I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 724 Harley’s new boss

The river of time is very strange. The flow rate of time inside is completely different from that in the material world.

It may feel like you have been soaking in the river for years or decades, but in fact, it only lasts a moment in other places.

Although Harley was taking a bath in the River of Time, she had already made plans in her heart for the upcoming battle at the origin of time.

The opportunity to enter the River of Time is very rare.

It is even more difficult to enter the mother river, even if it is only the mother river of the antimatter universe.

There are fewer opportunities to "drink" from the river of time in an unlimited amount.

Because now is the Crisis of Infinite Earths, the past, present, and future are mixed together, and time loses its meaning during this period.

Time loses its meaning, and there is almost no backlash from the river of time.

Anyone can travel through time, and any time machine can travel back and forth within the super-time stream.

When Harley drank the power of the mother river in the river, the backlash she caused was a god of time who looked like a comedian.

The opportunity to profit from chaos is too rare.

What's even more rare is that she is in the time mother river of the anti-matter universe, and the anti-matter universe happened to be swallowed up by the Anti-Monitor King himself.

Harley was in the 31st century on Earth 2, and could see through the nature of the future universe as a 'splash of time', swallowing up a light-year of starry sky.

She can swallow more, and even swallow the 31st century entirely - in her eyes, and under her ability, the 31st century is just a pool of "river water".

She didn't do that because there are billions of lives in the 31st century.

They were like microorganisms in that small pool of water, "insignificant" but still beings with emotions, thoughts, and ideals just like her.

Harley couldn't do anything like treating human lives like ants.

She was very restrained. Even when traveling in the river of time, she did not dare to swallow too much river water. She only stuck her mouth out the window to "drink the northwest wind."

She is afraid that her actions will affect the Earth 2 universe.

But now she doesn't have to be afraid.

The antimatter universe was destroyed by the Anti-Monitor, leaving only an empty river filled with sweet juice. This was simply a feast prepared for her!

The universe was born 14 billion years ago, and has gone through countless storms and restarts. Today is the only one, the only opportunity to drink from the mother river without having to bear any sins.

Therefore, Harley jumped out of the time ball without hesitation, even if the "Creation War" was about to begin.

This was her "enlightenment opportunity."

The mere final battle against the Monitor had no influence on her choice.

She had fought with that "shell man" several times, and she was tired of it.

This time, among the three supermen plus Dr. Destiny and Ghost himself, there is really no shortage of her.

She felt at ease and soaked in the river.

If the expeditionary force was victorious, when they came back and passed her, she would lean over and take a ride home.

If the expeditionary force fails and the anti-surveillance king succeeds in creating the world, what he created is the anti-matter multiverse. Therefore, the mother river of anti-matter universe where Harley takes a bath must vibrate violently. She can quietly lean over and give him a heart attack. Feet are more useful than going directly to the battlefield.

Therefore, Harley has reason to feel at ease.

After soaking for about "four or five hours", the level experience jar was stuck at 25% of level 82, and Fijinet, the god of time, was bald.

Although he was like a comedian, using the "No-Injury Forbidden Spell" to please Harley, he was unexpectedly powerful, providing nearly 20% level experience.

"The stronger the person, the greater the impact on the DC multiverse, and the more capable of causing trouble, the higher the experience limit they can provide." Harley was slightly shocked, "Fiji Nate is still a big boss?!"

The ghost just barely helped her get a level up!

At least now, the ghost with God's mission is at its peak strength - God must give him the corresponding power when he gives him a mission.

God's agents, such as ghosts and strangers, are very unstable in strength.

If God gives them more power, they will be awesome; if God leaves them idle in the "garage", they will be ordinary.

The ghost in peak condition had just made a show of being in front of the five universes - using his hands, he forcibly separated the four universes in the underworld with zero frequency difference, and his reputation had reached its peak.

The ghost, who was at the peak of her strength and reputation, had just helped her advance to the next level.

Fijinet is not well-known in the world, but Harry, who can at least call himself a 'magic giant', has heard of this person for the first time.

Such an unknown person, but providing 20% ​​of the experience, must be a powerful boss.

Since he is a big boss, he can make friends.

"Boss Fijinet, please don't attack me. I am not destroying the river of time, but I have a special mission to ambush the anti-supervision king in the river."

"What mission?"

She didn't know if his attack had stopped. Harley could hear gasping and weakness in his voice. Maybe the 'big killing move' just now was very exhausting.


"Don't have random relationships, don't call me 'boss', I have no friendship with you." Fiji Nite scolded rudely.

——These bastards who are used to being gods all have the same virtue. You think you are noble and look down on ordinary people, but in fact you bully the weak and fear the strong, and you are born with a lack of luck!

Harry sneered in his heart and remained silent.

"Hey, let me ask you a question. What is your mission specifically? Who asked you to destroy the river of time here?"

"You are not even allowed to call me 'Boss', which shows that we have no friendship at all. Why would I reveal a big secret involving the safety of the multiverse to someone who has no friendship with me?"

I am Harley the witch, not Harley the fool. She said as she continued to "drink water".

This time it was the God of Time's turn to be silent.

"Gudong, Gudong -" Harley felt her breathing stagnant, her body seemed to hit an invisible tough wall, and the experience jar of the eighth specialty stopped bubbling.

"This" Harley stretched out her hand and gently touched the barrier in front of her. The mysterious aura conveyed by it immediately gave her a sense of understanding: "This is the 'point', the starting point of time. I have arrived at the origin of time. .

Break in and you'll see the Anti-Monitor King and the Expeditionary Force.

Why is there no river water here?"

With a thought in her heart, she turned in the opposite direction - not the direction of her body, but the direction of the flow of time, from facing the past to facing the future.

He opened his mouth and sucked hard, and the river fruit continued to fill his stomach.

At the starting point of time, there is no "past" for her to drink from, she can only "drink from the future".

"Gudong, Gudong." The experience jar continued to bubble.

"You're so crazy, you actually destroyed a 50,000-year-old mother river!"

Fijinet, the God of Time, has always locked his consciousness on her, and now he continues to send her the "most terrifying forbidden curse".

When she hit the 'wall of the beginning of time', He also noticed it immediately.

Then He was so excited that he went crazy, and he was so angry that he said, "Do you know what you have done? The river of time in the antimatter universe has disappeared for fifty thousand years. You are modifying reality. No, not modifying it, you are subverting reality."

"Oh, so that's it!" Harley understood.

If the river of time is an abscissa, the origin of time is 0. She jumped into the river at 50,000 years. After falling into the river, she subconsciously hoped to get closer to the starting point of time, so she swallowed it unconsciously - getting closer to coordinate 0.

The entire distance from coordinate 0 to coordinate 50,000 was eaten by her and converted into the power of the mother river, which was used to increase the level of the mother river defense expertise.

Since then, the river of time in the antimatter universe has been missing.

"The antimatter universe is gone, how can there be any reality to change?" Harley shouted.

This is also the reason why she dare not drink happily in the river of time in the Earth 2 universe.

"The Anti-Monitor will create the world based on this mother river. If you destroy it, it may affect the world after the restart." The God of Time yelled angrily.

"Sorry, you won't let me call you 'Boss'. I don't want to talk to you." Harley said.

"Okay, you can call me 'boss'."

The God of Time's tone was full of entanglement and annoyance, as if he had been greatly humiliated.

"Boss Fei, do you understand the rules of being a boss?"

"What rules?"

"I call you 'Boss', and you have to repay my favor." Harley said.

"Being the boss also gives you benefits?"

"Of course, there is no benefit. Who wants to be the boss? If it were you, would you be willing to call a stranger 'boss' without any benefit?" Harley asked.

The God of Time thought along her train of thought.

Hiss, it seems to make sense, but it’s no good. Who wants to be humble and consider themselves “little brother”?

"What benefit do you want?"

"Look, I can survive in the River of Time now, and I can barely be considered a creature of the Mother River. And you are an old-timer from the Mother River, can you teach me some skills and knowledge about survival in the Mother River?" Harley asked expectantly.

"You witch Harley, you finally exposed your wolfish ambition and actually want to steal my power." The God of Time roared.

——Stealing your power that makes it difficult for you to even cause harm to me?

Harry was disdainful and shouted: "I don't want power, I just want knowledge. Well, common sense and basic skills."

"knowledge is power."

"Your knowledge is power, and my secrets are also power!" Harley said forcefully at first, then slowed down and said, "Boss Fei, please be on the right track. My great 'Saint Aunt Harley' calls me generously. You are the 'boss', why would you still be stingy with a little bit of knowledge? Isn't it a shame?"

"If, I mean if." Fijinet lost his previous arrogance and arrogance, and his voice became coy, seeming to contain hesitation, shame and annoyance, "If, if"

Harley was annoyed by the 'what if' and urged: "What if? Tell me quickly. I am destroying the river of time. Boss, as the god of time, you are responsible for opening up and defending the territory of time. You must fulfill your responsibilities. !”

Fijinet gritted his teeth and said in a distorted voice: "If I call you 'Boss', can you give me the 'Secret of the Mission' and 'Stop Destroying the River of Time' as benefits?"

——Fuck, this bastard wants to imitate my shamelessness. Oh no, it’s the ‘wisdom of enduring humiliation and bearing heavy burdens’, yet he dares to outshine his master and want to surpass the great ancestor of the sect!

"Are you sure? I have a lot of face. If you tell me to say 'Boss Harley', I will dare to accept it. But then I will send a hero post widely and invite all the gods, demons, and mages from all over the world to attend and worship me. The ceremony of becoming the boss.”

"Okay, you Witch Harley!" The God of Time's angry voice seemed to have a hint of despair, "If you win, I will be the boss and I will give you benefits!"

With that said, He transmitted a piece of information into Harry's sea of ​​consciousness.

When Harley came into contact with that information, she felt angry.

Boss Fei is too stingy and has too little information. She wants to be like Brother Crow, who is 'unparalleled in loyalty'.

But upon further study, Harley felt happy again that Brother Crow was a little too extreme.

I saw Harley, who was floating in the river like a corpse, gradually started to move. She was very clumsy at first, but soon she was like a fish in the river, swimming back and forth in the river of time, with a unique sense of beauty and flavor.

"That's right, this is my 'time wandering', you learned it so quickly?!" The God of Time shouted in disbelief: "It doesn't make sense, I know you very well, you are the Witch Harley, an ordinary mortal , without the talent of the River of Time, at most. Could it be the power of Manhattan?"

"Well, I can sneak into the river of time and survive in the river, all thanks to my two bosses. Boss Fei, you have already guessed one, and you must be familiar with the other one. Think about the current situation." Ha. Li smiled.

"God?" the God of Time said in a harsh voice.

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