Harley broke free from Da Chao's pull, pointed at the heroes who looked at her with unfriendly eyes, pointed at them one by one, and scolded them rudely: "What do you mean by this expression? Your life is gone, do you resent me?"

Who gave you the confidence? Is it because of my apology just now? "

Those heroes never imagined that she would be so aggressive, and they would broach the topic without caring about embarrassment or face.

"I apologize because I am conscientious enough to remember the little trust you had in me at that time.

But I haven't explained it clearly enough?

Before going to the starting point of Mother River time, the restart has already begun.

You can all see that window from the little blue man scientists observing the origin of the universe tens of billions of years ago, even if you are not blind.

That means the restart has begun, and it means that my Earth 0 and your Hades universe are all finished.

It means your life is all gone.

The person who invited you to enter the underworld is Alexander Kent. The plan to go to the place where time originated also came from him. He and the ghost obviously have a tacit understanding. As a result, you don’t blame him or the ghost.

Instead of blaming the person who pulled you into the water, you blame me, the person standing on the shore, for not being able to pull you out of the water.

Yes, I saved my life. I still have a glorious history as the 'Martial God King'. My life is even more awesome and glorious. Standing among you losers who have lost their lives, the light is so bright that it is a bit dazzling.

But that doesn't mean I'm guilty! "

"I didn't expect Harley Quinn to be so powerful. She dared to say anything and could say anything!" Aquaman leaned into Green Arrow's ear and marveled.

"Listening and watching on the side, I feel embarrassed all over." Green Arrow muttered.

"Gudong, Gudong." The experience jar of the second "Shameless" defense specialty suddenly reacted and bubbled like crazy.

Originally it was 98% at level 5, but now it’s overflowing and it’s level 6!

Harley was stunned for a moment, then glanced at the heroes. Several of them, including Old Superman, had their heads lowered and couldn't see their expressions clearly. It was unclear whether they were truly regretful or not.

Only regret, repentance, and remorse from the heart can lead to experience.

Harry wanted to curse a few more words and gain more experience, but when he opened his mouth, he realized that he had already finished what he wanted to say.

She was depressed and pointed the gun specifically at Alexander: "You evil-hearted little bastard, did I ruin the grand plan of your master, the monitor and the ghost, and you became angry? It's just a lie."

Alexander said with a dark face: "Which sentence did I lie to?"

"Do you understand the restart process?" Harley asked.

"I -" Alexander thought for a while and then said: "I understand a little bit now, but I didn't understand it at all before."


Harley's eyes widened, looking at this guy with admiration.

If he said he didn't understand, she would say he didn't understand the reboot, but put a blame on her head, saying that she changed the ghost's 'perfect creation' in the reboot, and that she only pretended to be cool during the reboot process, regardless of The lives of heroes.

He is lying.

If he says he understands, he is also lying.

A person who understands the general process of restarting the universe would not know that this expedition is equal to making space and creating conditions for the restart?

This guy seemed to react in an instant and avoided the big thunder laid by Harley.

"What a good Alexander you are, you are worthy of being the son of Luther! You obviously bear the Kent surname, but you haven't learned the simplicity of the Kent family, and you have used all your cleverness in crooked ways."

"You can slander me, but don't humiliate my parents." Alexander said angrily.

"Hehe, we are both smart people and understand the meaning of our respective words." Harley sneered again and again, "It's a pity that you have missed a little bit of calculation from the beginning to now.

So what if you hold me at the top of your conversation?

How can these heroes distrust me, doubt me, and exclude me?

Or do you think that I will be ashamed, regretful, worried that I will not be able to play happily with you in the future, so I will compromise and apologize to you?

Pooh! "

Harley spat at the heroes first, then glanced at everyone with a smile, making them feel embarrassed and numb. Finally, she cast her mocking gaze on Alexander and said, "Anyway, the crisis on Infinite Earths is over. A group of people who have never been united as one should break up and break up now.

From now on, if you have any grudges or grudges, you can vent any emotions. No one should suppress themselves.

But you have to be careful, kid.

Your aunt calls me, not Superman, not Bateman.

The Godfather of Gotham had a better ending by extracting the souls of those bastards who dared to offend her and sending them to hell. "

"I'm sorry!" The heroes opened their eyes wide with disbelief on their faces.

Dachao's expression changed slightly, "Harry, you——"

Harley raised her hand to interrupt him and said coldly: "Superman, don't talk. This guy is an adult in his thirties and knows what he is doing."

"Do you think I'm afraid of you?" Alexander clenched his fists with a stern expression.

"Yes, I think you are afraid of me, and you should be afraid of me. If you are a decent man, just slap me in the face with the facts, come on, come on!" Harley put her hands on her hips and raised her chin high. , raised the corner of his mouth and said provocatively.

Alexander's face turned red, and his eyes were bloodshot and red, "I——"

"Don't be impulsive!" Da Chao's big hand landed lightly on his shoulder. It seemed that he didn't exert much force, but he pinned him in place. "She admitted that she is not a hero, but you are. I hope and think you are a super hero." hero."

"Harley Quinn, you said something wrong." Pioneer Leila said solemnly: "I summoned everyone here not just to tell the story of the changed history-"

"Ahhh -" Without any warning, the old Superman suddenly raised his tear-stained head and shouted to the sky, "My world is gone, my life has disappeared.

My wife, my Louise, is no more, she never even existed in this world.

No, that's not fair, why did she disappear while I was alive?

I regret, why didn't I choose to stay with her in the first place?

I accomplished nothing in the place where time originated. My Louise, how scared and helpless she was when she disappeared, ahhhh——"

He burst into tears, howled uncontrollably, and then flew into the sky, crying and disappearing.

Now Harley understood whose "shameless" defense was broken and who was providing experience for her second expertise experience jar.

She sank deep into the sea of ​​consciousness and glanced at the jar.

Tsk tsk, he is indeed a superman. In a short time, he has reached 60% of level 6.

Harley looked at Dachao expectantly. Dachao's wife and mother are both doing well in Paradise Mountain and will definitely not collapse.

She turned to Superboy. Superboy-Prime looked like an idiot, with a dull expression, not the slightest bit depressed.

"We have to get the old Superman back." Leila said seriously: "The Anti-Monitor is not dead yet. We need Superman and we need to organize the last expedition."

"What? The anti-monitoring king is still alive?" the heroes shouted, "We have paid such a heavy price, even the universe and life are gone, what's the point?"

Harley mused.

They can return to the new positive matter universe, and it is normal for the Anti-Monitor King to return to the new anti-matter universe.

Then, she remembered something again and took out her phone to search for Luther's information.

He and his secret society have also returned from 10 billion years ago and are now squatting in the metropolis of Stryker Island.

The crime is that he colluded with and released Brainiac, seriously threatening the security of the earth.

There is absolutely no problem with this crime, but the time of conviction and the process of his crime were also affected by the restart.

"This universe is not completely safe. The Anti-Monitor is preparing the next wave of attacks. I am not predicting, but I am using my strength to resist the destruction of the earth by him.

This time, his target will no longer be the entire material universe. He can't do it, but he can take revenge.

Revenge against us, the Earthlings, for letting him fail so many times, and against the Earth. "The pioneer said seriously.

Harley took out a metal box the size of a cassette and threw it towards the Herald, "Laila, go on."

"Is this a mother box?" Pioneer wondered.

Harley smiled and said: "Darkseid's beacon. After you encounter the Anti-Monitor, you can create opportunities, open the portal, and transmit Darkseid's sneak attack power."

"And you?"

Harley shrugged, "We don't agree with each other. You can go on your own on this expedition."

"You think this is 'playing'?" Pioneer frowned.

"Haha, doesn't it look like it?"

"Harley, don't be angry. The Anti-Monitor is now targeting your earth and your universe." Dachao advised.

"I believe you can handle everything."

After Harley said this, she really walked out the door.

"Let her go. With things like this, we can no longer cooperate without interruption."

Da Chao wanted to persuade him again, but Bateman sighed softly and took his arm.

After saying that, he glanced at the pioneer and said, "You called us heroes without superpowers here. What are your plans?"

The pioneer shook his head and said: "You don't need to go out to fight this time."

Bateman thought for a moment and said, "Then you continue the meeting. There's something going on in Gotham, so I'll leave first."

"I can't fly. I'm sorry to bother you all this time." Aquaman also stood up and left.

Most of the heroes who had homes to return to were gone at once, leaving only the powerful and homeless heroes.

None of the heroes at the scene looked good, and the atmosphere was low and depressing.

When Harley is around, she can become a target. Now that the target is gone, they "return to reason", recall Hallie's words in their hearts, and begin to regard Alexander and Laila as targets of resentment and resentment.

"Obviously each of us has risked our lives and made sacrifices. Everyone is a great hero, but we fell apart on the eve of victory. What went wrong?" Uncle Sam said bitterly.

The old Green Lantern of Earth 2 said with a tired look: "Alexander, Leila, tell the truth, what does the Monitor want? Is this expedition the last?"

"The Watcher is dead," Lyra sighed.

Dachao's eyes were sharp and he said in a deep voice: "No matter whether he is really dead or fake, there is one thing that Harley has always been right about.

He has an ulterior purpose, and his purpose is not consistent with ours.

We only want to save our own world, but he uses saving the existing world as a means to force us to obey orders.

I can see that he himself does not care about the life and death of countless people or the demise of countless worlds.

But we care.

You two are the executors of his will. You know everything. I hope you can be honest for once. "

"Now that the universe has been restarted, killing the Anti-Monitor is the end. Why don't we let him take the initiative and let him attack the earth at will?

This is just a simple multiple-choice question. Either we attack proactively or we defend passively. There is no need to think too complicated. Alexander shook his head.

"It's a multiple-choice question again? You have to choose one of the two. How do you choose this?"

Dachao was so suffocated that he almost had to hold back the heat rays.

Pioneer looked around at the heroes around him and said: "The universe has just restarted today, and everyone is in a bad mood. I understand, why not wait a few days, wait for a few days to adapt to the new world, discuss the results, and then come to me?"

How many more days can I hold on before the Anti-Monitor can destroy the Earth? "

"Oh, do as you say!" Dachao sighed helplessly, turned to the "black household heroes" who had lost their lives and said: "Everyone, this is the Hall of Justice, the home of all heroes, and naturally it is also your home. First of all, Stay here."

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