I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 833 Tess of Gotham City

"Oh, that makes sense." Aquaman suddenly realized, "Since this artifact comes from the Lost Kingdom, if we find the ruins of the Lost Kingdom, we will probably find the door or treasure chest that matches the key.

Ah, is the trident hidden in the treasure chest? "

"We are divided into two teams. Aquaman and Mela and I are in one group, responsible for looking for the trident, and the rest of us will prevent the undersea people from making a surprise attack." Bateman said.

Hal Jordan turned to look at the sun outside the window and said goodbye first: "I want to organize the Green Lantern Corps to protect the coastal city."

"You go first." Superman nodded.

"Baitman, what are your plans? Where are the ruins of the lost kingdom? How do you find a kingdom so big? How do you, a land person, find things in the sea?" Wonder Woman asked a series of questions.

Everyone also looked at him in confusion.

Bateman said: "The ruins of the Lost Kingdom are in the Sahara Desert. I don't need to go into the water."

"Hey, how did you know?" Mela asked in surprise.

"After you left with Aquaman last night, we stayed in Atlantis for one night. I chatted with several Atlantean dignitaries and learned from them the location of the lost kingdom. "Baitman said calmly.

"The Sahara has more than nine million square kilometers, how do you find it?" Superman asked.

“The Sahara Desert was formed more than two million years ago, and the Lost Kingdom died less than 100,000 years ago, which shows that the Sahara Desert once had an inland sea.

By reviewing the literature and analyzing the composition of sand and gravel with instruments, it should not be difficult to find it.

Then go to Gotham to find Madam Xanadu, and with the help of mysterious power, roughly locate the royal city. "Batman revealed his plan.

Meila said: "No need to bother, I know the location of the lost kingdom's royal city."

"Then let's go directly to Gotham." Bateman said.

The sewage wave has hit the city, and Gotham has also been affected. However, in Gotham's most elite urban area, Manhattan, the "shit situation" is not too serious.

Gotham has five boroughs: Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx, and Staten Island.

Manhattan is hidden inside the estuary.

Staten Island, facing the bay, was the worst hit.

In this DC world where New York has become Gotham, Staten Island was once very underdeveloped and chaotic, with a high crime rate, second only to Naihe Island.

It is three times the size of Manhattan, but has only one-sixth the population.

But when Harley was mayor, the island's industries underwent significant adjustments.

Chemical factories, gunpowder factories, textile factories (which have long since closed down), steel factories, and food processing plants that originally belonged to Wayne Enterprises or other old money families, and these traditional factories that are half-dead and have extremely poor profits have either closed down and demolished the factories. , or transfer industries to other developing countries.

The vacated land was given to several Internet giants for free.

Coupled with tax incentives, many high-tech companies have established their headquarters on the island.

There are even North American East Coast general warehouses for Wal-Mart, Amazon, and KFC.

The island has developed very rapidly in the past ten years.

"Once the economy develops, housing prices will double, and real estate has become the most profitable business!" O'Neal McGee said to his son Curry.

McGee is one of the old money men of the Upper East Side, but O'Neal is only a sideline of the McGee family - the old McGee, whose family was exterminated by Galavan, is the cousin of O'Neal's grandfather's cousin.

The relationship is too far. More than ten years ago, O'Neal was still an unknown person.

But he is very good at fighting, and he has achieved good results in the second place in the King of Fighters competition, and is fortunate to become a peripheral member of the Harley family.

Later, Harley was cleared and came ashore, and those close to her followed suit. Most of the vacant hey road business went to Penguin, and a small part that was half gray was taken over by the restless younger brother of Harley.

O'Neal was allocated a large piece of territory, and after becoming rich and powerful, he began to inherit the McGee family's connections and some of their properties.

The power and strength are far less than those of the old Kamai, but in terms of status, he has almost entered the "mutton back meat" class.

Well, those who eat lamb ribs are in the first class, like Wayne; those who eat lamb legs are in the second class, like the political and business families on the Upper East Side, and those who get the lamb back meat are in the third class.

A mutton-backed person is almost qualified to enter the Gotham real estate circle.

O'Neill plans to build an upscale residential neighborhood on Staten Island.

"If it succeeds, we will become the real 'McGee', the Upper East District McGee who inherits the Sturgeon family emblem!" He proudly said to his son Curry: "This is the benefit of free rides. In more than ten years, I have completed the half-century journey of Kamai, and I can still go one step further than him."

"Father, there's a problem. Old Tess from Medal Street doesn't want to sell the bar to us."

Curry was lying on the sofa with his feet up on the armrests, watching puppy videos and talking absentmindedly.

O'Neill behind the desk said calmly: "Tell her that the people under the sea are about to flood Medal Street with garbage."

"I told you, she was resolute."

"The money I gave her is enough, more than 20% of the market price, and she's still not satisfied?" O'Neill said coldly.

"Haha, it's more than 20% of the current market price, and not as good as one-third of what it was before the wave of undersea people invaded the city. However, old Tess is not here for money, that bar is her ancestral property." Curry chuckled.

"If it hadn't been for the Atlantis crisis, how would I have had such a good opportunity to get this big project." O'Neill's voice became stern, "If it happens this time, we can make a huge profit of 3 billion within a year.

Therefore, no matter how much she loves her ancestral business, you have to take down the bar within two days. "

"This is simple, but" Curry turned over and sat up, holding up his mobile phone and said: "Have you read the third issue of the 'Atlantis Crisis' series by Louise the Famous Universe?

Negotiations on land and sea have broken down, the U.S. government is uncompromising, and the people under the sea are working hard. Will Staten Island really be submerged?

How about we wait a little longer until the situation stabilizes? "

"Idiot, this is good news!"

O'Neill quickly opened the Paradise Mountain computer and searched for 'Daily Planet'.

It turned out that two highly popular news articles were "Atlantis Crisis Series 3" by Lois Lane and "Where is the Road to Crisis on Sea and Land" by Nora Long.

"Hahaha, very good, very good. Both famous reporters have personally been to the city of Atlantis, and they both have negative views on the peace process." O'Neill laughed for a while, his eyes flashed again, "Maybe, I have to Borrow another 2 billion from the bank and take down Beach Street."

"Dad, are you crazy? Even the stock of Paradise Mountain Technology Company is plummeting now. Any fool knows that the current stock is at least more reliable than the sea view house." Curry said in disbelief.

"As long as Admiral Galaxy is still alive, the sky will not fall. As long as she stays at Quinn Manor, no matter how fearful others are, we can be greedy and bold." O'Neill said confidently.

Curry shouted: "Have you read the news carefully? The two reporters made it clear that Harley Quinn is a middleman. She prefers marine environmental protection and will not help the government deal with people under the sea.

This time we all relied on Zhenglian.

But Zheng Lian was obviously unreliable. At the beginning, he vowed that the contract was signed and the danger was over, but then the tide turned around and flooded the coastal city.

The U.S. government treats the contract as waste paper, and the people in the sea will retaliate if they say they will.

By now, both sides have prepared their armaments for war.

It is impossible to say that the people from the bottom of the sea are still planning to carry out the "Normandy Landing" in our port.

So, Dad, you'd better take it easy. I'm very satisfied with my current life as a 'rich second generation', and I don't want to become a 'laodai second generation'! "

O'Neal said calmly: "We haven't come up with a response plan yet. The Justice League is indeed unreliable. But the Earth's needle has always been the 'golden nuclear bomb'."

"Dad, you are too superstitious about Harley Quinn." Curry shook the colorful long hair in front of his forehead and said disapprovingly: "Her name is not in the top ten of the latest hero strength list."

"That idiot who makes the rankings must be a memory restarter like you." O'Neill sneered.

"Dad, I'm telling the truth, don't be angry." Curry smiled sarcastically and said, "Only you 'two sets of memorizers' can be affected by reboots or other magic or fantasy events. Lost my original self.

My world has always been normal, and the people and objects in my memory match reality.

But what about you? Last time you said you were going to have a drink with Cooks on Baker Street, but when you went there you found that he wasn’t that person at all, hehehe.”

"Farke, you dare to mock me? Get out!" O'Neal pointed at the door and shouted: "Tomorrow morning, if I don't see old Tess's house sales contract at my desk, I will send you to the 'Green Light Training Camp' in the afternoon. '."

"No, I'm leaving right now." Curry quickly put away his phone and ran out quickly.

In the corridor, seven or eight young men dressed in non-mainstream attire were smoking and chatting. When they saw Curry coming out, they immediately put on a fawning expression and leaned forward.

The little black Ron said enviously: "Boss, why don't you want to go to the 'Green Lantern Training Camp'? BOSS is totally doing it for you. If you can become a Green Lantern, it will be so fun to travel across the galaxy.

If my cousin's mother could be rich and provide me with hundreds of thousands of dollars in tuition, I would have gone there long ago. "

Curry took a sip on the ground and said, "I just went to training camp. I exercise 12 hours a day, have 6 hours of cultural classes, eat, sleep and poop for 6 hours in total. I can't stand it for a whole day."

"Boss has been there?" asked another Huangmao.

"Every time there is any talent show, such as 'Teenage Superheroes' or 'Teenage Watchers,' my dad would sign me up.

He has always said that the future is the era of superheroes. As a hero, no matter what my identity is, I can quickly clear my name and come to shore. Alas, I have no idea at all. "

"All six hours of rest? The intensity is too high." Little Black Ron asked doubtfully.

"How long do you think Batman sleeps a day?"

"How long?" All the boys looked curious.

"I heard it was only half an hour. The coach said that ordinary people without superpowers would not be qualified to be heroes if they no longer have this kind of energy, will and physique."

"Hiss, Bateman is such a pervert."

"No wonder you see him day and night."

Medal Street is an old street built before World War I.

The ‘Star Pattern’ bar has been in business for more than 40 years and is quite famous in the neighborhood.

It has a twilight temperament, and the classical decoration has existed for decades. Walking through the old oak door is like traveling through time and back to the golden years of the 1960s and 1970s.

Its boss is also an old man in his twilight years, seventy-year-old Tess.

"Mr. McGee, the bar is my lifeblood and I really can't sell it."

Seeing Curry and others driving away a few customers and closing the bar door, Old Tess's body trembled a little and her voice trembled as well.

But when she glanced at her husband, who was standing straight next to her and wearing a bartender's attire, she still had a firm expression and eyes.

My husband has been dead for 23 years.

He said he stayed in the bar after his death and didn't go anywhere. He wanted to keep looking at her.

But it wasn't until a few months ago that she suddenly could see him and hear his voice.

If 'Crazy Knife' O'Neal had wanted to buy her bar a few months ago, she would have only trembled and struggled a few times, and finally gave in cowardly.

But now, when old Tess looked at her husband's dead soul again, there was a touch of tenderness on her old face, and a bit more firmness in her eyes.

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