I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 738 Bateman VS God

"Harley~~Quinn!" Bateman caught a glimpse of the character on the laptop screen and immediately stopped and replaced the more intimate "Harley" with the full name with a deep and hoarse voice.

"I found a big problem with Yerby's reboot sense."

Harley frowned and said, "Baitman, why did you suddenly run into my living room? Besides, didn't you see that I was discussing national affairs with the leaders of the free world?"

"Baitman, what did you find?" The leader of the horse gang on the opposite side immediately smoothed things over for him. "It's good that Batman is here. We just need to talk to our 'one' Zhenglian hero."

"Yes, the world has changed too much and is too unfamiliar. Bateman is finally one of our own." The Speaker and several members of the House of Representatives agreed in succession.

Bateman is not only a native of Earth-0, but also what Washington considers to be "the link between ordinary people and super-powered heroes" and the representative of ordinary people in the Justice League.

In fact, Bateman's private communication and friendship with them far exceeded Harley's imagination.

"You guys talk first, and we'll talk about my business later," Bateman said.

"Aside from Mr. President and General Lane, who else's life has been more seriously modified?" Harley asked.

Theoretically speaking, the people she summoned from the "chaotic Earth 0" using the Book of Dreams would not only retain their memories, but their lives would not change.

After all, life is always being remembered.

For example, General Lane, if his wife did not die ten years ago, it means that the memory of the last ten years is different from the original one.

She used 20 million dream books to summon 20 million people. After excluding hundreds of thousands of aliens and people from other worlds, the rest were all earthlings.

How many people on earth can the lives of 20 million people on earth represent?

Almost half of the Earth is included, so this new world is almost the same as the original Earth 0.

But Harley also understands one thing, magic has a price, power has a price, everything has a price.

"My husband is still like that."

Grandma Xi's tone seemed a little regretful?

"My family hasn't changed either. I'll check on my distant relatives later," the speaker said.

"Well, I would like to change my son's character. Stop being so high-spirited and stupid." Vice President Lao Qiao shook his head and sighed.

Later, Lian Lalang also spoke, saying that there had not been any big changes in her family like Ryan and the Ma Gang leader.

“Even social circles and relationships haven’t changed much,” she said.

Bateman had been standing on the side listening, and now he frowned and said: "In other words, it is normal for people who are 'remembered' by Harley to have unchanged lives. General Lane and the President are special cases?"

Harley looked at the more than 50 small windows on the screen, nodded and said: "So far it seems like this, 57 people, with only two exceptions."

"But the lives of our heroes who have returned from the origin of time have changed a lot." Bateman said seriously.

"What changed?" Harley asked curiously.

Bateman opened his mouth and was about to speak when he caught a glimpse of dozens of curious faces on the screen, and temporarily changed his words: "Are you done talking? I discovered something in Yebi's restarted perception, Harley Quinn's new world The shaping is not big, it can even be said to be very small.”

"Yes, I just try my best to protect my life."

Bateman said in a deep voice: "Why don't you explain to everyone this afternoon? Their disappearance has nothing to do with you.

Alexander was probably lying when he said that the world of the Ghost reboot would be more perfect.

But in fact, the Ghost and the Anti-Monitor did not completely fail. They still came into contact with the hand of creation and participated in the restart process.

You only kept your own reality and didn't change the heroes' reality.

The Anti-Monitor only creates the anti-matter universe and cannot interfere with the positive matter universe.

Then, the reality of the heroes can only be changed by ghosts. "

Harley glanced sideways at the screen. Both the Washington boss and the female reporter looked thoughtful.

When she looked at Bateman again, she also had a thoughtful look on her face: Bateman was not only asking her questions, he might also want to reveal the content of his words to let those heroes who misunderstood her know?

Humph, she doesn’t need an explanation!

"Hmph, I don't need to explain to them. It's useless to explain."

"Explaining it may not be of much use, but not explaining it will definitely lead to serious misunderstandings." Bateman sighed.

"Only those who want to be president will please voters. I don't want to be the 'president' of heroes, so why should I please those heroes?" Harley said.

Mr. President thinks this is very reasonable, and it also reassures their bosses in Washington.

But he is the president now, which sounds a bit

"Hey, Bateman, how did you learn about the restart process from Holy Son Jebi?" he asked.

Harry subconsciously glanced at Batman's lower body, which was still the same style of bulletproof leather pants. He didn't know if he had replaced them with new ones, or if he was standing halfway up the mountain, unfastened his belt, opened his pants, and let them dry naturally in the evening breeze. Dry.

"Through mind sharing, if you are interested, you can also give it a try." Bateman's expression was as serious as usual, and his voice was as low and hoarse as usual.

Harley glanced at him strangely and asked, "You came here to see me at night just for this trivial matter?"

"No, there are more important things." Bateman said solemnly: "At the origin of time, you, the ghost and the anti-monitor touched the hand of creation at the same time.

You have almost never actively modified reality, except for the history of the God of War, but that is only related to faith.

But what about the Ghost and the Anti-Monitor?

There's no way they did nothing, so what did they do? "

He took a step forward and faced the video camera. "We need to conduct a large-scale investigation of today's reality and search for any inconsistencies. The government and the Sky Eye Society should also get involved."

"Yes, that's a good idea." The horse gang leader nodded and said, "Colonel Steve, please cooperate with the Justice League to do this. When the results come out, remember to send the report to the White House."

Harley felt that she had nothing more to say, so she planned to end the video conference, "That's it for today. In a few days, when the anti-supervision matter is completely resolved, we will meet face to face to summarize the Crisis on Infinite Earths."

None of the big guys in Washington had any objections.

Nora Long said hurriedly: "Mr. President, Congressman Quinn, I would like to make a special news report on the content of tonight's video conference, is that okay?

In addition to us, there are more than 20 million people who are confused between reality and illusion, and they need answers. "

The caravan leader hesitated, "Revealing the truth may not be a good thing. Perhaps it can be declared as 'collective memory disorder caused by cosmic rays'."

The corners of Harley's mouth twitched.

"We can send a telegram to our former alien allies and ask them to come over and play a show about the invasion of alien devils and the release of the memory virus." Mr. Speaker suggested.

Nala Lang blushed and wanted to yell at this group of shameless politicians: 'The reporter who inspired someone to surpass Lois Lane' is here. Aren't you afraid that I will make this video public?

Bateman said seriously: "Zhenglian will not hide the truth."

"There's no need to hide it. There are too many heroes and too many people to hide it." Harley said, "Reporter Lang, you can figure it out yourself.

Involving you throughout the meeting serves two purposes: First, meetings related to Crisis on Infinite Earths involve a third party, often a reporter.

Then it was Lois Lane, now it's you.

This proves that all decisions made by me, the government and our heroes are open and fair, and we have no intention of keeping the people in the dark.

Well, we are different from Alexander and the Monitor.

Secondly, I believe in your professional ability and that you can find a perfect balance between revealing the truth and maintaining social stability. "

"Thank you." Nala Lang was very excited and moved: Look at this magnanimity, he is worthy of being a five-ring general!

Closing the lid of the notebook, Harley turned to Bateman, "Why don't you leave yet?"

He didn't answer her question, but turned on the Bat-Watch, "Flash, it's me. I'm at Quinn Manor. Is it convenient for you to come over now?"

"Say right away!" Before he finished speaking, a strong wind blew up in the living room. Even with Harley's level 5 speed force defense expertise, he could only vaguely see a red figure.

"It's half past eleven." Flash asked curiously, "Is it something important?"

Bateman explained the process of restarting the universe, and said: "I want you to experience Yebi's perception, and then discover the changes to the universe caused by the ghost and the anti-monitor."

After saying that, he looked at Dog Shengzi again, his eyes flashed, "Yabi, is that okay?"

"No problem, but we have to go outside." Yebi jumped off the sofa and walked towards the door.

"Why do you want to go outside?" Flash asked confused.

"Just go with it." Bateman patted him on the shoulder without explaining.

After one person and one dog left, Harley asked in confusion: "Why did you ask Barry to come over and experience the 'restart perception' again?"

"I bet you that Barry won't scream in pain. I hope he can find a few other people besides you who have touched the hand of creation and have an impact on the restart." Bateman said meaningfully.

Harry listened carefully, only to hear a faint groan, but nothing out of the ordinary.

Listen carefully, Barry is even breathing very smoothly.

After waiting for about half an hour, Yebby walked in front, and Barry followed in, rubbing his temples.

"Restarting his perception has almost no burden on him." Yebi was very surprised at first, but now when he talked about it again, his tone was much calmer.

——Master Harley, I am certain that The Flash must have the ability to restart the universe!

This sentence was directly transmitted to Harry's sea of ​​consciousness through mental power.

Harley stood up and said to the Flash: "Let's go to the conference room to talk."

Bateman gave her a smiling look.

The three of them did not go to the conference room, but were taken to the meditation room by Harley to defend against spiritual prying eyes.

"What did you find? What did the Anti-Monitor, the Specter, and even Yerby do in the reboot?" Bateman asked.

The Flash was stunned for a moment, then looked at the floor with the magic circle painted on it, and then suddenly realized that he was avoiding the Dog Son.

"Yebi does have an influence on the reboot, but it's not about changing reality. I think that's his instinct - hoping that the world he's familiar with won't change."

"In other words, it didn't do anything. What about the others?" Bateman frowned.

Bateman has always been shrewd, but he was confused this time.

He found the "Flash who can restart the universe" to come and receive "restart perception", which is a stroke of genius.

But he, including Harley, all misjudged Heaven's requirements for human faith: just keep it at the original level, and don't end up like the neon, Greek, and Nordic pantheon, which lost a lot of faith in the restart.

Heaven and God value faith, but God does not need the power of faith.

Ordinary gods only want more faith power when they ask for faith; when God spreads faith, he is practicing his own way.

You can lie for the sake of your faith, but you cannot lie for your own way.

Jebi subconsciously maintains that the world remains unchanged and Christ's faith in the human world remains unchanged, and has fulfilled God's basic requirements for faith in this restart.

Well, it’s just a requirement for faith, other aspects don’t count.

Yebi told the truth, it had no mission.

But it followed Harley into the place of origin of time and successfully came into contact with Papetua's hand. This in itself had completed its father's mission.

Just like Luther taking super criminals to the planet Maltus 10 billion years ago.

It seemed that he had done nothing. As soon as he landed, he was arrested by the auxiliary urban management of the enthusiastic citizens. Later, he was sent to the Biological Research Institute to be a guinea pig.

But the fact that they arrived at their destination has allowed the ghost to achieve its goal.

Bateman's attempt to analyze God's purpose from Yebi's perception is like trying to find the ghost's purpose from Luther's memory. It is simply impossible.

The level difference between the two sides is too big.

The Flash said: "I have a vague sense of what the ghost wants to do, but there is no information about what it is doing in Yebi's perception. That is to say, Yebi does not know what the ghost is doing at that time, so I can't find a detailed answer in its perception." .

The Anti-Monitor is relatively bare-bones and has only one requirement - the antimatter multiverse. "

Bateman frowned. He couldn't find any useful information?

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