I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 849 The Third Smartest Person in the DC Universe

Nick was the leader of the Saturday Night trio, and he agreed without any objection from either Zhacon or Zatanna.

No matter whether Harley's promise can be fulfilled or not, as long as she makes the promise, if something happens in the future, she will at least try her best to help them.

And now for the "Saturday Night" event, they are also studying cost magic.

Changing the experimental subject does not affect the accumulation of knowledge.

Constantine shook the missed call on his phone at Harley, "What do you want from me?"

Harley glanced at Nick and Zatanna next to her and hesitated, but then she remembered that several people had agreed to help her develop her natal spell.

The emotional element is never more important than her "black vortex of thorns".

"Remember when I got 'hearts' from Paul and Tess? The emotional element of pure 'love'."

"Oh, what did you find?" Constantine's eyes lit up and he immediately became interested.

"It can react with the origin of antimatter, and they want to merge into one. But I'm not sure what will happen after the fusion, so I hope that you, who has the power of true knowledge, will preside over the fusion process." Harley said.

"The origin of antimatter? Why is there still that thing?" Constantine frowned.

"I fought with the Anti-Monitor that day, and I dug out a big piece of flesh from him."

Constantine threw away most of the remaining cigarette and pressed his eyebrows hard, "I only heard antimatter, and I already had an ominous premonition.

The fusion of emotional elements and antimatter origin will inevitably lead to great danger.

No wonder you came to me. Your sense of crisis has also been touched, right? "

Harry smiled and said: "I don't have any sense of crisis. I just think you are talented, outstanding and knowledgeable——"

"Okay, okay!" Constantine waved his hand with a headache, "Let me think about it."

He thought thoughtfully and asked: "The emotional element reacts to the antimatter source, and both parties react to the other, right?"

"That's right."

While saying that, Harley also took out the heart-shaped emotional element and showed it alive and kicking in public.

not effectively.

The other three people only saw its gentle rhythm, and could not intuitively feel the turbulent waves inside it like her.

“I have an idea,” Constantine’s eyes flashed, “Let’s go to the antimatter universe and let the emotional elements absorb the thin antimatter energy from the universe.

If an accident occurs, it will not affect us, let alone threaten the earth. "

"As for it, can it affect the earth?" Zatanna asked doubtfully.

Constantine raised his chin towards Harley, "You should ask her, it's just the fusion of emotional elements and anti-matter, but as for the serial calls to kill me, she still chases her here?"

Harley pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay, let's go to the antimatter universe."

Nick didn't expect that she actually agreed to Zha Kang's "exaggerated" request, and looked very shocked, "What is the emotional element?"

"I don't know, but the Voice of Heaven is very secretive about it. It is not allowed to enter heaven, and I refuse to disclose its information. I am the king of heaven mountain and the god of war in heaven, and my authority is still not enough." Harley sighed.

To go to the antimatter universe, you have to find Green Lantern Hal Jordan.

Pass through the portal on Oa and head to the Kovad star in the antimatter universe.

Although Nick and Zatanna were very curious this time, they didn't have the nerve to follow.

In geosynchronous orbit, the Justice League's watchtower.

Harley summoned the "four-legged scooter" Yerby, and when she and Constantine were sent to the inner deck, it immediately returned to hell.

On the 100-meter-long deck of the main axis of the watchtower, four "Guardian II" star-class spacecraft were parked.

It was the shuttle that Zhenglian drove to the Royal City of Atlantis that day. It was a watchtower-style patrol ship that patrolled the solar system.

When they arrived, there were seven or eight heroes surrounding the two spaceships, preparing to go on a mission.

Zha Kang looked around at the sci-fi scene that far exceeded the level of civilization on earth. He couldn't help but whistled and praised: "The Justice League has really become an extremely powerful force now."

"It's not strong enough. The current Zhenglian lacks magic technical personnel." A black man wearing a "T" shaped mask on his face came over and extended his right hand to Harley, "Hello, Miss Quinn, I am the person in charge of the watchtower this month, I wonder what brings you here?"

The T mask is made of dark red nanomaterial and is very thin, like a tattoo on the face, only covering the two eyes, nose and mouth.

On his shoulders, there are three silver-gray metal balls the size of billiard balls suspended, with a "T" occupying half of the sphere on the surface.

"Use the watchtower's signal tower to call Green Lantern Hal Jordan," Harley said.

"Dude, you new here? I've never seen you before."

Zha Kang took out his cigarette case, lit one himself, and handed one to the T-ball man opposite.

He waved his hand, "I only smoke cigars."

“I am ‘Mr. Excellence’, and some people call me ‘the third smartest person in the world’.”

Constantine paused while smoking and looked at the "Tennis (T)ball Hero" opposite him with strange eyes.

The other party looked serious, not joking or making fun of himself.

"Mr. Diaozhaotian, who are the first and second smartest people?"

The word “terrific” in Mister Terrific means awesome and amazing.

Mr. Excellence frowned and said, "Probably only Batman and Luthor are smarter than me."

"Have you ever competed?" Harley asked.

Mr. Excellence shook his head, "I only compared myself."

"If I were you, even if I claimed to be the 'third smartest person in the world,' I would not choose Batman and Lex Luthor as the first or second smartest people." Harley laughed.

Mr. Excellence's cheeks twitched unnaturally a few times.

"We haven't competed directly, but I have communicated with them. I don't think there is anyone else on earth who can surpass them?" he said.

Harley said with a smile: "I would say that the 'first smart person' will leave hope to the future, the 'second' person will respect the ancestors, and I will only keep the 'third' person, so that I can be both humble and competent.

You keep saying that you are ‘third in the world’. It seems that you are trying to embellish your reputation, but in fact you are helping those two bastards advertise.

Anyone who hears your introduction will be as curious as Constantine and ask you who is first and second. "

Mr. Excellence originally belonged to the Justice Society and came from the Fusion Universe.

The Batman and Luthor he talks about do not refer to the Batman and Luthor of Earth 0.

In other words, the people who convinced him and made him consider himself third were Batman and Lex Luthor of Earth 2.

Harley had never dealt with him before, but the Celestial Eye would rate him very highly.

Not to mention Batman, who didn't graduate from high school on Earth 0 and was self-taught, Luthor's pure talent in mechanical electronics is not as good as him.

Well, Luther is an all-rounder, and his excellence is in electronic technology.

For example, the T-mask on his face seems simple and even redundant, but it can protect him from detection by any electronic devices.

If Harley takes out her mobile phone from Paradise Mountain and secretly takes a picture of Mr. Excellence, the picture will be completely blank.

Don't ask about the principle, ask about the black technology.

"The first is in the future, the second is respect for the seniors, and the third belongs to me."

The more Mr. Excellence chewed it, the more it tasted, and the more he felt that his previous "business card introduction" was too pulpy.

"Ahem, Mr. Excellence, please help me send a message to Hal Jordan first."

Mr. Zhuo Zhuo came back to his senses, his face was slightly red, and he said awkwardly: "What are you looking for him for? How should I leave him a message?"

"Just say that I need to see him if I have something to do."

"Buzz--" Mr. Excellence didn't move or speak. A T-ball on his shoulder lit up a few times.

"OK, the message has been sent."

Then, he wondered: "Why not go to the Green Lantern headquarters in Beach City? I heard that the Green Lantern rings can communicate with each other."

"That was before, when the little blue man took away the 'Book of Oa', which was the 'main chassis' of the Green Lantern Corps.

The light ring is just a 'display'. Now even the query function is mostly disabled, and the distance of cosmic communication is also limited. "

That's why she's the Justice League's watchtower.

Here is a space-grade communicator removed from Brainiac's spacecraft.

Hal Jordan didn't make Harley wait any longer.

She and Constantine walked around the watchtower, and a green portal appeared in the outer orbit of the earth.

"Why are you so anxious to find me?" He looked a little tired, as if he had been busy for a long time without resting.

"I want to go to the antimatter universe, to the planet Kovad."

"do what?"

"Doing magic experiments."

"You interrupt my work just for a magic experiment?" Hal shouted unhappily.

"what are you busy with?"

"You haven't paid attention to the negotiations between the undersea people and us recently?"

"Have you been watching TV? You seem to be in some trouble?"

Hal said helplessly: "Aquaman is trying his best to promote the second land and sea peace talks, but the countries on the earth are not willing to really go to war.

But ocean cleaning and future garbage disposal are big problems that need to be solved.

Aquaman is willing to make some compromises on behalf of the people under the sea, but he cannot turn a blind eye to environmental issues.

To solve ocean pollution without affecting the normal development of countries on earth, we can turn to extraterrestrial technology.

But a new problem comes again. If all countries around the world use alien technology, what will happen to the civilization of the earth?"

"Earth's civilization is about to take off." Harley smiled.

"Do you really think so?" Hal looked at her with complicated eyes, "If the earth no longer distinguishes between countries and nations, more advanced alien technology may indeed drive human civilization to take off.

But there are more than two hundred countries on the earth. In an international environment where countries compete with each other, geopolitical conflicts continue to break out.

If the science and technology of all countries in the world are suddenly raised to the same level, and the crisis on land and sea ends, humanity will definitely fall into greater turmoil. "

"You, the Justice League, can suppress disobedience and beat anyone who messes up," Harley said.

"Zhenglian is a guardian, guarding the people's free choice, not a unique person who gives the only choice." Hal said seriously.

"Then what have you been busy with recently?" Harley asked curiously.

"We are looking for a perfect extraterrestrial garbage disposal technology that will not change the current technological level of mankind at all," Hal said.

Harley's mouth twitched and asked, "Have you found it?"

Hal shook his head and sighed: "It seems that there is no technology in the universe that can completely solve the earth's environmental problems and the technological level is lower than ours."

Constantine sneered: "Isn't this nonsense? If there was that kind of technology, you wouldn't have to look for aliens. It would have been invented by the first, second, and third smartest people."

Mr. Zhuo Zhuo, the third smartest person, touched his nose and muttered: "Actually, I can also solve the energy problem, but the T-ball technology is too advanced. To the earth, it is no different from alien technology."

"If you are stuck on the road of science and technology, you can ask for magic help." Harley said with a smile: "For example, summon the Garbage Demon, eat all the garbage into your stomach, and pull out pure metal and pure water.

For example, gather the garbage in one place, use black magic to pull it into the shadow realm, and throw it into hell.

For example, isn't the Shadow Bureau responsible for finding dimensional cracks and blocking alien creatures from invading the real world?

Leave a crack and throw all the garbage into another dimension or alien planet. "

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