I want to have a date with Superman

About the settings of Harley’s abilities

Continuing from the previous chapter, some readers may be confused and think that Harley’s abilities are too many and complicated. For example, this time she got two new talents at level 90 of the Law of Condensation, plus expertise. There are so many abilities that it’s hard to remember.

Here I will explain my thinking to you.

From beginning to end, Harley actually has only one ability - strong defense.

Defense is divided into physical defense and specialized defense against attacks with different attributes.

It can be simply understood as physical defense and "magic resistance".

Well, expertise is resistance to various 'magics'.

Physical defense simply adds points, 80 points, 90 points, which is easier to understand.

Why is there an additional "Thick-Skinned Martial God Rule" now?

Mainly in terms of setting, Harley's 'power of experience' is regarded as a new power that can be cultivated.

The experience upgrade is not a plug-in given to her by the "system". The time traveler only has the right to use the "system" and has no ownership rights. What the system can give you can also be taken back on a certain day.

Therefore, what Harley got was not a system, but a magic weapon, and the experience she absorbed was not game experience, but a new power.

She is practicing!

The power gained through cultivation belongs entirely to her. It is a kind of "Tao" that no one can take away.

After setting the tone that "absorbing experience is practice", you have to set a realm for "practice".

Once you have a realm, you must have the benefits of improving it.

Therefore, after level 80 and 90, you can condense the "Thick-skinned Martial God" law and obtain "divine power attributes" similar to other gods. This benefit comes from the origin of the universe. The gods provide laws for the origin of the universe, and the origin bestows the power of supporting laws. .

What benefits does Harley gain?

It can be simply understood as "elegant"!

Harley is a girl, but her talent is to be beaten.

But after being beaten, the clothes will be messy, the nose will be bruised and the face will be swollen, and blood will flow.

It didn't matter if she was a little sloppy because her level was low before. Now that she's a boss, she has to keep up with her style.

Therefore, the 'divine power talent' I designed for her is a defensive force field in the form of a golden film, which is equivalent to adding 90+ defense power outside the body. From now on, there is no need to have messy clothes and disheveled hair, because the force field replaces the physical body. When beaten, the enemy can hurt her but cannot touch her.

The second divine talent is 'Hunyuan Ruyi'. After being punched in the nose, she will no longer bleed or be bruised. She is still elegant and calm, and the damage is distributed to every cell - she can be regarded as a game character. Even if there is only a trace of blood left in the game characters, they still maintain their original cool appearance.

Have you seen this? Whether it is a defensive force field or Hunyuan Ruyi, it does enhance the effect of defense value, but it does not directly increase defense.

They were mainly designed to keep Harley looking elegant, with hair that was not messy and clothes that were neatly dressed.

Speaking of people with strong defense, everyone will think of the golden Arhat with his breasts exposed.

Obviously, Harley wants to be "Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng", not an Arhat.

Even if her talent is to be beaten, she still has to be graceful and full of character.

In the ultimate form, Harley only needs to wear white clothes, put her hands behind her back, look up at the moon, and stand still while the enemy punches the air (defensive force field) a few feet away and injures herself to death.

To sum up, Harley only has one ability, defense, physical attack defense, and 'magic' resistance, but her defense will be very 'elegant'.

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