I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 879 Death of Harley

Diana, who was hit head-on by the Doomsday, was like an orange in the hand of a strong man, and she let out a bright red "chirp".

Then like a meteorite, it was hit and flew into the deep space of the universe.

There is still a golden force field film flashing on Wonder Woman's body, and the second characteristic of Harley's divine power, "Hunyuan unity", is also at work - the vitality of each cell is connected together, and the damage suffered is shared.

They share the hurt.

Every cell in Wonder Woman was torn, and blood spurted out from every pore. The blow that broke the limit of her endurance caused her to fall into coma instantly.

Harry didn't even have time to say "motherfuck".

Of course she was not stupid. When she followed Doomsday and teleported into space, she did not overlap her teleportation point with Doomsday's.

The distance between the two sides was at least several hundred meters.

But what does a few hundred meters mean to the speed of light?

After hitting Wonder Woman into a meteor with one strike, Doomsday pinned her body in the sky and went from flying at sub-light speed to standing still.

Then it turned its head, its eyes lit up with a strange red light, and strange runes were faintly flashing in them.

Harley didn't notice the runes in its eyes, but the crisis coming from her spiritual sense was like a physical mountain, pressing on her heart.

——It will hit you before you can open the portal.

With this understanding in her heart, Harley leaned back and assumed a backstroke position. The yellow light energy enveloped her and she quickly moved back to distance herself from the Doomsday.

Her hunch was right.

The moment she retreated, Doomsday stepped into the void with one foot. It was like an ordinary person taking off. It was obviously a vacuum environment, but it caused an explosion of air that could only be found in a planet's atmospheric environment.

A circle of milky white space ripples spread out under its feet, and the Doomsday turned into a gray beam of light with a "swish".

The Flash or Superman, who is faster?

This issue is debatable.

But who is faster, Green Lantern or Superman? Almost everyone on earth will choose the wrong answer.

Although Doomsday can't fly(?), it can be faster than Superman.

Almost instantly, gray light and golden light collided.


There was no sound, only a round of golden light exploded from the collision, like a small sun being shot by Hou Yi.

About ten seconds later, people on earth would not be able to see it unless they happened to be observing it with a space telescope.

However, the Justice League Watchtower picked up the signal.

In the main control room, the plastic man stared at the screen and said in confusion: "Boss Harley is being attacked. Do you want me to rush over immediately to support you? But I can't survive in outer space."

"Don't think about it now. There is no space teleportation. We only use spaceships. By the time we get there, the battle will be over." Black Canary stared at the screen and said solemnly.

Radar on the watchtower scans energy responses across the solar system.

At this time, dozens of "exploding little suns" appeared on the screen in a very short time, forming a thick line of light.

This means that in just a few words, Doomsday chased Harley, who was running away, and hit her dozens of times.

If Doomsday chases Harley with 0.4 times the speed of light at 0.5 times the speed of light, it means that the impact force is 0.1 times the speed of light, which is an 80% reduction in impact compared to stopping there to support the hard top of the defensive cover.

Therefore, even though the yellow light energy was exploded every time, Harley, who already had 90 defense points, could still persevere.

The only thing is that the yellow light energy in her body is rapidly decreasing.

Each impact first breaks through the golden film on the body - the pure physical defense force field, then her natural defense magic - the black vortex of thorns, then the yellow light energy shield, and finally her hands in front of her. arm.

"Boom - click -"

After the gray light chased the golden light and hit again, Harley heard a sound like a tree breaking.

Sound cannot be transmitted in outer space, but when Doomsday collided with her, the body came into contact, and the vibrations were also transmitted to her ears.

It wasn't her who was injured. Well, she was injured all the time, but the amputation of limbs didn't happen to her.

The fifth-level Speed ​​Force defense feat allowed Harley to vaguely see Doomsday's right arm broken into an "L".

It clenched its right hand into a fist and hit her crossed arms in front of her at sub-light speed, and would also receive a reaction force.

Damage from the reaction force poses little threat to it.

But once a quantum critical strike is triggered, the damage is directly applied to the life existence field, which is equivalent to a defense-breaking blow.

Doomsday's hand bones were broken inch by inch.

But Harley didn't show any joy. This wasn't the first time a quantum critical attack had been triggered.

She smiled at it when the quantum crit was triggered for the first time, and its arm was broken off at that time. Now she can't laugh anymore.

Because it didn't slow down, it continued to pound into her with its left fist.

The broken right arm grew rapidly, and the gray muscles swelled.

There are also white bone spurs like daggers growing on the surface, and the shape makes people feel chilly.


The fist covered with bone spurs hit Harley's arm hard, and the protective gold film was dim and dented.

The black vortex of thorns caused counter damage from the energy of the level 1 experience jar, and there was also a mind spell that dealt 2% of the damage she received.

But the mental shock caused by the mind spell is completely ineffective.

"Crack-Boom!" The yellow light energy shield on Harley's body exploded into a handful of golden dust, splashing in all directions during the sub-light speed flight. It was truly beautiful.

Her complexion turned pale, and her fair skin had turned blood red - Hunyuan spread the damage to every cell, preventing her from suffering fatal injuries, but the activity of the cells was reaching its limit, and blood seeped into every pore.

Fortunately, she also has the expertise of food defense, digesting the cytoplasm flowing out of ruptured cells and converting it into nutrients to nourish the ruptured cells.

——This monster can't be consumed. Doomsday's recovery speed is faster than mine, but its damage rate far exceeds mine. It is still a beast. The mind spell of soul attack is invalid, and the presence attack is effective but cannot kill with one hit.

Harley was the first to establish this.

In fact, mental attacks are not ineffective from the beginning.

Doomsday's only innate skill is "Saints will never be knocked down twice by the same move."

Harley needs the corresponding energy to activate the attack with the corresponding energy. Doomsday was able to evolve targeted defenses in the process of being beaten.

It was born for who knows how many thousands of years, but it was attacked by spiritual power a long time ago. Now when facing Harley, he has evolved to be immune to mental damage.

——Why hasn’t Tearman come yet?

After silently cursing the price, Harley became anxious.

Using yellow lantern energy to hold up Doomsday consumes too much - Hal Jordan, the greatest Green Lantern in history, only lasted for tens of seconds before both his mental power and the energy in the ring were exhausted - now, Harley only has less than 30% left. With the yellow light energy, the spirit begins to feel exhausted.

——Damn it, if only Satan’s Punishment Formation was still here!

After getting anxious, Harley began to complain about Lucifer who abandoned the throne of hell and ran away without knowing where.

A year ago, she wasn't actually that afraid of this kind of monster with purely physical attacks.

To attack her, it had to get close to her.

Apart from her, who has the skin of God, who in the multiverse can withstand Lucifer's attack?

If Doomsday touches her as frequently as he does, sooner or later he will be burned to the bone by Satan's flames.

When the energy of the yellow light in Harley's body was reduced to 20%, "Boom!"

A red light shot out from the side, knocking the gray light that hit her hundreds of kilometers away.

"Harry, are you okay?"

Superman floated in front of Harley, his expression concerned, his mouth opening and closing, but making no sound.

However, Harley released a ray of spiritual power, connected with his consciousness, heard his words, and replied: "Why did you come? Go and stop it, don't let it hit the earth——moth——"

"Whoosh!" Harley shrank and hid behind Dachao.


The gray light that originally rushed towards her was blocked by Da Chao's fists, and Da Chao's back hit the golden force field membrane on Harley's body.

The two of them slid dozens of kilometers in mid-air before they stopped their decline and reached a balance of power with Doomsday.

Da Chao twisted his face and wrestled with Doomsday.

"Buzz!" Harley put her left hand on Dachao's back, and opened a circle of miniature wormholes behind her with her right hand.

Pulling on Dachao's cloak, he gently pulled it back.

Dachao retreated and retreated into the wormhole with her, also pulling Doomsday in.

This is an ultra-long-distance time and space teleportation, and the three of them enter a channel that is filled with brilliance and distorts time and space.

"Hey!" A proud smile appeared on Harley's lips. As long as she teamed up with Super, any single existence in the multiverse would be on their knees.

No matter how awesome Doomsday is, no matter how powerful its physical attacks are, can it be stronger than the Origin Wall?

As soon as this idea came up, Doomsday's eyes flashed a string of characters quickly, and the red light in his eyes became more and more intense, like a spring spewing scarlet water.


The thick heat ray hit Da Chao directly on his face.

"Uh ah~~~" Dachao howled in pain, his hands could no longer restrain Doomsday, and he was slapped away by it.

"Roar -" Doomsday roared ferociously at Harley, his body sank, his knees bent, and his feet made a jumping motion.


The hyperspace channel actually looks like a pipe that has been bent with great force, with obvious distortions on the inner wall.

A thought suddenly flashed through Harley's mind: If she pulled Chao into the space channel and hit the wall of origin, Da Chao also knew what she was going to do, how should he respond?

First of all, Super can fly at sub-light speed inside the planet and at the speed of light in outer space; secondly, Super can also fly at super-light speed, that is, he can physically rush into the hyperspace tunnel, achieving the effect of the Lantern opening a miniature wormhole.

Therefore, Dachao will disrupt the space teleportation she activated.

Even if Doomsday was not made from the remains of General Zod, it must have come from Krypton.

In addition to the "Kryptonian-specific" name of Doomsday, Luther had also informed her before that the meteorite surrounding Doomsday contained a kryptonite reaction.

Therefore, Doomsday comes from Krypton, and it can do most of what Super can do.

So, Doomsday can also disrupt her space teleportation at this time?

Not only that, its behavior is also very weird. Doesn’t Doomsday specifically focus on Kryptonians? Why does it always look for her when she is with Dachao?

Her physical strength is not as good as that of Da Chao, and her threat is naturally not as good as his. Doomsday should fight Da Chao to the death.

"Stab--" As Doomsday approached her, he also tore off the "space suit" (ps) on his body. His aura suddenly increased more than ten times, and the originally smooth skin became as rough and uneven as a dirt road. .

There are also sharp bone spurs, like devil's teeth, growing out of the muscles and covering the fingers, elbows, shoulder armor, chest and other parts, like a set of bone blade armor.

Then, scarlet-hot energy, like ferocious scars, instantly covered its body.

Even the space around it was distorted.

"Boom!" The fist, which was twice as thick as before, smashed all the defensive barriers in front of Harley with one blow. Just like Wonder Woman, cells all over her body were shattered, and a layer of wet, sticky red oozed from the surface of her skin.

Doomsday then drew back his elbow, and the bone blade on his arm was like Illidan Stormrage's egg knife, so fast that he couldn't even catch the afterimage.

A fatal crisis hit her, and Harley, who activated the speed force defense, saw clearly the trajectory of the bone blade.

Can't help it!

This is the first thought.

Gotta run for your life!

This is the second thought.

Then the three ways to escape seemed to have already existed in my mind, and now there was only one thought left to make a choice.

Method 1: Actively collapse the distorted space teleportation at the destination, causing the teleportation channel to explode completely. The three of them were like cigarette butts in a toilet, hitting Xuan'er and falling into colorful space turbulence.

Method 2: Call the Voice of Heaven and spend 500,000 Heavenly Merits to start the transmission. I am afraid it will be too late. It takes time to communicate with the Voice of Heaven, wait for the Voice of Heaven to respond, and the Voice of Heaven to send a miracle. The whole process is no less than three seconds. .

She definitely didn't have three seconds.

Method 3: There is a sleeping cat lying in the belly, and the clothes on it are transformed into Sandman robes. It can be activated immediately, but there is a process for activating it.

Or, collapse the space channel first, and then choose method 2 or——

"Eh!" Harley's eyes widened. In Doomsday's scarlet eyes, she saw a familiar character, a life character created by combining the emotional element of "love" with the origin of anti-supervision.

Motherfuck, it's Darkseid who's causing trouble!

"Hi!" White light flashed, and Doomsday's bone blade was like a sharp knife cutting a cow's tendons. Harley, who was full of tenacity, was cut into two.

(PS: Doomsday is not wearing a space protective suit, but an ability restraint suit. It is a suit specially made to control it and weaken its ability. It is equivalent to putting kryptonite handcuffs on Superman.)

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