‘Doomsday’ is not a coined term.

It appears very frequently in daily English, because in the Bible, the day when the world will eventually be judged by God is called doomsday.

Therefore, Louise saw several streets and dozens of buildings being ravaged, turning from prosperous and clean to messy ruins. She saw hundreds of citizens killed and injured, and tens of thousands of citizens who were rescued by other weak heroes wailing in panic. She You will sigh - today seems to be the Day of Judgment.

And the alien monster that jumped out of the meteorite was called Doomsday, the day of destruction.

Audiences who watched her show also felt that Doomsday was more relevant than Monster.

Monster is no longer enough to describe the horror of this alien monster.

But Harley is different.

Even if she didn't pay much attention to DC in her previous life, she still knew that Luthor used General Zod's body to create Doomsday, and then Doomsday killed Superman.

In fact, she has been guarding against the appearance of the Doomsday.

When the Kryptonians invaded Earth, General Zod did not die, but Kryptonian commander Fiora died on the spot.

At Harley's request, Fiora was thrown into the sun by Superman and was completely cremated. Only some of her cells were taken away by people from the Pentagon.

No trouble left behind.

Later, Luther wanted to cooperate with her and use Kryptonian technology to conduct biological experiments, and Harley agreed.

Or because she was worried that Luther would sneak up on Doomsday.

Later, Harley asked him several times about the status of biological experiments, but Luther was perfunctory because she did not provide him with the Kryptonian technology he wanted.

The Kryptonian colony spaceship loaded with a growth system fell into the hands of the Pentagon.

To put it simply, Harley just wants to get Luther’s information for nothing, and the Pentagon is the real supporter of Luther’s biological experiments.

A very powerful supporter, providing Luthor with Kryptonian technology, instruments, and money.

After Harley discovered his perfunctory behavior, she went directly to General Lane and asked him what Luther was doing.

Knowing that there was no Doomsday project, Harley's own strength also improved rapidly, and she gradually relaxed her tracking of Luther.

She only asked General Lane to help keep an eye on it and let her know if there was any special research, so as not to cause a biochemical crisis that threatened the security of the United States.

A few days ago, Luther's Kryptonian biological experiment project finally produced results, and Harley and General Lane visited his laboratory.

I didn’t see the Doomsday.

Harley had been guarding against Luther, but she didn't want Doomsday to be 'created' by Louise.

She was still several hundred meters away from Louise, and she didn't have time to watch her live news on her phone, so she shouldn't have been able to hear her voice.

It just so happens that Harley has just obtained the "thick-skinned law" that goes deep into the sea of ​​laws, and has become a veritable god.

Anyone who chants the name of God will be sensed by God.

Harley couldn't hear all the voices saying her name yet, but Louise was too close.

As soon as Louise mentioned 'Harley Quinn', there was a hazy voice in her ears.

"Harley, why don't you go down and help Wonder Woman?" Da Chao frowned.

"I -" Harley glanced at the camera lens and immediately changed her words, "I am participating in the war in another way. Look at Wonder Woman, is she different from the past?

I transferred the power into her body, achieving the effect of one plus one being greater than two. "

Louise's eyes lit up and she excitedly said to the camera: "Friends in the audience, you have heard that my judgment is correct. Wonder Woman's transformation comes from the divine blessing of the Galaxy Admiral."

Harley glanced at her from the corner of her eye and complained in her heart: Not only did the audience hear it, but I also heard it, so I used your words as an excuse.

Louise continued: "Doomsday is too powerful, and the Galactic Admiral is obviously unable to confront it head-on. Lending his power out is the wisest choice. But now that Superman is here, I believe the crisis will subside soon."

Harry didn't like hearing this.

She pulled Superman away from the camera and said with a solemn expression: "Don't listen to your mother-in-law's nonsense. The reason why I didn't go down was only a small part of the reason why I broke through and wasted some time.

The main reason is the fatal crisis coming from the spiritual sense.

The Doomsday feels very dangerous to me, as if I will encounter a life-or-death crisis if I get close to it.

I want to find out its strength and purpose first——"

"No matter how powerful it is or what its purpose is for coming to Earth, we must go down and stop it." Da Chao said firmly.

"Of course I'm not stopping you from stopping it. I hope you will be more cautious and use all your strength when you take action. Don't hold back."

"I understand." Dachao agreed and dived down.

Harley grabbed his cloak and said, "Don't be rash, I have a battle plan. I will use the yellow light energy to open a space door later. You grab it and throw it in."

Dachao turned around and said doubtfully: "This is a good idea. Why didn't you use it before?"

Harley pointed at Diana, whose body was flashing with golden film and was being beaten back by Doomsday's iron fist, and said helplessly: "From the beginning of the war to now, Wonder Woman has never really been in control."

"Superman is finally here. The Galaxy Admiral left her big golden retriever dog. She put on the yellow light uniform. Ahhhhhh, the golden nuclear bomb is finally about to be released!" the 'Little Witch' screamed excitedly.

Countless comments expressing excitement immediately appeared on the live broadcast screen.

"Huh..." In the Planet Daily recording room, Perry looked at Superman and the golden nuclear bomb appearing at the same time, and he breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Lois, please raise the height of your helicopter. The battle storm between Superman and Doomsday may spread for several kilometers."

"BOOOOM!" As soon as the voice fell, a hemispherical wave of air spread out in all directions with Doomsday as the center.

"Crash!" Wherever the air wave passed, the windows of the building were shattered, and the fragments fell like snowflakes.

"Stab-" The little witch's live broadcast room went black, and all live broadcast rooms similar to hers lost their drones.

Even the TV station's news helicopter was shaking violently, like a boat on the waves.

"Fake!" Perry in front of the screen subconsciously tilted his head back, as if he had also been hit by the aftermath of the air wave.

"Wow, 'Full Super' has appeared!" The little witch's cry appeared from the black screen on the side, then the screen flashed a few times, and the camera quickly approached the battlefield.

"Don't worry, old guys, I have a backup machine parked on the rooftop of the building near the battlefield. Look, the footage of Superman fighting monsters is back!"

Sure enough, in just a few seconds, the camera zoomed back to the battlefield.

Superman followed Harley's advice and went from top to bottom, like a missile, hitting the monster below with all his strength.

The ground where he landed set off a half-meter-high wave of mud and rocks.

The two of them stacked on top of each other and smashed through the road, roadbed, and concrete sewer, more than 20 meters into the ground.

Doomsday's body was in a weird "U" shape, but he was not dead, and his spine seemed not to be broken.

It was still struggling, so Dachao held its head with both hands and shook it upwards hard.

"Whoosh——" The Doomsday was like a cannonball, its speed instantly broke the sound barrier.

"Buzz--" Harley opened it with both hands, and a giant space door with a diameter of 10 meters was facing the ground, facing the deep pit where Superman and Doomsday collided, just in time to catch the flying Doomsday.

"Buzz--" As soon as Doomsday flew in, Harley immediately closed the yellow light space door.

"Beautiful!" the little witch shouted excitedly.

"Phew—the crisis is over."

Perry breathed a sigh of relief.

"Superman threw Doomsday into the sky - ah - the galactic admiral arrived just in time. They cooperated so well!"

There seemed to be a touch of sourness in Louise's exclamation, "Although we don't know where the other end of the space door is, we can guess that it must be far away from the metropolis, not even on the earth. We are safe.

All that’s left is—hey, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Admiral of the Galaxy are all flying into the sky, and the sky—”

The camera is pointed at the sky, and a meteor is piercing the sky and falling towards the city.

The speed of the meteor is extremely fast, let alone making people wish on it, in just a few blinks, it has already reached the sky above the metropolis.

There is no sound because its speed is a hundred times faster than the speed of sound, and should even be measured in terms of the speed of light.

"Mother Fuck, I opened the space door in outer space, at least 5 light seconds away from the earth, it——"

Harley yelled, gave up flying, started space teleportation again, passed Superman, came under the meteor, shouted, and the majestic yellow light power in her body surged out, and instantly propped up a space gate again.

The next moment, the meteor fell.


The terrifying impact tore the yellow light space door into pieces. Harley behind her was like light grass under a typhoon, fluttering and flying thousands of meters away. Until she stabilized her body, her feet rubbed two streaks in the air. White smoke.

"Huh huh..." The strong wind formed by the aftermath of the impact stirred the news helicopter more than ten kilometers away into clothes in the washing machine.

"Mayday, Mayday!" the pilot exclaimed, Louise exclaimed, and the next moment, the helicopter stabilized, and Man's hands firmly clamped the two brackets under the belly of the aircraft.

"Leave quickly, it's dangerous here!" he shouted, and quickly flew towards another out-of-control helicopter.

"Is there still danger?" Louise looked up, and sure enough, another red dot lit up in the sky, getting brighter and brighter, and its speed became faster and faster.

The portal just now did explode, but that was after it came into contact with the shock wave. The speed of the shock wave was not as fast as the Doomsday, and it was behind it. By the time the shock wave approaches the portal, Doomsday has been teleported away.

"What's going on with it?" In the sky, Wonder Woman was surprised and confused. "If it can fly, why did it only take a few hundred kilometers to jump from Karin Town to Metropolis?"

Harley looked solemn and said, "Let's go over and take a look."

She looked around, but couldn't find Da Chao, so she could only grab the heroine's shoulder, open the portal, and go under the meteorite. She once again consumed a lot of yellow light energy to open a 20-meter-diameter space door.


As before, the Doomsday fell one step ahead of the shock wave, followed by a big explosion in space, and the portal was blown to pieces.

A circle of milky white air waves mixed with golden fragments formed a huge donut in the sky.

Different from before, this time not only Doomsday was teleported out, but Harley and Wonder Woman also disappeared into the sky.

Doomsday was teleported to outer space half a second earlier. It had almost no dizziness or any discomfort. It stepped hard on the void and turned into a fierce gray light, which instantly crashed into the space door that Harley and Diana walked out of.

Because it was Harry holding Diana, her movements were more flexible. The fifth-level speed force defense expertise allowed her eyes to catch the approaching Doomsday, and she subconsciously dodged it.

Diana only had time to raise her right arm.

"——" There was no sound in the dark space, but because of the sub-light speed collision of the three people, a round of golden energy debris erupted.

Explain the ability settings of Doomsday.

His power is similar to that of Super Super at his peak state. Super Super can explode, but he can't. This is the difference between the two.

In addition, Big Super can fly and levitate in mid-air, but Doomsday cannot fly. It uses jumping instead of flying and can also levitate in mid-air.

The jumping speed of Doomsday is no slower than that of Superboy. It can be understood that it can fly at sub-light speed. Therefore, in this chapter, Harley teleported it away several times and it could fly back again.

Like Super, Doomsday can physically open a hyperspace wormhole, conduct interstellar crossings, and "jump" from one planet to another.

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