I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 776 Zha Kang’s request

The one universe does not have the fragrance of the multiverse. This is Harley's truest thought.

As a mortal, 80% of them would not like to see one, two, or countless versions of themselves in the parallel universe.

——I am me, a unique firework.

Even young people in the second grade of middle school will think so. People who are a little bit proud and conceited will certainly hope that they will be unparalleled in the multiverse, or even the omnipotent universe.

Harley once disliked parallel universes and didn't like that there was Harley Quinn in another world. That made her feel uncomfortable.

But interests determine thinking.

She finished playing Arkham Asylum again a few days ago.

Don't blame her for being crazy. It's been several months since the universe restarted, and her experience level has barely fluctuated by 1%.

She is anxious.

With this leveling speed, when will she be able to fight Superman at level 100 and arrogant Darkseid at level 150?

At that time, Harley was thinking in her heart that the one universe had replaced the multiverse, and the origins of countless universes were unified. The current universe should be extremely powerful in origin. Correspondingly, the experience of each hero or criminal also increased with the origin of the universe. And skyrocketed.

As a result, she was full of expectations and was poured a basin of ice water on her, which was so chilling to her heart.

There is not much difference between the "leeks" of the one universe and the multiverse of infinite earths.

The leeks have not changed, and there is less land to grow leeks. She has to fall into philosophical thinking - why does the universe have a multiverse? Between the two models of the multiverse and the unique universe, which one is more beneficial to the DC universe itself?

Anyway, for her, the "experience field" of the multiverse is wider.

"The more creatures that can dream, the more number and types of dreams collected in the Dream Kingdom, the more powerful the power of dreams, and your power and authority will also increase, right?" Harley asked.

Morpheus nodded slightly, "The benefits of the multiverse to the Dream Kingdom are indeed greater than those of the single universe.

In fact, except for the gods of the Order lineage, almost all supreme beings prefer that the universe return to the state of the multiverse.

For example, the old gods who were harmed by you, the more parallel universes there are, the more power of faith they can collect. "

This sentence was like a bolt of lightning, illuminating an idea that existed vaguely in the corner of Harley's mind but had never really been thought about.

“Since the multiverse is more vibrant than the one universe, full of hope and infinite possibilities, will the one universe at this time be the final state of the universe?

Alexander Luthor, the "Successor of the Monitor", said something meaningful before leaving. It was roughly a restart of the universe. The Monitor should have been reborn and returned, but he did not come back.

It seems to imply that the crisis is not completely over.

I can 100% confirm that the purpose of the last Crisis on Infinite Earths has been achieved.

The only ones who feel disappointed are those who took advantage of the situation and had their own little ideas but were destroyed by me and failed to get what they wanted.

Is it possible that there will be another 'crisis' in the future where the universe splits into a multiverse? "

Morpheus looked at her in surprise and said: "Harley, your 'spiritual sense' is really sharp. I am not sure whether the universe will split into multiverses in the future. I only know that many supreme beings are not very concerned about the current universe. satisfy.

For example, the gods who were tricked by you really want to do it again. "

"Uh..." Luther, who had been standing on the side in a daze, suddenly groaned and woke up from the dream review. The dream book in his hand fell to the ground. He pressed his temples with both hands. His expression was slightly distorted and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"I remember, damn, my mind was modified by Brainiac."

Harley grinned and said, "Luthor, I am not the chief judge, and there is no one here to judge you."

Not only did Martian Manhunter check his mental power earlier, she also used Ridge's quantum technology to help him filter his digitized soul just like she did with the Arkham Ten.

As a result, no disharmony was found.

Of course, this is not to say that Luther is not controlled by Brainiac.

In fact, Harley believed that rescuing Brainiac was not his intention from the beginning.

But at this time, Luther had experienced a reboot, and the traces that could be detected at the beginning had disappeared.

"Harry, I'm not lying or pretending. I swear, my brain has really been manipulated by Brainiac." Luther vowed, his expression becoming angry and hateful, "I want revenge. , that alien bastard humiliated me and tarnished my reputation and intelligence."

"It's over, you can go back." Morpheus said calmly.

The next moment, Luther disappeared into the Dream Library, and Harley returned to Quinn Manor.

Half an hour later, Luther's mother called the manor and thanked her profusely before saying that Luther had fully recovered and wanted to speak to her.

After thinking about it, Harley went to the study next door, opened her laptop, and started a video chat with Luther.

"How do you feel now?"

Luther was imprisoned in Metropolis's most secure Blackgate Prison, where he was supposed to live in a double room that didn't even have a radio.

He can only contact the outside world when relatives and friends visit him in prison.

But at this time, this guy was wearing a beige prison uniform, holding a 10-inch "lex5 pro" tablet computer, leaning on a soft down pillow, chatting with netizen Harley with a leisurely expression.

"Excellent, Harley, thank you this time."

Thanks in advance, Luther said seriously: "I found evidence that I was controlled by Brainiac."

"I actually believed from the beginning that your brain had been tampered with by Brainiac, but what you committed was too big. A single missile from Brainiac can destroy a civilization.

No justice would dare to overturn your case without conclusive evidence, and my speculation will not affect them. "Harry thought about his words and declined with a look of embarrassment.

"I really have proof."

"But your brain has been tested and there is no problem at all. There should have been problems originally, but after restarting, many things have changed.

But Brainiac didn't change, he still escaped.

His hatred for us Earthlings has not changed, and people's concerns about his escape have not changed. Your crime cannot be undone. " Harley said.

Luther's eyes were confident and there was a hint of a smile on his lips as he said: "Harley, you are wrong. The one who cleared the traces of Brainiac's control in my brain was not a reboot, but the Maltus people!"

"Little blue man?" Harley asked in surprise: "10 billion years ago?"

Luther nodded and said humiliatingly: "Secret Society of Super Criminals—damn it, what kind of distortion of my mind would make me stupid enough to abandon my family and career and go to the underworld to become the overlord of the earth?

My mother and sister are still in Paradise Mountain.

Several projects that I use to deal with Superman are going smoothly at the secret base of Luthor Biological Laboratory on Earth 0.

My future is bright.

And, what's the point of fighting for Earth compared to defeating Superman?

It’s not my hometown yet.

In my eyes, what is the difference between the earth in another world and the alien planet in the Earth 0 universe?

Brainiac imposed on me such an unskilled, low-level ideal as an 'alien overlord', full of low-level taste and the atmosphere of a rich man. It was the ultimate humiliation to the most intelligent brain in the universe. "

"Let's get to the point. I said, I believed you wouldn't be so crazy and stupid from the beginning, so you don't have to complain repeatedly," said Harley.

“The super criminal’s spaceship landed on the planet Maltus, the most prosperous metropolis, probably the capital.

I - well, the real me can't be that stupid.

Xiaolan's civilization has reached its peak, and the degree of evolution of individual life forms is higher than that of Kryptonians, and Maltus is their home planet.

How stupid must one be to think of going to the Supreme Academy of Science on Martus and kidnapping their most famous scientist?

This is more difficult than going to Krypton to kidnap Superman's biological father. "

"The point, the point! The electricity and internet bills are not valuable, but sleep time is precious. It's already three in the morning." Harley shouted.

"Oh, I'm sorry for being so late. I'm a little excited." Luther glanced at the time in the lower right corner of the screen and went straight to the point: "I just landed in the little blue man's metropolis, and there was a group of little blue men coming around.

Most of them are civilians, but each of them has powerful psychic energy.

Our strength is not weak anymore, but they were still knocked to the ground by one move of psychic storm. "

At this point, Luther couldn't help but go off topic, "Harley, I think there is a problem between Ghost and Alexander. The expedition to the Martus star tens of billions of years ago is an impossible and self-destructive operation."

"Your focus now is to cleanse yourself of the 'biggest crime against humanity in history'." Harley reminded impatiently.

"After being turned over, we were sent to the little blue man's biological laboratory." Luther looked humiliated. "I became their favorite research subject because I have a developed brain.

They were surprised that a 'monkey' with such a low level of evolution could have the same level of intelligence as their 'mentally retarded child'.

This is humiliating!

Harley, even you are smarter than ordinary little blue people, let alone me. Therefore, they are jealous of me and deliberately use words to humiliate me. "

"I'm not interested in competing with mentally retarded children." Harley was bored. "Can you tell me the key evidence first? I'm going to bed."

"Oh, when I was being studied as a biological sample, the 'Trojan horse' in my mind was discovered by the little blue man who is proficient in psychic abilities, and was then eliminated.

The little blue man is immortal. Those bastards who dissected my brain will definitely be alive to this day and can testify to me. "

Harley's eyes lit up, she gave a thumbs up and praised: "Luthor, congratulations, your IQ has finally returned to normal levels."

Luther smiled proudly and said, "Since you think it's feasible, can you help me contact the little blue man?"

"It's not like you don't know about my relationship with the Little Blue Man. Go find the Green Lantern."

"It's just that you have a bad relationship with the little blue man. You have a very good relationship with the little blue woman. The one who dissected me was a female little blue man named Syd." Luther said.

"Oh, it's her!"

Luther was acquitted a week later.

The little blue people claimed to be immune to the restart, but this restart still seriously affected them.

Not only did a "false" second set of memories appear, remembering the 'time travelers' who appeared 10 billion years ago, but electronic documents recording the events of that year were even preserved in reality.

Seid did not attend the Earth court trial, and only arranged for a Purple Lantern to hand over the data disk to the people on Earth, which included information about "Luthor's craniotomy".

"Thanks to my good friend Harley, she knows me very well and knew from the beginning that I was wronged. She just suffered from the lack of evidence. Thanks to my mother, she also believed that I was not crazy. Thanks to the Guardians, they provided evidence and proved Thanks for my innocence”

At Quinn Manor, Ivy looked at the high-spirited and chattering Luther on the TV screen, and wondered: "The timeline of this world is really strange. Call it fake, but it is really having a real impact on reality.

It's true, it didn't really happen. "

"It didn't happen in the material universe, it did happen in the time stream.

The strange thing is not the hyper-temporal flow, but that the boundary between true and false is inherently blurry.

For example, Uncle Sam really exists, but his essence is illusory American patriotism. " Harley said.

Selena opened her clothes and hood, revealing the white rabbit in front of the two women to feed her child, with a happy smile on her face, "Everything else is false, only the people around you and your own life are real.

Don't think too much, it makes sense to live your current life well. "

"If you knew Helena's tragic ending in the other world, you wouldn't think so." Harley sighed.

"What's up with her?"

Just as Harley was about to speak, her phone suddenly rang. Looking at the caller ID, it was Constantine.

"Ha-cough cough cough" He coughed on the opposite side for a long time, as if he wanted to cough out his lungs.

Without meeting him, just by hearing his voice, Harry knew that he was in extremely bad condition and feared that he would soon die.

"Harry, I'm in London, at Mrs. Dalgliesh's old rental house. Can you come over?"

"do what?"

"I'm going to die tonight."

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