I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 798 Loki’s request

"Oh, you're not doing it for yourself? Who are you doing it for?" Morpheus said.

Harley pointed upward, "For my 'God Boss'."

Morpheus pondered for a while and asked: "The order He gave you?"

Harley shook her head, "I observed people's opinions, tried to figure out what was going on, analyzed the pros and cons, and finally decided to volunteer and take on this responsibility."

"First of all, let's talk about the words and emotions. We all saw it. Archangels Remiel and Duma heard the news and came to the auction site.

They say it is for observation, but what can be observed here?

Let’s talk about trying to figure out God’s will.

I can assure you, God never intends for hell to fall into the hands of outsiders.

Even if Odin voluntarily gave up his person and authority and went to hell to serve as a minister to God, God would also "

Harley hesitated. Considering God's greed for alien power, it was probably no, no. If God was just a little greedy, Odin could satisfy Him and give Him the position of the Lord of Hell as a reward.

But God is a "gluttonous and greedy man" and will not satisfy the origin of a "mere" Nordic god.

There is only one position as the Lord of Hell, but there can be countless demon kings.

After giving the mastership to Odin, are the other god kings still willing to come to hell and be Odin's little brother?

Being God's little brother is very different from being Odin's little brother.

Therefore, if she were God, she would leave the position of dominance to her own people and give Odin a treatment similar to that of the Three Houses. Other god kings came and granted the same "position of devil king".

Don't worry about scarcity but inequality.

"God will not allow Odin to become the 'Hell Stall'." Harley said firmly.

"After analyzing the pros and cons, except God, giving the key to anyone will not be able to convince anyone else. If you give the key to Odin, the gods will resent you and prepare to siege the Aesir.

Even after Odin successfully settled in Hell, there were still a steady stream of gods attacking Hell and grabbing the keys to Hell.

But once the key is returned to God and the property returns to its original owner, there is no moral problem. In terms of strength, no one dares to challenge God, and naturally no one will resent you. "

Morpheus was lost in thought.

After a long while, he nodded and said: "What you said makes sense. But the two angels Duma and Lemuel swore that they are not interested in the key. They are here only for observation."

"Those two idiots really only observed and didn't do any tricks?" Harley asked doubtfully.

God is omniscient and omnipotent. Even though the voice of heaven cannot be omniscient, what happened in Sandman's Palace is not a secret.

A mage with some energy can clearly understand the situation of the auction, let alone heaven?

Therefore, in theory, there is no need for heaven to send out two 'elderly' archangels to come to the Dream Kingdom as observers.

"They didn't lie, they didn't make any small moves."

Morpheus wiped his right palm in front of his face, as if wiping an invisible glass window.

The air ripples like water.

A 21-inch painting appeared indoors, and the characters in the painting were the two archangels in the living room.

The two angels with refined temperaments both have hair as bright as gold.

Her skin is as white as milk and exudes a faint holy light. She is wrapped in a long and loose white robe. She is beautiful and holy.

From the moment they came to the Dream Kingdom, their feet were always suspended above the ground, unwilling to be contaminated by the dust on the ground.

They didn't eat, didn't speak, and even kept in the same posture, not moving for a long time, just observing from high altitude with expressionless faces and indifferent expressions.

It's like a god overlooking the mortals in Jiji camp.

"Look at the other people, look at what they are doing." Harley said.

Morpheus moved the camera and quickly went through the scene in the hall.

Susanoo drank rice wine and ate sashimi.

The Egyptian god Anubis chewed the bloody hearts raw, and the blood splattered everywhere in a brutal and bloody manner.

The Son of Anarchy transformed into a pretty little girl and asked the waiter for ice cream.

Thor was drunk and used language and body language to molest the cat god Best next to him.

The elf girl Nora was eating flower petals, and her brother, the male elf who had been crying for the elf sisters before, was sitting with a thin and withered male representative of the Egyptian gods, drinking, laughing and being dissolute.

Today's feast entertained many guests, and naturally there were many attendants to serve the guests. They were all human beings who entered the dream kingdom in their sleep and temporarily forgot their real lives.

In addition to the attendants and guests, there was also a performance in front of the hall: in front of everyone, Cain killed his brother Abel in various ways.

Many guests watched it with gusto and cheered loudly from time to time.

"If you don't give the key to God, which one of them are you going to give it to? Each one of them is not like a king."

Morpheus said: “Only if God takes the initiative to ask for the key from me, will I consider giving the key to Him.

If you want to convince me to give the key to heaven, first convince heaven and let the angels find me.

If you say that you are a representative of heaven and ask me for the key on behalf of God, you must first prove that you can represent God. "

With a confident expression on her face, Harley said, "Brother Mo, let me ask you a question, and you must answer it sincerely."

"you say."

She smiled and asked: "Will you hand over the keys tomorrow? Instead of keeping them in your own hands."

"I won't necessarily hand it over. Maybe I will give Titania a face and keep hell empty." Morpheus said hesitantly.

"Are you out of your mind?" The confidence on Harley's face was replaced by shock, "Leaving Hell empty is almost the worst outcome. Or maybe you haven't felt or thought about the dangers of demons and undead wandering around? "

"This" Morpheus frowned and thought for a while, then sighed: "You are right, the world is in chaos now, and hell must reopen its gates as soon as possible."

"I will definitely give the key away tomorrow." He said.

"But I didn't expect to give it to anyone, and I won't cooperate with your 'insurance contract'." He added.

Harry smiled strangely, "Today there were more than forty customers, thirty-two of them had business dealings with me, and nine of them purchased insurance contracts.

Those nine people all bought insurance to prevent Odin from getting the key, and only Odin had a common goal.

So, as long as you don't pick Odin, I'll make a killing anyway.

Even if you choose Odin, consulting fees and spinach, I can still earn tens of millions of merit. "

Morpheus's pale cheek twitched a few times and remained speechless.

"Speaking of which, why didn't Zeus come? Without him, Odin would have too great an advantage. The main gods of the death system such as Celtic, Indian, Neon, and Egyptian could not compete with him at all." Harley asked doubtfully.

Morpheus said: "Don't forget the underworld, which is opposite to the heaven. Hades will not give up the underworld that he has worked so hard to manage. It is not worth taking the risk in hell."

"Well, I almost forgot about the 'Kingdom of Death' shared by all gods." Harry suddenly realized.

After leaving Morpheus's reception room, Harley went to her bedroom, lay on the bed and started to contact the Voice of the Sky.

"It's confirmed that Morpheus will definitely give away the key tomorrow. Voice of Heaven, act quickly!"

Her voice was urgent, with a full sense of urgency in her tone.

"I know it well, you don't need to interfere in this matter." Tian Zhisheng said indifferently.

"Voice of Heaven, you may not understand the seriousness of the matter. I have personally participated in the entire auction process and have served as a consultant for almost every 'God of Death'.

None of them are believers in God.

They are all evil pagan pictures!

Are you going to let the pagan gods occupy the ‘Jerusalem’ that the Supreme God has arranged for the fallen believers? !

As the god of war in heaven, I will not allow such humiliation to happen to my Lord.

I will go to heaven now and give a speech to the angels in Silver City, calling on them to follow me in holy war.

I will lead the angels to declare war on all the pantheons that covet the keys to hell! "

Harley's voice was loud and clear, like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening.

Tian Zhisheng's voice was a bit muffled, "Don't get excited, hell will never fall into the hands of outsiders."

Harry smiled proudly in his heart and said in a serious tone: "A country cannot be without its owner for a day. I suggest - Oh, by the way, as the God of War in Heaven, who is my immediate superior? Who should I submit a 'memorial' to?"

"If anything happens, just come to me directly."

"I would like to propose that one of the four archangels, human, eagle, ox, and lion, be selected to be sent to hell to take over the work of 'Satan'." Harley said.

"I know what's going on, so don't worry about it," Tian Zhi said.

Harley immediately shouted: "You can't ignore it, I am the God of War in heaven, and I want to pursue my own affairs in my position.

I think the human archangel Michael is as powerful as Lucifer and can take on this important task. "

As soon as he finished speaking, a majestic aura with obvious anger fell on Harley's soul like a mountain, making her unable to breathe for a moment.

The next moment, God's skin activated, and all the pressure on her body disappeared.

"Harley Quinn, remember your identity. You are not qualified to dictate important matters within the Silver City."

Tian Zhisheng did not hide the anger in his heart, and his tone was very stern.

Harley was thoughtful and shouted with dissatisfaction: "I know this is a big deal, but if I don't even have the right to express my opinion, what kind of war god am I?"

"You are a bastard god of war. You actually want to send the King of Angels to hell. You are so heartbroken." Tian Zhisheng said coldly.

"Going to hell to be Satan is just a normal job transfer, and it does not mean that you have fallen. If you suspect that I have ulterior motives, you can replace me with my best friend, the Eagle Archangel Zauliel, and send him to hell to be Satan." Ha. Li said seriously.

It is obviously impossible for Michael to go to hell. She is just talking nonsense, testing the voice of heaven and paving the way for her real purpose.

She doesn't want to be Satan, but she covets the benefits of being a Satan.

Apart from anything else, wouldn’t it be much more convenient if I’m hungry and want to eat devils in the future?

But Yebi has his own mission. He is not suitable and unwilling to integrate Lucifer's Wings, so naturally he will not become Satan.

Looking at heaven, Zaulie is the only one left.

"I know it well." After saying this, Tian Zhisheng ended the call directly.

"What a crap number!" Harley muttered dissatisfied.

"Harley Quinn"

Just when she was lying on the bed, about to take a nap, a weak, almost imperceptible mental fluctuation came from the runes that Loki had left on the table and that she had introduced into the sea of ​​consciousness and sealed.


Harry turned over and sat up, unlocking the God's force field seal that wrapped the 'Loki Communication Rune', and the spiritual connection immediately strengthened a hundred times.

"It's me. OK, we're finally connected. I've been trying to communicate with you, but something blocked me." Loki on the other end let out a long sigh of relief.

Harley didn't explain that the God's force field was suppressing the runes, and asked directly: "What do you want from me?"

"Odin shouldn't be able to get the key, right? So, I hope you can help me regain my freedom."

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