The King's Duel took place in the evening. The next morning, Harley and others returned to the United States. They didn't even take a shower and went directly to Washington for a closed-door meeting.

"Why did he lose? Didn't Harley say that Aquaman was stronger than Orm?" the caravan leader said with red eyes.

Well, he didn't sleep all night either, and his eyes were bloodshot.

"I've said it many times before the duel, being strong does not mean winning every battle." Harley said impatiently.

"We have been defeated. Let's think about what to do next." General Lane sighed.

"Last night, Harry, you and the three kings left alone and had a secret conversation for two hours. What did you say?" Da Chao asked.

"Generally, a tacit agreement has been reached. The two sides have banned the 'doomsday weapons' that could destroy the earth and fought a conventional war."

"Do we have a 'doomsday weapon' that will destroy the earth?" the horse gang leader asked.

"You ask me?" Harley looked up at him and reminded: "You are the president."

"Oh, yes, I am the president." The horse gang leader first smiled awkwardly, then frowned and faced several military representatives, "As far as I know, we don't have doomsday weapons. Can you deny me?"

General Lane sat there silently, without even an expression.

General Minos scratched his nose and said with twinkling eyes: "Mr. President, we have about three ongoing projects that may bring the earth to its doomsday."

"What project, why don't I know anything about it?" the caravan leader said with a dull face.

"Before it is officially exposed, outsiders cannot know it, including you, Mr. President - this is necessary for national security." General Minos emphasized.

——The dignified head of state has become an outsider.

After taking two deep breaths, the caravan leader didn't feel too angry.

Probably used to it.

"Just give it a rough outline so that we can have a clear idea."

"A kind of bionic robot called 'Amazo', a kind of thing from Brainiac's spaceship, um, a complete set of weapons, including missiles, defensive force fields, miniature devices, and the last one is genetic cloning." Mi General North said vaguely.

When he said the last sentence, he unconsciously glanced at Dachao from the corner of his eye.

"It doesn't sound very good." The caravan leader knitted his eyebrows and commented with some disgust: "Not domineering enough, and he doesn't have the characteristics to scare people when his name is announced."

General Minos reminded: "Mr. President, among Brainiac's many technologies, the most inconspicuous is the stellar missile, a big killer that detonates stars with one shot."

"Hiss, Stellar Bomb, now I can feel it." The horse gang leader took a breath of cold air.

"The highest requirement of Atlantis is for us to strictly implement the 'Om Ocean Cleanup Act'. As for self-destruction of the earth?" Superman asked with an ugly face.

"Be prepared in case they ask for 'ruling mankind'." said the leader of the caravan.

"Everyone, it is indeed too extreme to discuss doomsday weapons now." Henry crossed his fingers, his old eyes shining with wisdom, "We already have the Galaxy Admiral.

The deterrent power of the 'golden nuclear bomb' is more effective than any doomsday weapon.

After Aquaman failed to usurp the throne, we are currently facing only one problem - which is higher, the cost of fighting a conventional war or the cost of completing the "Om Ocean Cleanup Plan" honestly. "

"Obviously, the damage caused by war is greater." Superman said immediately.

General Minos frowned slightly, "If there is a war, even if humanity loses, the United States will most likely not lose its global hegemony.

Well, all countries are in bad luck together.

Aum's ocean cleaning plan will definitely make the United States a second-rate country.

Because our country has the longest coastline, the highest level of consumption, the most pollutants, and the greater threat from undersea people. "

"Is hegemony more important than human life?" Dachao said angrily.

General Minos said seriously: "Yes, it is more important than human life.

In order to strive for today's international status, we have sacrificed countless lives.

People have been dying over the years to maintain it.

If we lose our hegemonic status in the future, more people will die and suffer. "

Harry looked at the time, suddenly stood up and said, "Let's do this for today, both the Zhenglian and the government need to go back for a small meeting.

Wait until both of you have cleared your mind, figured out what you want, and the upper limit of what you're willing to pay for your goals, then meet up for the meeting.

At the conference, the goals, bottom lines, and limits were unified, and then we went to find the Atlanteans.

I won't be involved in what happens next.

And don't come to me until you decide to flip the switch on the doomsday device. "

After saying that, she waved her hands to them, squatted down, assumed a blistering posture like a 100-meter dash, triggered quantum displacement in a swish, and disappeared into the White House conference room.

"What does she mean?" The horse gang leader was stunned.

General Lane shrugged, "She's probably not interested in our topic. I've seen her look impatient several times."

"We are discussing the life and death of the world and the hegemony of the United States. How could she be impatient?" The speaker found it difficult to accept.

The heroes of Zhenglian also expressed their incomprehension.

"She was watching the duel in Atlantis before, and she was still very interested. Could it be that she was upset when the one came?" Hal Jordan guessed.

Everyone had strange expressions.

Henry, an expert on international issues, flashed his eyes and said calmly: "Admiral Galaxy is boring because she has seen through everything and thinks she has completed her mission."

"Henry, what do you mean?" the caravan leader asked.

Henry sighed: "The government, heroes, undersea people, and the people. The various situations, reactions, demands, thoughts, and decisions of these parties in the crisis, Miss Quinn probably has a clear mind.

There is no need to discuss it with us anymore. "

"But we want to discuss it with her!" said the speaker.

"Her attitude is not obvious yet?" Henry asked calmly.

"It's not obvious."

"Alas, the four kingdoms under the sea, at least the heads of the three kingdoms of Zebel, Saltwater, and Fishman, respect her very much.

Not just fear of her strength and past achievements, but respect and trust in her from a moral and ethical perspective——"

Louise shouted, "Are you kidding me? She is the witch Harley. People under the sea are afraid of her. I believe that she is respected in terms of virtue and ethics."

I am not completely denying her. In some aspects, she is indeed admired by people on earth and the United States. But why should people under the sea respect her? "

The others didn't scream, and had similar expressions of surprise.

Dachao is thoughtful, Bateman?

If anyone had been staring at his micro-expressions, they would have noticed a similar impatience to Harley.

Henry said solemnly: "I have been engaged in diplomatic activities for more than half a century. How can we be confused whether foreign leaders have respect or fear for us?

From the moment the team approached the border of Atlantis, the underwater people gave us the greatest respect and trust - they did not stop the spacecraft for inspection, and directly provided the communication number with unimpeded access.

When they arrived outside the city gate, the three kings and the Prime Minister of Atlantis, Vico, came out to greet them.

They talked and laughed with her very naturally, like old friends.

They had obviously agreed to only bring ten guests, but when they saw the three extra guests, they didn't even ask.

He didn’t mention anything about servants and just gave us three treatment second only to kings. "

"What kind of treatment?" the horse gang leader asked curiously.

Grandma Xi answered quickly: "We sat side by side with the Prime Minister of Atlantis, Princess Mela, Duke Caspian, Duke Little, and Duke Hammer, drinking together, watching the duel show together, and chatting together."

With a look of endless aftertaste and pride on her face, she sighed: "The atmosphere is harmonious, harmonious, gentlemanly, and friendly. I think we should invite them back."

"Is that so, General Lane?" the horse gang leader asked.

"Well, she and I are not on the same page." General Lane said awkwardly.

Lana Land said: "The people under the sea are indeed very friendly to us. I tried to offer to interview them, but they didn't refuse and allowed me to record it."

Henry said: “No matter how cordial politicians appear to be, it can all be superficial.

Genuineness can only be seen through a candid view of the focus issue.

There is no doubt that in the closed-door meeting between the Galaxy Admiral and the three kings, all parties spoke their minds to each other, and everything that should be said and should not be said was said.

If it weren't for trust and respect, it would be difficult to be so candid.

They also have reason to respect her. The Galaxy Admiral respects the survival and development rights of the people under the sea, and understands their situation and their decision to change the ocean environment. "

"So, Senator Quinn is on the side of the undersea people this time?" General Minos frowned.

"No, she stands on the side that is beneficial to the earth as a whole." Henry smiled bitterly: "Putting aside all political and economic factors, don't you think it is necessary to clean the ocean?"

“It is our responsibility as national leaders to consider political and economic factors,” the speaker said solemnly.

"I think we can consider implementing the 'OM Marine Protection Plan'." Grandma Xi said seriously.

"Are you kidding me? A few glasses of wine and a few kind words from the submarine people, and they bribed you?" General Minos said angrily.

Grandma Xi’s expression was serious and her eyes were sharp, “The purpose of you sending me to Atlantis is to evaluate the strength of both parties.

I have seen their leaders, who are civilized, wise, polite, and know how to advance and retreat.

I have seen their people, they are brave and warlike, they are numerous, and every one of them is a 'little superman'.

I have also seen their technology, small airships that serve as 'ocean cars', almost everyone has one.

To us, they are small battleships that can be instantly transformed into combat weapons.

We cannot win a conventional war. "

"Conventional warfare will indeed be difficult. Ordinary citizens of Atlantis can survive in the ocean thousands of meters deep. What kind of physique would that be like?

The Royal City of Atlantis alone has a population of no less than ten million, and all of them are as strong as Aquaman and have more high-tech equipment than Bateman, making them invincible. General Lane said dejectedly.

The horse gang leader frowned and said: "General Lane, Mrs. Clinton, and Henry, you three are here to gather information, help us make correct judgments, and increase our chances of winning the war. Don't keep damaging our morale."

"But we are telling the truth." Grandma Xi said aggrievedly.

General Minos looked at Dachao, "Ordinary soldiers are not as good as them, but the Justice League should be able to have an advantage in high-end combat power, right?"

Dachao said seriously: "Sorry, Zhenglian is not a Watchman, and I am not Dr. Manhattan. If the US government does not make any changes in marine protection, Zhenglian will never stand on your side."

"We have an agreement!" Minos said excitedly: "The 'Hero Agreement' at the first Heroes Conference - you get the right to do good and certain law enforcement rights, but when the United States and the world are in danger, you have to stand up. .”

"But why are you unwilling to make any compromise? Environmental protection is obviously the right thing, but it is still promoted by you and regarded as politically correct." Dachao was also a little excited.

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