I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 797 I cheated a lot of money, but I am still a good honest and trustworthy girl

Over the course of one night, more than forty guests came in one after another, and finally a pair of elf brothers and sisters, the great nobles of the fairyland, the messengers of the Fairy Queen Titania and the Fairy King Oberon.

"Monarch of Dreams, you know that a long time ago in ancient times, Fairyland was forced to sign a 'tribute contract' with Hell. Every seven years, we must sacrifice 10 of the wisest and most beautiful elves to them. .

Just 'last year' before the universe restarted last year, my sister Aya——"

The handsome and tall male elf had a choked voice and a sad face, "Your Majesty, others come to the auction to get hell. I ask you as the messenger of the fairyland - don't hand hell to anyone. Hell without a master is the best." Good as hell.

That way, not only will we in the fairyland no longer have to send our sisters and daughters out, but at least hundreds of other spiritual realms will also be free from the pain of paying tribute. "

"Yes, I understand." Morpheus nodded slightly.

"Monarch of Dreams, you have a long-term relationship and deep friendship with our fairyland, but since we are here to participate in the auction, naturally we will not talk in vain and give nothing."

The male elf pulled the beautiful female elf next to him and said, "This is my sister Nora, the most outstanding female elf in the fairyland currently.

She is our gift to you.

In addition, Wonderland can satisfy your other requirements, as long as you can ask for it. "

"Kruranka, go back to the hall to enjoy your feast, or go to your room to rest. I will announce my decision in public tomorrow."

The elf noble had no choice but to bow to Morpheus again and lead his sister out of the inner guest room.

When he arrived outside, he didn't leave immediately. Instead, he walked to Harley's table and asked, "What does Mengjun mean?"

"Consultation fee, 200,000." Harry handed over a loan contract directly.

This fairyland messenger brought a gift from his sister. He was able to enter the auction house before, and it was definitely not due to his superb martial arts. His strength is actually quite good. He is a magic master who has understood the rules, and with the racial talent of fairies, ordinary little gods are no match for him. .

But obviously he can't beat Harley.

He was able to get the ticket in five minutes at the last place. Naturally, like Susano'o, Anubis, and many gods, he purchased additional tickets from Harina.

Before entering the inner room, he had already signed a loan contract of 50,000 merit and 5% annual interest.

Well, it's only one-tenth of Susano'o's 500,000.

First of all, Susano'o was at the front of the queue, and the further back the tickets were, the lower the value of the tickets was; secondly, Fairy Queen Titania had also attended the God of War Banquet, and the two had some friendship, so they gave her a friendly price.

But even the friendship price of 50,000 meritorious service cannot be paid by this male elf.

The consulting fee of 200,000 will definitely require a loan.

"200,000? Too expensive?" the male elf exclaimed.

"Isn't your sister worth 200,000? Moreover, everyone in the world knows that Fairyland is rich. Your fairy market alone has a market value of at least tens of billions, 200,000, and drizzle!"

"It's too exaggerated. There are only dozens of small shops in the market. How can it be worth tens of billions of merit in heaven." Kruranka shook his head repeatedly.

“Market value is not the total value of the goods in the Fairy Market, it is also determined by the market’s annual turnover and future development prospects.

For example, a pancake stall that costs 500 yuan can earn 200,000 yuan a year. Its market value must be at least 2 million yuan, and the annual profit times ten years.

Your market specializes in deceptive and deceptive business without capital, and the profits are outrageously high. And you are immortals, so your annual profits should be multiplied by a thousand years, or even ten thousand years, and the market value of tens of billions is less than that. "

Kruranka muttered in his heart, no matter how much we goblins deceive, there will be a cost. You, the witch Harley, with her white teeth and red mouth, has no cost. You can earn hundreds of thousands by just saying a few words, so your market value can't be higher?

"200,000 is too much, forget it." He tugged on his sister's sleeves, turned and walked towards the door.

"Wait a minute." Harley waved, "In addition to consulting and analysis, I have other businesses here. It's very suitable for your fairyland, I swear."

"What business?"

"Commercial insurance!" Harley said solemnly: "Your fairyland has no intention of occupying hell, but only wants to exempt you from paying tribute, right? I can help you achieve your goal, so that no visitor who enters this door today will get the key to hell."

Kruranka was shocked at first, then full of doubt, "Are you sure?"

"Hey, it's written in black and white. No money will be collected if the goal is not achieved. The loan contract will only take effect when the goal is achieved."

Kruranka looked hesitant, "How much?"

"30 million!"

"Too many." The male elf shook his head repeatedly.

"You have ten of the best female elves in your fairyland in seven years, and only one thousand in seven hundred years. Isn't an elf as beautiful, wise and noble as your sister worth thirty thousand yuan?"

Harley looked at the female elf who had been silent and looked sad beside her, and said, "How about you sell me your sister, and I'll give you 300,000!"

The male elf immediately shook his head and said: "I won't sell it! Nora already belongs to the Lord of Dreams."

——If it doesn’t belong to the Lord of Dreams, can it be sold?

When Harry was about to ask, he added: "Unless you can guarantee that the Lord of Dreams will never hand over the key, your 'financial business' will be of no significance to our fairyland.

If you don’t sell to today’s customers, you will sell to tomorrow’s customers.

The fairyland tribute contract is signed with the ‘Lord of Hell’. As long as there is a master in hell, we have to pay tribute.

As long as hell exists, the contract can never be broken. "

"Well, no wonder Titania asked you to be the representative of Wonderland. You have a good mind." Harley nodded and said with a smile: "In this way, with a package price of 50 million, I guarantee that the elves offered by Wonderland will no longer be tortured."

"How can you guarantee that? As long as the elves go to hell, they will be immediately divided up by the demon kings. They will either eat them alive, or treat them as slaves and torture them in various ways. Even death is just the beginning of an eternal miserable life."

The male elf's eyes gradually turned red, his voice became louder and his tone became more and more intense.

The female elf next to her covered her mouth and choked silently.

Harley also felt pity.

But she only sympathized for a few dozen seconds, and then shook her head secretly: There is indeed karma in this world!

In the goblin market, the goblins deceived and kidnapped innocent tourists, turning them into slaves, humiliating them, and even eating them. As a result, their best sisters became slaves of the devils in hell, were insulted, and were eaten. Does this count? cause and effect?

——But this is unfair to women!

Harry thought about how he could 'suggest' the new Lord of Hell to ask for male elves as tribute.

"It's written in black and white, cash on delivery, and you'll get one for every fake one. What are you worried about?"

"You are Witch Harley, I am afraid of being deceived." The male elf rubbed his eyes and said in a dull voice.

"I will lie to you, but I will not lie to Sister Titania's messenger." Harley said solemnly.

The male elf estimated his family's wealth and found that just by relying on his family, he could pay 50 million in heavenly merits without going bankrupt.

Well, his family is a wealthy family in the fairyland. They have two shops in the fairy market. They have been operating for tens of thousands of years and accumulated countless wealth.

"You ask me to write the contract, okay?"

"Of course." Harley smiled and handed over the pen and paper.

"Brother Morpheus, have you made a decision?"

After completing the last business, Harley left the "wealth table" with satisfaction and went back to find the Sandman in deep thought.

"Harry, I won't be influenced by you."

"I didn't want to affect you." Harley smiled.

Morpheus was silent for a moment and said, "You deceived everyone."

"No, No, No——" Harley waved her hands repeatedly and said seriously: "I am telling the truth, including to you."

Morpheus raised his head and glanced at her, and said calmly: "You told me that as a welcome envoy, you would screen them based on their strength and virtue.

As a result, when you compete with the gods, after just a few moves, you immediately send a message to the opponent's mind - you can fake the match, making your victory easier and more chic.

They don't agree, so you unleash all your strength, including the yellow light energy, and beat them until their noses are bruised, their legs are broken, and their waists are broken, and you send a message to beg for mercy.

When the representatives of the gods come to visit me one by one, you provide "consulting business" and let them price according to my personality. It is said that I am kind-hearted and proud. If I take care of these two points, I will be more than half successful.

Is this the truth you told me? "

Harley's face was full of sincerity and her tone was extremely sincere, "My promise to you is to 'select buyers through virtue and strength.'

Brother, think about it carefully, do you understand the strength and virtue of the current buyers?

The one who knocked me down without any money must be strong and excellent.

The person who shortened the time to defeat me by paying for it is pretty good and qualified.

You can't beat me without paying, garbage, substandard.

This is a strength assessment. Isn’t it clear enough? "

Morpheus was stunned.

Harley continued: "As for moral character, it's even simpler. I've told them so much sincerely, who is the goblin and who is the human, clearly and clearly."

Morpheus couldn't find anything to refute, because from their transactions and conversations with her, he could easily judge their true thoughts.

Seeing his expression, Harley smiled proudly, "So, I was just flexible and didn't deceive you."

"You lied to them." Morpheus said.

"Did I lie to them during the consultation? Did I teach them the wrong way to please you?

Aren't you a responsible, kind-hearted but extremely proud person?

Don’t you hope that the storm in hell will soon subside and the universe will return to peace and tranquility? "Harry asked aloud.

Morpheus was speechless again.

But then he questioned, "What about commercial insurance and gambling? On the one hand, you sign an insurance contract with A and promise to help him convince me to help him fight against his enemy B; on the other hand, you sign an insurance contract with B and promise to help B Convince me to help him hit the armor.

Isn't this deception?

Susano'o bet that he would win at 1.35 to one. As a result, the Cat God's odds of selling Susano'o became 1 to 1,000.

Isn’t this deception? "

Harley said sternly: "There is no deception! The insurance contract only guarantees 100% that the enemy will not get the key. I only try my best to help them win the chance.

I keep my word and promise to keep my promises.

It's normal for betting odds to change with the market, but it's fishy if they don't change. If you don’t believe it, go and see some betting on football and horse racing. "

"I'm at a loss myself. How can you fulfill your promise?" Morpheus said lightly.

"I helped you resolve your confusion, and I naturally fulfilled my promise." Harley smiled.

"Do you think I will listen to you?"

"You won't. You are the supreme being and have your own judgment. I will help you resolve your confusion, not to advise you who to choose, but at this moment, I have changed from an 'auction venue usher' to an 'auction venue buyer' .”

"You also want the key to hell?" Morpheus was shocked and shook his head: "I told you before that I will never give you the key no matter what. You will cholera the world and cause a war in many divine realms in the spiritual world." Clash of the Gods'."

Harley smiled strangely, "I am a buyer, but I am not buying keys for myself."

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