I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 876 Wonder Woman’s New Uniform

“Our helicopter didn’t dare to get too close at all, not to mention the blurry picture, because the monsters moved fast, the scene changed rapidly, and the camera shot intermittently, making it impossible to lock the battlefield at all times.

If the drone is controlled well, it can perfectly avoid the above problems.

Moreover, although the up anchor is not very professional as a news anchor, it is easier to interact with the audience."

Seeing Wonder Woman being knocked away again, Perry couldn't help but swipe a row of big rockets as he spoke, and quickly entered a barrage "The Daily Planet wants to kick the monster's ass."

"BOSS, this is my account." Jimmy Alden was stunned at first, and then his cheeks twitched in pain.

"Daily Planet?" the little witch, the owner of the up, was surprised and said: "I'm afraid the rockets won't work anymore. Wonder Woman is at the end of her life. Your Daily Planet has a way to summon Superman. Act now!" "

"Superman is in big trouble." After thinking about it, Perry replied.

Although the barrage flashed by quickly, the little witch still saw this message in the background because he had brushed Rockets before.

"Oh, Superman can't come for the time being. It seems that we still have to rely on Admiral Galaxy. But this monster is too strong, and even Admiral Galaxy is no match." The little witch sighed.

"Little witch, you have rebelled."

"You also said that you are the most loyal fan of the Galaxy Admiral. I misjudged you."

There are tens of thousands of similar barrages.

"Oh, it's just because I'm a fan of Admiral Galaxy that I know her limits. If Superman cooperates to block the monster's attack and Admiral Galaxy assists, we should be able to win at a lower cost.

One-on-one, head-to-head, she is inferior to it in terms of strength, speed, and physique.

Probably only martial arts has the upper hand. Well, Admiral Galaxy's skills are definitely better than those of the monsters. Even I am better than the monsters. "

Perry thought many people would ridicule "Little Witch" for bragging, but he didn't expect that there would be almost no such comments.

"Is this little witch still a martial artist?" he asked Olsen beside him.

"Let me see." Olson was also not familiar with the little girl. He quickly took out his mobile phone and searched for "little witch" on the puppy video network. Hundreds of messages related to the up owner appeared, including "I am a little witch". "The Little Witch", "The Little Witch Pays Tribute to the Galaxy Admiral", "The Little Witch Hopes to Be as Beautiful as the Galaxy Admiral", "The Little Witch by Lake Baiga".

He could only honestly search for the full name of "The Little Witch Waiting for the Summons of the General of the Five Rings", an old up owner who has been on the forum for four years, with the tag "The future number one martial artist in the world, loves to watch the King of Fighters, fighting commentator, super Hero battle anchor, Chinese food host."

"She is a martial artist with a very high level of martial arts. As a professional commentator for the King of Fighters competition, she has five million fans."

Perry fired a row of rockets again and asked: "How many rockets do you have left? If you attack continuously, can you help Wonder Woman?"

"This live broadcast is kindly sponsored by the 'Rogers Arms Supermarket' on 15th Avenue in Metropolis. Dear veterans, in this era when alien monsters appear at any time and attack the earth without reason, you need Rogers' help.

Ahem, although it is an advertisement, it is not just for lunch. Uncle Rogers is a good man and provided me with those rockets for free.

At this time, he still has hundreds of drones in his warehouse, which can be easily combined into rockets with magnetic high-explosive bombs provided by the Pentagon.

By the way, Colonel Lucy Lane (Lois’ sister) from the Pentagon also provided us with technical and material support.

Please stop insulting the military's incompetence on public screens. In this situation, it is useless no matter how many soldiers come. "

"Although the ammunition is unlimited, I can't use it unlimitedly. Because the monster and Wonder Woman fight so fast that my high-speed camera can't keep up, not to mention my eyes and hand speed.

Even if my martial arts skills are better than that of the monster and I can predict some of its moves, I can only bombard it and slow down its pace during the time when it knocks off the female hero and pounces on her again. "

The words of Kung Fu Little Witch are recognized by many netizens.

"I was just in the live broadcast room of 'Resembling Rip Man' and saw with my own eyes that stupid anchor, flying a drone into Wonder Woman's face, causing her to have several of her teeth smashed with one punch. It was so miserable!

Now his account has been temporarily frozen, and it is said that he may face prosecution from the Sky Eye Society afterwards. "

"Not every anchor is like a little witch who operates a drone to sneak around."

"Not to mention the anchor, even the military has tried to use drones to attack monsters, but it will all affect Wonder Woman."

Perry also remembered that a group of drones had indeed tried to attack the monster before, but accidentally injured Wonder Woman. He also scolded the military for being stupid.

Well, he had always thought that attack drones came from the military.

"Diana, what are you still struggling with? The whole street was reduced to rubble by you. Although most of the citizens were rescued by us, it doesn't make much sense for you to persist like this in vain!"

On the other side, Harley couldn't wait any longer. The collapsed buildings around her, helicopters and drones in the sky all made her anxious.

"You even praised the goddess Aphrodite, why didn't you just say 'Hallelujah'?"

"You have lent me your divine power, why are you still obsessed with my praise?" Diana was also angry.

Both because of the monster's difficulty and because of Harley's unwillingness.

"If you don't shout today, if I lend my divine power to others tomorrow, they won't shout either? I want to treat everyone equally and establish a set of standards!"

Wonder Woman took a deep breath and made a decision in her mind.

"Ah, Wonder Woman is going to have to work hard." The little witch, who had always spoken calmly, suddenly exclaimed.

Perry looked intently, but didn't find anything different on the battlefield.

As before, Wonder Woman is like a piece of chewing gum that has been chewed countless times, seemingly drained of energy and blood.

She stood up again with great difficulty, her eyes firm and fearless, chewing the blood in her mouth, holding the Vulcan sword in the eagle gauntlet with both hands, and let out an angry roar.


This time it was indeed different. As the heroine shouted loudly, the Vulcan Sword in her hand actually lit up with fiery red divine patterns, and the blade became crystal clear, like a ray of sunlight.

Perry was confused.

The little witch is a qualified battle master and quickly answered for the audience: "I have studied Wonder Woman, and she has used this move against the three major enemies of the Firstborn, Silver Swan and Gigantamax.

I guess it should be that all the divine power is poured into the divine sword, triggering a brilliant strike that is as fast as light and no one can dodge it. "

Perry wants to complain. As you speak, the monster has already pounced on the heroine. How fast is this?

Just as I was thinking this, a bright light suddenly flashed on the screen.

Wonder Woman and the monster are separated by a piece of ruins left by the collapse of the building. The monster is striding toward her. The woman assumes a posture: her left arm is stretched across her body, and the sword in her right hand is placed on her left wrist guard, with the tip of the sword pointed. The monster's head.

"Whoosh -" a golden light flashed, and the heroine disappeared in place. The next moment, "Boom - click!"

If it were slowed down countless times, or from Harley's perspective at this time, the heroine teleported to the monster and was about to pierce its neck with the sharp sword in her hand, but it seemed to have anticipated the enemy's opportunity, leaning back and punching the monster with her right fist. Smashed hard on the tip of the sword.

The Vulcan Sword was like a locomotive hitting Superman's chest, shattering inch by inch.

"what the hell!"

In the eyes of Little Witch, Perry and other viewers, it was Wonder Woman's sword pointing forward, turning into a sword light and shooting at the monster, and then reflective metal fragments flew all over the sky. Wonder Woman held the broken sword and flew backwards a hundred meters, in the ruins. A big hole was made in it.

"Wonder Woman's sword is broken?" the little witch murmured in disbelief.

"Hell, her sword can even cut Superman. How could she be beaten to pieces by a monster? And the monster didn't bleed or get hurt at all."

Perry looked at the close-up of the monster's right fist on the screen. The monster was wearing a gray-green 'space suit'. At this time, only its head was broken, and the metal gloves on its arms were intact.

"Boom!" The monster ignored the shock of the audience. He jumped to Wonder Woman again, clenched his hands into a fist, and was about to hit her on the head.

"Fuck!" The heroine spat out a mouthful of blood, her cheeks covered in dust and blood stains twisted slightly, and whispered: "Hallelujah."

"The voice is too low, it needs to be powerful. In addition, 'Hallelujah' can be used as a simple activation spell later. For the first time today, it needs to be more formal."

Having already shouted ‘Hallelujah’ and taken the first step, it becomes much easier to take the second and third steps.

Diana's cheeks turned red and she shouted with all her strength: "All glory goes to Harley, praise her, the eternal King of Martial Arts!"

The audience who heard the shouting were stunned. What was Wonder Woman doing? Beaten stupid?

"Boom - click!" A thunderbolt exploded in the clear sky, and golden thunder and lightning seemed to shoot out from the Silver City above the sky, taking a twisted zigzag route and landing on Wonder Woman's head.

The monster that had already walked to the edge of the pit and was about to hammer Wonder Woman was like an electrocuted fly, lightly bounced dozens of meters away by lightning.

Like smoke, the holy light dispersed, and a brand-new Wonder Woman emerged from the pit.

"I'm sorry!" Ivy covered her mouth and shouted.

"I'll buy it!" The host, the little witch, was shouting, and so was Perry, as were countless people watching the live broadcast.

Wonder Woman shook her head, looked dazed and touched the top of her head, and screamed, "Here's my hair."

Then she lowered her head and called again, "Hera, my uniform."

Her new uniform is actually quite normal, similar to the uniforms of popular heroes such as Superman and Thunder Shazam - a bright red tights with fish scale texture, a huge "H" on the chest, like a breathing light, and with the magical The heroine's breathing rhythm was erratic, and she was dragging a white canvas-like cloak behind her.

The key is the hairstyle.

Diana's head was covered with a hood similar to that of The Flash, which exposed her face and the top of her head. Her shiny black hair was like a rooster's comb, standing on top of her head.

"Harley Quinn, how did I become like this?" she shouted angrily.

"Didn't you notice? I gave you another divine power equivalent to the Demon Marquis, and together they form this divine power uniform.

In order to solidify my divine power into this uniform that can be broken but never disappear, I spent half a million merit, half a catty of N metal, two catties of heavenly silver, and two catties of heavenly gold. "Harry said heartily.

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