait for death, nor did he carelessly attack the Earth or the Genesis Star. He actually used the Sun of Destruction to plot against the people on Earth, and most of them succeeded - at least on the surface, both Superman and Witch Harley were dead. Different place.

Even if they can be resurrected in the end, what about the other fallen heroes?

Harley thought for a moment and asked: "Where was the Doomsday sealed before? Do you have any good suggestions?"

"The Phantom Zone is the boundary of Hades, equivalent to the shadow realm of hell. Time and space are blurred there. Tens of thousands of years have passed in the outside world, but the people inside can only feel the past moment.

Or, for a moment in the outside world, the people imprisoned inside seem to have been suffering for thousands of years.

It was a place where the Kryptonians discovered and used it to exile prisoners.

By the way, before sealing the Doomsday, put it in a straitjacket to suppress its power to a minimum. It can also isolate it from the outside environment and ensure that it will not evolve again. "

"Bound clothes" Harley's expression changed slightly, "When Doomsday first appeared on Earth, the 'space suit' it wore was not protecting it, but suppressing its power?"

"Well, that is the bondage suit studied by Kryptonian scientists, which contains kryptonite radiation, red sunlight, nano-level lead layers and other materials to restrain the abilities of Kryptonians.

Doomsday was once afraid of Kryptonite, but after being killed by Kryptonite and weakened by the Red Sun, he became immune to Kryptonite radiation and the Red Sun.

However, it always evolves from Kryptonian genes, and is also affected by Kryptonite and the Red Sun. "

"Since you took the initiative to seal the Doomsday in the Shadow Realm, why didn't you set up early warning measures to prevent others from stealing?" Harley asked.

Ruiou smiled bitterly and said: "You and Kal-El teamed up to kill the Three Palace Demon. Although it was a trick, the Three Palaces are far better than our entire Kryptonian god system.

Now Doomsday has destroyed you and Kal-El.

Can you estimate the gap between our Kryptonian God and Doomsday?

Those who dare to take the idea of ​​Doomsday will either not be able to offend Doomsday and be destroyed; or we must not be able to offend Doomsday. If something goes wrong with the seal, who can we stop? "

The Sun of Destruction is bigger than Hari Gachao, bigger than the Three Palace Demons, and far bigger than the Kryptonian God System?

According to this algorithm, Doomsday can beat the entire Kryptonian pantheon to shit.

"The Doomsday is your creation, but you didn't prepare a backup plan?"

Harley looked at the old man with more than a little contempt. He was a "gene god" and couldn't even control his own genetic creations.

Ruiou frowned and said: "We originally designed this project to test the limits of evolution.

In the face of Doomsday's adaptive evolution, any back-up plan will be ineffective.

The reason why it was sealed in the phantom zone is because our control methods were adapted to it, and it was not too late for the Kryptonians to make up for it before it was too late. "

"What kind of high technology is it made of? It's so powerful." Harley asked curiously.

Ruiou's expression became very strange, "Often the more difficult a technology is to crack, the simpler its principle is.

The technology to create the Doomsday is so simple that as long as I tell it, any primary civilization can repeat it, including your planet.

Harley Quinn, are you sure you want to listen to my ‘Satan’s words’? "

Harley wants to say, you alien god, are you still so fashionable? Words of Satan

"I'm even more curious."

"The first step is to screen Krypton's most powerful evolutionary genes through genetic engineering - that is, the genes most prone to adaptive mutations; the second step is to use the selected evolutionary genes to directionally cultivate an evolved Kryptonian. .

At this point, except for his different functions, he is not much different from any Kryptonian.

The third step is to let him experience death in a slow way.

Well, at the beginning, he couldn't kill quickly. The speed was too fast, and the evolutionary genes in his body could not make adaptive changes to the 'environment'.

The fourth step is to extract the evolved cells from the corpse of the test subject, clone them, and then repeat the third step.

Until he is completely immune to the last method of death, and then uses the second method to kill him, and so on. It overcomes death again and again, overcomes various kinds of death, and evolves step by step to the current day of destruction. "

Harley looked complicated and murmured to herself: "No wonder there is no other emotion in its sea of ​​consciousness other than violence.

It turns out that death has long been engraved in its genes, and its soul is programmed by countless destructions, no wonder."

No wonder after absorbing the essence of its will, she immediately split into "phantom human violence".

It is the god of killing and cruelty of the Kryptonian pantheon!

The gene god who practices "gene magic"!

"Yes, the soul of Doomsday is completely composed of destruction and violence. No matter whose spiritual power enters its sea of ​​consciousness, it will be contaminated, then go crazy and die. It is not easy for you to survive."

Ruiou praised it first, and then asked doubtfully: "You have God's help, but you can't control Doomsday. Not only does Darkseid control it, but it seems that it hasn't been backlashed yet. Could it be that he, like Doomsday, is full of destruction and conquest?" ?

But Doomsday's thinking is chaotic. He wants to exterminate all life, which is different from Darkseid. "

"He used the power of the Anti-Life Equation."

"Anti-life equation." Ruiou's expression changed. "What is it? What is its function?"

"you do not know?"

Ruiou shook his head, "I've heard of it, but I don't know."

"I actually don't know much about it, I just know that it is composed of many emotional characters. Each emotional character can dominate an emotion, and the entire equation is enough to rule a person.

But it can be guessed that the anti-life equation has more than one function of controlling living people. "

Harley pointed at Doomsday, who had been loaded onto the truck and was being rumbled away, "If you want to intuitively experience the anti-life equation, you can enter Doomsday's sea of ​​consciousness and take a look.

However, you have to be careful, there are like 10,000 petitioners chanting the scriptures of the evil god, the contagion is too strong. "

"No, no need." Ruiou shook his head in embarrassment with a pale face.

Harley's heart moved, "You don't plan to recycle Doomsday?"

"What, are you interested?" Ruiou heard something and immediately said: "If you want it, I can give it to you."

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