I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 832 Detective Bruce

——Environmental protection that requires oneself to pay the price is not "good environmental protection". Environmental protection that torments other countries and makes others pay the price is "real environmental protection".

The caravan advocate opened his mouth and was about to explain that "environmental protection is just a political slogan that can be used to achieve political goals, but it is different from reality." But suddenly, he thought of the hell of the United States and the ravaged "freedom" .

He stood there speechless.

Will there be another "environmental god" who is humiliated by politicians in the hellish United States of the future?


But he really didn't want it to be born in his own hands.

With the 2016 election tomorrow, his presidential career is about to end, so why bother running into the depths of hell?

He didn't speak, so the Speaker could only step in and said coldly: "Superman, Article 2 of the 'Hero Agreement' states that heroes are not allowed to interfere with government work."

"Fake!" Da Chao cursed, called his teammates, turned around and left.

"Green Lantern, wait!" General Minos shouted.

Hal Jordan was unmoved.

"Hal Jordan, what happens next has nothing to do with Zhenglian." Minos changed his title and called out his name.

Once you know your name, you know your home address and your relatives and friends.

Hal frowned, and his legs seemed to be filled with great strength. His steps gradually slowed down, falling behind his teammates, and finally stopped at the door.

When the other heroes of Zhenglian left, he turned his head and looked at them expressionlessly.

"Zhenglian may not help the American people fight, but I hope that the Green Lantern Corps of Earth can ensure the safety of the United States.

The "Earth's Green Lantern Corps" now has more than a thousand Lanterns. You don't need too many, one hundred. Each American city will be assigned one to ensure that people under the sea do not harm innocent people. "

"The Green Lantern Corps will not participate in planetary civil wars unless there is a horrific massacre or genocide." Hal said solemnly.

"When the American people face the vicious undersea warriors, isn't it a massacre?" General Minos said.

"The people under the sea are still restrained now. Unless you provoke a bigger conflict, how could there be people under the sea entering the inland and taking action against civilians?" Hal said with a cold face.

General Minos stood up, walked up to him, put his hand on his shoulder, and said earnestly: "You were a soldier. Tell me, what is the duty of a soldier?"

Before he could speak, the general said solemnly: "Our duty is to use the guns in our hands to defend the interests of the people."

Hal struggled for a long time and whispered: "Although the Green Lantern Corps has rules and is not allowed to use its authority and power to seek personal gain for its own civilization, this time the situation is special and I am willing to make an exception for the earth.

Well, ocean pollution is a big problem for existing earth technology, but there are countless civilizations in the universe, many of which are more advanced and developed than us.

If we put in some effort and use the name and reputation of the Galaxy Admiral, we should be able to introduce a super garbage cleaning system from an alien planet.

What do you think? "

Several government bosses exchanged words with their eyes in silence.

General Minos coughed a few times, his expression was soft, his voice was soft, and his eyes were soft and relieved.

He patted Hal on the shoulder and praised: "You are a representative of heroes and a role model for American soldiers!

However, Hal, have you ever thought about it, garbage is linked to industrial production and residents’ living facilities, and production level is linked to scientific and technological strength.

If you introduce a garbage cleaning system, it will inevitably affect the existing earth industry."

Hal immediately said: "Of course I understand the principle of affecting the whole body, but we can take advantage of the trend to comprehensively upgrade the earth's industry and directly enter a relatively high stage of civilization."

General Minos' expression was softer and more cordial. He put his arm around his shoulders and whispered in his ear: "Industrial upgrades benefit the country and the people, which is very good.

Next time, I will bring together the presidents and technical directors of Boeing, General Motors, United, Raytheon, Grumman, Pfizer, Quinn, Wayne, and Luther. You can talk to them in detail and let them understand. You elaborate on the details of industrial upgrading, and you provide supporting technologies and knowledge accurately.

But this time the Atlantis crisis is global in nature, so forget it. "

Hal was very smart and immediately realized his intention and said with a dull face: "Why not Quinn?"

"Admiral Galaxy?" Minos touched his nose and said with twinkling eyes: "She is focused on selling notebooks and mobile phones and will not participate in this kind of thing."

"You made similar requests to her and she refused?" Hal asked.

"She didn't refuse, she just didn't participate."

Hal felt that his chest felt tight, his head felt swollen, and he felt very irritable.

He wanted to quit, like the 'running Harley' he didn't quite understand before.

"You also said that ocean issues are a major global crisis!"

Hal used a higher volume, highlighting the "big crisis."

Minos' eyes flashed and he said: "Hal, you are a smart man, a patriot, and a glorious soldier.

Then, I will tell you in the manner of a wise man and a patriotic soldier.

If the world has the same industries and technologies, why should the United States be proud? Where do the American people get their happiness and pride? "

Hal was silent.

General Minos waited for a while and said impatiently: "We can talk about alien technology later. You just need to tell me, when the undersea people launch an attack on the United States, will the Green Lantern Corps protect coastal cities?"

Hal said helplessly: "I will lead the Green Lantern Corps to try our best to save innocent people."

Minos nodded with satisfaction, "Hal, you are an American hero! The Seven Justices, Superman is a Kryptonian immigrant, and Wonder Woman is an Amazon."

We all know now that Aquaman is of Atlantean descent.

Batman has no superpowers, Cyborg is still a kid (high school student), and Flash is too weak.

Only you are the most perfect and purest representative of the American spirit. We hope that you can play a more important role in the Zhenglian and among the heroes. "

Hal said calmly: "God bless Milician, I will never forget this."

"God bless Milicia!" Minos nodded solemnly.

After leaving the conference room, Hal raised a sneer on his lips and quickly caught up with his companions who had not yet walked out of the White House door.

Before returning to the Hall of Justice, he repeated Minos' words.

The heroes did not curse loudly, but could only remain silent bitterly and helplessly.

After a long while, Bateman asked: "What are you going to do?"

"I don't know if we should talk to representatives from Boeing, General Motors, Wayne, and Grumman. Maybe we can allow the United States to continue to be the leader and indirectly raise the global technological level?"

Hal rubbed his hair and said irritably: "Forget it, let's talk about it after the industrial upgrade. Now we have to go back to the Green Light Building.

I will gather a group of Green Lanterns and ask them to suspend their interstellar missions to prepare for the upcoming conflict on land and sea.

Anyway, that bastard Minos was right, I can't stand the slaughter of innocent people.

But the Green Lantern Corps is only responsible for rescue, not fighting. "

"Don't talk about the Green Lantern Corps. If a war breaks out, we Zhenglian and other hero teams will not be able to stay out of it." Superman sighed.

"The war hasn't broken out yet, we should hurry up and do something." Wonder Woman said.

Bateman said: "Find Aquaman first, maybe he can challenge Orm again. The duel last night was just interrupted, not over."

"Still challenging? Do you regard Orm as the guardian BOSS in the game?" The Flash shouted.

"This is the best way." Bateman sighed: "We walked around the Royal City last night, and we saw with our own eyes the hostile attitude of the Atlanteans towards the land people.

Marine environmental issues are just the beginning.

The land and sea races live on the same planet, and as long as they remain hostile to each other, big problems will occur sooner or later.

Only Arthur can resolve the conflict and allow the two races to communicate normally and understand each other. "

Superman said: "It would be best if Arthur could become the king of Atlantis, but he is no match for Orm."

"Arthur is just not used to water fighting. He just needs to practice more." Bateman said.

"We have to find him first." Wonder Woman said.

Finding Aquaman wouldn't be difficult for the Justice League.

Not to mention that Aquaman is a living person who knows how to send a signal for help to his companions.

Even though he "doesn't want to drag his friends down", Dachao also has super hearing.

Cyborg can also be searched globally via the Watchtower satellite.

In order to prevent his teammates from relying too much on the watchdog, Batman prepared a Bat-watch for each hero.

Hal Jordan's Green Lantern ring also has a missing person function.

The Flash can circle the earth and search from house to house.

In short, in this real DC world, the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance did not disappear collectively like in the "Aquaman" movie - even when the people under the sea wanted to attack the land, and even set off a huge wave of pollution to invade the coast, they did not show up.

They were very active. They left the White House in the morning and held a half-hour meeting in the Hall of Justice. After another half-hour, the seven giants of the Zhenglian Alliance gathered together.

Mela is at the side.

"Hehe, we got into the mouth of a big whale. Even though there was a life detector on Orm's spacecraft, we couldn't be found." Aquaman said with a proud smile.

"You can hide for a while, but you can't hide for a lifetime." Mela took out a metal jar the size of a thermos cup, "Arthur, you challenged Orm too early and disrupted Vico's plan."

"What plan? What is this?" Aquaman asked, pointing to the metal can.

"It is the 'map' to find Atlantis' most powerful artifact."

"Golden Trident?" Aquaman asked in surprise.

"I thought you didn't know the legend of the Golden Trident." Mela looked up at him, handed the metal tube over, and said: "Atlantis hadn't sunk into the sea at that time, and we hadn't split into seven kingdom.

We use Poseidon's Iron. I guess it should be a divine metal blessed by Poseidon or filled with his divine power.

That metal was used to create an artifact that could command the sea, the Golden Trident.

It is a symbol of supreme power and a carrier of endless power. "

She looked into Aquaman's eyes and said meaningfully: "Whoever gets it will become the King of Atlantis.

Not Atlantis, one of the seven ocean kingdoms, but the king of the entire underwater world and the king of all us underwater people. "

Aquaman held the metal tube and raised his brows, "Vico has been looking for it?"

"Help you find it." Mela said.

Bateman and Dachao looked at each other thoughtfully.

Wonder Woman said: "According to what Prime Minister Vico wanted, he wanted Aquaman to get the golden trident and then challenge Orm? Then why didn't he give the metal cylinder to Aquaman earlier?"

Mela explained: "There is no trident in the metal cylinder, it is only related to the clues of the trident, and Vico has been trying to decipher its secrets.

Well, the metal cylinder is related to the Lost Kingdom, one of the Seven Kingdoms, and the technology is too ancient to be cracked by present-day Atlantis. "

"How can we help?" Bateman asked proactively.

Aquaman said: "You can't help me in a big way. Before I find the trident, don't let Orm find an excuse to attack humans."

"Where is the trident? Do you have any clues?" Superman asked.

"If the clues are confirmed, Prime Minister Vico has already taken action." Bateman extended his right hand to Aquaman, "Show it to me."

"Do you know Atlantis technology?" Mela raised her eyebrows with a look of contempt.

"I don't understand, but" Bateman took off his gloves and quickly rubbed the metal tube up and down.

Finally, he pulled up his plump chin with a faint smile and said, "I have a clue."

"Are you sure?" Mei La's face was full of doubt.

Bateman turned the metal cylinder upside down and showed it to everyone, "The lines inside are geared, indicating that it is going to be inserted into an instrument, probably a key to start something."

"What does this mean?" Mela sneered.

"You said it uses ancient Lost Realm technology?" Bateman asked.

"That's right, the technology is too old. Vico has been studying it for several years and still hasn't figured it out." Mela said.

Bateman's eyes flashed, "Why can't modern people crack ancient technology? Is your civilization deteriorating?"

Mela said: "Of course the Zebel Kingdom can crack the ancient technology of the Zebel Kingdom, but the seven ocean nations have embarked on different development paths since their split, and their technologies are also different."

Bateman took advantage of the situation and asked, "What's the difference?"

Meila looked around, her eyes became wary, and she pursed her lips without saying a word.

It wasn't until Aquaman quietly touched her arm that she reluctantly said: "Atlantis's energy technology is first-rate and its technology is very powerful.

We, Zebel, are good at martial arts and magic, so you see in Orm’s comments, it is shown as ‘Zebel’s Fifth Division and Eighth Stage’.

My magic even suppressed Orm.

The Fishman Kingdom is proficient in mecha technology, because they have evolved fish tails and are not suitable for armed combat.

The Saltwater Country has the strongest military power.

The Lost Kingdom is the forging place of the Golden Trident, and it was once the country of the divine craftsmen. "

"That's it." Bateman held up the metal tube and said, "We don't need the technology to crack it at all. It is the key to another instrument. We just need to find that instrument."

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