I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 850 Green Light Coup

"Looking for cracks in different dimensions." Hal Jordan's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he said in surprise: "This method seems to be really worth trying."

"This is a bad idea." Constantine sneered: "The first law of magic, all miraculous power has a price. Throwing garbage into another dimension will sooner or later make the earth pay a greater price."

"At what cost? We will definitely find a planet where life is born and the environment is extremely harsh. As for the reduction of earth's material caused by throwing garbage, there is no need to worry.

Within 50 years, we will be able to enter the star system and replenish minerals from outer space.

In fact, we now have the ability to mine in the solar system. " Hal Jordan said.

"If the price can be guessed, the price of magic is not worthy of awe." Constantine said lightly.

The third smartest man next to him said: "We can find cracks in time and space without using magic or technological means. Well, give me a few days and I can do it."

Constantine shrugged disapprovingly, "As long as you are happy."

"We are pressed for time, let's go quickly." Harley urged.

On Oua, the three of them encountered a big accident.

The little blue men who had all retired unexpectedly appeared in Oua again, not just one or two, but a group of at least fifty people.

What was especially embarrassing for Hal was that there were actually more than a dozen Green Lanterns present.

There were not many "Old Green Lanterns" left who survived the Crisis on Infinite Earths, about sixty or seventy people. At this time, the Green Lanterns on Oa were all old men in the Green Lantern Corps.

"Katma, you should be in sector 1417 at this time, why are you here? And Ganser, Apas, what are you doing in Oa?" Hal Jordan asked.

Katma is a red-skinned Koruga, a tribe of Sinestro.

He was also the leader of the resistance when Sinestro used the Green Lantern Ring to rule Koruga.

Hal not only helped her and her soldiers rebel against Sinestro, but later recommended her to replace Sinestro and join the Green Lantern Corps as the administrator of Sector 1417 (the sector where the planet Koruga is located).

Therefore, she can be regarded as Hal's direct confidant.

The Green Lanterns first looked at each other, then collectively looked at the little blue man. Finally, Gunther stood up and said expressionlessly: "A few days ago, we noticed traces of Sinestro, so we ended our seclusion and prepared to capture him. Bring to justice.

During the search for Sinestro, they met Katma and others.

From them we heard of what you did on earth.

The Guardian Alliance is very disappointed and is considering deposing you as the leader of the Green Lantern, disbanding the "Earth Green Lantern Corps" and re-establishing the Oa Green Lantern. "

"These little blue men are so direct." Constantine said in surprise.

Harley frowned, she would be surprised if the little blue man cared about the feelings of a mere Green Lantern.

However, they were clearly disheartened and decided to abandon the Green Lantern Corps before, so why did they run away again now?

Just for Sinestro?

Not like that.

The Book of Oa is still in their hands, and they can monitor all the information of the Lantern Ring, so they can also monitor the behavior and language of Green Lantern. Why do they need to "encounter" Katma?

Do you still need to find out from outsiders what Hal is doing on Earth?

"Why?" Hal was very shocked and confused, "Didn't you go into seclusion? What mistakes did I make on Earth that made you feel disappointed?"

Gunther said calmly: "You turned the Green Lantern Corps, which was supposed to serve the multiverse, into the Earth's private army. This deviates from our original intention of creating the Green Lantern Corps."

"Why did I turn the Green Lantern into the Earth's private property? Apart from me, there is no Earthling in the Green Lantern Corps today, and I have not allowed the Corps to participate in the internal affairs of the Earth." Hal said excitedly.

Ganser said indifferently: "There are no Earthlings among the official members at this time. But in the 500-person Green Light reserve team, Earthlings occupy two seats.

John Stewart and Guy Gardner, both still residents of Beach City, were your friends.

The Green Lantern Corps has been established for billions of years, and there has never been a situation where two Green Lantern members came from the same civilization at the same time.

But you suddenly broke the record, at least three members are all from the earth.

In addition, you are also conducting auditions for ‘Young Green Light’ globally.

Hundreds of people on earth have joined the "Green Lantern Training Camp", and each of them has the opportunity to be tested by the Lantern Ring.

You said that the Green Lantern Corps was not involved in Earth's internal affairs, but dozens of Green Lantern elites abandoned their sectors and stayed in Earth's coastal cities for a long time to defend against Atlantis' attack. Didn't they violate the Green Lantern Code?

Also, what have you been doing these past few days?

You are traveling across the galaxy, sending help messages to thousands of civilizations, hoping that they will sponsor a garbage disposal system for the earth.

This breaks the Green Lantern commandment that the Green Lantern Corps must not seek personal gain for the parent civilization.

If this continues, can you imagine what the Green Lantern Corps of Earth will look like in one hundred, one thousand, or ten thousand years?

The green light of the universe will completely become the green light of the earth and the green light of the United States. "

Hal Jordan opened his mouth and wanted to defend loudly, but he saw the expressions of the green light companions next to the little blue man.

Most of them agreed with it, and some even looked at him angrily.

Even though a few old friends lowered their heads to avoid his sight, they did not stand up to speak justice for him.

In order to help the U.S. government find a perfect "non-high-tech" garbage disposal system, he didn't rest for five days and five nights, relying entirely on the energy of the green light to maintain physical and mental strength.

He was already very tired.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that his fatigue had increased tenfold.

The body is tired and the mind is even more tired.

"It was I who borrowed the power of the Ion Shark to repair the damaged central energy battery. It was also me who brought the few Green Lanterns to Earth when you disbanded the Green Lantern Corps and kept them in the fire. My idea at that time was very simple. The Green Lantern Corps is here Crisis on Infinite Earths was severely damaged, with only a few dozen veterans left.

But the Green Lantern Corps has been traversing the universe for billions of years. There are too many enemies and too many careerists who covet our power.

That’s why I moved the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps to Earth, not to protect the Earth, but because the Earth has the Justice League and..."

Hal glanced at Harley, lowered his head, and said bitterly: "Earth's heroes joined forces to defeat the Anti-Monitor, making the multiverse look sideways and the people of the universe in awe.

I didn’t think about turning the Green Lantern Corps into the ‘Earth Corps’.

Instead, the Earth is guarding the Green Lantern Corps' dying fire.

When the legion is restored to full strength, and when I find you to find the Book of Oa, or other replacements with the same function, I will move the legion back to Oa. "

The red-skinned woman Katma shouted emotionally: "Hal, you are a good man, we all trust you.

But your people think completely differently than you do.

They held open discussions on the Internet and asked everyone on earth to sign up for the Green Light Special Training Camp to occupy more Green Light places.

Your government has quietly formulated a secret plan to "green light" the Stars and Stripes. "

"The Star-Spangled Banner." Hal was stunned, "What are you talking about? Why didn't I know?"

"This is the exact information I got from spying on the Pentagon." Katma vowed.

"You use the green light ring to spy on the U.S. government?" Hal said harshly.

When you rebelled against Sinestro, wasn't it because he used the green light ring to monitor all of your criminal behavior?

"I need to know what they're planning."

Katma's eyes didn't dodge, and there was no hint of shame or regret in her tone.

Hal covered his face with his right hand, wondering what he was thinking.

The atmosphere became awkward and heavy.

However, the little blue man looked calm and unaffected at all.

Harley felt that she had almost eaten the melon, so she cleared her throat and said, "Hal, send us to Covad first. It's going to rain, my mother is getting married, and there are some things that can't be forced."

If you really don’t have the idea of ​​‘star-spangled’ Green Lantern, it would be a good thing to restore the Green Lantern Corps to its original form! "

"It's not a matter of relocating the Green Lantern Corps"

Hal took a deep look at those green lights, feeling sad beyond words.

"You are going to the planet Kvad? Why?" Gunther suddenly asked.

Harley didn't want to pay attention to him, but suddenly she remembered that the little blue man had a long history and might understand the emotional elements.

“You know the emotional element?”

"I can't give you an answer with just one word," Ganser said.

"Then come over and take a look."

Gunther did not refuse and followed him to Kovad.

The once wild and uninhabited planet has now regained the breath of life and civilization.

Before the universe was restarted, the antimatter universe was destroyed first. The Kovads and some antimatter people from other antimatter planets were brought to Oa under the green light.

Except for some Kovad people who can live in the positive matter universe, other antimatter people must stay within the green light barrier.

After the restart was completed and the antimatter universe was reborn, those people moved back one after another.

Upon discovering the traces of Harley and others, the Coward people with big bulging eyes were extremely excited and must hold a grand welcome and thanksgiving banquet for them.

It was hard to refuse the hospitality, so Halli had no choice but to agree.

After struggling for most of the night, Harley left the Coward star and entered the outer space of the antimatter universe.

"This is the emotional element." She took out the 'heart' and showed it to Gunther.

At the same time, she united all her thoughts and locked onto "love" with her mental power.

"How?" Constantine asked curiously.

Harley frowned and said, "Constantine, hold it. I have the source of antimatter in my body, and I'm not sure if it will interfere with it."

"How to hold it?"

"It's very simple. Imagine that your mental power has become a hand, overlapping with your right hand."

When Constantine held up the "love", Harley stepped back a hundred meters. The source of antimatter in her body was still boiling, but it was 90% weaker than before.

"Wow, it's vibrating, trying to get closer to you, I can feel it."

Constantine looked left and right, very curious.

Harley stepped back another hundred meters

After retreating one kilometer away, the antimatter origin in her body finally no longer resonated with the emotional elements.

"It's unresponsive," Constantine said.

"Didn't antimatter energy be absorbed from the universe? Could it be that the amount was too small for you to sense?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"Then wait a moment."

Ten minutes passed quickly, half an hour passed, and an hour passed

Constantine was 100% sure: "Emotional elements have no reaction at all with antimatter energy. The origin in your body must contain other components."

Harley gritted her teeth and said, "Be careful, I want to separate part of the Anti-Monitor's origin."

Constantine's eyebrows twitched, and an unknown feeling surged into his heart.

"No, take this red heart away and try it yourself." He shouted loudly.

While shouting, he quickly floated towards Harley.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on. I'll just test it slowly and separate out a strand first."

Harry really could only draw a faint hint of red from the scarlet energy as big as a watermelon in his stomach.

Thinner than a strand of candy in a marshmallow.

The ninth-level antimatter defense expertise formed the prototype of a force field, constrained into a hollow tube, and wrapped with yellow light energy, forming a straight pipeline for transmitting the origin of antimatter.

The pipe goes straight into the red heart in Zakang's hand.

"No, I feel something is wrong!" Constantine wanted to dodge.

He did successfully dodge and did not let the yellow light pipe hit the red heart in his hand, but the red heart resonated with the antimatter origin in the pipe.

"Whoosh!" The origin scattered in the void of the universe was suddenly sucked into the red heart.

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