I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 888 Krypton Eradicator

When Ivy and Yebby brought back the remains of Harley's upper body, she came back to life.

Then she guided them to find her lower body.

Because the Tears of Death are hidden in the upper body, if Harley wants to plot against the mastermind behind the plot, she must ensure that he finds the upper body first, and must not pick up the lower body first.

Therefore, when she deliberately did not dodge and let the Doomsday Bone Blade do its work, she deliberately let her lower body take advantage of the chaos caused by the collapse of the hyperspace channel to run a few light years away.

Well, she consciously moved her legs away from the fighting area.

In this way, anyone who enters the war zone to inquire about her, Dachao, and Doomsday will only be able to see her upper body.

After retrieving the upper and lower body halves and piecing them together, things weren't over yet. Harley still had two arms left outside.

Ivy first brought her torso back to Earth, then rode Yebi, looking around for the two running arms according to the location of the star field she said.

After the "corpse" returned to Earth, Harley warned Ivy not to tell anyone about the fact that she was not dead yet.

In addition to continuing to pretend to be dead and waiting for some blind people to come over and touch the body, it would also take time for her to recover from her injuries.

Even though she had the innate skill of "immortal presence", being cut in half was a serious injury after all. It damaged her organs and spine, and it would take at least half a month to repair her to normal condition.

Harley originally planned to continue lying in the coffin and pretending to be dead, even if the coffin was buried and the tombstone was erected, she would not crawl out.

So that the "big guys" who are well-informed and know that she is pretending to be dead will continue to be afraid, so that the "middle guys" who have no information channels and don't know that she is pretending to be dead will continue to be deceived, and finally, let the ordinary people see her directly. To an intact Galactic Admiral.

Complete, full of energy, and full of vitality, it is called the return of the king.

If she was missing arms and legs, half of her body was broken, and her weakness and embarrassment were completely exposed to the public, would her strong and domineering image be shattered into Luther's conscience?

Therefore, she asked Ivy to follow the arrangements of the US government, and after "suturing" her body, she placed it in a special coffin specially prepared by the Ministry of Defense for the deceased general.

Harry was prepared to stay in the soil for half a month, but before the coffin was buried, a big problem arose in the memorial part that she had not paid much attention to before.

Luther was so shameless that her coffin board could not suppress the anger in her heart.

"Bang bang bang bang."

The complacent Luther was dumbfounded.

The people participating in the memorial ceremony in the audience stared wide-eyed and were at a loss.

The funeral was broadcast live on dozens of TV stations, and billions of people were watching the burial of the heroes through their screens.

It was the first time for them to lift the coffin board in public, and they were all calling "Omai Karma" at this time.

However, in Gotham Wayne Manor, while Dick and Alfred were exclaiming, Bruce, whose naked upper body was wrapped in a bandage, had a relaxed smile on his face that had always been solemn and gloomy.

Well, Da Chao died in the battle, and only six of the seven giants of Zhenglian were left. But today, only the five giants attended the burial ceremony, not Bateman.

Not only did Bruce smile, but in the queue of heroes at the scene, Diana also grinned and said to Neptune: "I already felt something was wrong. If she is really dead, the divine power in my body will not react at all."

In the VIP seats, all the military leaders were stunned. Mr. President rubbed his eyes and said to his wife and children next to him: "Am I not dazzled? Is the coffin board of Admiral Galaxy moving?"

"Gudong." His wife swallowed and said with difficulty: "You must not be deaf. I heard the sound too. Could it be that Admiral Galaxy was moved by Luther's words?"

After her son heard this, he immediately shouted: "It was Luther who talked nonsense and made the heroic spirits turn into evil spirits!"

This kid's voice was loud, and everyone around him heard it. They all looked strange, and Luther on the stage had a dark face.

However, this shout also made him regain his senses and no longer be frightened.

——With Harley's relationship with heaven, it is absolutely impossible for her to become an evil spirit, but resurrection is more likely.

That's right, she was a woman that even he feared and feared, how could she die so easily?

The president's wife patted her son on the head and looked around with an embarrassed expression, "The child is talking nonsense."

Luther remained calm, pressed his hand to the noisy citizens in the audience, and laughed loudly: "Oh my God, this is great news. Ever since I received the news of Harley's death in battle, my past experience with her has... Every moment is replayed in my mind.

I wondered in my heart, how could God bear to take such a good person away from her?

I have been praying in my heart, praying to God with my mother - there are so many angels in heaven, can we leave the most outstanding "warrior angels" to the human world?

In my sleep last night, I vaguely heard a sacred and majestic voice. Whether it was a dream or real, I can be sure now that God really heard my prayer and returned the Galaxy Admiral. "

"Ah, is what Luther said true? The Galactic Admiral is resurrected?"

"That's right. The coffin contains the body of Admiral Galaxy. She is moving. She is alive."

"Luthor really cares about Admiral Galaxy. It seems that they have a very good relationship."

Hearing these words outside, Harley suddenly didn't want to be resurrected.

——Can she still lie back down? Continue to play music and continue the ceremony.

But at this moment, four soldiers from the honor guard rushed over, hurriedly pulled out the nails, and lifted the lid of the coffin.

"Buzz--" The moment the lid was opened, sacred golden light flowed out from the coffin, and the clear and transparent holy sound of heaven sounded in the ears of everyone who saw the holy light.

At this moment, they seemed to see angels flying above the coffin.

Harley has no more achievements in heaven. This time the light and sound effects come from the power of God, the salary of Arkham God of War, and the eight angels who lead the palace of Heaven Mountain.

She was promoted to the King of Paradise Mountain, and was also canonized as the Arkham God of War. She also had ten more Eagle Angels under her command. Two of them came to the world and worked as doormen at Quinn Manor. The other eight stayed in Paradise Mountain and were doing nothing. At this time, they were Called to decorate the appearance.


Mr. President and a group of officials leaned over, and the reporter also carried the camera, trying to give her a big close-up.

Harley stopped pretending.

Directly weakening the special effects until they disappeared completely, she sat upright from the coffin.

This is the mourning hall for fallen heroes, and it is not suitable for showing off. The previous Holy Light and Holy Sound only ensured that the Galaxy Admiral would not fall behind.

"I'm not completely dead. My soul returned to Heaven Mountain before, and my body entered a state of suspended animation." Harley explained simply, not wanting to answer their questions anymore.

She walked to the microphone by herself, her sleeves were empty, her cheeks still had scars and bruises, and she said solemnly, "In this kind of occasion to commemorate misfortune, it is not appropriate to talk about 'lucky'.

But I am indeed luckier than Ripman and the other 23 warriors, and than the citizens who died in Metropolis.

It’s not convenient to elaborate on the specific situation. In short, I have a deep relationship with heaven. I am lucky enough to survive this time because of God’s blessing. Amen! "

She still wanted to make the sign of the cross, but she couldn't find either hand yet - Ivy and Yebby were trying hard.

"In addition, during the dozen or so hours when my soul passed away, I did not do anything. First of all, it was about the Day of Destruction.

Even if you all watched the live broadcast of the battle yesterday, you still don’t fully understand it.

Even the heroes who participated in the battle only saw the battle taking place in the material world.

There is another battle going on in the 'spirit world'!

After I was killed by Doomsday, my remaining body entered a state of suspended animation in the cold outer space, but my soul returned to Earth.

I got into Doomsday's body and wanted to seize control of his body. "

"Ah~~" The superhero behind the coffin, the military and political dignitaries and celebrities on the side, and the citizens in the audience all let out low exclamations.

"Well, when it first raised its bone blade to stab Ripman, I controlled it." Harley continued.

"Oh~~~" Another exclamation, and many people looked surprised.

They all remembered that Doomsday was indeed out of control for a period of time.

"It's a pity that Tearman failed to seize the opportunity at that time. Later -"

Harry subconsciously glanced at Louise. She was wrapped in bandages and turned into a mummy. She almost didn't recognize her.

From her single eye exposed outside the bandage, Harley could easily see the endless pain and faint anticipation.

After hesitating for a moment, she still didn't tell her about meeting the Kryptonian God and that Da Chao could be resurrected.

Now her injuries have not recovered, her hands are empty, and the "eradicator" arranged by the Kryptonian God has not come. In case someone doesn't want Da Chao to be resurrected

Harley glanced at Luther again and continued: "After the battle, I went to heaven to find connections to find out the whereabouts of the heroes who died in the battle.

We are here to pay homage to their bodies and remember their past, but we don’t have to worry about their spirits.

Please believe in God, the merciful Lord has arranged everything, Amen. "

Of the 23 heroes who died in battle, 10 became heroic spirits and entered the lower heaven or the divine realm where they believed in gods. Eight disappeared in Limbo, and only five went to hell.

Compared with ordinary people, this is really a very rare ending.

But if the truth is told, people will think - who went to hell? What evils have they committed in the past, and even sacrificing themselves for the country and the people cannot redeem themselves?

After explaining her situation, Harley gave up the podium to Luther.

Two hands were not found, and there was a deep scar on her waist and abdomen that was slowly healing. She needed to recuperate!

Without staying at the scene for long, Harley immediately took the Archimedes airship with Selina back to Gotham's Quinn Manor.

Well, at Harley's funeral, Selena appeared at the VIP table holding her daughter, accompanied by Darth Vader, who had become her mother and daughter's exclusive bodyguard.

Harley's sudden jump did not interrupt Luther's enthusiasm for his speech.

After she left, he continued to act as the "close friend of the deceased" who told stories about the deceased's past.

However, the target of the story changed and became Da Chao.

Not only did the object of his memory change, the U.S. government also changed the focus of commemoration from General Galaxy to Tearman.

Originally, they planned to build Harley's tomb next to the pond on the National Mall. The tomb is larger than an ordinary movie theater. It will be Harley's resting place and a future patriotic education memorial.

In front of the memorial hall, a 20-meter-high gilded statue will be erected to serve as a tombstone.

"Now just switch to Tearman." Mr. President said during a private chat with her on the phone.

But that night, a mysterious man forced his way into Tearman's "memorial hall" and snatched his coffin.

The next morning, Yebby and Ivy returned without success. Harley could only ride Yebby on a trip to the universe with two empty sleeves to get her two hands back.

When she was trying to reattach her arm at home in the afternoon, a "superman" appeared at Quinn Manor.

The uniform is the same as Superman's, except that it changes from black to sky blue, and also has a brown magic mirror.

"Hello Harley Quinn, I'm the Eradicator."

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