I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 877 The Day of Destruction, the Battle of Fate

Although the theme of Wonder Woman's uniform is red, it does not mean that the whole set is bright red. Such a monotonous color has no beauty.

At this time, Wonder Woman's hands, feet, knees, and shoulder armors all have metal protection, streamlined heavenly silver gauntlets and gloves, and golden striped combat boots. She looks really handsome. Of course, except for her hairstyle.

Even if she condenses the Law of Thick Skin, Harley cannot directly transform the power of blood in her body into a divine uniform.

To do that, you need a huge amount of divine power - divine power, not bloodline power - Harley also has the power of the Arkham God of War, but the amount is too small, and she has converted it into bloodline power.

She has no supernatural powers and doesn't know how to forge armor, so she simply pays the Voice of Heaven for help.

As for heaven's silver and heaven's gold, Harley has no shortage of them. When she was awarded the title of King of Heaven, heaven rewarded her with 5 tons!

In addition to the divine armor that relies on the voice of heaven to forge, the "Holy Light and Thunder Transformation" that previously imitated Thunder Shazam also relied on the help of the voice of heaven.

The reason why Shazam can rain thunder from the sky when he transforms is because Shazam the Wizard's power attribute is thunder.

Harley's magical attribute is defense, and it has been stored in Wonder Woman's body for a long time, and there will not even be any abnormality when activated.

Of course, the power of the thick-skinned warrior god in Wonder Woman's body will have different effects before and after activation.

Before activation, the power of thick skin can only guarantee that Wonder Woman's physical defense will be improved.

To put it bluntly, just add defensive points.

If Wonder Woman's defense is higher than Harley's, Thick Skin's power will be almost useless.

Harley's defensive expertise is all hidden in Wonder Woman.

Only after activating her divine power, Harley can activate certain specialties as explicit according to Wonder Woman's needs.

In addition to her expertise, the benefits Harley received from the Law Sea were also shared with Wonder Woman.

The integration of laws into the sea of ​​laws certainly has benefits.

Why should mages and gods do things that are not beneficial?

At level 80, Harley touched the Law Sea for the first time, and the benefit she gained was that "the inside and outside are one" - the defenses of the internal organs, brain and muscles are as strong, and the whole body is like a single piece made of iron.

From now on, when someone hits her lower abdomen, she feels as if she was hit on the back.

This ability is actually very powerful, and anyone who has ever fought will feel it deeply.

At level 90, the "Law of Thick Skin" was condensed and formed, and the origin of the universe was poured into it. Harley received two new talents: first, using willpower to activate a layer of defensive force field on the body surface; second, the whole body was in chaos. As one.

The defensive force field is the golden film that appeared on Diana's body before.

It is a force field activated by the body's defense. It is as strong as Harley's own defense and is supported by willpower.

This force field does not increase the upper limit of defense, but is equivalent to dividing the damage received in two, with the body bearing half and willpower bearing the other half.

When the body is injured, it will bleed, hurt, and lose physical strength; but willpower will only feel pain, but will not bleed or lose physical strength.

Of course, the pain that directly affects the will is definitely more painful than the pain of being beaten on the body.

This talent is equivalent to reducing the damage by half and doubling the pain.

For strong-willed people like Harry and Diana, the pain would at best speed up their mental exhaustion rather than lead to a direct mental breakdown.

The inside and outside are integrated, and the defenses of the internal organs and brain are as strong as the skin and flesh; the vitality of each cell in the body is interconnected and can jointly withstand damage.

These two "thick-skinned martial arts talents" do not directly increase defense points. What is the specific effect? ​​Harley is observing, and the target of observation is Wonder Woman.

Although Diana was obsessed with the cockscomb head and the weird new uniform, the enemy would not give her time to struggle.

Faced with the monster coming at her again, Diana had no intention of worrying about it anymore.

"Boom - buzz -" The fists and feet met, and an almost completely transparent light golden film appeared on Diana's body again.

Her head felt heavy, but her body suddenly felt relaxed.

--What's this?

Diana was surprised and lost her concentration slightly, "Boom!"

The golden light film on her body shattered, and the monster's iron fist hit her forehead.

"Boom————" She felt like she was hit by a locomotive head-on, and her body rolled over on the concrete floor, creating a fifty-meter-long fragmented "plough."

"Hiss!" Perry, who was watching the live broadcast, almost bit off the finger on his lip. "Hit her directly on the head. How painful it would be! Can Wonder Woman still be able to - ugh!"

Just when he was worried that Wonder Woman would collapse and faint and not wake up, the woman on the ground immediately stood up like a carp and stood up again.

"Wow, Wonder Woman is so tenacious!" Reporters in the office exclaimed.

On the Internet, there are more than 200 million comments similar to "Wonder Woman, indestructible".

"Harry, are you still there? It's amazing, I wasn't seriously injured and my head doesn't hurt." Diana was more surprised than the audience.

Harley thought thoughtfully, this is the effect of the body being unified, the damage received has not been reduced, but the damage from hitting the head is distributed to every cell in the body.

I'm just not sure whether this spread of damage has any effect on piercing damage.

If it also has an effect, for example, if the sword is stabbed in the belly, it will not break the skin, but only receive impact force, and the power will be dispersed into every cell. That would be invincible.

"This is the newly opened divine attribute after condensing the law of thick skin. Just like Aphrodite is the goddess of beauty, her divine power makes people more beautiful."

"But take it easy, your body is not uninjured, it's just that the damage is distributed throughout the body. You should be weaker than before, right?"

"I don't feel much." Wonder Woman responded and rushed towards the monster again.

This time she was fully focused and no longer distracted. Even though the light golden film on her body was dented and the attack directly damaged her body, the defensive force field did not collapse.

It was as if Diana's body was wearing an extra set of tangible and intangible armor.

"What happened? Wonder Woman is no longer being slapped, kicked, or beaten away." Whether it was a live broadcast online or a live TV broadcast, everyone who saw the battlefield situation at this time was greatly surprised.

Diana did not turn the situation around and turned defeat into victory.

Her attack fell on the monster, but it still had no good effect. She could only knock it down and push it back. There was no blood, no flesh wounds, and no signs of internal injuries.

But her own situation is much better than before.

When Wonder Woman approached the monster before, she was like an ordinary person entering the eye of a storm, unable to stand firm and confront it head-on.

She could only dodge flexibly and fly up and down. Once caught or hit, she would immediately transform into a cannonball, smashing the road and crashing through the building.

Now she and it were like two boxers in a boxing ring, entangled with each other instead of being knocked away when they touched.

"Is it because of the thunder and lightning just now?" Perry asked doubtfully at the Daily Planet Building.

"Obviously it was the lightning that shone with the Holy Light that changed her. Look at her uniform, it's completely different from before." Kate Grant said.

"What changed?" Perry asked.

"I have no idea."

"I have some guesses about the changes in Wonder Woman." At this time, Daily Planet's live reporter Lois Lane was also analyzing Wonder Woman's situation on TV.

Perry and the others immediately stopped talking and focused on the screen. They also switched the live broadcast of Up host Little Witch to a small screen and Louise's live broadcast to a large screen.

Her tone was uncertain: "I once interviewed two brothers, War Eagle and White Dove.

They were originally ordinary people. After receiving the favor of the gods, the elder brother only needs to shout "War Eagle" to get the power of the God of War; the younger brother can shout "White Dove" to get the power of peace and order.

No matter what clothes they wore at that time, after receiving the blessing of divine power, they immediately transformed into uniformed heroes, much like Wonder Woman at this time.

Wonder Woman seemed to have shouted a few words to the sky just now. "

Perry glanced at the ratings in the upper right corner of the screen, his face changed slightly, he rushed to the broadcast room, picked up the microphone, and said to Louise who was broadcasting live: "It's me, Perry. Your helicopter is far away from the battlefield. The environment was too noisy and Wonder Woman's voice was not heard.

But the network anchor’s drone was very close.

Now, as you continue the conversation, I'll ask Robert to hand you the edited audio. "

At the end, he added an additional reminder: "At this time, netizens and TV viewers are confused. Only if you first discover the reason why Wonder Woman becomes stronger, the ratings are soaring."

Louise was excited.

She was unable to speak during the live broadcast, so she quietly made an "OK" gesture to the photographer on the side.

"Louise says OK," the assistant reporter informed Perry in a low voice.

Perry's heart moved and he said: "Robert, remember to eliminate the voice of the up host Little Witch. Just the shout of Wonder Woman is paired with the video captured by our camera after zooming in."

When Wonder Woman made her gorgeous transformation just now, the little witch was so excited that she burst into tears.

Soon, the editor inserted the video into Louise's live channel.

All viewers who tuned their TV to "Planet TV" saw and heard Wonder Woman's cry clearly: "All glory belongs to Harley, praise her, the eternal King of Martial Arts!"

"I bought it, I bought it, I bought it"

Even when faced with an alien president or a supercriminal who held her hostage, Louise, who remained calm and composed, suddenly screamed in front of the camera.

"Louise, calm down!" Perry frowned and scolded, "The audience is looking at you."

Louise suppressed the shock in her heart, and her words were a little difficult, "It is basically certain that the person who lent her divine power to Wonder Woman is the Galactic Admiral, Harley Quinn.

The King of Martial Gods, Harley can only be her.

According to the internal information I heard from Justice League, during the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Wonder Woman was in trouble, and the Galactic Admiral did instill divine power into Wonder Woman's body. "

"That's it? What's all the fuss about?" Perry was very confused about Mingji's reaction just now.

Louise's cheeks turned slightly red and she said solemnly: "I want to apologize to Admiral Galaxy for questioning her slow and negative response to this crisis.

She is not slow or passive, she is probably working magic, pouring power into Wonder Woman.

As I speculated before, not even the Galactic Admiral could defeat this alien monster one-on-one. Alas, it brought great destruction to Metropolis. We should probably call it Doomsday.

Harley Quinn is fighting Doomsday in another way. At this moment, Wonder Woman is not alone, she-"

“Whoosh——” A woman riding a big dog suddenly jumped in front of the camera.

Not to mention Louise, even Perry, who had been staring at the screen, was shocked.

"Harry, you-"

"What did you just say?" Harley said solemnly.

Louise thought she was questioning her for accusing her of being lazy at work, afraid of death, and afraid of having sex with the Doomsday. She couldn't help but look very embarrassed, and groaned: "I apologize to you, I -"

Harley waved her hand to interrupt her and asked again: "What did you call that alien monster?"

"Doomsday, what's wrong?" Louise said blankly.

"Whoosh!" A red light flashed across the sky and landed next to the Daily Planet helicopter.

"Ah, it's Superman. Superman is finally here. Metropolis can be saved!" Louise lost her composure again and shouted excitedly.

Harley looked at Doomsday below, and then at Chao beside him, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

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