I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 737 Side effects of restarting

That night, Harley, Ivy, and Fathead were sitting on the sofa watching the American TV series "God's Stick" when Bruce, wearing a Batman suit, came over.

"Harley, let's talk," he said.

In fact, he followed Harley out of the venue in the afternoon and wanted to catch up with her and have a chat alone, but it turned out that his two legs couldn't run as fast as Yebby's four legs.

As he hurriedly and slowly walked outside the gate, he could only see Dog Shengzi stepping on the auspicious clouds and disappearing from the horizon.

"Let's talk here, there are no outsiders." Harley didn't move her eyes away from the TV screen.

"You don't need to be so extreme this afternoon."

"You are wrong. I am not extreme, but I understand the principle of far away fragrance and close smell. Now we all live on the same earth, in the same country of the United States, and I am too lazy to pretend to be my true identity anymore." Harley said with a faint smile.

Bateman was stunned and said, "I want to know the details of the restart. The more detailed the better."

"do what?"

"Well, I'm going to formulate a 'Cosmic Restart Defense Plan.'" Bateman said.

"Haha, this is no less difficult than the 'Harley Quinn Defense Clause'!" Harley laughed, "Yeb, you tell him."

"It's too troublesome to say it with your mouth, Bateman, come here, squat down, and I will hand over my sensory memory to you." Yebi sat on the sofa and waved.

Bateman walked up to it and knelt down on one knee so that his paw could rest between its brows.

A faint golden light emerged from Yebi's left front paw, and Bateman's expression instantly twisted to a ferocious state.

"Uh ah ah ah -" He opened his mouth and let out an inhuman howl of terror. He fell to the carpet with a "thud" and his body continued to twitch as if he was being electrocuted.

"What happened to him?" Ivy asked in surprise.

"Hehe, you want to be as good as a god as a mortal?" Harley laughed unkindly.

Yebi kept his claws raised and was stunned for a moment before he reacted and said angrily: "I forgot that he is an ordinary person and cannot bear such a huge amount of information.

It’s not just the amount of information.

Those intuitive feelings still have the aura of origin, which most gods cannot stand. "

"Uh-" Bateman groaned and got up from the ground, his voice still low and hoarse: "It doesn't matter, continue."

"Wow, you woke up so soon?" Yebi was startled, "I thought you would be unconscious for at least two or three days."

"I was careless just now, but now I am mentally prepared." There was a touch of pride in Bateman's tone.

Harley covered Qiong's nose with her small hand and said in a sullen voice: "Please change your pants before watching 'Harley's Creation' again, it stinks!"

Bateman was stunned for a moment before suddenly noticing some warm moisture in his crotch.

His face suddenly turned red and purple, the temperature of his head rose rapidly, and it seemed to start to smoke. His body, which had already stood up, was shaky again.

If there is a crack in the ground in front of him and he can get in, he will get in without hesitation.

"Gudong, Gudong." The second specialty experience jar started to increase dramatically.

Harley was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed. She suddenly turned around and stared at Bateman, opening her mouth to continue sarcasm.

But Bateman was caught by her bright eyes, and his body seemed to be touched by some switch. He got up and ran out. After running a few steps, he disappeared into the shadows, so that Harley could not catch him.

"Master Harley, see through but don't tell. Bateman is your best friend, you really went too far this time!

Moreover, Bateman, a mortal, was suddenly exposed to the breath of the hand of creation, and his body had such an instinctive reaction. It was completely shameless, but something to be proud of. His willpower is almost as strong as yours. "

Yebby jumped off the sofa and ran after him.

"Ivy, am I going too far?" Harley asked.

Ivy shook her head and said disapprovingly: "How many times have we seen the embarrassing things he did when he was a child? What does it mean to wet his pants? Harley, you just told the truth and didn't laugh at him."

Harry nodded happily and agreed: "Back then, he was hunted down by the Court of Owls and abused by the Galavan brothers and sisters. He was much more embarrassed than he is now."

"I think he would rather be being hunted." Fatty muttered.

"Ahhh——" A quick but short shrill scream came from the yard outside the house, it was Bateman.

"Is he really being hunted?" The fat man was stunned.

"Probably he took off his pants, squatted in the flowers and continued to compete with the hand of creation." Harley guessed.

"Ahhh——" A moment later, the scream sounded again.

This time it lasted a few seconds longer than before, then stopped abruptly, and then started calling again.

It wasn't until the end of the two episodes of "God's Stick" that Yebby wandered into the living room, jumped on the sofa, and continued to watch the story of Harley Quinn beating the gods with a stick tens of thousands of years ago.

Well, the protagonist of the American TV series "The Stick of God" is "Ancient Ancestor Harley", from Homer's epic to Shakespeare's opera, to the masterpieces of countless great writers in modern times, and finally to today's Hollywood film and television industry. Harley, the God of War , has always been an eternal material library and a hotbed for the birth of classic masterpieces.

Of course, it is also a money-making tool used by big capital on the pretext of patriotism, promoting national culture, remembering history and tradition, and resisting foreign culture and trends.

The current "Rod of God" uses a relatively unique perspective to describe the origin and forging process of the silver and red rods, as well as the heavenly mission they represent.

Because the angle is novel and professional enough, it has become the most popular drama series in North America.

Even Harley watched it with gusto. The "detailed" interpretation and sacred misinterpretation that she didn't even know was very exciting like "The Da Vinci Code".

"Hey, it feels good to be the first celebrity in history. The only thing is that modern people have begun to regard the 'Five Rings General' as a 'copycat, the King of Martial Arts'.

To say that I am imitating the sages is to say that I am still a high imitation product with a similar appearance, the same name, and similar martial arts. "Harry pursed his lips and said very dissatisfied.

"It's rare in the world to have the best of both worlds, to be logical and show off. Anyway, many people still remember it and know that it's you who is doing the trick." Yebi sighed.

Hearing what it said, Ivy suddenly remembered something and said, "Harry, when you went to Zhenglian Headquarters to attend a meeting today, the phone at home was almost buzzing.

Mr. President, Speaker of the House, Steve and Amanda Waller of the Sky Eye Society, Jim Gordon, female reporter Nora Long and even Edward the Riddler, they all have original memories, and they all discovered the history of King Martial God, and they all want to find out Looking to you for answers. "

"Let the Justice League hold a press conference to explain, and then I will go to the Puppy Video Network to issue a statement." Harley said.

"I think you should personally answer the calls from Mr. President and Speaker, unless you no longer plan to be involved in politics in the future." Ivy said seriously.

Harley thought for a while and sighed: "Yebi, bring me the notebook, let's have a video meeting now."

"As for that?" Yebi stretched out his left hind foot and kicked the loach on the blanket beside the sofa.

Loach glanced at Uncle Shengzi and ran to the next door.

"I think you have already achieved glory and can retire to the second line, retire to the countryside, and enjoy your old age in peace." Yebi continued.

Harley glanced at the level experience jar.

Because when "writing the story" at the beginning of the third time, I was attacked by gods such as Odin and Zeus. At this time, I was already level 85 and 27%!

It's still far away from ninety, and level 100 is even further away.

The level 150 that she thought was enough to make her smile proudly could not even be seen. How could she retire?

Now that she's retired, where does she have the power to oppress heroes and bully prison criminals?

"Today, after the fusion of five earths, the number of heroes on earth has doubled, the number of super villains has also doubled, and the chaos has increased tenfold! The United States cannot live without me, the world needs me.

Not only can I not retreat bravely, but I must face the difficulties and put more burdens on my shoulders to strive to take a further step in next year's election and become an official member of Congress.

In this way, I can legitimately lead the Sky Eye Society, better protect the universe and serve the people. "

Harley stretched out her hand and held it, as if holding a giant web of power, and sneered: "This afternoon, those ungrateful 'black house heroes' dared to give me a hard time.

Hum, I don’t even think about whose world or territory this is.

You all are watching, watch how I use the power in my hands to make them want to die. "

Yebi was dumbfounded, "As for that?"

Loach ran over with a notebook in his mouth.

"Good dog!" Harley patted its head and quickly pulled a group of Washington bosses into the video chat group.

After thinking about it, she also dialed Nala Lang's number. The other party answered the call instantly and joined the video group to listen.

"Sorry, everyone, I'm really busy." Harley waved her hand and asked the fat man to turn down the volume of the TV.

Busy people can’t watch American TV series!

"Do you still remember Pioneer Laila? She went down today and summoned us to the Zhenglian Hall again, saying that the Anti-Monitor is not dead yet, alas!"

Then, she spoke very frankly about what happened in the place where time originated, and the suspected collusion between Ghost and Alexander. She tried to turn the tide, but was resented by the hero of the underworld.

"That's roughly what happened. You can keep your memories because of my backhand.

I want your life ID from a supreme god to bring you back perfectly from destruction.

You are completely unaffected by the reboot, and our world remains virtually unchanged. All because of me.

There is only one Earth. The more complete we are, the less complete the underworld will be. That’s why they hate me, but for Earth 0 and for everyone, I am willing to bear all resentment! "Harry said with enthusiasm.

Dog Shengzi's dog face was a little distorted.

"Harry, things have changed so much. I have an ex-wife and a son." The horse gang leader said excitedly.

"Well, congratulations, you only had a daughter before, and now you have both children." Harry was stunned for a moment and laughed dryly.

Restarting seems to come at a cost

There was a hint of worry in her heart.

What will the price be for her?

"But that is not my son and responsibility! I still have to pay alimony to my ex-wife, and the president's salary is not enough." The horse gang leader lamented.

General Lane also said: "I have an extra wife. Oh, it's not an extra wife. It's my wife who died in a car accident ten years ago. She didn't die."

Harry wondered: "As the saying goes, promotion and wealth will kill your wife. If your wife is not dead, you will suffer a big loss."

General Lane straightened his face and said seriously: "Harry, we are familiar with each other, but you curse my wife like this, I will be angry!"

"Uh, you're not complaining?"

A happy chrysanthemum bloomed on General Lane's old face, and he shook his head and said: "Luna's death is the greatest sorrow in my life, to be able to see her again."

His eyes became blurred, as if covered with mist, "You don't even know how dreamy it felt when I woke up this morning and found her lying next to her. I felt like I had entered heaven, floating in the clouds."

"Oh, you're showing off." Harley glanced at the caravan leader.

He looked troubled, as if he was hesitating whether he should adjust his mentality and learn from General Lane's optimism.

"Is Mrs. Lane still Mrs. Lane?" the horse gang leader asked.

"Of course, even a coin has two sides, let alone a person? This Mrs. Lane and the previous one are different sides of the concept of 'Mrs. Lane'."

"The other side is good, the other side is good!" General Lane smiled and nodded repeatedly.

When Harley was about to ask other bosses if they had multiple wives and sons, Bateman quietly entered the living room again.

"I found a big problem during the restart." He said seriously.

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