I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 851 The Equation of Life

"Buzz buzz—" As soon as the antimatter origin merged with the red heart, Harley's chest hurt.

Being hit on the stomach by the antimatter source ball in the stomach was like Sun Wukong kicking the Iron Fan Princess.

Then she lost control of the 'origin dumpling', causing it to squeeze out of her throat and spray out a bunch of scarlet anti-matter energy bombs.

Fly to Constantine.

"John, be careful."

This situation was completely beyond Harley's expectations.

She subconsciously pushed hard in the direction of Constantine, and a big hand from the yellow light energy device appeared and whipped him away like a baseball.

"Whoosh -" Constantine was spinning and flying away in outer space, but the scarlet antimatter energy was faster, so that Hal Jordan and Gunther on the side had no time to react. In fact, Gunther had time to react, at least he could survive in an instant. Create a mental barrier.

But he held back and did not move.

First, he discovered that the scarlet sphere flying out was the source of antimatter with extremely high energy levels. If it could not be blocked, it might be injured or even explode after being hit, killing him.

Another reason was that he was curious about the emotional element and the reactions to both.

Wonder what happens after a collision.

Then Gunther immediately saw the "chemical reaction" between the red heart and the origin of anti-monitoring: scarlet as big as a basketball, like water on a sponge, instantly submerged into the red heart, and then the red heart turned into a strange letter.

Letters that have never appeared in the world, the letters radiate bright red light.

It was like the heart of the god was cut open, and the tragic blood splashed in all directions, flooding the world.

Among the three people bathed in red light, Hal Jordan's face showed the sweetness of being in love, and Gunther's expressionless blue face showed a look of nostalgia and happiness.

However, Harley intuitively felt that her soul was under heavy pressure and burning, and there was a force that wanted to distort it.

She gritted her teeth, her face full of struggle, and her body exploded with several defensive specialties one after another.

Fortunately, the red light came suddenly and went away even faster.

In one moment, the red light burst out, and Harley's soul was twisted and reshaped like clay; in the next moment, the red light disappeared, and Harley's soul was relieved of its heavy burden and came back to life.

"what is that?"


As soon as Harley murmured something, Constantine held his head and howled miserably.

"Mother Fake, what the hell is this?"

She was horrified to see red lines crawling all over Constantine's outer skin like living bugs.

Then, those red threads turned into red-hot steel wires, cutting into the skin and cutting it into pieces.

Outsiders feel pain when they look at it.

Constantine's wail from his soul only strengthened this impression.

The little blue man Ganser was stunned for a while, then suddenly lost his composure and exclaimed: "This is the character of life! Oh my God, why does the equation of life appear in the material universe?!

This is inappropriate, unreasonable, unscientific and unmagical. They are all sealed within the wall of origin and blocked from the universe."

"What equation? What were you shouting about just now? Please speak clearly."

Harley immediately flew over, grabbed his small shoulders, shook him hard and asked.

"Let me go, let me go quickly." Ganser struggled hard for a few times, but he couldn't break free. He was not strong enough, and the force of the green light exploded into pieces, with no effect.

This shocked and scared him: Witch Harley really restrained the green light! The power of God is truly terrifying! God indeed loved her.

A series of thoughts exploded in his little head.

"Save my companion quickly, you know what this ghost thing is, right?"

Harley pulled him closer to Constantine, using all eight of his defensive specialties.

The defensive specialties that can activate the force field are all directed towards his body.

From the outside, it was unclear how effective it was. Constantine was still howling miserably, and the red lines were still crawling on his body.

Tighten it inside his body.

It seems that the red line is cutting through the flesh, imprinting it into the bones, and carving it into the soul.

Ganser used his telekinesis again and finally broke away from Harley's pull. He said solemnly: "This is the character of life, part of the life equation. I can't save him, and he probably doesn't need us to save him."

"The Life Equation?" Harley was stunned, "What does it have to do with the Anti-Life Equation?"

"You actually know the Anti-Life Equation?" Ganser was shocked.

"I heard that Darkseid is collecting that thing, but I have never seen it, and I don't know what it is or what its use is." Harley said.

Naturally, she had never heard anyone in this world talk about the anti-life equation.

She was able to say this word thanks to the fact that she had watched DC movies in her previous life, and the Anti-Life Equation was too famous.

However, what happened in reality was very different from the movie. Apart from the concept of the 'Anti-Life Equation', there was almost no useful information.

Before today, she was not sure whether Darkseid was collecting anti-life equations - at that time, Darkseid arranged for two clones to enter the earth, one clone attracting everyone's attention, and the other secretly doing things. .

"Darkseid is looking for the Anti-Life Equation, are you sure?" Ganser said solemnly.

"If I wasn't sure, how could I know about the Anti-Life Equation and this news?"

Harley's heart grew impatient, and Constantine's screams gradually weakened, as if he was about to die?

He is really unlucky. He was poisoned by the Flood a few days ago and sprouted fish gills. Now he is entangled in the equation of life. Could this be his natal year? Not wearing red underwear to ward off evil spirits?

Harry's mind was too active, and countless random thoughts flashed through him in an instant.

"Tell me what's going on with the red lines on my friend's body and how to get rid of them?"

"It's not the anti-life equation"

After a pause, Ganser explained: "The opposite of the anti-life equation is the life equation.

Similar to physical formulas, life equations and anti-life equations are equations composed of characters and operational symbols.

The characters in the physical formula represent physical constants and variables. Each physical constant represents the rules of the universe in the scientific world view. The entire formula also represents a physical rule.

The characters in the equation of life represent human emotions and emotions. They are probably the rules of the origin of life in the universe. "

"There is also the element of emotion. I didn't understand it before, but now I probably understand it. It must be the entity that manifests after the emotion of life reaches its extreme, right?"

While thinking about the information revealed in Ganser's words, Harley said: "About that, an old couple has been in love for a lifetime, from the living to the dead, and the power of love can even withstand the power of ascension to heaven.

Ordinary and simple but strong love that spans life and death, transcends hell and heaven, condenses an 'extra heart', a heart of love. "

Then she asked strangely: "The emotional element is not equal to the characters in the life equation, right? It undergoes a qualitative change after it is combined with the antimatter origin. Why is this?"

"I'm not sure. Some knowledge is just knowledge, not my experience. I haven't experienced it." Gunther frowned, "Your antimatter origin is obviously special. Where did it come from?

I have been observing before.

It can be determined that emotional elements have no special reaction in the antimatter universe.

In other words, it is not the power of antimatter that causes it to undergo qualitative change, but the special substance in the origin of the red antimatter spit out from your mouth. "

"The origin comes from the Anti-Monitor, the Anti-Monitor." Harley's pupils shrank, and she suddenly remembered one thing: she only poached part of the Anti-Monitor's origin, and Darkseid used Alexander's body to "annihilate" the remnants of the Anti-Monitor King. body.

Not even a hair was left.

At first, everyone thought that the anti-supervision king had been evaporated.

Now that I think about it, they were wrong

Since the origin of anti-monitoring can react with emotional elements to generate 'life characters', then the anti-monitoring king has lived for more than 10 billion years. Has he encountered emotional elements and then produced a large number of life characters in his body?

Are those characters enough to form a complete equation of life?

Oh, according to Darkseid's final request, the Anti-Monitor King should contain the Anti-Life Equation.

Does the "anti-supervisory origin" she discovered in him also contain part of the "anti-life equation power"?

The power of the equation allows the reaction of emotional elements to transform into characters of life?

Soon, she thought of Uncle Da's plan again.

What he did was not a coincidence. He probably saw that there was an anti-life equation in Anti-Monitor's body.

The subsequent series of operations were all designed to capture the Anti-Life Equation.

"Fake, Darkseid is already so powerful, yet he still refuses to be reckless. Not only is he not reckless, but he also likes to use his brain, and is particularly good at strategies and deceptions. He deceived me. This makes others still... How to mess around?"

Ganser looked at Harley, who had a distorted expression, and frowned: "What did you think of?"

Harley patted her forehead, put aside her messy thoughts, and said, "Darkseid may have extracted a more complete anti-life equation by plundering the Anti-Monitor's body. We should be careful.

Alas, Crisis on Infinite Earths has only ended for a year, and a new crisis seems to be showing its light."

Sighing, she asked: "Why is the origin of the Anti-Monitor so special that it can generate life characters with emotional elements?"

"The Anti-Monitor is the manager of the multiverse. It's strange that his origin is not special." Ganser said lightly.

“Why are you so sure that the life characters on my friend’s body are part of the life equation and not the anti-life equation?

According to my speculation, the Anti-Monitor's body is filled with anti-life equations. asked Harley.

"I have felt the power of the life equation, so I can recognize the life character immediately after it is born."

"Where did you meet?" Harley asked curiously.

Ganser hesitated for a moment and said: "Behind the Origin Wall, I can only sense."

"What does the Life Equation do? Is my friend okay?"

"I suggest throwing him back to the origin wall immediately. Life characters should not appear in the material universe. With characters, it is possible to form a formula." Ganser said seriously.

Harley sneered, "Darkseid has almost put together an entire equation. My friend only has one life character, so what does it count? If you hang Darkseid on the wall, I will send Constantine to him right away." Go up."

"Darkseid might be targeting your friend," Gunther warned.

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