I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 723 God’s black hand, anti-supervisory hand, Harley’s little hand, the hand of creation

"You are a bunch of ignorant, lowly, ignorant fools. You know nothing about the origin of time, and you know nothing about the creation of the multiverse. You also don't know that I have been waiting for you to show up, so Baba rushed over."

In the origin of time in the antimatter universe, in the simple world temporarily created by the Anti-Monitor King, it is filled with light red light.

Those contagious red light energies are like parasites, penetrating into every pore and cell of the hero, squeezing out wisps of blood-like red energy.

The anti-monitoring king raised his head and laughed wildly. After the blood-red energy left the hero's body, it floated like smoke to the palm of his raised right hand.

The palm of his right hand slowly extends towards the open window in the sky - Crona, the scientist of the Little Blue Man, has started observing the origin of the universe.

From the window, you can clearly see the proud expression of the little blue man and hear his triumphant voice.

Crona pointed to the observation screen and said to several fellow Little Blue Men: "The instrument has been started and is going back in history. I will be able to observe the origin of the universe soon."

"No, Crona, you know, the ancient legend on Martus." His scientific research assistant looked horrified and waved his hands to dissuade him.

"Oh, I know the legend that 'once someone learns the truth about the origin of the universe, it will cause huge disasters.'" Crona, who was somewhat bald, smiled disdainfully, "That's just nonsense to deceive fools. We are scientists. Exploring the unknown and understanding the truth is the instinct and essence of scientists.

The truth never brings disaster. Only ignorance and recklessness are the greatest disasters in the world. "

"However, the City Management and Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau has just arrested a group of intruders, who claim to be from 10 billion years in the future, and said that your experiment will lead to serious consequences.

They traveled to the present in order to save the world, and even suggested to the security forces to kill you immediately. "A little blue man said.

Crona was stunned, not paying attention to what he said about killing himself, he just frowned and said: "What are the specific consequences?"

The little blue man wearing a golden helmet said: "They can't explain clearly. This is the sequelae of traveling through time. If you travel from the future to the past, you will quickly lose part of your memory and only retain the strongest impulses.

For example, the mission of traveling back and forth is to stop your experiment and kill you.

We have studied in the early years that this is a protective means for the timeline to prevent history from being modified (ps).

So, it’s true that they are time travellers. "

Crona smiled and asked: "How advanced and developed will the civilization be in the universe ten billion years from now? But they didn't even see my people. As soon as they landed in the city, they were arrested by the urban management. , how many urban management officials were sacrificed?”

"Well, just two patrolling city guards, who did not carry any weapons, with the help of four enthusiastic people from Zhaoyang District, used their mental power and psychic lightning to knock down more than eighty intruders. There is no loss." Golden Helmet said calmly.

The Martus are the little blue men.

The pinnacle of technology, the pinnacle of civilization, perfect genes, every citizen is immortal, the body can cross the void, and the power of the mind shakes the stars.

Just a few dozen "indigenous monkeys" with backward equipment and weak abilities descended on the planet Martus with a population of billions. They wanted to break into the most secret laboratory of the National Academy of Sciences and kill the "first academician of the Academy of Sciences". This...

"Are you telling a joke?" Crona was stunned. "A group of 'space elites' from tens of billions of years in the future were subdued by two urban management and four people with one move?"

"It's indeed strange. They are a group of lower beings who have not fully evolved. The IQs of many of the invaders have not even reached the minimum standards of 'civilized human beings' set by us Martus people."

Crona asked again: "What about their time-travel machine? We can't travel through tens of billions of years. Their machine should be extremely advanced?"

Golden Helmet shook his head again and said: "It doesn't feel very good. According to the power calculation, it can barely travel stably within a thousand years, and ten thousand years will be considered a serious over-distance."

"Even if they can barely manage ten thousand years, it's obvious that they are lying!" Crona said with absolute certainty and arrogance: "Eighty percent of them are some low-level civilization that is dissatisfied with the cosmic hegemony of our Maltus people and wants to cause trouble. Gossip destroyed Maltus's greatest scientist, his greatest scientific experiment."

Several little blue men were silent, and Gunser, the city guard's 'detective', also made this conclusion.

"Where are those 'primitives'? They are all good experimental materials. When I complete the observation experiment on the origin of the universe, I can study it." Crona said.

"They have been sent to the 'Strange Animal Research Center' and our biologists are dissecting them."

Crona was about to say something more when his expression suddenly changed, he pointed at the screen and shouted ecstatically: "Look, my instrument has been anchored to the origin of time.

Wow, a picture is forming?

It's probably not an illusion, have you seen it?

A shadow appeared in the blue, it seemed like a big hand? What else is he holding in his hand? It seems like a bunch of stars?

Wait a little longer, and when the picture becomes clearer, we will know the secret of the origin of the universe. "

"Hahaha, yes, that's it!"

At the place where time originated in the antimatter universe, the Anti-Monitor looked at the picture on the screen and couldn't help laughing excitedly when he heard Crona's conversation: "Crona, look, the origin of all things is about to unfold in front of you, don't move. Open your eyes, be sure to keep a close eye on my right palm!"

His right hand was raised under the observation window, and the energy and life force of all the heroes, as well as his own anti-matter energy, were gathered in his palm.

A vague nebula is taking shape.

"Why is this happening?" Dachao collapsed weakly on the ground and shouted unwillingly.

All heroes, including those who have no superpowers and can only provide courage and hope for fighting heroes on the periphery, are like hollowed-out rag dolls, lying on the ground with almost no energy to breathe.

Only Superman can barely speak.

"Originally, I didn't need to borrow your power, nor did I need to come to the place where time originated.

After destroying all positive matter universes, I can directly create antimatter universes.

But you insisted on resisting and took away nearly half of my power. By the way, where is Witch Harley? "

The Anti-Monitor King turned his head, looked around, and roared: "Witch Harley, come out and give me my energy back!"

"Did Harley know something in advance and run away halfway?" Ivy, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, whispered to Yebby in her arms.

Although she is also surrounded by the red light that fills the world, there is a warm energy coming from Yebi, firmly locking the magic, green light energy and life force in her body.

"Be low-key, don't talk, don't attract the attention of the devil. Here, at this moment, he controls the entire world." Yebi whispered.

"Where is Witch Harley? Tell me!" The Anti-Monitor King covered most of Da Chao's body with one big foot, leaving only his head outside, as if he was stepping on a little mouse.

"Tell me first why you need us." Dachao said with difficulty.

The Anti-Monitor glanced at the palm of his right hand and saw that the galaxy was slowly taking shape.

"The Pioneer originally planned to move your universe to the Hades universe through tuning forks, but the energy was insufficient. What did she do?" he asked.

Da Chao's pupils contracted and he murmured: "The tuning fork has insufficient energy, and the pioneers need our 'will', then..."

——Then what’s the point of us coming here? We can do nothing but send energy. There was also a secret society of super criminals, which also failed and was wiped out by a mere two urban management officials and four enthusiastic people.

At this moment, Da Chao was in a state of confusion, and countless questions prevented him from seeking the truth.

"I am very short of energy. Half of my energy was taken away by the Witch Harley, and the remaining half was wasted on traveling through time to this place of origin.

I don't have much energy left, so I need to extract your vitality, spiritual power and destiny power.

Use your energy to knead the five existing universes together to form a brand new antimatter universe, a unique original universe.

Tell me where Witch Harley is.

If I can get back the energy that originally belonged to me from her, if I have enough energy, I may not need to destroy your universe.

I will transform them into antimatter parallel universes, and your relatives and friends will survive. "The anti-supervision king said seductively.

"Her wallet fell into the river of time and is being salvaged right now."

"Are you kidding me?" The anti-supervision king was furious, raising his big foot and about to trample Da Chao into 'Da Chao Jiang'.

"Boom -" Suddenly, a big green hand poked a hole in the 'sky', and continued to fall, connecting with the raised right hand of the anti-monitoring king.

This is the place where time originated. There is nothing but endless nothingness. Both heaven and earth were created by the Anti-Monitor King.

This world is his hiding place, and it is also an ambush circle to encircle and suppress superheroes.

Here he is God.

At this point, a hole in the innocence was truly broken.

There was actually a second heaven above the "Anti-Monitor Sky". The ghost did the same thing as him and quietly created the "Ghost Sky" above him.

"Who? Who dares to resist me?" The anti-monitor was shocked and then became furious, "This is the supreme power. Who are you? How dare you interfere in my affairs?!"

"I dare you, you bastard, I've been putting up with you for a long, long time!"

The ghost laughed loudly, and his big green-gloved hands suddenly burst into bright golden light.

The sacred light suddenly dispelled most of the antimatter red light in the sky.

The sky was divided into two layers, one layer of golden light, with the huge figure of the green-robed ghost suspended above it; the other layer of red light, with the anti-supervision king standing upright and gnashing his teeth.

"Ghost, this is a battle between creators. You should not get involved."

"Yes, this is a matter between creators. I should not participate unless I receive an invitation." Ghost said quietly.

"Invitation." The anti-monitor murmured a few words, his expression suddenly changed, he lowered his head and looked around among the heroes.

There is no "Monitor" Alexander Kent!

"Okay, okay, okay, you bunch of colluding bastards, very good!" The anti-surveillance king's metal teeth rubbed against each other, sparking dazzling sparks. "It's a pity that I am more skilled. I have all the heroes of the five surviving universes in my hands. I hold destiny in my hands!"

The ghost smiled coldly and waved his free left hand upwards. The clouds dispersed and the sky cleared. A row of mages holding hands appeared above him.

It was the magicians who had disappeared.

Dr. Fate, The Stranger, Sage Oz, Zha Kang, Zatanna, Madam Xanadu. Everyone is there, everyone is holding hands.

"See clearly! You have absorbed the power of the heroes of the earth. These "human representatives" wizards will also support me. Their power will be used by me, and they will work together with me."

"Stab la la -" Golden energy arcs jumped on the dozens of magicians holding hands, forming a torrent of energy mixed with magic power and willpower, pouring into the ghost's body.

"We resist you, Anti-Monitor!" Stranger gritted his teeth and his body was trembling.

He tried his best to give everything he had to the ghost.

"We will never give in." Dr. Fate's voice sounded like a bell.

"Mala Gobi, I have clearly seen the virtues of you big guys. From the beginning of Crisis on Infinite Earths until now, it seems that every time it is a multiple-choice question, but every time it is a single choice.

I give the ghost my middle finger, I want to spit on God's face.

But compared with you, a man with an iron shell, how else can I choose? "

Zha Kang cursed and offered his "will".

Mrs. Xanadu was sweating profusely and said with difficulty: "Anti-monitors, go to hell!"

The mages' statement was not to make a fuss, but to hand over the "human race's destiny" they represented to the ghosts.

Like a contract with heaven and earth as paper and sound as pen.

The Anti-Monitor uses the hero, the representative of the universe, and the ghost uses the wizard, the representative of human civilization. The two reach the same goal by different routes.

"Ahhhhh——" The anti-monitor used all his strength and roared loudly.

"Ah ah ah -" the ghost was also roaring.

The two big hands were locked together, trembling violently.

"Ah, I saw it, not one hand, but two." The window above the big hand heard Crona's exclamation four billion years later.

"The multiverse is mine!" the Anti-Monitor shouted.

"You will not succeed. I, the ghost, will turn the tide!" the ghost roared.

"Hey, are you having an arm wrestling competition? I want to join in, okay?"

Suddenly, a clear and sweet female voice appeared next to the two big hands with a smile.

(ps: In DC animation or animation, there are indeed sequelae of time travel, such as forgetting memories in the future to avoid interfering with the current timeline.

For another example, in "Legends of Tomorrow", the behavior of the time traveler will also affect the timeline.

But sometimes, DC comic plots ignore previous settings.

Comics authors are more free to follow their own whims. They can add a setting when they think of it. If they forget it or for the sake of the plot, they can use the setting at any time.

This fan fiction will abide by the setting of "time travel has sequelae or you have to pay a price", but the "modern" is experiencing a crisis on infinite earths. In this special period, time has lost its meaning, so the 31st century superhero army can be blind. Wear random things. )

In addition, at this time, we can almost see the plan of the Anti-Supervisory King: he does not dare to go to the true first time starting point on the mother river of time to change reality, because he is afraid of Pappetua.

But he doesn’t have the power to modify reality directly at the false first time starting point in the river of antimatter time. Well, the energy is insufficient. Harley took away 40% of his power. He traveled to the starting point of time and used 30%, leaving 30% left. , not as good as Harry.

Without enough power, he could only go astray. He modified it from the starting point of the second time, that is, the moment when the multiverse was born. He only changed the positive matter into antimatter, and the positive matter multiverse became the antimatter multiverse.

The ghost deliberately let him have his way and started the restart process, and he jumped out to pick peaches.

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