I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 777 The second largest fraud case in the history of hell

The time has come to the end of May 2015, more than three months since the universe was restarted, and three months since Zha Kang was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer.

If a miracle doesn't happen, Zha Kang's time is running out.

Tonight, Harley received a call from Zha Kang. He bluntly asked her to go over and prepare to collect his body. She couldn't refuse.

Although she knew that he would not die honestly.

After Harley agreed to come over, Zha Kang also made a serious request: "Don't bring Yabby, don't open the portal, and don't use extraordinary powers near my home.

Or, you teleport to Chas' house first and take his taxi to my apartment. "

After hearing this, Harley became more and more certain that this bastard was going to do a lot tonight.

Last year, in order to help Morpheus find the "Dream Sand", Harley went to Zha Kang's rental house, which was the red brick building owned by Mrs. Dalgliesh.

Two hours after hanging up the phone, Harley saw Zha Kang smoking against a telephone pole at the door of the Burger King opposite Dalglish's old rental house, with cigarette butts piled up at his feet.

"Why have you been struggling for so long? You're still panting. Did you run here? Didn't you go find Chas?" Looking at Harley, who was wearing sportswear, breathing heavily, with sweaty temples and a head that was smoking hot, Zha Kang frowned. road.

"That's right, I ran from Gotham and crossed the Atlantic Ocean. I was exhausted." Although Harley was sweating, there was a refreshing feeling in her body.

"You run on your feet? Crossing the Atlantic Ocean in two hours?" Zha Kang said in surprise.

"First teleport to the Atlantic Ocean 700 kilometers away from London, and then run with your feet, which is equivalent to running two and a half laps around my playground." Harley said casually, ran into the burger shop and sold two bottles of water.

"Where is your playground? Is it three hundred kilometers in circumference?" Zha Kang followed her into the store and took her to a corner with few customers.

"My normal speed can also reach more than 40 meters per second. If I add quantum displacement, what speed should I have? I can only treat the entire Gotham City as a big playground and run around the city." Harley said.

"You are a madman." Zha Kang clicked his tongue.

Harley stared at him for a moment and asked, "What do you want from me?"

At this time, Zha Kang was skinny, his skin was pale, his hair was messy, and his clothes were dirty. If he lay in the garbage, no one would think of him as a homeless man who took drugs and died on the roadside without even using his acting skills.

"You don't have to do anything, just sit here and help me keep vigil." Zha Kang pointed out the window at the yellow-lit windows on the third floor across the road, "I will go back later, turn off the lights, light candles, no matter what happens No matter what happens, you won’t do anything.”

"If you don't do anything, what do you want me to do?" Harley asked strangely.

"Put your palms out," he said.

"Let's talk clearly first." Harley sat still.

Zha Kang sighed and said: "I failed, I didn't find the forbidden technique to solve cancer, but I also temporarily created a new forbidden technique, which I will test tonight.

It's done, I'm back to health.

If you fail, you will die, which is terrible.

I want you to come here so that you can witness the whole process of this ‘forbidden cancer treatment’.

You stretch out your hand and I help you draw a 'listening spell'. Your observation is part of the treatment and can greatly increase the success rate. "

"Explain the principle of forbidden magic." Harley said.

"There is no way to say that there is animism in heaven and earth, and everything has animism. If you say it, even if only you and I hear it, it can make powerful people feel it. In short, you believe me, I am the only one taking this risk, and I will not be involved. you."

Zha Kang's tone was sincere, and an unhealthy blush appeared on his pale and thin cheeks, but his eyes were wild and his mood was a little excited.

Harry vaguely understood something, and no longer forced him to tell him the "forbidden cure". He wiped his sweaty palms on the surface of the sports coat a few times before spreading it out on the table.

Zha Kang bit his right index finger and drew a circle on her palm, with runes superimposed one after another in the circle.

It looked like she was smearing it carelessly, and her palms were painted red, as if there was an extra bloody red spot.

I can't tell the runes inside at all.

"Do you feel it?" Zha Kang asked breathlessly.

He was too weak. After drawing a set of runes, his energy was gone and he was sweating profusely.

"What does it feel like?" Harley asked confused.

"This is the 'Listening Spell'. Your five senses should be connected to my five senses." Zha Kang said doubtfully.

With a thought in Harry's mind, he canceled all defensive specialties on his body.

The next moment, her vision blurred, as if she were wearing a pair of completely transparent glasses that were playing a 3D video.

The "glasses" combined with her own vision allowed her to see two scenes at once.

She herself looked at Zha Kang opposite, and another picture came from Zha Kang's eyes, staring at her.

"OK, I get the feeling. When you get this thing, do you want me to help you preserve the 'evidence'? What if the other party comes and kills me to silence me?"

"Don't worry. If I can't get my soul, I won't be able to find you. When my soul really sinks, just wipe off the runes on your hands." Zha Kang said.

After saying that, he stood up and prepared to leave.

"Wait, where is your heaven helicopter card? How did your soul sink?" Harley stopped him and asked.

"Originally I had enough time to chat with you, but you were delayed for two hours when you came over." Zha Kang took out his mobile phone, pointed at the time on it and said: "Eleven-thirty, it's almost midnight, I must immediately Know the bedroom.”

After hurriedly walking a few steps forward, he stopped again and whispered: "Harley, I know you have crisis perception. According to the intensity of perception, use your 'God descends to earth' and try not to let those bastards discover you."

Remember, your existence is just a threat. You don’t have to do anything and you will get great benefits.

As for who is being blackmailed and what is the blackmail, you can see it right away. "

After saying that, he disappeared across the street without looking back.

Harley ordered a cup of Coke and a large bag of French fries, closed her eyes and huddled on the sofa to take a nap.

By closing her eyes, she can receive Constantine's vision more clearly through the "Listening Spell".

I saw him returning to his apartment with peeling walls and rotten wooden floors, using a broom to clean an open space in the twenty-square-meter living room.

I took out the chalk and drew a circle with a five-pointed star in the circle.

He lit candles and placed them at the five corners of the pentagram.

As if he had prepared for this moment, Zha Kang directly opened the refrigerator and took out a can bottle from the refrigerator compartment.

He opened the lid and poured a mess of dark red and fishy blood in the center of the five-pointed star.

Finally, Constantine took a deep breath, as if talking to himself, or saying to Harley opposite him: "It's begun."

Turn off the lights.

His energy and demeanor immediately changed, his solemnity was replaced by carefree ease, the seriousness in his eyes turned into laziness, and his sharp pupils seemed to be covered with a layer of fog and became dim.

Standing in the center of the magic circle with his arms folded, he said with a faint smile: "Dweller in the darkness, second in command among the three giants of hell, I sense you, come out and have a chat."

"John Constantine." Black is like a living mouth, swallowing up the light in the room bit by bit, and the room falls into complete darkness, leaving only five candlelights as five yellow pearls on the black curtain.

"Your ritual is very unorganized. You didn't recite the summoning spell or call my true name. The blood of Chu Nu that was supposed to awaken me turned into pig blood? Are you humiliating me?" He said angrily.

"Brother, please don't use the jabbering spell. You are a boss from hell and a high-quality soul reaper. You can earn hundreds of thousands per second. Doesn't chatting with people waste time?

Moreover, you and I both know in our hearts that those who are new to black magic are obsessed with knives, names, begging, etc. Ordinary demons rely on those things for fun.

But boss, you are no ordinary devil. "

"Aren't you afraid that I won't respond to your call?" Beelzebub said coldly.

His tone changed.

No longer holding it as before.

"My name, John Constantine, is the best letter of recommendation. No one in hell can refuse it." Zha Kang said with a confident smile.

"Well, Constantine, I kind of like you." Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies, also laughed.

Then, he began to carefully sense the magic circle under Zha Kang.

The circle contains all the information for the summons.

For example, the protective spell to protect Zha Kang from being invaded by summoned objects, the summoning rune to determine the summoning target, and the purpose of holding this summoning ceremony.

After a moment, he asked doubtfully: "You want my magic power? Why? Constantine, you are quite famous, and I know something about it. You are not interested in improving your own magic power."

Harley on the other side, her heart was pounding.

If Beelzebub hadn't told her, she wouldn't have known the information in Zha Kang's summoning circle.

"Alas, I have terminal cancer. I have tried every method, including alien technology." Zha Kang sighed.

"Hehehehe, I will give you magic power equal to the value of your master's soul. After you die, your soul and magic power will belong to me. How about that?" Beelzebub said with a gloomy smile.

Zha Kang shook his head slightly, "How much is the Grandmaster's soul worth? This little magic power is not enough to cure my illness."

"How much do you want?"

"Let's put together an auspicious number, 666 times. Anyway, I will return my magic power to you after I die." Zha Kang.

"Are you robbing?!" Beelzebub almost jumped out of the darkness.

Zha Kang's tone seemed dissatisfied, "I have already said that all magic power will belong to you after death, and you still accuse me of robbery. What kind of logic is this?"

Beelzebub held his breath and said, "Can your little body bear it?"

"Click!" Zha Kang took out the Zippo lighter, opened the lid with a handsome wave of his hand, and lit up a small yellow flame as big as a bean.

"Did you see it? An alloy of N metal and hell iron, my natal magic weapon."

"Well, you have to store the magic power in the lighter." Beelzebub hesitated for a long time and said, "Change the contract. When you recover, the magic power will belong to me."


Then, one person and one demon argued about the magic contract for ten minutes.

After the two parties signed the contract, Beelzebub's aura receded and the candlelight illuminated the room again.

In the center of the magic circle, jet-black Satanic magic power emerged, as thick as rice porridge, like worms, pouring into Zha Kang's body and into his soul from every hole in his body.

"Uh..." He knelt down on the floor and screamed miserably.

At the same time, Harry felt his palms heat up, and the dark red in his palms turned into inky black.

"Take it, it belongs to you." Zha Kang's soft voice murmured in her ears.

Harley readily accepted it and added three attribute points to herself.

Zha Kang extinguished the candles, wiped the magic circle and pig blood on the floor, and rinsed it several times with water.

I opened the window again and let in the warm early summer breeze.

During this period, he also took off his clothes and went to the bathroom to clean himself inside and out twice.

Feeling that there was no trace of Beelzebub's magic power in his body and no trace of Beelzebub's breath outside his body, Zha Kang entered the study and drew another magic circle on the floor.

Use new chalk to draw and light new candles.

After carefully checking it several times, he sat cross-legged in the center of the circle and sensed it for a while. After finding no flaws, he started a new summons.

"Dweller in the Dark, second in command of the Big Three in Hell, Belial, the King of Lies, I sense you, come out and have a chat." He stood in the center of the circle with his arms folded and said with a smile.

As before.

"John Constantine, your ceremony is very unorganized. You did not recite the summoning spell, you did not call my true name, and the blood of my favorite boys and girls was replaced by the blood of cattle and sheep? Are you humiliating me?"

As before.

"Brother, just forget about the Jiligulu spell. You are the boss of hell."

As before.

As before.

Harley gained two and a half attribute points.

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